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The Mittani, CSM7 Chairman: Our work is not yet done.

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Two step
Aperture Harmonics
#501 - 2012-02-17 20:54:40 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:

But hey, if you don't wanna listen to someone you label a "pubbie", and you don't wanna listen to the NDA's author CCP, listen to one of your own, and a CSM to boot:

Vile rat wrote:

Breaking NDA isn't a reason not to vote for somebody honestly. That's a legal determination and between CCP and the CSM member.

And verified by another CSM, quoting Vile rat:

Two step wrote:

This man speaks truth.

Ah but I bet I'll still hear protests. Have fun matching your world-view to the facts. Earplugs go a long way to keeping the sand out of your ear canals. Goggles will help for your eyes.

I don't like people misquoting someone else, and then misquoting me. I said that the following was the truth:

Vile rat wrote:

Breaking NDA isn't a reason not to vote for somebody honestly. That's a legal determination and between CCP and the CSM member. Being a CSM who never participated and was largely AWOL for the vast majority of his term is a bigger reason to not consider him.

Note that I didn't just quote the first sentence as you did. I consider the last sentence far more important. The NDA is a serious thing, but the stuff that we *know* d3 leaked was minor, and was just Mittens talking about leaking fake info to Riverini. If the leak was more substantive, it would have been a bigger issue.

CSM 7 Secretary CSM 6 Alternate Delegate @two_step_eve on Twitter My Blog

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#502 - 2012-02-17 20:59:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Karadion
Here's a simple question that Princess can answer. If there is nothing NDA breaching, then are you saying that the entire minutes in that meeting can be given out without question? IE if Darius were to give out the entire minutes under the argument by using their statement that few lines Darius intentionally leaked wasn't NDA breaking therefore the rest of the minutes must not be NDA breaking. Would that still be okay with you? The fact is, Darius did leak specific minutes from a meeting under NDA and the rest of the CSM6 team can't trust him anymore not to leak anymore minutes for his own gain.
Princess Bride
#503 - 2012-02-17 21:11:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Bride
Two step wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:

But hey, if you don't wanna listen to someone you label a "pubbie", and you don't wanna listen to the NDA's author CCP, listen to one of your own, and a CSM to boot:

Vile rat wrote:

Breaking NDA isn't a reason not to vote for somebody honestly. That's a legal determination and between CCP and the CSM member.

And verified by another CSM, quoting Vile rat:

Two step wrote:

This man speaks truth.

Ah but I bet I'll still hear protests. Have fun matching your world-view to the facts. Earplugs go a long way to keeping the sand out of your ear canals. Goggles will help for your eyes.

I don't like people misquoting someone else, and then misquoting me. I said that the following was the truth:

Vile rat wrote:

Breaking NDA isn't a reason not to vote for somebody honestly. That's a legal determination and between CCP and the CSM member. Being a CSM who never participated and was largely AWOL for the vast majority of his term is a bigger reason to not consider him.

Note that I didn't just quote the first sentence as you did. I consider the last sentence far more important. The NDA is a serious thing, but the stuff that we *know* d3 leaked was minor, and was just Mittens talking about leaking fake info to Riverini. If the leak was more substantive, it would have been a bigger issue.

I was quoting what was relevant to the point I was making. The other parts are not relevant, and I don't care if it bothers you that I dropped the irrelevant parts. That's common practice. You quoted the part I did along with other stuff and put a stamp of "TRUTH" on all of it. So now you're backing away from part of it? Part of what your bud said was "less than truth" now?

Princess Bride
#504 - 2012-02-17 21:15:15 UTC
Karadion wrote:
Here's a simple question that Princess can answer. If there is nothing NDA breaching, then are you saying that the entire minutes in that meeting can be given out without question? IE if Darius were to give out the entire minutes under the argument by using their statement that few lines Darius intentionally leaked wasn't NDA breaking therefore the rest of the minutes must not be NDA breaking. Would that still be okay with you? The fact is, Darius did leak specific minutes from a meeting under NDA and the rest of the CSM6 team can't trust him anymore not to leak anymore minutes for his own gain.

Hypothetical question is hypothetical. I won't entertain them and choose instead to look at the factual questions that actually happened.

If a frog had wings, it would not repetitively impact its own posterior. However a frog does not have wings, and the situation you lay out above did not happen and so it does not matter.

Princess Bride
#505 - 2012-02-17 21:29:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Bride
It is not for CCP to determine whether the NDA was breached. Whether a contract has been violated or not is a question of law, and as such is for the courts to determine.

So show me the court decision that the NDA was violated or it didn't happen. And again, your guy is full of ****.

Lyris Nairn
Caldari State
#506 - 2012-02-17 21:31:39 UTC
Hello space friends, this seems like a lively discussion. Mind if I join?

Sky Captain of Your Heart

Reddit: lyris_nairn Skype: lyris.nairn Twitter: @lyris_nairn

Princess Bride
#507 - 2012-02-17 21:47:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Bride
Hey Lyris, glad you could join us. To catch you up to speed, I'll summarize the past few pages:

Where I repeatedly bump The Mittani's CSM election thread...

Where they to do the same...

Where I point out that Mittens is not being factual when he says that Darius III is a "CDA-breaching incompetent" since CCP insists the CDA was not breached and no court has ruled otherwise...

Where they attempt to defend Mittani's slander as expected...

Where I quote their own statements on the subject back to them, in which they agree with me...

Where they get indignant and try to change the subject to Darius III's alleged faults, hypotheticals, and philosophy...

Where I ignore their diversionary tactics and stick to the point... which is that The Mittani is mud-slinging.

Your input?

Alavaria Fera
#508 - 2012-02-17 21:53:32 UTC
You're not a space friend, are you?

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Lyris Nairn
Caldari State
#509 - 2012-02-17 21:55:24 UTC
My input?

By responding at all to this thread you are giving The Mittani what he wants, which is threefold: first, you are using your time and effort to focus on him and his antics; second, you are keeping this thread bumped so that he maintains popular name recognition and can later point to the length of the thread to gloat about "whining pubbies," "threadnought," and other such things to gloat; third, you are by virtue of the first two points not doing other, more enjoyable things with your time. It is entirely possible that you derive enjoyment and satisfaction from arguing in circles with idiots on the Internet, and if so then more power to you and honestly I'm quite jealous since you've got a goldmine of never-ending bliss at your fingertips; but, if that is not the case, then you are allowing a megalomaniac to dominate your time, effort, and emotions. In short, you are losing by even participating.

I'd suggest that instead of wasting your time, you vote for me.

Sky Captain of Your Heart

Reddit: lyris_nairn Skype: lyris.nairn Twitter: @lyris_nairn

Tyrion Struan
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#510 - 2012-02-17 21:55:34 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
It is not for CCP to determine whether the NDA was breached. Whether a contract has been violated or not is a question of law, and as such is for the courts to determine.

So show me the court decision that the NDA was violated or it didn't happen. And again, your guy is full of ****.

We are moving along nicely. You have now come to the realisation that CCP is not the final arbitrator in the world on what is and is not. Next step. You claim something to be, that there has been no violation of the NDA. CCP says they have no proof. These are different things. You seem to now be set on courts having the final word, this would mean that for you to say that there has been no violation would require you to be able to show a court ruling to that effect. Barring this you cannot establish a lie, only an inaccuracy of a statement. Which is pretty much what Vile has done.

Tbh I couldn't care less about what Darius did and did not do when it comes to the NDA, according to his own statement he don't seem to have done a lot of anything, so I suppose its a good thing that he at least once was in an NDA protected channel.
Lyris Nairn
Caldari State
#511 - 2012-02-17 21:56:39 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
You're not a space friend, are you?

I am Lyris Nairn, the pubbie born, space friend to all.

Sky Captain of Your Heart

Reddit: lyris_nairn Skype: lyris.nairn Twitter: @lyris_nairn

Johnny Marzetti
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#512 - 2012-02-17 21:57:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Johnny Marzetti
So if I promise you not to pee on your leg, and then I pee on your leg, but you don't want to acknowledge the fact that I just peed on your leg because that's pretty embarrassing and it was just a little bit of pee, hardly worth getting upset over, then could I truthfully say that I did not break my "no leg peeing" promise?
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#513 - 2012-02-17 21:57:56 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
Karadion wrote:
Here's a simple question that Princess can answer. If there is nothing NDA breaching, then are you saying that the entire minutes in that meeting can be given out without question? IE if Darius were to give out the entire minutes under the argument by using their statement that few lines Darius intentionally leaked wasn't NDA breaking therefore the rest of the minutes must not be NDA breaking. Would that still be okay with you? The fact is, Darius did leak specific minutes from a meeting under NDA and the rest of the CSM6 team can't trust him anymore not to leak anymore minutes for his own gain.

Hypothetical question is hypothetical. I won't entertain them and choose instead to look at the factual questions that actually happened.

If a frog had wings, it would not repetitively impact its own posterior. However a frog does not have wings, and the situation you lay out above did not happen and so it does not matter.

Yes, exactly. You choose to selectively pick out what you want to make your point for your BFF. Fact is Darius did leak minutes from an NDA meeting where they were all under the impression that the minutes were not going to be given out. The specific parts of the minutes were deemed by CCP not to be critical but if it had compromised of information based on such as Tech moons are going to be nerfed / other moons are going to be buffed, then CCP would be freaking out. But this one was based on insulting Riverini in an NDA meeting, a corp mate of Darius, and Darius didn't like that so he told Riverini.
Petrus Blackshell
#514 - 2012-02-17 21:59:43 UTC
Johnny Marzetti wrote:
So if I promise you not to pee on your leg, and then I pee on your leg, but you don't want to acknowledge the fact that I just peed on your leg because that's pretty embarrassing and it was just a little bit of pee, hardly worth getting upset over, then could I truthfully say that I did not break my "no leg peeing" promise?

Nono, then a 3rd party bystander who then insists that you indeed did break the "no leg peeing" promise is in the wrong.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Princess Bride
#515 - 2012-02-17 22:03:09 UTC
Tyrion Struan wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:
It is not for CCP to determine whether the NDA was breached. Whether a contract has been violated or not is a question of law, and as such is for the courts to determine.

So show me the court decision that the NDA was violated or it didn't happen. And again, your guy is full of ****.

You seem to now be set on courts having the final word, this would mean that for you to say that there has been no violation would require you to be able to show a court ruling to that effect.

No. I was addressing a point, not adopting it as my own. Those are different things.

Tyrion Struan
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#516 - 2012-02-17 22:04:49 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
No. I was addressing a point, not adopting it as my own. Those are different things.

Then your only point seem to be that you are not able to make a logical argument for any point. vOv
Princess Bride
#517 - 2012-02-17 22:05:58 UTC
Karadion wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:
Karadion wrote:
Here's a simple question that Princess can answer. If there is nothing NDA breaching, then are you saying that the entire minutes in that meeting can be given out without question? IE if Darius were to give out the entire minutes under the argument by using their statement that few lines Darius intentionally leaked wasn't NDA breaking therefore the rest of the minutes must not be NDA breaking. Would that still be okay with you? The fact is, Darius did leak specific minutes from a meeting under NDA and the rest of the CSM6 team can't trust him anymore not to leak anymore minutes for his own gain.

Hypothetical question is hypothetical. I won't entertain them and choose instead to look at the factual questions that actually happened.

If a frog had wings, it would not repetitively impact its own posterior. However a frog does not have wings, and the situation you lay out above did not happen and so it does not matter.

Yes, exactly. You choose to selectively pick out what you want to make your point for your BFF. Fact is Darius did leak minutes from an NDA meeting where they were all under the impression that the minutes were not going to be given out. The specific parts of the minutes were deemed by CCP not to be critical but if it had compromised of information based on such as Tech moons are going to be nerfed / other moons are going to be buffed, then CCP would be freaking out. But this one was based on insulting Riverini in an NDA meeting, a corp mate of Darius, and Darius didn't like that so he told Riverini.

So by your own admission, Mittani's characterization of Darius III in his one-line insult/summary was based on something completely irrelevant. Also, by ignoring your lame hypothetical I'm "picking and choosing" my facts? No. I'm distinguishing facts from hypothetical garbage. That's different.

Princess Bride
#518 - 2012-02-17 22:09:19 UTC
Tyrion Struan wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:
No. I was addressing a point, not adopting it as my own. Those are different things.

Then your only point seem to be that you are not able to make a logical argument for any point. vOv

If you can truly believe in your heart that I have not made a point regarding Mittani's mis-characterization of a CSM opponent then go and be happy in your heart. But really we all know that's not the case. Your only point seems to be that unless I debate by your rules, I lose, and your rules preclude anything that you find contrary. Roll

Johnny Marzetti
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#519 - 2012-02-17 22:10:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Johnny Marzetti
So you're saying that not voting for Darius because of the NDA is a mistake, and that I should not vote for Darius because he is unable to get along with other people well enough for them to even say a few bland kind words about him.

Honestly, after reading the guy's thread I think I'll just not vote for him because of his posting. How's that?

Now, I believe this is The Mittani's thread. Don't make me pee on your leg again.
Lyris Nairn
Caldari State
#520 - 2012-02-17 22:11:27 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
Tyrion Struan wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:
No. I was addressing a point, not adopting it as my own. Those are different things.

Then your only point seem to be that you are not able to make a logical argument for any point. vOv

If you can truly believe in your heart that I have not made a point regarding Mittani's mis-characterization of a CSM opponent then go and be happy in your heart. But really we all know that's not the case. Your only point seems to be that unless I debate by your rules, I lose, and your rules preclude anything that you find contrary. Roll

You will be happy to learn that I am the "Truthiness" Candidate.

Sky Captain of Your Heart

Reddit: lyris_nairn Skype: lyris.nairn Twitter: @lyris_nairn