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The Mittani, CSM7 Chairman: Our work is not yet done.

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Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#301 - 2012-02-13 11:16:10 UTC
I think racist language in chat channels is something you'd want to address with the GMs rather than the CSM.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Captain Jazzmag
No Hot Ashes
#302 - 2012-02-13 11:20:37 UTC
2bhammered wrote:

Yeah, a lot of Americans and English people in general are very abusive sometimes. The hate against anyone Russian is also very strong, blacks, jews and Russians in particular are targeted a lot for abuse in this game. It reminds me a lot of many Americans and British people on Xbox live. Not sure what he can do about it? I suppose he can start by making sure goon mumble members not have swastikas as their profile pic? and also ensure goons members do not scream f'ing jew and the N word in local and such. At least then he sets an example and more can follow perhaps.

PS: For the record, there are blacks, jews, Russians and nice Americans as well as British people within the goons. Don't misunderstand me.

I didn't mention goons specifically because its not just the goons and I'm not meaning to isolate them or single them out because its a general issue in EVE. This is in no way meant as an attack on Goons.

You can go into many systems in EVE, chat channels and fleets and experience a general level of language that isn't acceptable in the rest of society.

What can Mittani do about it? I'm not 100% sure either but then I wouldn't asking this question to him if he had stated already what his take on this is, and if he's willing to use his position as CSM Chairman to do something about it.

Captain Jazzmag
No Hot Ashes
#303 - 2012-02-13 11:22:38 UTC
Andski wrote:
I think racist language in chat channels is something you'd want to address with the GMs rather than the CSM.

Yes, I agree, which is part of the problem. However the GM's seem to be pretty much impotent when it comes to this.
Uppsy Daisy
State War Academy
Caldari State
#304 - 2012-02-13 11:23:34 UTC
Well, after 16 pages of fawning over the 'great CEO' (I feel sick) maybe its time to actually ask some serious questions instead of just voting with your eyes closed.

So Mittens, great job on the last chairmanship. You really did do a great job!

So your platform is to:

- Keep internet spaceships as the focus
- Keep unconsensual pvp
- Keep not doing T2 BPO Lotteries
- Keep scamming and griefing
- Keep suicide ganking

I certainly agree with all of those pretty wholeheartedly - but this really isn't much change. This is how the game is already.

Please tell us some of the things you'd like to see changing during the next CSM term.

Secondly, although I love the visceral nature of EvE and totally agree that non-consensual pvp must remain a key part of it, I do think that it is too difficult for new starters to get into pvp.

What is your opinion on this?
Do you think EvE should have a better mechanism for getting new starters into pvp?
Or do you think that this is just self-selection at work, and those that do like it shouldn't be here anyway?
Tie Fighters Inc
#305 - 2012-02-13 11:34:08 UTC
Wow Captain jazz, Looks like somone skipped your post since it was just more fawning to the CEO. She is asain as well. Is that racism? (or anti-semantic)

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

#306 - 2012-02-13 11:43:05 UTC
There should be a limit to how many times you get re-elected.
Tie Fighters Inc
#307 - 2012-02-13 11:44:19 UTC
Tell that to the person who was on CSM 2,3,4,5,6.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Captain Jazzmag
No Hot Ashes
#308 - 2012-02-13 11:45:32 UTC
rodyas wrote:
Wow Captain jazz, Looks like somone skipped your post since it was just more fawning to the CEO. She is asain as well. Is that racism? (or anti-semantic)

Do you have anything of value to add? Maybe CCP should come in here and remove more than your signature because you're not adding anything of value to this discussion. You're just coming across as some 13 year old with nothing better to do than spam forums and try to get noticed.

And I'm not sure what "asain". I don't think I want to be enlightened either.
Tie Fighters Inc
#309 - 2012-02-13 11:49:57 UTC
Dont be afraid of enlightenment, That is called a mispelling and shouldnt be drastically feared.

Remove what? My officer shirt? Not fit for unlisted rank?

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Cyberpunk 2077
#310 - 2012-02-13 11:54:42 UTC
Captain Jazzmag wrote:
2bhammered wrote:

Yeah, a lot of Americans and English people in general are very abusive sometimes. The hate against anyone Russian is also very strong, blacks, jews and Russians in particular are targeted a lot for abuse in this game. It reminds me a lot of many Americans and British people on Xbox live. Not sure what he can do about it? I suppose he can start by making sure goon mumble members not have swastikas as their profile pic? and also ensure goons members do not scream f'ing jew and the N word in local and such. At least then he sets an example and more can follow perhaps.

PS: For the record, there are blacks, jews, Russians and nice Americans as well as British people within the goons. Don't misunderstand me.

I didn't mention goons specifically because its not just the goons and I'm not meaning to isolate them or single them out because its a general issue in EVE. This is in no way meant as an attack on Goons.

You can go into many systems in EVE, chat channels and fleets and experience a general level of language that isn't acceptable in the rest of society.

What can Mittani do about it? I'm not 100% sure either but then I wouldn't asking this question to him if he had stated already what his take on this is, and if he's willing to use his position as CSM Chairman to do something about it.

"I didn't mention goons specifically"

Well I did and I think your question is a good one. But I honestly can't think of anything he can do other than police his own corp and alliance and lead by example. Which in my experience is needed and I hope you and everyone else get an answer to this.

But overall it is the responsibility of CCP to deal with these type of situations, perhaps they need to improve a lot. I suppose that is something the CSM could bring up when speaking with the GM's etc. To enforce policy against abuse and racism better than today.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#311 - 2012-02-13 12:00:38 UTC
-1 from me

I will not vote for you as Chairman.

As a regular CSM member yes but not as a chairman.
Vayna Miychovich
Goonswarm Federation
#312 - 2012-02-13 12:02:28 UTC
Donau wrote:
My Chairman
My Vote

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#313 - 2012-02-13 12:33:09 UTC
Captain Jazzmag wrote:
Andski wrote:
I think racist language in chat channels is something you'd want to address with the GMs rather than the CSM.

Yes, I agree, which is part of the problem. However the GM's seem to be pretty much impotent when it comes to this.

I think you confuse impotency for policy. This is a game where players are encouraged to steal/scam/be as piratical or paragon as we want. I imagine that name-calling is pretty low down the priority list given the amount of skulduggery that goes on, and the inevitable strings of pubbie expletives directed at the robber/scammer that follow. Bans are still handed out when GMs deem it necessary. As Bannedski said, its a matter for the GMs not the CSM. If you don't like what's being said in local, petition it and wait for a response, ignore it, minimize it or go somewhere else. If fleetcoms offend you, then maybe its time you found another corp/alliance. EVE's uniqueness lies in the sandbox and the freedom given to its players, and that's what separates it from other MMOs (all of which coincidentally impose stringent chat regulations vOv).
stupid monkey
Digital Mercenaries Inc.
#314 - 2012-02-13 12:55:08 UTC
gots my vote and all my alts votes..
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#315 - 2012-02-13 12:56:32 UTC
stupid monkey wrote:
gots my vote and all my alts votes..

no no no no stupid monkey - vote for your simian kin



Captain Jazzmag
No Hot Ashes
#316 - 2012-02-13 13:16:31 UTC
Valearx wrote:
Captain Jazzmag wrote:
Andski wrote:
I think racist language in chat channels is something you'd want to address with the GMs rather than the CSM.

Yes, I agree, which is part of the problem. However the GM's seem to be pretty much impotent when it comes to this.

I think you confuse impotency for policy. This is a game where players are encouraged to steal/scam/be as piratical or paragon as we want. I imagine that name-calling is pretty low down the priority list given the amount of skulduggery that goes on, and the inevitable strings of pubbie expletives directed at the robber/scammer that follow. Bans are still handed out when GMs deem it necessary. As Bannedski said, its a matter for the GMs not the CSM. If you don't like what's being said in local, petition it and wait for a response, ignore it, minimize it or go somewhere else. If fleetcoms offend you, then maybe its time you found another corp/alliance. EVE's uniqueness lies in the sandbox and the freedom given to its players, and that's what separates it from other MMOs (all of which coincidentally impose stringent chat regulations vOv).

Policy is to ban from local for a number of hours if certain things are said but as I stated, its more widespread and its not enforced, its easily circumvented.

In my example, when a fleet of 300 people is asked to write "N" "igger" to specifically avoid CCP's policy don't you think that is a problem? That isn't scamming, or cheating people out of ISK, that isn't any form of meta game, its not the sandbox, its not even in game 'acceptable' greifing, its just casual racism en masse.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not some up tight guy who is all about political correctness but there are limits.

This is why I think its a CSM issue. Its generally accepted that in EVE you can be a racist bigot. Not an in character one (don't tell me they're in character!) but just one in general.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#317 - 2012-02-13 13:16:52 UTC
Xenuria wrote:
There should be a limit to how many times you get re-elected.

There should be a limit to how mad you can get.

Goonswarm Federation
#318 - 2012-02-13 13:27:44 UTC
SMT008 wrote:
Xenuria wrote:
There should be a limit to how many times you get re-elected.

There should be a limit to how mad you can get.

i think he doesnt like mitttens becuase we arent walking in like to when they fix other crap first. maybe. and the fact he hates that mittins is well liked even by enemies.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#319 - 2012-02-13 13:44:33 UTC
Maybe this has been answered, but I know you're probably the most outspoken against supercaps out of the people running for CSM, so I'm wondering what your ideas are for fixing the problem permanently. Not just another band aid that postpones the inevitable as supercap numbers keep growing year over year. They must have a role that allows them to function even if there's 15000 of them ingame.
Agnostos Theos
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#320 - 2012-02-13 14:27:42 UTC
Hey Mittani,

Can't pretend that I like you much so I won't try. Knowing myself to be the anti-social bastard I am, that means little to nothing.
I do respect what you've managed to achieve both in the game and in the CSM.
As you yourself have exclaimed on a number of accasions, in those rare rational moments that you're not playing the egomanical meglamaniac, it IS the co-ordinated efforts of many people that have brought you as far as you've come.
Now that the CSM has been shown to have a bit of relavance (apearances can be decieving and no-one will ever know if this apearance is more thanx to the CSM crying out against obviously disastrous mistakes by CCP and simply predicting a course of action CCP obviously had to take or whether the CSM actually played a part in guiding those actions.) it apears a number of factions with real agendas are lobbying to become part of the process.
This is all well and good and part of politics.
What worries me is the number of 'personalities' arrising out of the ranks that seem more interested in tearing down each-others reputations then they are in providing any real input towards the future of EVE.
Given that the next CSM is unlikely to be as polarised in it's goals nor (hopefully) will it have such tremendous idiocy on the part of CCP to argue against, how do you plan to work with a group which (from observation of many currently running platforms) are ellected to the CSM with the sole purpose of being there to annoy the **** out of you ?
Whilst everyone, myself included, might get a laugh out of thinking about what the CSM would be like with Mitt and Riv forever playing who's got the biggest ego and the most influence, I hate to see the CSM become as irrelivant as it once was simply because some clever word-smiths can't help but play juvenille games against each-other rather then look at the game they SHOULD be trying to protect and guide.
I've addressed this to you Mitt because if you don't make it to CSM then something, somewhere has seriously ****** up and I'll be surprised if you don't hold the chair.
I used Riv as an example only because of the mutual animosity between your factions.
In reality I'd like to see all the potential candidates veiws on how they intend to work with their fellow CSM members....

Sincerely AT