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Cloaking Improvements

Questionable Acquisitions
#21 - 2011-12-27 22:20:23 UTC
Zim I didn't say you were trolling, only that it was a possibility, sorry you've got Goon underneath your name, makes one suspect ;). If you agree that PvE should not be free from non-consensual PvP then you might not be that far removed from the positions of many pro remove local people, at least in terms of intent. Nerf AFK cloaking vs Remove Local Intel is NOT a High Sec vs Null Sec debate... Many if not all of us that want to see Local go likely also support changes to High Sec to either make it much more dangerous or much less profitable.

As to risk of non-consensual PvP in Null Sec there is little in terms of the individual who is part of a large Sov holding alliance. You pay attention to Local and intel channels, then dock, hide in a POS, safespot and cloak, or log out if someone unknown enters your system. Returning to your PvE when they're gone.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2011-12-27 23:20:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord Zim
Of course I'm not saying PVE should be excempt from non-consensual PVP, I'm not ********. Nullsec is dangerous, and it should remain dangerous (even though some ******** **** will claim it's all rainbows and fairies up in nullsec). What I am against is the ******** idea that if you remove local, nullsec will become some sort of PVP heaven overnight, with no detrimental side-effect on the population that actually lives there.

If you actually want to remove local, or remove certain ships from local, then you'd better be prepared to either up the rewards heftily or watch nullsec depopulate. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if null'd depopulate a bit still even if rewards were upped heftily, because some carebears are wholly risk-adverse, but at least there'd be a chance others might be tempted. Ingvar can mutter and grumble as much as he'd like about how the people who would end up leaving "weren't supposed to be there anyways", but I'm going to maintain, and keep maintaining, that those people need to be there, if only just to be a target for roaming gangs, a gigantic source of tears when someone burns their entire space to the ground, and finally (and just as importantly) to make space actually appear not quite empty.

And when it comes to what you just said, "pay attention to local and intel channels", this is paramount. Nullsec is where players make the rules, and make up how secure the space is. The security out there is just as good as players make it, and you know as well as everyone that a few minutes' (or even seconds) inattentiveness at the wrong time can (and will) end up in a lossmail.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Questionable Acquisitions
#23 - 2011-12-28 21:32:18 UTC
Zim, you'll gain no argument from me that EVE needs serious attention from CCP in regards to Risk vs Reward Balance. However, in regard to risk adverse players leaving Null for High Sec, for PvE purposes that's already happened. High Sec mission alts have been popular for years, and Incursions has thrown that balance completely out the window.

When it comes to Local Chat Intel removal your sole and oft repeated objections is that Null will lose PvE types to High Sec. Irrespective of that already being the case the answer is simple. Logically your objection should melt away if Local Chat changes come hand in hand with High Sec changes.

* Remove Local Chat Intel and improve DScan.
* Reverse the War Dec Nerfs.
* Increase NPC corp Tax.
* Remove Incursions from High Sec.

What's your objection now to Local Chat Intel removal Zim?
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2011-12-28 22:44:50 UTC
Never, ever, talk about removing incursions from hisec. They serve a fairly important function in teaching hisec people how to actually work in PVP-style gangs, without necessarily losing a ship. Tone down the rewards, sure, but don't ever talk about removing them. And I wish I could turn off the incursion chat channel popping up, because oh my god the SMSish bullshit that goes on in there is mindboggingly awful.

As to even toning down the rewards, there'll be a fucktonne of bitching about it if CCP does it, but I'd assume it'd be for the betterment of the game as a whole if it was. However, I do not have numbers to back that up, but I'd be highly for a migration of rewards to nullsec instead of hisec. Obviously.

I see no help in increasing NPC corp tax, my alts are in one corp to facilitate purchasing things all over the common markets when I see an opportunity for market ****. Yay corp wallets.

What nerfs would be reversed from the war decs?

How would dscan help in giving people a minute chance of getting out before they're pointed?

As to losing people to hisec, yes, we've lost a ton of people to hisec already based on anoms being nerfed, does it have to be proven yet again when risk is increased without reward being upped?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Questionable Acquisitions
#25 - 2011-12-29 02:04:27 UTC
War Decs should go back to the pre Privateer War Dec nerf. Ultimately player organizations should be free to wage war on any other player organization without any restraint on numbers of wars or arbitrary fees. The only real costs should be costs from losses in waging the war.

In an ideal world I'd like to see Empire based players funneled into faction vs faction warfare. Sov. Null Sec but with player alliances replaced with NPC Factions. A little less Sandbox, but much more casual friendly. However, that would require a lot of work on CCPs part, so opening up the Wardecs and letting the players/sandbox sort it out is the next best thing.

Wardecs as they once were combined with significant increased taxation on non newbies in NPC corps will address your concern of players fleeing Nullsec to Empire to do their PvE.

As to Incursions, you may see some good in them, but to me the way they are implemented currently is a fetid taint on this game. PvE Raids insulated from PvP that **** on risk reward balance, lore, sandbox, roleplayers, and PvPers alike. Did all the the pre-Incursion EVE PvP gangs require PvE raid training beforehand? Of course not!

Changes to DScan is really where the sensible discussion should go regarding the removal of Local Chat Intel.. How should Intel work after Local chat is fixed? It really deserves it's own thread though. However, if you're of the opinion that players doing PvE making significant ISK should be immune to attack shy of seriously bad mistakes/stupidity then we will never agree.
Questionable Acquisitions
#26 - 2012-02-18 02:35:37 UTC
With people necroing AFK cloaker whine threads hell bent on making cloaking even worse in EVE than it already is, I figured it was time to resurrect this thread to discuss and share ideas that improve cloaking and sneaky gameplay in general.
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#27 - 2012-02-18 02:44:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Vimsy Vortis
Lord Zim wrote:
In the end, it'd make more sense to just go do L4s or incursions in hisec to make isk, and keep the PVP char in null for PVP ops alone.

Except now a cloaked person that your corporation is at war with can enter local, cloak and warp to you while you are running missions without you having a chance to notice them in local. So not only is running missions in highsec better but running missions in highsec in an NPC corp or in a 1 man shell corp is better.

This change would require my corporation to disband and form a new corporation with a different name since checking local wouldn't even help you anymore.
Questionable Acquisitions
#28 - 2012-02-18 04:41:58 UTC
The fear people like Zim have with removing Local Chat Intel, is that will result in a further exodus to High Sec from Null.. I say further, because it's largely already happened... That boat has already sailed.

The solution isn't making Null safer to draw people back it's making High Sec much more dangerous and/or much less profitable. High Sec Incursions in particular need a colossal nerf, or better yet much needed player conflict added into the mix.

If there is to be PvE in areas that are effectively PvP free, the differential in reward with PvE in areas where PvP is a real possibility needs to be of a magnitude in the range of 500%+ not 40-50% or less.

Of course you also have Nullsec people with totally foolish notions that numbers should trump everything. Read what this guy says from one the AFK cloak whine threads.

Zawisza Black wrote:

Waaahh, you're whining about an entire alliance coordinating effectively with intel, fleets, and smart playing. Join a big blob alliance and take over that sov if you want to destroy the economy so badly. To have it your way one person can safely diminish the efforts of an entire alliance - where's the logic in that?

Note that when he says "safely diminish the efforts of an entire alliance" he's referring to a single cloaker in a single star system not doing anything. That's totally ridiculous, how do alliances of people like that even manage to hold onto sov. space?
Deep Core Mining Inc.
#29 - 2012-02-18 04:44:22 UTC


Trust in God, Have Faith in Fusion.

Ares Renton
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#30 - 2012-02-18 04:45:24 UTC
Xorv wrote:
With the return of more stupid afk cloaking whine threads, I figured a thread for those of us that would like to see features that improve cloaking would be nice for a change. Big smile

* Only non cloaked vehicles and structures occupied or directly controlled by players should break a cloak. Piloted Ships, controlled drones, fighters, probes, POSes, and Stations etc. Not can spam, wrecks, and asteroids.

* All CovOps ships gaining Bombers 0 targeting recalibration after de-cloaking. Either free or by an advanced Cloak Skill that requires Cloaking V.

* Removing Cloaked ships from Local (This is the minimal change, but the better change would be to remove Local Chat Intel altogether benefiting all ship types and replace with an improved DScan)

I know there's long been called for improvements for Black-Ops ships, but I'll let someone else that's more familiar with their use add good improvements for them.

There needs to be a way to detect cloaked ships besides the hilariously primitive method of bumping. I'm not talking about anything extreme here, but maybe something like a depth charge module that fits in a high slot. It would work like a smartbomb, and decloak anything in 10km.

This way, if you KNOW there is someone cloaked nearby, you can gank him, because he failed at his job of being stealthy.
Questionable Acquisitions
#31 - 2012-02-18 05:08:30 UTC
Ares, there was another thread some time ago that a few of us discussed possible balanced forms of cloak detection. The general consensus of those that weren't just anti cloaking was that Local Intel had to go first and the detection method must be ineffective at gate camps. If it's something that genuinely leads to more cat and mouse gameplay I think it would be a good addition to the game.

Think the thread was this one by Gerrick
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#32 - 2012-02-18 12:17:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Lyrrashae
Xorv wrote:
Happy Festivus to all the cloakies, friends, and sneaky people, even the afk ones.

Cloak = awesome, and that's all there is to it. Not least of all as a superb psychological-warfare tool, if all the nulltard crybear "NERFCLAOK!!111!!oneoene!!" screaming around here is anything to go by Twisted

Now then, as a recently-minted Widow pilot:

Xorv wrote:
Do most Black ops pilots think their ships need CovOps cloaks? I was under the impression the boost they needed the most was having to use less fuel or be able to carry more, and having a slightly longer jump range.

I think they should have a CovCloak, as this would not make them OP:

1) They're battleships--slow, unwieldy, massive sig-radii, and "guaranteed primary" in gang/fleet engagements. I highly doubt that every ganker in 5 systems wouldn't start hunting you if they heard there was an un-escorted BLOPs running around. De-cloaking one of these off a gate would no-doubt be much easier than say, de-cloaking a cloaky hauler, if the gate-campers are halfway-competent.

2) Strictly as battleships, their combat-ability really isn't all that great--the Tech I/Tier 1 or 2 BS' do that much better for 1/10th the cost, and full insurability. Also, BLOPs often need faction-pimpage for fitting reasons, so more to lose if when they get caught. IOW, a lot of risk. Oh, and the scan-resolution due to cloak penalty makes locking anything--in a Widow, at least--painful. This is a potentially major tactical weakness too, to balance out their strengths.

3) For their intended niche--bridging--they are hopelessly gimped ("pre-nerfed," courtesy of CCP, thanks a lot, guysRoll), because they often can't make regional jumps/bridges that would only need to transit one gate conventionally. So, yes, they need more range. They also have hilariously inefficient fuel-use when it comes to bridging anything--there's a reason some call them "pigs"--such that any substantive BLOPs op often needs to have a cloaky hauler along just to carry the fuel you need to get where you're going and back.


Yes to CovCloaks, as it would expand their options for use, hopefully making them more popular--and get more of them urp-sploded in the process: Oh look, Father, little Lyrra might have found us another ISK/materials-sink! How precious!--balanced by the fact that you're risking a lot if you take them into combat, and their combat-ability is nothing special.

Increase bridging range/fuel-efficiency, as this would expand their role in that, also making them get used more.


Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#33 - 2012-02-18 12:25:57 UTC
Sparky11080 wrote:

Giving black ops a covert cloak will just remove the need for bombers all together, and you could just jump 10 BLOPS in and kill everything and disappear, with minimal risk vs reward.

No it wouldn't:

BLOPs are nowhere near mobile enough, much too expensive to lose, and way too skill-intensive to ever be seen in the kinds of numbers that SBs are, let alone eclipse them.

The skill-requirements to even get into one, the max'ed fitting skills you'll need to be able to fit one effectively, and the other support-skills you'd need to actually use one in a fight alone account for this.


Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#34 - 2012-02-18 12:35:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Lyrrashae
Heisenburg Certainty wrote:
ok so move into a -1.0 system at 5 am with no one on in your ****** 200mil recon pilots with mediocre skills, wait till prime time, find a 1 bil faciton bs in sanc, uncloak and point with no recalibration time and get a juice 1 bil is wrong with ppl...afk cloaking is a real issue one scrub in a recon shuts down an entire alliances pve, especially with the switch to truesec and you cant just upgrade systems, theres a reason its every null sec alliances policy to advise against ratting with an afk cloak in system, yea you can try to have a counter fleet but the hot drop chance makes it not worth ever undocking t2 or faction bs's, im not a carebear this is mostly a pvp game but PVE should at least have a chance and be somewhat balanced.

edit* cause cloaks to slowely consume fuel would help for one, disconnect from local is an option but then id have to argue for an increase in recalibration time

If your chickenshit alliance can't/won't provide proper security for its space, then it deserves to lose it.

If your myopic PvE pilots can't/wont use the most basic tools to maintain situational awareness whilst PvE'ing in risky space in their stupid carebear bling-barges, then they deserve to lose them.

GTFO this thread, you ******* useless over-entitled crybear, I'm sure I'm not the only one here who has absolutely ******* ZERO sympathy for your ilk. Especially with the God-mode intel-tool (read: Local-chat) you get for free as a matter of course!

I can has ur stuffs?

Die (in-game, of course)!

E: As well: yes, you are.


#35 - 2012-02-18 13:53:45 UTC
Ya, and Heisenburg was an idiot. Uncertainty is not a property of nature, it's a consequence of limited perception and awareness.
Ms Mirple
Sedition Ventures
#36 - 2012-02-18 17:48:07 UTC
This Idea in theory is good but not well thought out for this game. If you removed local it would give any cloaked ship an unfair advantage. This would completely break any PVE in null sec. If this was a viable idea would you be Ok with gate guns and Beacons on the gates to Dispel your cloak and be able to target and scram you. That would be the only fair way to let this happen so if you did make it into said system that is awesome and have at the carebears. There tears are defiantly the sweetest. But with what you are asking for it would make 0.0 a PVP only area. That would take away from the sand box feeling. Another idea I had to make local less of a god mode would be to make Region chat the new local so you can see if there are hostiles in the region but not where, or even make it smaller to the Constellation. I am not disagreeing with your idea as I think it would make EVE more enjoyable but I think what you are asking for it to drastic to be a viable idea.
Xiles Eilop
Southern Cross Silver Shields
Flying Dangerous
#37 - 2012-02-18 18:29:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Xiles Eilop
Im all for these changes, on one condition though. There needs to be a way to find cloakies in system so that people can find and hunt down them down. Oh and people will always run PVE in nullsec because its profitable if your not stupid... but you're always gonna get the stupid entitled carebear who blames his derpy losses on the system and not his own lack of awareness.

OH and this helps deal with bots, IF this does though ill be seeing yall in the dronelands (=
Miss Whippy
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2012-02-18 21:04:48 UTC
Cloaking is fine..............oh wait +1

[URL=""]UI Iteration isn't enough, we need to start from scratch[/URL]

Questionable Acquisitions
#39 - 2012-02-19 05:39:06 UTC
Ms Mirple wrote:
This Idea in theory is good but not well thought out for this game. If you removed local it would give any cloaked ship an unfair advantage.

I don't know what other game's you've played, but I'm hard pressed to think of one where the ability to sneak around undetected is weaker than EVE, or where stealthed/cloaked/invisible character types are as weak as they are in EVE.

Also the idea that removing Local Intel gives an unfair advantage to cloaked ships I don't believe is really accurate. Granted it finally allows them to properly do what they're designed to,... scout, evade, ambush without their presence being announced wherever they go. However, removing Local intel isn't a boost to just cloaked ships, it's a boost to any ship/player that's trying to be sneaky, evasive, or to ambush. It's only really a nerf to the lazy and those that want to control space purely out of sheer numbers,

Some people call for the removal of Local Intel just for cloaked ships, but I agree the most balanced approach is to remove it for everyone.

Gerrick Palivorn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#40 - 2012-02-19 06:35:44 UTC
More threads like this should be necro'd, cheers Xorv

MMOs come and go, but Eve remains.  -Garresh-

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