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I feel like I've broken EVE...

#1 - 2012-02-07 21:52:01 UTC
A couple of weeks ago I started doing the Margin Trading scam. I had a meager, hard-earned 1b when I started. I immediately ****** it up and lost 600m. Being the stubborn guy that I am, I tried again and earned back 200m almost right away. Jump forward a few weeks and I have ~4b in isk and assets.

I like shooting things, of course, and when I started this I was overjoyed that I wasn't going to have to worry about making isk to shoot things anymore. But hindsight is a ***** and I'm starting to realize that, strangely, one of my favorite parts of EVE is working for that hard-earned isk. So now I feel kind of lost... What? What should I do?
Tie Fighters Inc
#2 - 2012-02-07 21:57:53 UTC
brag some more, just keep bragging till the game is fun to play again.

That or start the double your isk scam. Got a good amount to start with.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

#3 - 2012-02-07 22:02:32 UTC
I'm aware that 4b is not a vast sum of money. It's just by a wide margin the most I've ever had and I feel like doing any isk-making-related activity other than Margin Scamming is a waste of time now, since my current ISK/Hour ratio from it is off the charts.
scooter Kondur
#4 - 2012-02-07 22:04:30 UTC
rodyas wrote:
brag some more, just keep bragging till the game is fun to play again.

That or start the double your isk scam. Got a good amount to start with.

Generally when I plateau like that I just make sure all my accounts are plexed up and give everything away to a noob and start over again to see how long it takes to get back where I was...
arcca jeth
Dark Alliance
#5 - 2012-02-07 22:04:44 UTC
nothing worse than a scammer who comes to the forums to brag about scamming Roll