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Jita Park Speakers Corner

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The Mittani, CSM7 Chairman: Our work is not yet done.

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Lyris Nairn
Caldari State
#561 - 2012-02-18 00:42:32 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Lyris Nairn wrote:
keeping The Mittani's thread bumped to the top of Page 1.

Is this op peacetime reimbuseable?

:siren: RIFTERSWARM :siren:

Sky Captain of Your Heart

Reddit: lyris_nairn Skype: lyris.nairn Twitter: @lyris_nairn

Falin Whalen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#562 - 2012-02-18 00:58:45 UTC
Princess, I really have to point out that your arguments are all based on Logical fallacies.

Go Here, or better yet try to avoid the two you seem to make HERE, and HERE.

Your entire argument is based on you either affirming the consequent, or denying the antecedent.

"it's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves." The Trial - Franz Kafka 

Lyris Nairn
Caldari State
#563 - 2012-02-18 01:06:22 UTC
Falin Whalen wrote:
Princess, I really have to point out that your arguments are all based on Logical fallacies.

Go Here, or better yet try to avoid the two you seem to make HERE, and HERE.

Your entire argument is based on you either affirming the consequent, or denying the antecedent.

Dearest Space Friend,

No one on the forums dot EVE Online gives a damn about formal debate, logical consistency or rhetorical philosophy.

You will find only disappointment and frustration should you continue down the road of trying to enlighten the masses.

Warm regards,

Sky Captain of Your Heart

Reddit: lyris_nairn Skype: lyris.nairn Twitter: @lyris_nairn

Caldari State
#564 - 2012-02-18 09:12:51 UTC
Falin Whalen wrote:
Princess, I really have to point out that your arguments are all based on Logical fallacies.

Go Here, or better yet try to avoid the two you seem to make HERE, and HERE.

Your entire argument is based on you either affirming the consequent, or denying the antecedent.

You keep this up and you may just find a boot up your antecedent.
Ishen Villone
Gallente Federation
#565 - 2012-02-18 15:41:21 UTC
Falin Whalen wrote:
Princess, I really have to point out that your arguments are all based on Logical fallacies.

Go Here, or better yet try to avoid the two you seem to make HERE, and HERE.

Your entire argument is based on you either affirming the consequent, or denying the antecedent.

Reset GoonWaffe.

Wait. Damnit.
Tie Fighters Inc
#566 - 2012-02-18 16:04:16 UTC
Ishen Villone wrote:
Falin Whalen wrote:
Princess, I really have to point out that your arguments are all based on Logical fallacies.

Go Here, or better yet try to avoid the two you seem to make HERE, and HERE.

Your entire argument is based on you either affirming the consequent, or denying the antecedent.

Reset GoonWaffe.

Wait. Damnit.

You are just qq'ing people before you pp on them.

(Hopefully everyone clicked the links and did their homework, so I dont look foolish)

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Lyris Nairn
Caldari State
#567 - 2012-02-18 16:06:46 UTC
rodyas wrote:
Ishen Villone wrote:
Falin Whalen wrote:
Princess, I really have to point out that your arguments are all based on Logical fallacies.

Go Here, or better yet try to avoid the two you seem to make HERE, and HERE.

Your entire argument is based on you either affirming the consequent, or denying the antecedent.

Reset GoonWaffe.

Wait. Damnit.

You are just qq'ing people before you pp on them.

(Hopefully everyone clicked the links and did their homework, so I dont look foolish)

Heh, you think people think.

Sky Captain of Your Heart

Reddit: lyris_nairn Skype: lyris.nairn Twitter: @lyris_nairn

Tie Fighters Inc
#568 - 2012-02-18 16:14:01 UTC  |  Edited by: rodyas
I decry the straw man argument on that. Thinking is hard, but math wasnt involved so I had a little hope.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Goonswarm Federation
#569 - 2012-02-18 16:16:35 UTC
Havent filled thread with post for aa few pages posting to fill spam mail.
Lyris Nairn
Caldari State
#570 - 2012-02-18 17:47:15 UTC
rodyas wrote:
I decry the straw man argument on that. Thinking is hard, but math wasnt involved so I had a little hope.

Few people on this forum care for the rules of formal debate.

Sky Captain of Your Heart

Reddit: lyris_nairn Skype: lyris.nairn Twitter: @lyris_nairn

Tie Fighters Inc
#571 - 2012-02-18 18:06:16 UTC
The people are too desperate for formal debate, its a free for all.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#572 - 2012-02-18 18:07:02 UTC
Falin Whalen wrote:
Princess, I really have to point out that your arguments are all based on Logical fallacies.

Go Here, or better yet try to avoid the two you seem to make HERE, and HERE.

Your entire argument is based on you either affirming the consequent, or denying the antecedent.

Jester's Fleet
Jester's Alliance
#573 - 2012-02-18 18:09:26 UTC
The Mittani wrote:

Become a constituent. Vote Mittani.

I have but a simple question.

Of all the questions that one individual or several groups could think about, this sole question seems to me the most significant.
And thus, I wish to ask you this:

What is your vision for our sandbox?

The CSM might not have game changing power, prehaps not even any power at all. The final decision always lies with CCP.
However, with all of this seemingly "powerlessness", we still see men and women who wish to be a beacon that the masses can rally behind. Yet, no "power" is within their grasp.

I would imagine that being on the CSM, sometimes a person has to go to great lengths to ensure that our game, our sandbox, still looks the way we know it. Sometimes without benefit to oneself and, prehaps, even to the detriment of one's surroundings.

So, in essence, I ask:

What drives you to continue your work in the CSM? What is your vision?
Midge Mo'yb
State War Academy
Caldari State
#574 - 2012-02-18 19:00:57 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
Midge Mo'yb wrote:
Midge Mo'yb wrote:
200 exhumers will see death in honoUr of your election campaign!

goal met, but the thirst has not been quenched, more catalysts are required

a delightful sacrifice in the finest democratic tradition~

500 has come and gone, and the thirst for blood has not subsided.
Brothers of Tyr
Goonswarm Federation
#575 - 2012-02-18 22:21:31 UTC
Why is your dog punching your junk? Little weird bro!
The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#576 - 2012-02-18 23:21:45 UTC
I forgot to troll Jita Park for two days because I've been too busy playing in Red vs Blue with a 400mm plated Rifter.

Couple of things:

1. I withdraw my prior support for any kind of batlteground/instanced PvP arena. This is not needed, as Red vs Blue provides exactly that.

2. You guys should give it a whirl, it's like Syndicate in 2006 - frigate slugfests and no supercaps.


The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#577 - 2012-02-18 23:29:56 UTC
Volgram wrote:
The Mittani wrote:

Become a constituent. Vote Mittani.

I have but a simple question.

Of all the questions that one individual or several groups could think about, this sole question seems to me the most significant.
And thus, I wish to ask you this:

What is your vision for our sandbox?

The CSM might not have game changing power, prehaps not even any power at all. The final decision always lies with CCP.
However, with all of this seemingly "powerlessness", we still see men and women who wish to be a beacon that the masses can rally behind. Yet, no "power" is within their grasp.

I would imagine that being on the CSM, sometimes a person has to go to great lengths to ensure that our game, our sandbox, still looks the way we know it. Sometimes without benefit to oneself and, prehaps, even to the detriment of one's surroundings.

So, in essence, I ask:

What drives you to continue your work in the CSM? What is your vision?

Your question is a funny one, because it's predicated on a lot of 'the CSM has no power' assumptions and predicates, when it's pretty obvious that it does have power - at least, to the people who understand power, influence, and politics, those being the barons of nullsec. If I had a dime for every time a hisec miner bleated about how power 'really' works while updating their spreadsheets, I'd buy another house in cash.

That power can't be allowed to fall into the hands of drooling idiots, like it has in the past. The power also has to be used wisely to counteract the penchant of CCP's management-level suits to drink Kool-aid and consider their ideas (pants!) flawless despite criticism.

As CSM Chair, I offer sound guidance and guardianship of that power; I'm one of the first to truly wield it effectively. I'm here to protect the nullsec population against the existential danger of allowing an ignorant hiseccer and Greyscale to get together and talk about jump bridges. I'm here to keep the focus of the game on spaceships instead of a testbed for WoD or a venue for more pants. It's a guardianship.

My ideas are not particularly unique; all nullsec candidates have a similar worldview. What's unique about what I offer the CSM and EVE as a whole is a puissant understanding of politics, influence, dealmaking, and Getting Things Done. The record of CSM6 - the most successful CSM in history - is a testament to that savvy.


The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#578 - 2012-02-18 23:32:55 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
Tyrion Struan wrote:

And no. You are making a rather common mistake in the application of innocent utill prove guilty. This applies in the eyes of the law, but does not mean that a thing has or has not happened. Also, it applies in criminal law, which this is not. (You've seen to many cop shows.) That something is a legal issue - like if Marzetti has promised not to pee on your leg or not and whether he has violated that promise or not - does not mean that it may not have taken place unless it has been found to be so by a court. I have never been found guilty of exeeding the speed limit, doesn't mean that I never have. The alleged victime has chosen to say that they lack proof, and apparently in in private that though it was said in a channel where all information was to be considered priviliged under the NDA, that this particular information did not. As a matter of law that is an assessment, and no more. Its not desicive either way.

Oh, and just so no one thinks that I'm claiming e-peen here, I neither hold, nor have I ever studied for, an undergrad in philosophy.

My goodness. If you cut out all of the condescending parts, you're not even left with something funny, just kinda sad.

Again, you're failing to differentiate between a determination of law, which the question of breach clearly is, and a determination of fact. I am not questioning whether someone's leg was peed upon, nor whether information from a chat was leaked. The first I'm sure is true in some context, and the second I can stipulate to. The question is whether Darius III breached his NDA with CCP. That's a legal question, and as CCP has stated they have seen no evidence of a breach, it's safe to assume there was no breach. If there was no breach, which again is a legal question, then Mittani's statement that there was a breach is mud slinging.

You seem stuck on this word "assessment". Relabeling a legal determination made by a non-party does not make it any more valid. It could be my "assessment" that my neighbor trespassed on another neighbor's property. However, when I make the statement "He trespassed", that does not make a legal truth of it. That would be a legal determination. If my neighbor is not alleging trespass, and a court has not found this to be the case, then I can "assess" this all I want. I could have witnessed one neighbor walking on another neighbor's land. But that doesn't mean there was a trespass. Perhaps there was an easement I don't know about.

Your main argument seems to be that The Mittani was not lying, only being ignorant. Either way, politically motivated ignorance is still mud slinging.

Also, when being condescending, please make a better effort to keep your writings clear of obvious errors. Trying to look down on me when you are adding extra Ls to until, Es to victim, Is to privilege, dropping the C in decisive, etc. does little to prove your condescension is valid.

Are you writing a lot of words to say that I sling mud?

This is an election; deal with it.


The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#579 - 2012-02-18 23:37:30 UTC
holy crap you guys spent the last three pages arguing about 'if i sling mud' and having non-lawyers trying to parse legal phrases

i sling mud, i scam supercaps, and i'm a sadist, this isn't new or particularly interesting


Tie Fighters Inc
#580 - 2012-02-18 23:47:09 UTC
We could have worst sadists, then just ones that throw mud to get jollies.

Also on the RvB it does sound great and I can see what ya mean by it being a battleground or an arena. I suppose I usually dont like to talk about the isk costs of ship and supporting pvp through isk, Just alot of pvpers talk about needing isk to pvp. Wondering with how RvB is and what size of ship can be used to support it being arena based on isk making, or what ships are too big to sustain in arena use in RvB.

It seems what can be hard with arena, is the constant isk using to buy ships to keep fighting. Wondering if you have any ideas on isk useage in arena pvp really.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne