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Wish i could install EVE

First post
Zeko Rena
ENCOM Industries
#1 - 2012-02-13 05:04:33 UTC

Quick background as to how i came to my problem, i quit EVE back during the fail that was walking in stations, but have been keeping upto date with Crucible etc and things were looking good so i thought of coming back,

Then i got a email from CCP with a nice discount on 60 days of time so i have returned, alas it seems i am not allowed to play because i see install the client is still a video game in itself with no ending,

I downloded the little crappy install file that never works as i figured maybe after all these years its fixed, it got about 100 meg into the download and crapped itself,

When the installer crapped itself the first time it gave me a "eve online archive extraction failed 3" but after downloading the .rar files i got the same crap over and over, so i did a search on my C: for EVE and painstakingly worked threw deleting all the folders it had created,

These were all the folders in the local/dataroaming etc directory, now it does not display that error but it looks at some dumb folder the local/data roaming crap for the .rars when i fire up the .exe,

So i copied the two .rar files into the folder it starts downloading them into and at this point i thought to myself, i have done it, i have won the video game that is installing EVE, alas i have not,

The installer sees the .rars and installs fine until the end, then it has a cry about some directx ****, but there is no link on the manual download page for any directx crap, so i figured maybe i am lucky and it will just forget about its sad times,

Now when i open the EVE folder all the files are in there but if you run the .exe it does not do anything it just casually won't run, it doesent even create a process in the task manager,

So i run the repair tool, it says there is an update, i update the repair tool, things are look pretty swell, it starts doing some weird crap that i dont really get but don't mind as long as it finishes, but it does not, it errors on the very last stage, and says it creates a log file,

I run it several more times and now it just randomly errors at any old point, sometimes it errors at the start of stage three, sometimes it almost finishes stage three, sometimes it errors at stage four,

I go to the directory where it says the error log is created, it has made an empty folder with nothing in it.... what is the cheat code for god mode on the EVE installer so i can get the bloody thing installed and play the real game, ive wasted two hours now after a hard day at work... i just want to play my precious EVE Online again.... Big smile
Dodri Nolm
#2 - 2012-02-13 05:40:27 UTC
Zeko Rena
ENCOM Industries
#3 - 2012-02-13 06:30:41 UTC
Yea, no luck, i am new to these metalinks but i downloaded and installed DownThemAll but when i follow the insturctions it starts to connect and then gives a 404 error.
CCP Cascade
#4 - 2012-02-13 11:38:46 UTC
Hi Zeko Rena,

Go into the Bin\DirectX folder and run the DXSETUP.exe, then try again.

Can you tell me what the repair tool errors say?

Associate Technical Producer - Core Technology Group

Zeko Rena
ENCOM Industries
#5 - 2012-02-14 04:23:00 UTC
Hi Cascade,

I have fixed the issue it turns out to be very odd, i used the payload 1 and 2 files, but for some reason the first payload 1 file that was downloaded from the download page was "eveonline_340418_1of2"

Where as payload 2 was "eveonline_338500_2of2" i didn't notice the slight variation in number as i didn't look, i downloaded payload 2 about 1 hour after payload 1,

The weirdest bit is the EVE installer didn't care, it just tried to install two different versions, and i guess in the end only did one so i had half of EVE installed, and only DirectX actually noticed that it had half its files,

Perhaps in that one hour between my downloads a new file was uploaded or something by accident, i do not know but it is all fixed now,

Thanks for your suggestions Cascade and taking the time to offer help, see you in EVE :)

P.S Cruicble screen is sexy Big smile
CCP Cascade
#6 - 2012-02-14 15:47:00 UTC
Good to hear that you're up and running again!

Fly safe!

Associate Technical Producer - Core Technology Group