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The Mittani, CSM7 Chairman: Our work is not yet done.

First post First post
Grumpy Owly
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#401 - 2012-02-15 20:37:01 UTC
Tinker Ahrire
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#402 - 2012-02-15 21:55:05 UTC
So much potential here. I only hope that he can keep his in game character separate from what is good for Eve as a whole...

Perhaps I should split votes between Mittens and Xenuria. Bear
Jaiimez Skor
The Infamous.
#403 - 2012-02-15 23:28:16 UTC
A year ago, the idea of a Goon having a place on the CSM with any kind of real power in affecting the direction of the game was a thought that terrified me, but after seeing the things you achieved as chairman of the CSM in the past year, I would not have the slightest bit of concern in voting for your re-election to the CSM and for a second term as chairman.

You have my vote, now just to decide who gets my other (we still get 2 right.)
Paxton Brimstone
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#404 - 2012-02-15 23:35:27 UTC
Enjoying the change in how our representation is listened to and respected. Good work and a good ally + 1 vote for Mittens for another round!
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#405 - 2012-02-16 00:55:01 UTC
you're who????


Back to EVE!
Staar Antollare
#406 - 2012-02-16 00:58:42 UTC
An idea for Null Sec:

Allow Sov Holding Alliances to lease "Systems" to renter alliances. This would introduce revenue generation at the alliance level and new meta-game options for players.

The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#407 - 2012-02-16 02:58:35 UTC
Grumpy Owly wrote:
Posting in the hope for a candidacy view on the following: Bounty Hunting

Your sig says:

"All griefers are lazy cowards with the current climate of broken player policing systems."

Get out of my thread.


Alphea Abbra
Project Promethion
#408 - 2012-02-16 03:24:53 UTC
Xenuria wrote:
There should be a limit to how many times you get re-elected.

There should be a limit to who can get elected in the first place as well. So far I've found one (MAYBE two, but that's not my point).

Guess what, you get the honour of being very, very special and unique, and doesn't get to be elected.

At least, if I decided.
Grumpy Owly
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#409 - 2012-02-16 03:39:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Grumpy Owly
The Mittani wrote:
Grumpy Owly wrote:
Posting in the hope for a candidacy view on the following: Bounty Hunting

Your sig says:

"All griefers are lazy cowards with the current climate of broken player policing systems."

Get out of my thread.

I guess then this implies I'm not allowed a personal view on the subject?

Can I similarly then simply assume you support griefing? Largely a rhetorical question given your stance on the game.

Please don't feel compelled to repsond however, I understand your denial of any viewpoint that doesn't support your own is of no relevance or concern to you or your campaign interests.

As a champion of "griefers" the very fact that you have not bothered to answer since you are scared by a players stance simply supports my signatures comment. Lol
The Gard'ner
#410 - 2012-02-16 05:10:08 UTC
The Mittani,

Most of your posts, that I have read so far, in several threads have a "like it or leave" ring to them. With that not only the response to a legit question from Grumpy Owly, but other remarks on the forum.

You will represent those who voted for you, what if something happens through the year where most of your voters don't agree on, will it be the same snobby additude telling us to "like it or leave" ?
Northern Coalition.
#411 - 2012-02-16 07:20:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Akelorian
The Gard'ner wrote:
The Mittani,

Most of your posts, that I have read so far, in several threads have a "like it or leave" ring to them. With that not only the response to a legit question from Grumpy Owly, but other remarks on the forum.

You will represent those who voted for you, what if something happens through the year where most of your voters don't agree on, will it be the same snobby additude telling us to "like it or leave" ?

Its who he is, and what he does, like it or leave it. I'd much rather call him a **** than give him my vote, its up to the players to see Mittens for what he is and whats really on his agenda, and no, it is not for the good of the players but for his alliance. He is corrupt, cares very little for you or I, or the new player. He cares only about getting his way by proposing changes in the game that benefits only him and his alliance/coalition.
Merciless Reckoning
#412 - 2012-02-16 08:00:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Lolmer
2bhammered wrote:

Yeah, a lot of Americans and English people in general are very abusive sometimes. The hate against anyone Russian is also very strong, blacks, jews and Russians in particular are targeted a lot for abuse in this game. It reminds me a lot of many Americans and British people on Xbox live. Not sure what he can do about it? I suppose he can start by making sure goon mumble members not have swastikas as their profile pic? and also ensure goons members do not scream f'ing jew and the N word in local and such. At least then he sets an example and more can follow perhaps.

PS: For the record, there are blacks, jews, Russians and nice Americans as well as British people within the goons. Don't misunderstand me.

You're saying that we're racist in the same breath in which you are spouting racist nonsense? Xbox Live players are people too and you should show them respect!

NOTE: I don't actually own an Xbox nor do I have an Xbox Live account.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#413 - 2012-02-16 08:21:29 UTC
Akelorian wrote:
[quote=The Gard'ner]Its who he is, and what he does, like it or leave it. I'd much rather call him a **** than give him my vote, its up to the players to see Mittens for what he is and whats really on his agenda, and no, it is not for the good of the players but for his alliance. He is corrupt, cares very little for you or I, or the new player. He cares only about getting his way by proposing changes in the game that benefits only him and his alliance/coalition.

Tell me how much you care about the new player, akelorian of finfleet

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

#414 - 2012-02-16 08:23:15 UTC
Akelorian wrote:
The Gard'ner wrote:
The Mittani,..............

Its who he is, and what he does, like it or leave it. I'd much rather call him a **** than give him my vote, its up to the players to see Mittens for what he is and whats really on his agenda, and no, it is not for the good of the players but for his alliance. He is corrupt, cares very little for you or I, or the new player. He cares only about getting his way by proposing changes in the game that benefits only him and his alliance/coalition.




The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#415 - 2012-02-16 11:09:09 UTC
The Gard'ner wrote:

Most of your posts, that I have read so far, in several threads have a "like it or leave" ring to them. With that not only the response to a legit question from Grumpy Owly, but other remarks on the forum.

You will represent those who voted for you, what if something happens through the year where most of your voters don't agree on, will it be the same snobby additude telling us to "like it or leave" ?

You get what you get from me. I've been entirely consistent in fighting for issues that are core to my constituents over the past year, and unlike any CSM in memory I've brought results. Someone who whines about 'griefers' isn't going to vote for me anyway.

It's unlikely that my views on nullsec priorities will do an abrupt about-face in the middle of CSM7.

There's an amusing misconception among some about the CSM elections. If I, a flaming leftie, go visit a bible-banging conservative representative who happens to have won my district, he's not going to hear my views on 'maybe we should stop bombing people all the time', he's going to laugh me out of the office. I don't represent consensual PvP, I don't represent people who are afraid of griefers, and I certainly don't represent those obsessed with e-honour.

Deal with it. vOv


Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#416 - 2012-02-16 11:14:17 UTC
Akelorian wrote:
The Gard'ner wrote:
The Mittani,

Most of your posts, that I have read so far, in several threads have a "like it or leave" ring to them. With that not only the response to a legit question from Grumpy Owly, but other remarks on the forum.

You will represent those who voted for you, what if something happens through the year where most of your voters don't agree on, will it be the same snobby additude telling us to "like it or leave" ?

Its who he is, and what he does, like it or leave it. I'd much rather call him a **** than give him my vote, its up to the players to see Mittens for what he is and whats really on his agenda, and no, it is not for the good of the players but for his alliance. He is corrupt, cares very little for you or I, or the new player. He cares only about getting his way by proposing changes in the game that benefits only him and his alliance/coalition.

I challenge you to name 2 such proposals or admit to being a liar making things up to smear an in-game opponent.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#417 - 2012-02-16 11:19:42 UTC
The funny thing is that there's basically no difference in policy between GSF and Finfleet on null issues, unless it's titan gun tracking or if Raiden is Literally The Only Alliance Who Likes Tech The Way It Is.

Anyway, I just found out that the angry NPC alt who hates griefers ran, not walked, to the ~fire mttens~ thread to write a wall of text about how I am a 'punk' because I didn't represent his anti-griefing views.



Victory or Whatever
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#418 - 2012-02-16 11:28:04 UTC
I live in Lulm, ill expect that Brutix
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#419 - 2012-02-16 13:04:38 UTC
I have you have my support but....

be careful of making eve the one way to play only.
the reworking of the Drone lands just so they are the same as all other region. As I have been told it is worthless space but the CSM wants to Nerf it making it like every other region.

I am a Carebare at heart to increase my type op player:
Ie i believe there should be an added option of Consensual PVP like In game mechanic for fight simulators, or in game tournament mechanic to automate something similar to our Alliance tournaments.

But Don't remove the current non consensual PVP
Suicide Ganking, wardecs, etc.... I mine in Null sec, it is exciting to be the mouse in a house of cats
If you are a smart mouse you begin to learn ways to protect your self, in PVP servers I can't play because I can't make my self safe.

Though EVE needs to expanded Non Consensual PVP so the suicide gangker can't hide behind concord.
Ie Goon ganks a Miner, who won't have any skill to fight back, in a throw away ship. Then gets into his expensive ship to fly around with little risk of retaliation. Care Bears should have the right to transfer "or sell" Their kill rights" to another. Now we have true non Consensual PVP as Care Bears are given the tools to fight back.

-->I like my pants but I don't need more , I want the opportunity to interact with other avatars even with limited mechanics.
Role Playing.
-->I want more marketing control, I want to open shop to sell to my choice of customers, giving me more control on who gets my goods, not some red buying my stock of damage controls, Even if it is off a tab in the Hanger UI
I want more ships
--> I want t3 Frigate, but I also want to have some new Industry ships or more industrial options for current combat ships.
I love being hunted

In Summary.
Eve is more than just SHIP PVP.
-Market PVP, Asset Denial, Politics. Roleplaying, Inflated Egoes this is what makes eve great!!

so Don't be scraping what pants I got. Though I don't need more
Don't be taking the sand our of my Sand box, put more in it!

Someday I will have the time to play. For now it is mining afk in High sec. In Cheap ships

#420 - 2012-02-16 13:17:35 UTC