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2 annoyances, easy to fix

Ghandi's Fist
#1 - 2012-02-12 03:42:43 UTC
Two things have bothered me about Eve for years, but have never been addressed:

1) When you sort the overview by name, Eve doesn't know how to count. For instance, if looking at the list of moons, you get:

planet VI - moon 1
planet VI - moon 10
planet VI - moon 11
planet VI - moon 2
planet VI - moon 3
planet VI - moon 4

If you look at the planet sort, you get:

Planet I
Planet II
Planet III
Planet IV
Planet IX
Planet V

not the right order.

2) When you look at the price history in the market, if someone got scammed within a year, the entire chart is off. There should be a tick box (or game option) to "remove outliers" so that you can see the normal price band.

As it is now, 1 bad purchase can completely obscure the real data unless you download the spreadsheet.

Both of these would be very easy to fix.
Haas Logistik GmBH
#2 - 2012-02-12 07:42:52 UTC
I don't know if it has been mentioned yet, but if you look up a drag and dropped link in a chat channel, then drag and drop your own link, it will also automatically paste the last viewed drag and drop link. A fiasco in intel chat channels... It's not a feature, definitely a bug.

I wish you couldn't collide with stargates.