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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Improve eve in three easy steps.

Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#1 - 2012-02-08 22:19:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Ireland VonVicious
Use the tier 2 BC's to make navy modules.

Drake with 50m3 drone and bandwidth and a myrm that can put out 125 bandwidth worth of drones would be great.

Since ccp did nothing to help drone or missles users with tier 3 bc's. Thanks for nothing on that one.

Navy hurricane with a bit more speed and a navy harb with more range for sniper ship.

All use the model of a ship already in the game. Put on different skin and let them rip.

Give us navy destroyers. Again change skin easy to add.
Maybe remove turret penalties and take one gun/missle slot away. So they'd gain 12.5% more dmg and have a slot for a nos/neut.
Real pvp destroyer OMG!
Could remove 2 and have it have same dps just give pve guys a chance to get salvager and beam on without dps loss. (( something plz ))

Lets see a Jove ship that is useful. Just one plz.

Give it a weapon style that is new. Maybe one that is channeled like a nos effect? (( psychic beam? ))
Have it take all 4 races cruiser or bs to fly and put on a description that says how non jovian pilots can't get the ship upto it's full use. Then just make it as good as other cross faction ships of same class. Let it be a status symbol more then any thing else. People seem to never say anything about the jove anymore.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
#2 - 2012-02-08 22:28:29 UTC
I like the jovian ship idea

Trust in God, Have Faith in Fusion.

The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#3 - 2012-02-08 22:31:33 UTC
Ireland VonVicious wrote:
Use the tier 2 BC's to make navy modules.

Drake with 50m3 drone and bandwidth and a myrm that can put out 125 bandwidth worth of drones would be great.

Since ccp did nothing to help drone or missles users with tier 3 bc's. Thanks for nothing on that one.

Navy hurricane with a bit more speed and a navy harb with more range for sniper ship.

All use the model of a ship already in the game. Put on different skin and let them rip.

Give us navy destroyers. Again change skin easy to add.
Maybe remove turret penalties and take one gun/missle slot away. So they'd gain 12.5% more dmg and have a slot for a nos/neut.
Real pvp destroyer OMG!
Could remove 2 and have it have same dps just give pve guys a chance to get salvager and beam on without dps loss. (( something plz ))

Lets see a Jove ship that is useful. Just one plz.

Give it a weapon style that is new. Maybe one that is channeled like a nos effect? (( psychic beam? ))
Have it take all 4 races cruiser or bs to fly and put on a description that says how non jovian pilots can't get the ship upto it's full use. Then just make it as good as other cross faction ships of same class. Let it be a status symbol more then any thing else. People seem to never say anything about the jove anymore.

Problem is that then no one would fly battleships, you'd have to get the cost of a faction BC to around 150m or bump up the t2 BCs to near 350M so that the faction can rest between the two. Else wise no one would use battleships when the new BCs are that much better.
Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#4 - 2012-02-08 23:50:40 UTC
PinkKnife wrote:
Ireland VonVicious wrote:
Use the tier 2 BC's to make navy modules.

Drake with 50m3 drone and bandwidth and a myrm that can put out 125 bandwidth worth of drones would be great.

Since ccp did nothing to help drone or missles users with tier 3 bc's. Thanks for nothing on that one.

Navy hurricane with a bit more speed and a navy harb with more range for sniper ship.

All use the model of a ship already in the game. Put on different skin and let them rip.

Give us navy destroyers. Again change skin easy to add.
Maybe remove turret penalties and take one gun/missle slot away. So they'd gain 12.5% more dmg and have a slot for a nos/neut.
Real pvp destroyer OMG!
Could remove 2 and have it have same dps just give pve guys a chance to get salvager and beam on without dps loss. (( something plz ))

Lets see a Jove ship that is useful. Just one plz.

Give it a weapon style that is new. Maybe one that is channeled like a nos effect? (( psychic beam? ))
Have it take all 4 races cruiser or bs to fly and put on a description that says how non jovian pilots can't get the ship upto it's full use. Then just make it as good as other cross faction ships of same class. Let it be a status symbol more then any thing else. People seem to never say anything about the jove anymore.

Problem is that then no one would fly battleships, you'd have to get the cost of a faction BC to around 150m or bump up the t2 BCs to near 350M so that the faction can rest between the two. Else wise no one would use battleships when the new BCs are that much better.

I figure they'd get to about 125mil for faction bc. They'd be made form bpc's at the LP stores just like ther other navy ships. People would still fly BS's since they would be around the same price or cheaper.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2012-02-09 01:39:25 UTC
Ireland VonVicious wrote:

I figure they'd get to about 125mil for faction bc. They'd be made form bpc's at the LP stores just like ther other navy ships. People would still fly BS's since they would be around the same price or cheaper.

Yet they'd do everything a BS could do, and then some. I'd take the smaller, faster faction BC over the same priced T1 BS any day.

They already took the turret penalties off of destroyers.

The rest of your idea is just outright terrible.
Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#6 - 2012-02-09 02:00:15 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
Ireland VonVicious wrote:

I figure they'd get to about 125mil for faction bc. They'd be made form bpc's at the LP stores just like ther other navy ships. People would still fly BS's since they would be around the same price or cheaper.

Yet they'd do everything a BS could do, and then some. I'd take the smaller, faster faction BC over the same priced T1 BS any day.

They already took the turret penalties off of destroyers.

The rest of your idea is just outright terrible.

Glad to hear about the destroyer I checked it and looks rad. Would still be nice to see a slightlly better faction one.

The BS comment doesn't work as the BC would cost more then say a Domi. Probly same price as tier 3 BS.

I'll just ignore your comment on the jove idea as you give zero reason.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2012-02-10 01:14:08 UTC
Ireland VonVicious wrote:

The BS comment doesn't work as the BC would cost more then say a Domi. Probly same price as tier 3 BS. what? I was talking about a teir 3 BS anyway. I'd fly a supertanked hurricane over a maelstrom. Wouldn't you?
#8 - 2012-02-10 01:54:50 UTC
Improve your posting in three easy steps:

1. Go to the "Account Management" page
2. Click "unsubscribe"
3. Click "confirm"
Amaroq Dricaldari
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2012-02-10 08:13:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Amaroq Dricaldari
Katalci, stop being such a troll to everyone. Don't make me click that little flag...

The game still needs the current ships to be balanced. Putting in additional faction ships would just force CCP to spend more time balancing things. Let's wait until that's done, then we add new ships.

But a Jovian combat ship would be pretty damn sweet.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#10 - 2012-02-10 12:45:00 UTC
Katalci wrote:
Improve your posting in three easy steps:

1. Go to the "Account Management" page
2. Click "unsubscribe"
3. Click "confirm"

Lame troll ='s free bump
Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#11 - 2012-02-10 13:05:38 UTC
Ireland VonVicious wrote:
Katalci wrote:
Improve your posting in three easy steps:

1. Go to the "Account Management" page
2. Click "unsubscribe"
3. Click "confirm"

Lame troll ='s free bump

did you really just add an apostrophe s to an equals sign?
Amaroq Dricaldari
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2012-02-11 01:28:46 UTC
I think trolls have huge deposits of silicon for brains. That means if they live in a colder environment, they are smarter and less aggressive.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Shovel Bros
#13 - 2012-02-11 01:35:25 UTC
Emperor Salazar wrote:
did you really just add an apostrophe s to an equals sign?

I just startled everyone in the room with me laughing at that, lol.
Zansha Expansion
#14 - 2012-02-11 06:55:47 UTC
Three easy steps to improve EVE:

- Set minimum age to join the game to 28+
- Stop buffing everything up in a two year spiral to all ships
Buffing everything is not a solution for everything that is currently out of line here.
Humans are like sheep, one of them is making something new and anybody copies it until the first one cries for a nerf (again)
- Stop the possibility to sell characters
- Tone "alpha" down to let only one class of ships have that ability (I think we already have that, it is called Titan, no?) instead of a complete Empire and Pirate faction ship line
- Instapop ships is not very desirable (well only for children and minors in puperty)
- As long as ship to ship combat lasts < 10 seconds, there is not much to enjoy about
- Supercapitals shall not enter lowsec
- Outpost should have a level 1 - 5 agent upgrade
- Tech 3 ships need much higher prequisites
- New players should have the same experience of "growing into the game" as veteran player had when they started with nothing more then 50.000 skillpoints
- The tier 3 battlecruisers outperforms the tier 3 battleship line with the third of the cost
- Sell orders of >75% of baseprice shall be punished by Concord and be declared invalid with a standing hit and a isk punishment fee

Ooops that more then three steps but anyhow

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Amaroq Dricaldari
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#15 - 2012-02-11 20:24:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Amaroq Dricaldari
Minimum Age? Age has very little to do with social or intellectual maturity. I have even heard stories of 10-year olds who are more mature than some adults.

EDIT: I am not very mature. Definately more mature than some other people I know, but I am not that mature.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

XS Tech
#16 - 2012-02-11 20:45:54 UTC
elitatwo wrote:

- The tier 3 battlecruisers outperforms the tier 3 battleship line with the third of the cost

um... right.

Tier3 BS -> ~20k HP before fitting
Tier3 BC -> lucky to reach 15k EHP fully fit.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#17 - 2012-02-11 22:33:52 UTC
elitatwo wrote:
Three easy steps to improve EVE:

- Set minimum age to join the game to 28+
- Stop buffing everything up in a two year spiral to all ships
Buffing everything is not a solution for everything that is currently out of line here.
Humans are like sheep, one of them is making something new and anybody copies it until the first one cries for a nerf (again)
- Stop the possibility to sell characters
- Tone "alpha" down to let only one class of ships have that ability (I think we already have that, it is called Titan, no?) instead of a complete Empire and Pirate faction ship line
- Instapop ships is not very desirable (well only for children and minors in puperty)
- As long as ship to ship combat lasts < 10 seconds, there is not much to enjoy about
- Supercapitals shall not enter lowsec
- Outpost should have a level 1 - 5 agent upgrade
- Tech 3 ships need much higher prequisites
- New players should have the same experience of "growing into the game" as veteran player had when they started with nothing more then 50.000 skillpoints
- The tier 3 battlecruisers outperforms the tier 3 battleship line with the third of the cost
- Sell orders of >75% of baseprice shall be punished by Concord and be declared invalid with a standing hit and a isk punishment fee

Ooops that more then three steps but anyhow

There is not one single good idea in this list. You are trolling. 1/10.