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The Mittani, CSM7 Chairman: Our work is not yet done.

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Petrus Blackshell
#481 - 2012-02-17 17:32:27 UTC
Malcanis wrote:

I can't seriously imagine anyone being against METH-NAUGHTS

I will be the devil's advocate here: I thought we all also wanted more accessible PvP that is not auto-win for those with pockets deep enough to afford a boosting alt, Falcon alt, a supercap ready to hotdrop, a million implants, and boosters? METH-NAUGHTS would be a step in the wrong direction from that aspect, by making boosters common enough that they become yet another thing you "need" in order to be competitive in PvP.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Boris Lachenkov
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#482 - 2012-02-17 18:15:00 UTC
It's simple. The Methnaught becomes a low-sec cap ship and booster production can only occur in low-sec, that way the amount it costs to make stays roughly the same. Low-sec gets a cool way of making money and the methnaught becomes a reality.

You bend EVE around the methnaught so it can work, don't just shove it in.
Princess Bride
#483 - 2012-02-17 19:22:08 UTC
Vile rat wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:

In the same linked linked thread:

CCP Diagoras wrote:

We have not seen evidence of any NDA breaches. Should you have any, please feel free to contact us via the petition system.

I believe this makes you what non-goons call a "liar". Mudslinging makes you far too similar to real-world professional politicians for my tastes. Thanks for all your hard work grabbing power for an alliance I'm not in though.

You both are slightly incorrect actually.

The information leaked from a NDA protected channel was deemed non NDA breaking. That he leaked information from that channel was never in question. After the incident it was reiterated to all of us that the channel that leaked was not to be leaked in any way.

How is either party "slightly incorrect"? Mittens is claiming Darius breached the NDA. He didn't. That's false. 100% false. Not slightly false. That he may or may not have mentioned the goings-on of your super-sekrit non-NDA covered chan is irrelevant.

Mittens is claiming Darius breached the NDA. He did not breach the NDA as confirmed by CCP in my original post. This is not "slighty" wrong. It is not wrong at all. It is a 100% correct assessment of a spaceships gamze politician slinging mud. As in lying.

Now I "get" that deception is part of the game of Eve. Trust me, I really do. But I feel it is relevant to the discussion of who should be CSM that a major candidate and veteran CSM is smearing other candidates with blatant lies as part of his campaign. I find it particularly amusing that he calls him a liar in the same sentence that he lies about him. To that end, I say to hell with Mittens as a CSM candidate. We have enough lying, backstabbing, mud-slinging politicians in our reality to need one in our game.

Princess Bride
#484 - 2012-02-17 19:22:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Bride
Vile rat wrote:

You both are slightly incorrect actually.

The information leaked from a NDA protected channel was deemed non NDA breaking. That he leaked information from that channel was never in question. After the incident it was reiterated to all of us that the channel that leaked was not to be leaked in any way.

No, we are not both slightly incorrect. He is 100% incorrect, and I am 100% correct.

Darius did not breach the NDA. Fact verified by CCP as quoted above.

Whether or not he leaked some info from your super-sekrit non-NDA-covered CSM chat channel is irrelevant. He either breached the NDA, making Mittens right, or he didn't, making Mittens full of ****. As he did not breach the NDA, mittens is indeed full of **** and smearing a candidate like a typical mud-slinging politician is apt to do.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#485 - 2012-02-17 19:32:14 UTC
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
Malcanis wrote:

I can't seriously imagine anyone being against METH-NAUGHTS

I will be the devil's advocate here: I thought we all also wanted more accessible PvP that is not auto-win for those with pockets deep enough to afford a boosting alt, Falcon alt, a supercap ready to hotdrop, a million implants, and boosters? METH-NAUGHTS would be a step in the wrong direction from that aspect, by making boosters common enough that they become yet another thing you "need" in order to be competitive in PvP.

Counterpoint: I'm forwarding this post to your mother. Expect to be disowned by morning.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#486 - 2012-02-17 19:36:06 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
Vile rat wrote:

You both are slightly incorrect actually.

The information leaked from a NDA protected channel was deemed non NDA breaking. That he leaked information from that channel was never in question. After the incident it was reiterated to all of us that the channel that leaked was not to be leaked in any way.

No, we are not both slightly incorrect. He is 100% incorrect, and I am 100% correct.

Darius did not breach the NDA. Fact verified by CCP as quoted above.

Whether or not he leaked some info from your super-sekrit non-NDA-covered CSM chat channel is irrelevant. He either breached the NDA, making Mittens right, or he didn't, making Mittens full of ****. As he did not breach the NDA, mittens is indeed full of **** and smearing a candidate like a typical mud-slinging politician is apt to do.

ah yes, the entire CSM 6 cohort is lying about darius doing absolutely nothing the whole year besides showing up to one summit

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#487 - 2012-02-17 19:36:58 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
Vile rat wrote:

You both are slightly incorrect actually.

The information leaked from a NDA protected channel was deemed non NDA breaking. That he leaked information from that channel was never in question. After the incident it was reiterated to all of us that the channel that leaked was not to be leaked in any way.

No, we are not both slightly incorrect. He is 100% incorrect, and I am 100% correct.

Darius did not breach the NDA. Fact verified by CCP as quoted above.

Whether or not he leaked some info from your super-sekrit non-NDA-covered CSM chat channel is irrelevant. He either breached the NDA, making Mittens right, or he didn't, making Mittens full of ****. As he did not breach the NDA, mittens is indeed full of **** and smearing a candidate like a typical mud-slinging politician is apt to do.

I'd love to think the world is as black and white as you say
Petrus Blackshell
#488 - 2012-02-17 19:36:59 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
Malcanis wrote:

I can't seriously imagine anyone being against METH-NAUGHTS

I will be the devil's advocate here: I thought we all also wanted more accessible PvP that is not auto-win for those with pockets deep enough to afford a boosting alt, Falcon alt, a supercap ready to hotdrop, a million implants, and boosters? METH-NAUGHTS would be a step in the wrong direction from that aspect, by making boosters common enough that they become yet another thing you "need" in order to be competitive in PvP.

Counterpoint: I'm forwarding this post to your mother. Expect to be disowned by morning.

Confirming I am now disowned by my mother for not liking meth.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Princess Bride
#489 - 2012-02-17 19:45:32 UTC
Ustrello wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:
Vile rat wrote:

You both are slightly incorrect actually.

The information leaked from a NDA protected channel was deemed non NDA breaking. That he leaked information from that channel was never in question. After the incident it was reiterated to all of us that the channel that leaked was not to be leaked in any way.

No, we are not both slightly incorrect. He is 100% incorrect, and I am 100% correct.

Darius did not breach the NDA. Fact verified by CCP as quoted above.

Whether or not he leaked some info from your super-sekrit non-NDA-covered CSM chat channel is irrelevant. He either breached the NDA, making Mittens right, or he didn't, making Mittens full of ****. As he did not breach the NDA, mittens is indeed full of **** and smearing a candidate like a typical mud-slinging politician is apt to do.

I'd love to think the world is as black and white as you say

I'd love to think the world wasn't so used to being spun by politicians that people could still recognize the existence of a fact. Instead, flat-out lies are accepted as "slightly incorrect" (read: mostly factual) because they're spoken by people you support. If CCP isn't the recognized authority concerning the FACT that THEIR NDA was not breached, then exactly who is? Mittens? A bunch of no-life gamers elected to the CSM?

CCP says their NDA was not breached. Therefore, it was not breached.

Mittens says that CCP's NDA was breached, in contradiction to CCP's own official decision on the matter. Therefore, mittens is full of ****. I'm not sure if I can state it in a simpler manner, so if you're still lost, it's a case of hear-no-evil, speak-no-evil monkey business.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#490 - 2012-02-17 19:52:44 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
Ustrello wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:
Vile rat wrote:

You both are slightly incorrect actually.

The information leaked from a NDA protected channel was deemed non NDA breaking. That he leaked information from that channel was never in question. After the incident it was reiterated to all of us that the channel that leaked was not to be leaked in any way.

No, we are not both slightly incorrect. He is 100% incorrect, and I am 100% correct.

Darius did not breach the NDA. Fact verified by CCP as quoted above.

Whether or not he leaked some info from your super-sekrit non-NDA-covered CSM chat channel is irrelevant. He either breached the NDA, making Mittens right, or he didn't, making Mittens full of ****. As he did not breach the NDA, mittens is indeed full of **** and smearing a candidate like a typical mud-slinging politician is apt to do.

I'd love to think the world is as black and white as you say

I'd love to think the world wasn't so used to being spun by politicians that people could still recognize the existence of a fact. Instead, flat-out lies are accepted as "slightly incorrect" (read: mostly factual) because they're spoken by people you support. If CCP isn't the recognized authority concerning the FACT that THEIR NDA was not breached, then exactly who is? Mittens? A bunch of no-life gamers elected to the CSM?

CCP says their NDA was not breached. Therefore, it was not breached.

Mittens says that CCP's NDA was breached, in contradiction to CCP's own official decision on the matter. Therefore, mittens is full of ****. I'm not sure if I can state it in a simpler manner, so if you're still lost, it's a case of hear-no-evil, speak-no-evil monkey business.

Ever think that maybe they didn't want to make a big deal out of it so they wouldn't have another mess on their hands while dealing with all the other crap that was going on at the time?
Princess Bride
#491 - 2012-02-17 20:08:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Bride
Ustrello wrote:

Ever think that maybe they didn't want to make a big deal out of it so they wouldn't have another mess on their hands while dealing with all the other crap that was going on at the time?

Also irrelevant. The NDA is an agreement between CCP and the individual CSMs. It's not broken until CCP says it's broken.

But hey, if you don't wanna listen to someone you label a "pubbie", and you don't wanna listen to the NDA's author CCP, listen to one of your own, and a CSM to boot:

Vile rat wrote:

Breaking NDA isn't a reason not to vote for somebody honestly. That's a legal determination and between CCP and the CSM member.

And verified by another CSM, quoting Vile rat:

Two step wrote:

This man speaks truth.

Ah but I bet I'll still hear protests. Have fun matching your world-view to the facts. Earplugs go a long way to keeping the sand out of your ear canals. Goggles will help for your eyes.

Falin Whalen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#492 - 2012-02-17 20:12:03 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
No, we are not both slightly incorrect. He is 100% incorrect, and I am 100% correct.

Darius did not breach the NDA. Fact verified by CCP as quoted above.

Whether or not he leaked some info from your super-sekrit non-NDA-covered CSM chat channel is irrelevant. He either breached the NDA, making Mittens right, or he didn't, making Mittens full of ****. As he did not breach the NDA, mittens is indeed full of **** and smearing a candidate like a typical mud-slinging politician is apt to do.

Jesus Christ, you are dumb.

What was leaked was deemed NON NDA BREAKING, where it came from was from a NDA COVERED CHANNEL. If it had been any other company than CCP, D3 would have been shown the door, and had a lawsuit nailed to his butt. Just because CCP showed restraint and let D3 slide BECAUSE WHAT WAS LEAKED WAS DEEMED NON NDA BREAKING off of A NDA COVERED CHANNEL, does not validate your position.

"it's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves." The Trial - Franz Kafka 

Tyrion Struan
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#493 - 2012-02-17 20:12:32 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
Ustrello wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:
Vile rat wrote:

You both are slightly incorrect actually.

The information leaked from a NDA protected channel was deemed non NDA breaking. That he leaked information from that channel was never in question. After the incident it was reiterated to all of us that the channel that leaked was not to be leaked in any way.

No, we are not both slightly incorrect. He is 100% incorrect, and I am 100% correct.

Darius did not breach the NDA. Fact verified by CCP as quoted above.

Whether or not he leaked some info from your super-sekrit non-NDA-covered CSM chat channel is irrelevant. He either breached the NDA, making Mittens right, or he didn't, making Mittens full of ****. As he did not breach the NDA, mittens is indeed full of **** and smearing a candidate like a typical mud-slinging politician is apt to do.

I'd love to think the world is as black and white as you say

I'd love to think the world wasn't so used to being spun by politicians that people could still recognize the existence of a fact. Instead, flat-out lies are accepted as "slightly incorrect" (read: mostly factual) because they're spoken by people you support. If CCP isn't the recognized authority concerning the FACT that THEIR NDA was not breached, then exactly who is? Mittens? A bunch of no-life gamers elected to the CSM?

CCP says their NDA was not breached. Therefore, it was not breached.

Mittens says that CCP's NDA was breached, in contradiction to CCP's own official decision on the matter. Therefore, mittens is full of ****. I'm not sure if I can state it in a simpler manner, so if you're still lost, it's a case of hear-no-evil, speak-no-evil monkey business.

Your argument presuposes that there is such a thing as an objective reality. Secondly you presuppose that someone has the full an total ability to determine the thruth. Your argument is that CCP says they have not seen proof of an NDA violation, there has therefore not been one. By the same argument; CCP holds no proof that player A has ever violated the EULA, therefore he has not done so. Or, taking an out of game example; I have never been found guilty in a court of law of having driven above the speed limit, therefore I have never done so. Reality and proven facts are not the same.

Vile is pointing out another point. That the CSM members were informed by CCP that the channel was covered by the NDA. Thus they had every reason to expect that information in there was covered by the NDA. Information from that channel was leaked. The person leaking said information therefore had every reason to expect that he was leaking NDA protected information. However, in the aftermath, CCP found that piece of information to have been not covered by the NDA. That is CCP detemining what they want to pursue and not, the person behind the leak had no reason to think that he was not leaking priviliged information.
Princess Bride
#494 - 2012-02-17 20:19:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Bride
To above:

Whether a NDA was breached is a LEGAL DETERMINATION. You can have all of the opinions you like, but saying someone breached a NDA is stating a legal fact. When someone is convicted of a crime, then legally that person DID commit the crime. You can ramble on about objective reality and how it relates to philosophy all day, but that does not change a simple fact:

If CCP says the NDA was not breached, then it was not breached.

As for Vile, his expressed opinion is in complete contradiction to HIS OWN WORDS as quoted above. Roll Here, I'll quote it again for those not able to keep up:

Vile rat wrote:

Breaking NDA isn't a reason not to vote for somebody honestly. That's a legal determination and between CCP and the CSM member.

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#495 - 2012-02-17 20:24:46 UTC
okay, so the alleged NDA breach aside, what about the fact that he did not do anything at all

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Princess Bride
#496 - 2012-02-17 20:26:56 UTC
Falin whalin wrote:

What was leaked was deemed NON NDA BREAKING...

My point exactly. If what was leaked did not break the NDA, then Darius is not "a NDA-breaching incompetent" as your candidate has stated. Therefore, your candidate is full of ****. It's really not that hard to see this.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#497 - 2012-02-17 20:27:31 UTC
Hey! he posted 80 posts on the csm forums! that counts.....right?
Beckie DeLey
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#498 - 2012-02-17 20:29:19 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:

Breaking NDA isn't a reason not to vote for somebody honestly. That's a legal determination and between CCP and the CSM member.


Much more interesting than any breach of NDA or not is how his fellow CSM members all seem to agree that he didn't participate much. I mean, i wouldn't think much of that accusation if it came only from vile rat and Mittens. But other (non-Goon affiliated) members of the CSM confirmed that. How is DIII even remotely being considered for re-election after that?

My siren's name is Brick and she is the prettiest.

Tyrion Struan
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#499 - 2012-02-17 20:34:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyrion Struan
Princess Bride wrote:
To above:

Whether a NDA was breached is a LEGAL DETERMINATION. You can have all of the opinions you like, but saying someone breached a NDA is stating a legal fact. When someone is convicted of a crime, then legally that person DID commit the crime. You can ramble on about objective reality and how it relates to philosophy all day, but that does not change a simple fact:

If CCP says the NDA was not breached, then it was not breached.

As for Vile, his expressed opinion is in complete contradiction to HIS OWN WORDS as quoted above. Roll Here, I'll quote it again for those not able to keep up:

Vile rat wrote:

Breaking NDA isn't a reason not to vote for somebody honestly. That's a legal determination and between CCP and the CSM member.

I'm not taking a stance on whether the NDA was breached or not. I'm trying to say that your argument is faulty. You are confusing the relation between what has been determined as a fact in the eyes of the law and what is a "fact". When someone is convicted of a crime it is correct to say that they in the eyes of the law is guilty. That does not mean they committed the crime. Miscarrige of justice happens.

For your argument (accepting CCP as supreme judge of the question) to hold true they'd have to say that ther has been no violation. All I've seen them say is that they lack proof. Those are different things. I'm not saying by this that there was a violation (Vile says there wasn't) I'm just trying to say that you are claiming something to logically follow that does not.

As for Vile he is not saying what you think. It is not for CCP to determine whether the NDA was breached. Whether a contract has been violated or not is a question of law, and as such is for the courts to determine. Barring clauses to something different in the agreement that will be recognised as binding by the courts. (Typically clauses that keep legal determinations out of courts are met with some opposition. I haven't seen the NDA, so I don't know what it says on the matter.) All Vile is saying in the quote is that its a legal determination.

As for the relevance of it for the voters I think Vile is wrong. It's an election. If you want to vote for Xenophile because he wears a hat I support your right to do so. I don't think it should matter and I'll argue against its relevance. But if somebody wants to be carefull of voting for a candidate that knowingly leaked information from a channel that was said to be under NDA protection and which the person therefore had no rightful expectation to think would not be considered a violation of said NDA, I think they're allowed to do so.
Petrus Blackshell
#500 - 2012-02-17 20:34:57 UTC
Call The Mittani a mudslinging lying turd if you want, but don't try to make him sound worse than D3.

D3, on all his campaign promises:
Darius III wrote:
Everyone knows that platform doesnt mean anything in election.

D3, on why so many people are bashing his thread:
Darius III wrote:
If little Mittens doesnt think I am a threat, why does ho go to such great lengths to lie and send in his morons in droves to be shitting up my campaign thread?

D3, on how he doesn't want to cooperate with the CSM due to his dislike of Mittani:
Darius III wrote:
Your voice is muffled when you speak from the end of Mittanis digestive tract. Because I don't feel the need to be part of your Polly Pretty Pants Tea Party in Skype doent mean I didn't participate. Coming from a guy whose campaign focus was on the fact the he lived in a wormhole I take your tears as a sure sign I am doing things right. As you are one of the herd blindly following Mittani's every suggestion, I have to ask-did he ask you to post here?

D3, on how Mittani excluded him from the "Polly Pretty Pants Tea Party" that he "didn't feel the need to be part of":
Darius III wrote:
Fact is, the CSM don't like me because I was the only one not permanently lodged in the end organ of Mittani's digestive system. The same Mittani who wrongfully excluded me from the Skype discussion and removed me from said discussion three times without cause. Clearly a vote for Darius III is a vote against Mittani and the rest of the establishment.

D3's "CSM accomplishments".

Mittani might be a stubborn ass who continues to yell "NDA breach" ignoring CCP's choice in favor to personal convictions, but he gets stuff done, and has a lot of people backing him and his views. He also at least tries to make reasonable-sounding posts, and does not resort to mud-slinging every time someone contradicts him.

The CSM is supposed to be a team who discusses and collaborates in informing CCP of the players' wishes. When a member of the team refuses to participate in discussion, and is accused by the others of being extremely unproductive, that person does not belong on the team. That is regardless if everyone there is up Mittani's rear -- an rear which, I should mention, will remain on the CSM despite all of D3's bleating.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)