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After Splash, no Game...

3 Line
#1 - 2012-02-17 20:14:14 UTC
HI All!

Need help with game login not loading after splash and exefile.exe sits in processes doing nothing. I've tried other thread suggestions (directX, .net, drivers, etc) but no luck.

I do have a petition in, but it's been 5 days with no suggestions. The issue is on a new PC, not my old so I'm not lost completely... Just would love to fix the issue here...

Windows 7 x64, ATI 6770...

Any help that fixes issue earns character 50 mill ISK...

Logserver info: File

Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#2 - 2012-02-17 21:19:40 UTC
Is it perhaps being blocked by some sort of antivirus or antiexecution program? Perhaps one that came stock with the machine (cause most of them are crap).
Petrus Blackshell
#3 - 2012-02-17 21:27:13 UTC
Corina Jarr wrote:
Is it perhaps being blocked by some sort of antivirus or antiexecution program? Perhaps one that came stock with the machine (cause most of them are crap).

This is my best guess as well. I would try disabling any programs of that sort, and if that doesn't work, run as administrator.

If those don't work, reinstall and pray for the best I suppose.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-02-17 21:28:35 UTC
your problem is the games explorer of windows. If it doesnt know a game it wants to retrieve information about it from the internet. If the game explorer is blocked this is not possible and the game just doesnt start properly. Temporary fix is to start eve, let it hang in the windows processes and start it again. the second instance of the game will work, after that one started properly just end the other "broken" process.

Unfortunately you can't disable the "feature" of the windows games explorer that creates this problem, the only way to fix it is to allow the games explorer to check information about the game on the internet. After that happened (only has to be done once if its an unknown game) and the game explorer "knows" what it wants to know the game will always start properly. My guess is your firewall is blocking the games explorer, for me it was the gameux.dll which i had blocked and had to unblock. If you cant find a rule for that dll or the game explorer in your firewall just disable it temporarily.

Note, that if you change the location of the game the game explorer will need an internet connection again before you can start the game for the first time from that new location. After the game explorer got all the information for the game it won't prevent you from starting that game again from that location, always only has to be done once.
3 Line
#5 - 2012-02-17 21:29:02 UTC
I'm using Avast, and will check on settings / disable.

I've uninstalled Eve and reinstalled... twice... Clean downloads...Errr....
3 Line
#6 - 2012-02-17 21:34:41 UTC  |  Edited by: KsLIVER
Ezurae wrote:
your problem is the games explorer of windows. If it doesnt know a game it wants to retrieve information about it from the internet. If the game explorer is blocked this is not possible and the game just doesnt start properly. Temporary fix is to start eve, let it hang in the windows processes and start it again. the second instance of the game will work, after that one started properly just end the other "broken" process.

Unfortunately you can't disable the "feature" of the windows games explorer that creates this problem, the only way to fix it is to allow the games explorer to check information about the game on the internet. After that happened (only has to be done once if its an unknown game) and the game explorer "knows" what it wants to know the game will always start properly. My guess is your firewall is blocking the games explorer, for me it was the gameux.dll which i had blocked and had to unblock. If you cant find a rule for that dll or the game explorer in your firewall just disable it temporarily.

Note, that if you change the location of the game the game explorer will need an internet connection again before you can start the game for the first time from that new location. After the game explorer got all the information for the game it won't prevent you from starting that game again from that location, always only has to be done once.

I tried both suggestions to no avail. When I run the program twice, I just get two exefile.exe processes running. No firewall enabled... I've never had issues with the game explorer for any games on any of the Win7 / Vista machines I use. Odd one for you for sure.
Petrus Blackshell
#7 - 2012-02-17 21:42:21 UTC
After some research it appears it is having problem finding your Documents folder, with a "device not ready" error. Do you have a weird computer setup with multiple hard drives? Can you open the Documents folder yourself (and is there an EVE folder in there)?

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

3 Line
#8 - 2012-02-17 21:46:39 UTC  |  Edited by: KsLIVER
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
After some research it appears it is having problem finding your Documents folder, with a "device not ready" error. Do you have a weird computer setup with multiple hard drives? Can you open the Documents folder yourself (and is there an EVE folder in there)?

I did notice that in the log file, but didn't realize it would have been in the My Documents folder. After checking, I don't have an EVE folder in my docs.... Now your reminding me something about my old setup - I might have redirected my document folder to a second drive (which is no longer in this setup).... Suggestions for fixing the missing Eve folder of the top of your head? Worse case, I do have access to the same drive on a different PC, and could try copying it over to this PC (just worried about any settings on the different PC messing with this one).
Petrus Blackshell
#9 - 2012-02-17 21:55:45 UTC
KsLIVER wrote:
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
After some research it appears it is having problem finding your Documents folder, with a "device not ready" error. Do you have a weird computer setup with multiple hard drives? Can you open the Documents folder yourself (and is there an EVE folder in there)?

I did notice that in the log file, but didn't realize it would have been in the My Documents folder. After checking, I don't have an EVE folder in my docs.... Now your reminding me something about my old setup - I might have redirected my document folder to a second drive.... Suggestions for fixing the missing Eve folder of the top of your head? Worse case, I do have access to the same drive on a different PC, and could try copying it over to this PC (just worried about any settings on the different PC messing with this one).

I don't have access to a Windows PC right now so I can't work along with you and see what's going on, but Windows 7 allows customization of the location of your Documents folder. I would find those settings and make sure they look 'sane' (as in, it thinks Documents are where they actually are. Barring that, try following the instructions here. If that doesn't work, I'm out of ideas. I don't think copying the files from your other computer would help, but I could be wrong.

Just don't break anything Blink

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

3 Line
#10 - 2012-02-17 22:01:19 UTC
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
KsLIVER wrote:
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
After some research it appears it is having problem finding your Documents folder, with a "device not ready" error. Do you have a weird computer setup with multiple hard drives? Can you open the Documents folder yourself (and is there an EVE folder in there)?

I did notice that in the log file, but didn't realize it would have been in the My Documents folder. After checking, I don't have an EVE folder in my docs.... Now your reminding me something about my old setup - I might have redirected my document folder to a second drive.... Suggestions for fixing the missing Eve folder of the top of your head? Worse case, I do have access to the same drive on a different PC, and could try copying it over to this PC (just worried about any settings on the different PC messing with this one).

I don't have access to a Windows PC right now so I can't work along with you and see what's going on, but Windows 7 allows customization of the location of your Documents folder. I would find those settings and make sure they look 'sane' (as in, it thinks Documents are where they actually are. Barring that, try following the instructions here. If that doesn't work, I'm out of ideas. I don't think copying the files from your other computer would help, but I could be wrong.

Just don't break anything Blink

I'll take a peek for sure... I'm a network engineer and A+ tech - So windows issues are easy, just obscure logs from Eve slow me down... hehehe. Pulled that drive a long time ago, and My Documents folder ended up only defaulting to the old location and everything else worked fine... till now.
Petrus Blackshell
#11 - 2012-02-17 22:05:34 UTC
KsLIVER wrote:

I'll take a peek for sure... I'm a network engineer and A+ tech - So windows issues are easy, just obscure logs from Eve slow me down... hehehe. Pulled that drive a long time ago, and My Documents folder ended up only defaulting to the old location and everything else worked fine... till now.

Oh god, that's what might be happening! Windows is called upon to look up the location of your Documents folder, yet it derps somewhere along the line and tries to check the nonexistent drive, upon which it barfs a "device not ready" error.

I... uh... I don't know Windows well enough to suggest anything but just formatting and reinstalling the OS. There might be some registry tricks you can pull off to fix it, but I have no experience looking for those.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

3 Line
#12 - 2012-02-17 22:11:17 UTC
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
KsLIVER wrote:

I'll take a peek for sure... I'm a network engineer and A+ tech - So windows issues are easy, just obscure logs from Eve slow me down... hehehe. Pulled that drive a long time ago, and My Documents folder ended up only defaulting to the old location and everything else worked fine... till now.

Oh god, that's what might be happening! Windows is called upon to look up the location of your Documents folder, yet it derps somewhere along the line and tries to check the nonexistent drive, upon which it barfs a "device not ready" error.

I... uh... I don't know Windows well enough to suggest anything but just formatting and reinstalling the OS. There might be some registry tricks you can pull off to fix it, but I have no experience looking for those.

LOL! I did a quick test and setup another user profile, went into it, started Eve, and SHAZAM! It works.....

I'm heading to beer store now, when I'm back - I'll send you the ISK dood! IM me if you have a different character you'd like the money go to...

I can deal with my old Win Profile issues later.... yes... beer and big eve...
Petrus Blackshell
#13 - 2012-02-17 22:19:29 UTC
Hooray, fixing things! This character is my main so all is good. Make sure to inform CCP that you got to the bottom of this.

See you in space!

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#14 - 2012-02-17 22:28:01 UTC
Glad to here it fixed.

Very odd that only EVE had this issue, but good to know the problem and solution.
Petrus Blackshell
#15 - 2012-02-17 22:30:50 UTC
Corina Jarr wrote:
Glad to here it fixed.

Very odd that only EVE had this issue, but good to know the problem and solution.

From what I see on the interwebs, the crashing SHGetFolderPath function is deprecated in the Windows API. It may be one of those relics of Eve being written in 2003.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

3 Line
#16 - 2012-02-17 22:42:20 UTC
I found it odd that I installed Eve after the drive was removed, and yet there was something still making reference to it...

I certainly will let CCP know. They asked for the logfile and dxdiag info, but didn't offer any solutions (5 days). Ah well, hope this will help them.

Money on it's way soooooonnnn.... Beer in hand....
Petrus Blackshell
#17 - 2012-02-17 22:44:57 UTC
It's not related to the Eve installation time. It's related to Eve trying to call the Windows API to get the directory path to where your Documents are, and the Windows API exploding. The Eve devs probably need to call a different API function that is not as explosion-prone.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

3 Line
#18 - 2012-02-17 23:06:24 UTC
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
It's not related to the Eve installation time. It's related to Eve trying to call the Windows API to get the directory path to where your Documents are, and the Windows API exploding. The Eve devs probably need to call a different API function that is not as explosion-prone.

Too true...
3 Line
#19 - 2012-02-18 00:58:03 UTC
Fixed main profile. Used Regedit and searched for old 'My Documents' path (just part of it - lucky me, I had a custom named folder).

This site helped too (which pretty much does it all) :
