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4-7 Bil Adv Industrial Loan, 45 days, 12% interest, collateral

Draco Warlo
Outer Rim Advanced Industries
#1 - 2012-02-12 02:57:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Draco Warlo
Loan Amount: 4 - 7 billion ISK (see collateral description below)

Term: 45 days

Interest: 12%

Use of Proceeds: Expand T3 manufacturing capabilities through purchase of additional BPCs, gas, and salvage

Repayment: Profits from T3 manufacturing, profits from WH sites

About me: Hi! I am a manufacturer of T3 hulls and subsystems, operating out of C2 WH space with a high sec static. The reason for this is that it is safer than low sec and provides me with gas and salvage, in addition to other nice income sources. I supplement this through buying unrefined gas on the market and importing to my WH. I refine all gas in the WH and then export back to high sec where an alt on my second account actually does all the manufacturing. This minimizes risk in that I am only vulnerable when my alt comes through to haul gas in / refined stuff out (I never leave the WH). My manufacturing alt is in an NPC corp in order to remain anonymous and further enhance security when moving items around. I also keep two other alts with scanning capabilities and starbase defense in my WH at all times. These alts have standing invitations to my corp in case I need them, but I keep them out until needed so they can act as anonymous scouts. This character has starbase defense skills, corp management, gas reacting, and above all combat (I fly a Tengu and SB). My WH has a large faction tower, full defense setup with redundancies, 7 months of fuel, and requisite reactors and other structures.

I am looking for a loan to further expand my T3 manufacturing. Though I run a very good business, I am underutilized and need capital to grow. I will use a fair portion to buy BPCs and T3 salvage on the market, and the rest to buy gas on the market that I will import to my WH, refine, and then export. As I mentioned, my alt then makes this into T3 subsystems / hulls and sells. I have a good selling channel of long-term partners who have funded me previously but hit their capital limits, as well as sell on the public market. Thus, I open myself to the public market. If anyone could help me out, I will provide as much collateral as I can which I am fine with you holding directly. As a backup, I have my tower and setup, plus 10-12 billion in working capital I can use. Obviously I need this to run the business in the meanwhile

Primary Collateral (held by lender):

4B Loan option (total collateral = 40%) :
1 Medium Dread Guristas Control Tower - 700 mil value
1 Providence (Amarr freighter) - 900 mil value

7B Loan option (total collateral = 40%):
1 Medium Dread Guristas Control Tower - 700 mil value
1 Providence (Amarr freighter) - 900 mil value
1 Retriever BPO (ME 100) - 1200 mil value

Secondary Collateral (held by me as I use it!):
Full faction tower set up with redundant defenses, 7-8 months of fuel, manufacturing arrays, reactors, etc..... I also have about 10-12 billion in working capital I currently utilize, so I could easily sell some of this and repay the loan

Additional collateral note: Once the loan has been finalized, I would be happy to invite an alt or designee of the lender into my corporation with limited roles to monitor me and as additional assurance that I am legitimate

Please contact me here or in game if you are interested! Lender will also get great prices on T3s obviously, lol. Thanks in advance

- Draco
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#2 - 2012-02-12 09:31:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Jun 2011 character doing all this stuff? And with all that capital, freighter ability and tralala?

I can easily finance the whole block but I want far more guarantees.
Draco Warlo
Outer Rim Advanced Industries
#3 - 2012-02-12 19:12:36 UTC
As I noted, this is but one account. This character has basic corp management skills, starbase defense, just enough science to allow me to react WH gas and the rest combat

My main character on my other account is older and has the requisite science and manufacturing skills for T3 production. I am hesitant to release that character's name in the public forum at this time because I regularly make trips into Amarr/Jita/other hubs carrying expensive items and being anonymous provides security
Draco Warlo
Outer Rim Advanced Industries
#4 - 2012-02-13 04:09:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Draco Warlo
One other clarification - for the directly held collateral, Amarr or Jita (or 1-2 jumps nearby) would be preferable
Draco Warlo
Outer Rim Advanced Industries
#5 - 2012-02-14 03:34:43 UTC
Thoughts on the business plan / making the loan structure more standard would also be appreciated