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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Ideas for new modules

First post
Nex Parietis
Interstellar Booty Hunters
#581 - 2012-02-07 06:20:49 UTC
I dont know where else to post this, since its a very small idea. Basically, I would like if the Augmented Capicitor reservior would give the proteus an extra 50mb bandwidth. this would allow a proteus that concentrates 2 subsystems to drones to fly a full flight of heavy drones, as well as allow other fits to add versitility and useage in being able to fly a full set of unbonused mediums. In the case of the Hybrid Propulsion armature, the drone bonus should either be a 25mb bandwidth, or simply allow the 4 heavy drones.

I can see a problem with allowing 4 heavies on a hybrid boat, so i can see why it would be problematic.

As a proteus pilot, id love to see a ship that sacrifices two subsystems to drones to be able to utilize the same drone bays as other drone focused ships use. Thank you.
Amaroq Dricaldari
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#582 - 2012-02-07 09:01:03 UTC
Tech 3 Modules

Tech III Afterburners would be Low-Mass Ion Thrusters, which would have lower Cap Usage, increased Thrust, reduced mass, and a higher overall speed bonus. It still wouldn't give the same speed bonus as an MWD, but it would give you the ability to get higher speeds on higher-mass fits.
-25% Mass
+25% Thrust
-5% Cap Usage
+5% Speed Bonus

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Callic Veratar
#583 - 2012-02-07 16:39:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Callic Veratar
Weapon Mod Injection:

Like a cap booster or strip miner, consumable charges (either damage based or one shot) provide large boosts to weapons for a short period.

Overcharge-able Shields:

Extend shields beyond 100%. The extra will rapidly drain back down to 100%.

Shield Vampire:

Behaves like NOS, only drains shields. Should be % based not # based, lest a battleship just strip the shields off a frigate instantly.

Shield Neutralizer:

Reduces the shield passive recharge rate by a fixed percentage. There is potential for multiple neutralizers to stack causing a negative regeneration rate.

Mine Field:

In the form of an anchorable smart bombs. All ships within the field take damage. This could be motion or speed based.

EWAR Bubbles:

New class of destroyer, preferably, where each type of ewar gets a field. Neuts cap every few seconds, breaks targets, distrupts tracking, or whatever.

Buffer Plates/Shields:

Modules with low fitting requirements that provide a lot of HP. The module cannot be repaired in any way (in station or in space) used purely as an alpha buffer.

Invulnerable Damage Control:

Module with a short (5-10s) cycle that, while active, disables all modules and targeting on the ship, fully drains the cap, adds 10s worth of align time in agility penalty, and burns itself out in exchange for 99% omni resist.
Axium Cog
Grand Solar Trinity
Grand Inquisitors Federation
#584 - 2012-02-07 17:54:01 UTC
Callic Veratar wrote:

Mine Field:

In the form of an anchorable smart bombs. All ships within the field take damage. This could be motion or speed based.


I know mines used to exist, but caused havoc on servers cause people were anchoring them in droves all over nullsec, but a minelayer ship with mines that expire on similar timeframes as probes would be awesome. Infact i may draw one up and submit it as a ship design.

I like the EWAR idea but i think its very prone to making SB's obsolete as they currently are the only ones capable of such an attack, and thats most of what they can do.
The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#585 - 2012-02-07 19:42:03 UTC
Ubiquitous request for a shield slave implant set.
Gerrick Palivorn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#586 - 2012-02-08 11:06:13 UTC
ry ry wrote:
Gerrick Palivorn wrote:
Deadspace Inducer
-Creates a deadspace pocket
-Cynos cannot be lit and already active cynos cannot be jumped to, excluding covert cynos
-Ganglinks restricted to deadspace pocket, no bonuses in or out
-Module restricted to black ops battle ships

Mini Jump Drive
-Jump drive that allows the ship to jump to cyno's
-Must 'piggyback' off of a jump capable ship, maybe restrict to active Jump Portals

Ship Hijacker
-Warp scrambler with large fitting requirements
-When ship enters structure, the Hijacker attempts to hack the victims ship vs its sensor strength
-Upon successful hack, the Pod is ejected and the Hijacking ship can warp around the empty ship

Deadspace inducer is actually a cool idea, but surely any fight is a case of seeing who can drop caps then Deadspace the site?

Also, no acceleration gates. So can you warp straight into the pocket or not?

I can see your point about the hotdrop, maybe combined with spool up timers it could make for some interesting fights.

I was not thinking that acceleration gates would be required to warp in, just a ship in the pocket or a 100% scan

I would like to add a few things, so I will reiterate the original idea and clarify.

Deadspace Inducer
-Restricted to Black Ops Battleships
-Uses 1000 Stront to initiate
-When Used it cannot be used again for 20 Minutes, it has a 10 minute duration, Originating ship cannot warp/cloak for duration due to the stresses creating the field, if ship is destroyed effects remain for the duration.
-It creates a deadspace pocket approximiately 150-175 KM radius
-Cynos cannot be lit and already active cynos cannot be jumped to, excluding covert cynos
-Ganglinks restricted to deadspace pocket, no bonuses in or out
-Ships warping into the pocket will stop at 150-175 KM from center of pocket, once on grid they will be able to warp in normally, provided they have a place to warp to

Hypothetically a cyno can be lit on grid and then the ships can warp in, but it would prevent the direct counterdrop.

MMOs come and go, but Eve remains.  -Garresh-

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#587 - 2012-02-08 15:28:10 UTC
Bigger changes i'd like to see:

Cooldowns on modules, would add more complexity and tactic to battle without adding to lag. For example ECM module, 30 second cooldown, chance to jam for 12seconds. Why does module effect duration need to be same as it's cooldown? Some unnamed new MWD: cooldown 60seconds, +1500% speed and agility for 12seconds.

Also expanding idea on cooldowns, only gamebreaking effects would need to have absolute cooldown. All other cooldowns should be kinda like suggestions.... if you use the module too early the effect would have diminishing returns. For example if you used ECM module i described earlier in 20 seconds the effect duration would reduce by 66% or jam strength would reduce by 66%. Calculaton could be "for every 1% of max cooldown the effect would reduce by 2%". So 33% reduction in cooldown would mean 66% reduction in effect.

Change to overheating: instead of damaging modules right from the start have a buffer where you could absorb first or few heat cycles before damage of module begins. Buffer would cool off in 10minutes or so. If you were conservative you could heat once every 10mins forever or X times in a row depending how you need the extra performance. Again more interesting mechanic, better gameplay without adding to lag.

New modules for overheating, buffer amount, cooling power.

Generally new propulsion modules, 1 mandatory is mandatory because it gives hundreds of percents bonus over normal modules giving 20% or so. Some 'teleport' like module that would 'teleport' 50km forward or so. Or would allow you to 'teleport' to a friendly ship with a beacon.

Immobility module that would render you and your target immobile for 5 seconds, 30second cooldown.

Paralyze module that would increase all target module cooldowns by 15%. Or maybe just remote repair, shield transporter and personal repairers and shield boosters.

Changes to CPU upgrade modules and powergrid upgrade modules. Integrate them into some other module. Sensor strength bonus+cpu bonus, power grid bonus with cap recharge bonus.

Some other less used modules could be integrted together. Ship scanner, cargo scanner, survey scanner, salvager, analyzer, codebreaker,.... and so on. Make one ship and cargo scanner. One Analyzer Codebreaker. All those analyzers salvagers codebreakers probe scanners and so on take alot of room from a fitting forcing you to have an alt and making things just bi too complicated....
Andrea Griffin
#588 - 2012-02-08 17:29:38 UTC
EWar Resistance Modules. A module that reduces the effects of enemy EWar (webs, painters, sensor damps, tracking disruption, etc.) by a set amount. Scriptable to provide a focused resistance. Wouldn't it be nice to have a 30-50% resistance to the effect of stasis webs? My frigates would cry with glee.

Also, we are missing modules/rigs that reduce signature radius.
Hans Momaki
State War Academy
Caldari State
#589 - 2012-02-08 18:55:55 UTC
Axium Cog wrote:
Hans Momaki wrote:
erittainvarma wrote:
Tracking Enhancer/computer modules for missiles.
-Increasing explosion velocity and decreasing signature radius. Maybe even range? It's stupid that you can only affect those things by rigs.

This. So unfair that missile users can't affect dmg application with a low-slot module like turrets can with tracking enhancers.

Ballistic Control Unit

Good lord.
Read text again please.
Ren Coursa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#590 - 2012-02-08 21:16:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Ren Coursa
Hot-swapping fitting frames:
A module you place in a slot that makes that slot hot-swappable, for a price.
For example you put a hot-swapping fitting frame in a mid-slot, then fit a web in there or something and go for a roam.
Woops, the enemy you are fighting brings in an ECM ship and locks you down, normally that might be it.
But not today since you have your ship fitted for hot-swapping that slot for a module in your cargobay and thats where you keep the ECCM.
You hot-swap it and cross your fingers.

Hot-swaping could take time, and the modules might also take heat damage, cap regen would be halted, etc etc. You can play with the downsides all you want.

The frame would require fitting in itself so its not something you really could do to every single slot of your ship.

The idea here is to limit the luck-factor in fitting hard-countering.

Might be a horrible idea due to possible abuse im not thinking of, would be interesting to hear some game-breaking hot-swapping combos.
Miranda Regional Technologies
#591 - 2012-02-08 22:21:30 UTC
There doesn't seem to be many indy mods here so here are a few suggestions:

Navigation computer/scripts
- increase warp speed (much like the implants)
- warp to 0 autopilot
- warp to fleet members in different systems (if I'm not mistaken, you can only warp to in the same system)
- Cargo pickup/drop off script. Ship flys to specified station, picks up or drops off cargo into items bay, then waits for next command.

These could be scripts that are loaded into the ship's computer via a one slot opening in any ship (i.e. add a script slot into fitting panel.)

Mining mods
- capital ship refinery. slow, high PG, but will refine ore depending on the pilot's refining skills
- mining barge/exhumer refinery (those flames on the side should represent something actually happening on the ship) This could be even slower than the Orca/Roq refinery and with more loss.

- some have mentioned dual resist shields/armor. What about custom resist mods based on invention through blending of multiple BPCs and/meta goods?

I'm sure some of these would be abused/or are already in some bot programs. But we are dealing in an age that computers are supposed to make work less repetative...why do we need to do these things manually?
#592 - 2012-02-08 23:46:26 UTC  |  Edited by: MeBiatch
Hans Momaki wrote:
Axium Cog wrote:
Hans Momaki wrote:
erittainvarma wrote:
Tracking Enhancer/computer modules for missiles.
-Increasing explosion velocity and decreasing signature radius. Maybe even range? It's stupid that you can only affect those things by rigs.

This. So unfair that missile users can't affect dmg application with a low-slot module like turrets can with tracking enhancers.

Ballistic Control Unit

Good lord.
Read text again please.

it would have to be increased missile velocity and explosion velocity and decreased sig radius... that way it would act like tacking comp/enhancer

there would be a midslot version that has scripts one for ex velocity/sig radius and one for missile velocity

the low slot would affect all three like a TE...

the mid slot would be called:

Accelerated Missle Unit

the low slot would be called:

Accelerated Missile mechanism

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Goonswarm Federation
#593 - 2012-02-09 06:39:55 UTC
t2 capital guns n ammo would be nice...
Aloe Cloveris
The Greater Goon
#594 - 2012-02-10 00:10:50 UTC
Hi. I want sig radius rigs.

Deutzer Freiheit
#595 - 2012-02-10 01:59:13 UTC
Projected Heat Reduction

Reduced Heat from overloaded modules.


Projected Module Repair

Repairs any damaged modules that are currently not active.
#596 - 2012-02-10 02:46:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Katalci
Battleship-sized shield extenders. 800mm plates are to LSEs as 1600mm plates are to ???

Hull and armor repair paste, works exactly like nanite repair paste. Shut down your ship to repair, at about the same cost as at a station. This would make solo roaming in armor buffer ships a lot easier.

Nikk Narrel wrote:

Put it as an ECM type, that blocks any targeting with a scramble effect 15 KM around the source ship. This includes the source ship, although it is unlikely to bother them as much, since they are probably trying to leave.

ECM Burst
#597 - 2012-02-10 02:59:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Katalci
Callic Veratar wrote:

Shield Vampire:

Behaves like NOS, only drains shields. Should be % based not # based, lest a battleship just strip the shields off a frigate instantly.
Shield Neutralizer:

Reduces the shield passive recharge rate by a fixed percentage. There is potential for multiple neutralizers to stack causing a negative regeneration rate.

1. Just shoot them and use a shield booster
2. How about you just use a gun instead of a worthless module


Mine Field:

In the form of an anchorable smart bombs. All ships within the field take damage. This could be motion or speed based.

Buy CCP some supercomputers, then we'll talk about horribly laggy things like this.

EWAR Bubbles:

New class of destroyer, preferably, where each type of ewar gets a field. Neuts cap every few seconds, breaks targets, distrupts tracking, or whatever.

No. Snipers + Ewar dictors = victory

Buffer Plates/Shields:

Modules with low fitting requirements that provide a lot of HP. The module cannot be repaired in any way (in station or in space) used purely as an alpha buffer.

How is this useful in any way
Invulnerable Damage Control:

Module with a short (5-10s) cycle that, while active, disables all modules and targeting on the ship, fully drains the cap, adds 10s worth of align time in agility penalty, and burns itself out in exchange for 99% omni resist.

And then everyone in the 500 man drake blob fits this module, and it takes three times as long to kill them.
Hans Momaki
State War Academy
Caldari State
#598 - 2012-02-10 07:52:56 UTC
MeBiatch wrote:
Hans Momaki wrote:
Axium Cog wrote:
Hans Momaki wrote:
erittainvarma wrote:
Tracking Enhancer/computer modules for missiles.
-Increasing explosion velocity and decreasing signature radius. Maybe even range? It's stupid that you can only affect those things by rigs.

This. So unfair that missile users can't affect dmg application with a low-slot module like turrets can with tracking enhancers.

Ballistic Control Unit

Good lord.
Read text again please.

it would have to be increased missile velocity and explosion velocity and decreased sig radius... that way it would act like tacking comp/enhancer

there would be a midslot version that has scripts one for ex velocity/sig radius and one for missile velocity

the low slot would affect all three like a TE...

the mid slot would be called:

Accelerated Missle Unit

the low slot would be called:

Accelerated Missile mechanism

You can remove decreased sig radius of the target, that's what TP's are for ;) (I tend to not agree on the midslot module, we have TP's allready, but improvements need to be made)

However, missle users need this "missile Tracking Enhancer". The one most needed "new" module ingame IMHO.
And yes, short-range missiles should have that skill/rig-penalty removed. It's just not fair that you can't affect them at all, regardless of how many SP you sink into.

I would be fine with another set of skills for them, but atleast give me fair options to increase damage application for them.
Callic Veratar
#599 - 2012-02-10 14:36:34 UTC
You don't seem to understand the point of the thread. It's not to shoot down other player's ideas that you don't like. It's to crowd-source new module ideas. The devs are fully capable of determining which is viable and which isn't.

Katalci wrote:
Shield Vampire:

1. Just shoot them and use a shield booster
2. How about you just use a gun instead of a worthless module

- Shield boosters take midslots, vamps and neuts go in high slots
- A gun and a shield booster take 2 slots, a vamp or neut take 1 slot
- If the passive regen is more than my guns, I will never be able to beat it. Being able to modify the passive regen capability might allow a smaller ship to break a passive shield tank, or even use a Drake's passive tank against it.

Katalci wrote:
Buffer Plates/Shields:

How is this useful in any way

Personally, I'd fit a few to my hulk when mining in high sec. Or an indy when hauling. Or anything I'm moving and I don't want to be destroyed easily, but has poor fitting capabilities.

Katalci wrote:
Invulnerable Damage Control:

And then everyone in the 500 man drake blob fits this module, and it takes three times as long to kill them.

You might want to read that again. If everyone in a drake blob took the module, one ship would be invulnerable AND DISABLED for 5-10s. After the module finished, they'd have to relock, but have no cap left for their hardners or jumping out. Plus they'd be flying down a mid slot.
Ceasar Agustus
Gun Runners Inc
Antisocial Social Club For Tax Reduction
#600 - 2012-02-11 00:15:24 UTC
Bore Module.

Turns your ship into a ramming ship. Ram and begin to bore into the ships exterior.

Enemy warps, both ships warp, enemy jumps both ships jump (your attached)

Drones can fire on the ramming ship but the ship being bored into cannot use its turrets or missiles since they cannot track the combined target.

Bore ship stays attached until destroyed or the ship being bored into reaches hull breach and explodes.

Uses three high slots to work... One for boring drill and Two for ship clamps. Twisted