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The Mittani, CSM7 Chairman: Our work is not yet done.

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Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#441 - 2012-02-16 17:56:27 UTC
Mittani for CSM. Long live the king of space!
Lapine Davion
Outer Ring Applied Logistics
#442 - 2012-02-16 18:01:19 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
I'm not averse to WiS being developed eventually, once the sucking chest wounds have been patched in Flying in Space content.

However, I think FiS will require years of work to make up for the years of neglect received during the long years of Incarna mis-development, and in my view FiS > WiS when it comes to development triage.

You do have to admit that WiS does have the potential to be really, really cool.

[b]Don't worry about posting with your main!  Post with your brain! "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."[/b]

#443 - 2012-02-16 18:13:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Zandramus
First of all I would like to thank you for your current service to the players of eve via your CSM commitment. I am reading this thread on my iPhone so please forgive me if this question has already been asked and answered, as I don't feel like looking through. 28 pages of circle jerking fanbois proselytizing how wonderful you are but providing no real content to the thread. You very well may be wonderful and all it's just tedious to page through on a mobile.

What is your positions on the following items.

1. Delayed local in nullsec.
2. Fixing the broken physics engine if at all possible in relation to small ships bumping much larger ships.
3. Iteration of new capital and tech 3 ships.


Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#444 - 2012-02-16 18:36:14 UTC
I respect your views and dedication to improving the core gameplay, especially if what you say is true, in that meaningful WiS content is that far off. However, I hope your energy will be devoted to improving the game for everyone, rather than going out of your way to destroy certain parts of the game.

Thanks for your time
Timmy Tebow
Fingers of God
Rainbow Knights
#445 - 2012-02-16 19:50:26 UTC
I hope I didn't miss these elsewhere in the thread, but I have three questions for you:

1) How do you feel about time dilation and the potential impact it has on CCP in regards to demotivating them in upgrading server hardware?

2) PLEX/GTC prices are too damn high. How will you leverage your influence on the CSM to bring down the price of game time paid with isk?

3) How should CCP reward veterans for their longevity in playing this game instead of punishing them via "end-game" nerfs?

Thanks for answering and good luck in your campaign!
Gallente Federation
#446 - 2012-02-16 21:24:07 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
chumbucket wrote:
On a scale of 1-10 I put your shoddy sandbagger work as csm at a strong 3 the only thing you should be re-elected to do is clean the grease traps again at the Burger King you manage :)

sorry about bulldozing your alliance in delve, it was for the best

the buthurt was strong in that one
Commander McSpacepants
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#447 - 2012-02-16 21:45:17 UTC
Worthless hi-sec carebear in an NPC corp chiming in: everything that I love about EvE and hope to accomplish if I ever get time to log in and ****** PLAY this game is represented by the Mittani and Goonswarm. Votin fer ya.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#448 - 2012-02-16 22:26:35 UTC
Timmy Tebow wrote:
3) How should CCP reward veterans for their longevity in playing this game instead of punishing them via "end-game" nerfs?

if you think supercapitals are the "end-game" you are sorely mistaken

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Northern Coalition.
#449 - 2012-02-16 22:32:32 UTC
Malcanis wrote:

I challenge you to name 2 such proposals or admit to being a liar making things up to smear an in-game opponent.

Supercap nerfing is in the best interest for the CFC, and the not so nerf'ed tech isk printers of the north, please show me where neither of these changes or unchanges have not had a serious impact on his alliance/coalition.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#450 - 2012-02-16 22:36:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Andski
Akelorian wrote:
He is corrupt, cares very little for you or I, or the new player.

please elaborate on the bolded part!

btw, it's probably worth noting that most players recruited into GoonWaffe are days-old newbies.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Northern Coalition.
#451 - 2012-02-16 22:42:28 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
The funny thing is that there's basically no difference in policy between GSF and Finfleet on null issues, unless it's titan gun tracking or if Raiden is Literally The Only Alliance Who Likes Tech The Way It Is.

Anyway, I just found out that the angry NPC alt who hates griefers ran, not walked, to the ~fire mttens~ thread to write a wall of text about how I am a 'punk' because I didn't represent his anti-griefing views.


In my personal opinion tech has been a worse isk printer than prom/dyspro alone, at least those moons were spread around eve in every region, Tech is in the northern regions alone and have provided less opportunity for other alliances to take them, up until the fall of the Northern Coalition of last year. And yet what is the current conflict over yet again? Control of the insanely valuable Tech moons of the north.

I would have thought being part of the csm you would have had this fixed over the past term, yet you fail to produce on anything that would affect GSF or the CFC because its not in your best interest. I am amused at the ammount of people who do not see this nor are willing to accept the fact that you truely are a liar and an opportunistic ****.

Please correct me where I am wrong, I am not hiding behind an alt, nor running away :)

Berke Negri
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#452 - 2012-02-16 22:44:27 UTC
Andski wrote:
Akelorian wrote:
He is corrupt, cares very little for you or I, or the new player.

please elaborate on the bolded part!

btw, it's probably worth noting that most players recruited into GoonWaffe are days-old newbies.

goons are terrible towards newbies

unlike elite pvp entity finfleet which in-game is comprised of only ISD volunteers hanging out in the rookie help channel
Northern Coalition.
#453 - 2012-02-16 22:46:31 UTC
Andski wrote:
Akelorian wrote:
He is corrupt, cares very little for you or I, or the new player.

please elaborate on the bolded part!

btw, it's probably worth noting that most players recruited into GoonWaffe are days-old newbies.

Funny how you talk as if GSF isn't formed from an outside community where you pay to be a part of it, and most members of the GSF come from this community. I will not condone scamming of new players nor am I against it, but sadly morals is something that is lacking within the GSF, and that starts from the top.

Though I am glad you recruit many day old newbies, its easier to get spies in that way :)
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#454 - 2012-02-16 22:54:45 UTC
Akelorian wrote:
Andski wrote:
Akelorian wrote:
He is corrupt, cares very little for you or I, or the new player.

please elaborate on the bolded part!

btw, it's probably worth noting that most players recruited into GoonWaffe are days-old newbies.

Funny how you talk as if GSF isn't formed from an outside community where you pay to be a part of it, and most members of the GSF come from this community. I will not condone scamming of new players nor am I against it, but sadly morals is something that is lacking within the GSF, and that starts from the top.

Though I am glad you recruit many day old newbies, its easier to get spies in that way :)

yeah, The Mittani is a terrible person who scams new players out of their supercarriers

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#455 - 2012-02-16 22:55:27 UTC
Andski wrote:
Timmy Tebow wrote:
3) How should CCP reward veterans for their longevity in playing this game instead of punishing them via "end-game" nerfs?

if you think supercapitals are the "end-game" you are sorely mistaken

the true endgame is to go to fanfest, get drunk and take a swing at some enemy diplo
Northern Coalition.
#456 - 2012-02-16 23:03:50 UTC
Andski wrote:

Tell me how much you care about the new player, akelorian of finfleet

I value them greatly, as they provide more pilots for your coalition, hence more people to shoot ;)
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#457 - 2012-02-16 23:14:08 UTC
This thread needs more angry members of the general public posting in it.
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#458 - 2012-02-16 23:16:16 UTC
Akelorian wrote:
Funny how you talk as if GSF isn't formed from an outside community where you pay to be a part of it, and most members of the GSF come from this community. I will not condone scamming of new players nor am I against it, but sadly morals is something that is lacking within the GSF, and that starts from the top.

Though I am glad you recruit many day old newbies, its easier to get spies in that way :)

There are non-SA corps in GoonSwarm. Or did you really believe all those French and RUS)) corps they took in had the :10bux: requirements before merging into GSF?

Please tell me which one it is so I can make fun of your stupidity either way.
Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#459 - 2012-02-17 01:36:26 UTC
Let me tell you about a Mitten I know.

I first met Alex when I was still working at CCP at the Las Vegas EVE meet in 2009. After a few slideshows and lots of nerd talk, the people attending were broken up into five groups of 'devs' and given about an hour to come up with a new EVE expansion. Name, features, etc... Mittens said he didn't really want to do this or take charge of his group but, of course, he did. When it came time to present their expansion, he launched into a presentation called EVE Online: Corruption that pretty much owned. It was all about how ****** up lo-sec was and how you could do all this cool stuff to make it better and OMG METH-NAUGHTS (drug lab cap ships).

At FanFest 2009, Mittens first, he was all over the place in different panels and round tables. He was in my presentation on Game Design and it was either him or Zastrow that made the chainsaw sound effect for the new DD animation because the video I showed was silent. I remember him saying at one point, "Damnit, I just met a guy I really hate in ATLAS and he's actually pretty cool. I can't hate him now. Coming here was a mistake."Lol

I could talk a lot about the person behind the character, but probably the most honest (and possibly damning) thing I can say is that he's not the monster he wants you to believe. Even before he was in the CSM, I watched Mittens rant about nerfing supercaps just as enthusiastically as bitching about the EVE tutorial and how lost newbies are when they join EVE. I do not agree with him on everything and I wish he would put more of a happy face on sometimes in his responsibilities as CSM Chair, but there is no denying that he has put forth an extraordinary amount of time and effort into the CSM.

TLDR - The Mittani - he's actually a nice guy. Twisted

2004-2008: Mercenary Coalition Boss

2007-2010: CCP Game Designer | 2011-2013: CSM6 Delegate & CSM7 Chairman

2011-2015: Pandemic Legionnaire

2015- : Mercenary Coalition Boss

Follow Seleene on Twitter!

Johnny Marzetti
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#460 - 2012-02-17 02:19:38 UTC
Akelorian wrote:

Funny how you talk as if GSF isn't formed from an outside community where you pay to be a part of it, and most members of the GSF come from this community. I will not condone scamming of new players nor am I against it, but sadly morals is something that is lacking within the GSF, and that starts from the top.

Though I am glad you recruit many day old newbies, its easier to get spies in that way :)

Eve Online, the only game where having community ties outside the game is considered unfair. You know, I'm staring to think that Titans are just big hugboxes.

Anyhow, gotta go scam some newbie out of his civilian miner. ~laters~