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Weird FrameRate Stutters

#1 - 2012-02-08 19:13:02 UTC  |  Edited by: OlRotGut
Nvidia GTX 560TI 448 Core (nvidia 290.53 driver), 1280MB RAM. Core i5, 3.2GHZ, 8GB RAM. 1TB HDD

Eve plays great, solid 60FPS (VSYNC on, Triple Buffering enabled) all settings on high, except Anti-Aliasing, its on Low.
HDR off, resource cache off. 1920x1080 resolution.

Issue is this:
Panning the camera next to stations zoomed in fully, panning the camera next to my ship in a fleet zoomed in fully or Beginning warping, coming out of warping and panning camera zoomed in...

All causes weird, random, frame rate stuttering. From solid 60FPS to 30FPS downwards to 25FPS. I hit ESC to settings menu, then cancel out, and the stuttering is gone.

The stuttering only lasts for 5-10 seconds and then everything is fine, and solid 60FPS again with the same zoom and camera panning.

My old GTX285 was pushing the same settings as this card, and did not experience this. This seemed to crop up after the Crucible patch.

Anyone else having this or a similar issue?

Edit: I put on interval immediate, and the stutters aren't noticeable because the FPS is upwards to like 150FPS. However the dips are still in the graphs; so its still present.
Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-02-09 03:34:02 UTC
Turn resource caching on.

Don't ban me, bro!

#3 - 2012-02-10 20:59:32 UTC
Mr Kidd wrote:
Turn resource caching on.

I wanted to reply and say.... that funny enough this actually did fix the issue, at least so far.

Funny, because In all my Eve time, I've never seen this actually DO anything. My old GTX285 didn't require this to be turned on, although it was a 2GB card vs the 560's 1.28 GB.

Huh, learn something new everyday.