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Self-Destructing Killmails

Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-02-11 18:06:34 UTC
As everyone is pretty much aware of in New Eden, frequently capsuleers choose to a "samurai" death and self-destruct their ships rather than having their loss be made public and ridiculed for their defeat. Choosing to keep their "honor" as it were.

But really all this is a sign of cowardice and and refusing to admit you defeat.

I believe in an effort for fairness and accreditation, all self-destructing ships should produce killmail's to the primary damage dealer besides the damage loss due to self destructing.

Yes, killmails are not the end all be all and aren't the focus or end goal. But in an effort to increase their credibility and usefulness I believe this mechanic should be implemented.

It would work as follows:

A self destructing Nyx for example:

Victim: John Doe

Total Damage Taken: 4,298,876

Involved Parties:

John Doe
John Doe Corp
John Doe Alliance
Self-Destruct: 2,342,847 (54.49%)

Party 2 346,897 (8.06%)

Party 3 324,987 (7.55%)


This would properly award those persons efforts that contributed to that ship loss (both technically in damage amount, and strategically in forcing that pilot to self destruct since he was going to die anyway.)

I believe this would be a great addition to the secondary mechanics of pvp and would be a subconscious motivator in properly awarding recognition of combat victory.

Thoughts and Opinions Welcome as long as they are constructive.


"Your Erebus is docked? How the hell did that happen?" "It took a lot of grease and pushing........."


Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-02-11 18:36:16 UTC
mxzf wrote:
Seriously, just post this in one of the other threads about the topic, there are a couple going right now. Learn to search before posting.

Certainly, would you care to link one of the "couple going right now"?

I looked through the first five pages of this forum section before posting this, so, "seriously" I did "search before posting".

I didn't not find any posts that were duplicate to this. The only post that was remotely similar was about not allowing self - destructing while aggressed, which is not the same thing that I stated.

Still, If you believe i overlooked something i would be more than happy to post this in another thread. But if you can't, then stop trying to be a forum dev and leave that to CCP.


"Your Erebus is docked? How the hell did that happen?" "It took a lot of grease and pushing........."

Simi Kusoni
#3 - 2012-02-11 21:45:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Simi Kusoni
As much as I hate self destructing super caps, OP should probably learn to use the search function. Randomly scrolling through five pages (you missed two threads on this in those five pages, btw) is not searching the forums.

Using the little box labeled "search forums" is searching the forums.

*EDIT: Also, Aqruie, have you ever considered anger management courses?

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-02-13 15:52:10 UTC
Simi Kusoni wrote:
As much as I hate self destructing super caps, OP should probably learn to use the search function. Randomly scrolling through five pages (you missed two threads on this in those five pages, btw) is not searching the forums.

Using the little box labeled "search forums" is searching the forums.

*EDIT: Also, Aqruie, have you ever considered anger management courses?

Thank you for pointing out that i had missed some things. However, you should link those "two threads" next time.

And there was nothing "random" about my search. It wasn't just as thorough as it could have been. I looked thru the threads the way i did cause i wanted to post in the most currents ones. not some thread posted 3 months ago.

Oh as a side note:

Would anyone care to actually post something about the OP? or you just like to continue to split hairs? and point out that i've got mole on my face when you have a tumor on your forehead.................
Simi Kusoni
#5 - 2012-02-13 16:48:32 UTC
Satav wrote:
Simi Kusoni wrote:
As much as I hate self destructing super caps, OP should probably learn to use the search function. Randomly scrolling through five pages (you missed two threads on this in those five pages, btw) is not searching the forums.

Using the little box labeled "search forums" is searching the forums.

*EDIT: Also, Aqruie, have you ever considered anger management courses?

Thank you for pointing out that i had missed some things. However, you should link those "two threads" next time.

And there was nothing "random" about my search. It wasn't just as thorough as it could have been. I looked thru the threads the way i did cause i wanted to post in the most currents ones. not some thread posted 3 months ago.

Oh as a side note:

Would anyone care to actually post something about the OP? or you just like to continue to split hairs? and point out that i've got mole on my face when you have a tumor on your forehead.................

Just continue it in one of the existing threads.

Otherwise arguments have an even greater tendency to just be repeated. And next time, use the search function. It's to the right of the three buttons that say dev blogs, evelopedia and forums. Type in self destructing and hit enter, don't just request that others do it for you.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Blatant Alt Corp
#6 - 2012-02-13 20:09:47 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
Ok, response to OP - self destruct is a valid tactic to deny your enemy loot and to deny them that sense of victory, because while they may have caused you to SD, they didn't really kill you. The lack of KM displays that fact.

Edit: Inappropriate comment removed, CCP Phantom