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Patch screwed up my game

First post
Escaped Pilots from Amarr
#1 - 2012-02-07 18:30:20 UTC
Title basically speaks for itself, I tried the repair.exe and it didn't work, are there any suggestions before I reinstall my client? This is after the latest patch.
Goonswarm Federation
#2 - 2012-02-08 10:46:05 UTC
Same problem here
CCP Sputnik
C C P Alliance
#3 - 2012-02-08 11:09:31 UTC
Cadrean wrote:
Title basically speaks for itself, I tried the repair.exe and it didn't work, are there any suggestions before I reinstall my client? This is after the latest patch.

Did you already try running the repair tool as administrator (right click->Run as Administrator) ?

CCP Sputnik | Software Engineer | Team Undone Unit

My EVElopedia Talk My Broadcast Log

Humusel DaDiShi
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2012-02-08 12:33:00 UTC
Also screwed up my game. WTH is this CCP? you don't test you patch before cutting off eve from people? Also, for me its not ONLY the repair.EXE, the game will not open. everyday I have to reinstall the client to play and it ias getting VERY annoying.
CCP Sputnik
C C P Alliance
#5 - 2012-02-08 14:01:18 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Sputnik
Humusel DaDiShi wrote:
Also screwed up my game. WTH is this CCP? you don't test you patch before cutting off eve from people? Also, for me its not ONLY the repair.EXE, the game will not open. everyday I have to reinstall the client to play and it ias getting VERY annoying.

Could you post a few more information about the issue you are experiencing?

  • Which OS are you using?
  • Are you seeing any error messages?
  • Do you have your EVE Online client installed on the default location?
  • Do you remember when these issues started?
  • Which Virus Scanner are you using?
  • Are you using the Autopatch mechanism (you start the client and it tells you a new update is available) or are you manually patching (download the patch from
  • Did you already try to run the repair tool as Administrator?

CCP Sputnik | Software Engineer | Team Undone Unit

My EVElopedia Talk My Broadcast Log

Humusel DaDiShi
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2012-02-08 15:16:59 UTC
I am using Windows 7.
First time this happened, I would get an error messsage when that little square would pop up on the desktop after you start EVE.
Yes it is at the default location.
They Happened right after I installed the new patch.
I've been using AVG, been using it before i downloaded eve for the first time.
Autopatch mechanism.
Yup, any way i try the repair tool, it says an error has occoured.
CCP Sputnik
C C P Alliance
#7 - 2012-02-08 15:46:24 UTC
Humusel DaDiShi wrote:
First time this happened, I would get an error messsage when that little square would pop up on the desktop after you start EVE.
Yup, any way i try the repair tool, it says an error has occoured.

What are the error messages you are seeing? Especially the repair tool error would be very interesting.

CCP Sputnik | Software Engineer | Team Undone Unit

My EVElopedia Talk My Broadcast Log

King Vengeance
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2012-02-08 19:30:27 UTC  |  Edited by: King Vengeance
I can start EVE and select my character, but after that it crashes while loading.

Win7 64-bit.
No error message, just crash.
Auto patching.
Yes I ran the repair tool.
No Antivirus.
Eve is installed on my D:\ HDD, like every other program on my PC.

I deleted all my configs in my documents & appdata and did a complete reinstall. No joy yet...

Crash Screenhot
Bailira Johnson
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-02-08 22:54:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Bailira Johnson
Similar issue here - crash to windows when trying to actually enter the game by selecting a character. The Entering World Window appears and about half way to being done, the station background with the LOADING title appears and the game stops working according to Windows.

Win7 Pro SP1 64bit
No error Message, Windows says EvE stopped working.
Eve is installed in c:\eve (SSD drive)
The issue started after the latest Patch was applied.
F-Secure Internet Security 2012
Auto Patch
Ran the repair tool (even as Administrator a second time)

The crash happens on both my characters on this account.

Edit: Just found the other thread - my crash is related to the CQ + newest nVidia Beta Drivers. Disable the "Load Station Enviroment" before logging in and the game works fine, just without CQ.
King Vengeance
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2012-02-08 23:48:01 UTC
Bailira Johnson wrote:

Edit: Just found the other thread - my crash is related to the CQ + newest nVidia Beta Drivers. Disable the "Load Station Enviroment" before logging in and the game works fine, just without CQ.

Thank you :)
I had the beta drivers installed, but rolled back to the normal ones after some instability with 3D vision. Still, it seems that it left some stuff behind. Now running the game without Captains Quarters.
Deevise Cadelanne
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-02-09 00:11:07 UTC
similar story... I updated and now the game aborts loading on the splash screen with a verification Failiure dialogue prompt.

I run the repair tool as instructed to get:

Build folder info:
__name__: main
version: 7.21
build: 338500
region: ccp
cryptopack: CryptoAPI
sync: 338500
branch: //depot/games/branches/release/EVE-TRANQUILITY/eve
appname: EVE
usescriptindexfiles: 1
socketio: iocp
role: client
aid: 0
server: Tranquility
port: 26000
edition: premium
Client Directory: "C:\Program Files\CCP\EVE"
(1/7) Downloading index: Initializing ...
(1/7) Downloading index: 100.0%, 566.78 KB/566.78 KB, 92.87 KB/s, 00m01s
(2/7) Hashing files: Initializing ...
(2/7) Hashing files: 100.0%, 00m00s
(3/7) Downloading recipes: Initializing ...
(3/7) Downloading recipes: 100.0%, 184 B /184 B, 36 B /s, 00m00s
(4/7) Calculating patch: Initializing ...
(4/7) Calculating patch: 100.0%, 00m00s
bin\ExeFile.exe, missing 7 out of 9 blocks
(5/7) Loading cache: Initializing ...
(5/7) Loading cache: 100.0%, 00m00s
(6/7) Downloading patch: Initializing ...
(6/7) Downloading patch: 100.0%, 316.66 KB/316.66 KB, 63.33 KB/s, 00m00s
(7/7) Applying patch: Initializing ...
Restoring: bin\ExeFile.exe
(7/7) Applying patch: 100.0%, 00m00s
Deleting downloaded temporary data
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "repairTool\progressPanel.pyc", line 83, in _TaskRun
File "repairTool\repairUI.pyc", line 97, in Start
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 184, in Repair
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 333, in Restore
File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 390, in RestoreFolder
File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 443, in ReconstructFiles
File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 477, in ReconstructFile
WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: 'C:\\Program Files\\CCP\\EVE\\bin\\ExeFile.exe'

Which is puzzling as i am running as admin.

Windows XP Pro.
Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.0 GHz

Does mean that my skill queues will go empty while I'm at work tomorrow... Annoying.
Deevise Cadelanne
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-02-09 00:26:04 UTC
Found This Thread. Following the instructions there in, the repair tool to completed, EVE now starts normally. Awesome. Thanks for reading.