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The Generic Skill (revision 15)

#21 - 2012-02-06 16:01:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Griptus
Mag's wrote:

I'm not sure if you're deliberately missing the point, or just not seeing it.

As it stands now, you make a choice and have wait for that choice to give fruit. It could be weeks for a level 5, so your choice and decision to train that skill is one to be considered.

With your idea, you gather SP and are able to choose when and to what skill you apply it and instantly gain level 5.
You don't even need to use them, you simply keep gathering the SP and wait for new stuff to arrive. Or wait the new FOTM to show it's head and apply as needed. Instant skills at level 5, no worries.

It even removes the need for the skill queue, as it trains this super skill if you forget to set one. Hell, why even log on at all? Just let it run and return a year later and apply that 20 odd million SP to where ever you fancy.

I understand your point, Mag, and I think it's unfair.

When you train a regular skill, you lock yourself into training only that skill. When you train this generic skill, you only lock yourself into the category of skills that depend on the same attributes as the ones you set. So training the generic skill is more flexible than training a regular skill. But you still have to wait for the skill points to save up, and you still have to pay for the time it takes to do that, and you still have to decide which skills to allocate your points, which is still permanent and comes with all the same consequences.

CCP doesn't stand to loose anything from this but players stand to benefit from the skill points they would otherwise lose.

Yet still you complain and exaggerate because you don't want to admit that you prefer that other characters be allowed to fall behind as it puts you ahead.
Azn Empire
#22 - 2012-02-06 16:36:42 UTC
Griptus wrote:
Mag's wrote:

I'm not sure if you're deliberately missing the point, or just not seeing it.

As it stands now, you make a choice and have wait for that choice to give fruit. It could be weeks for a level 5, so your choice and decision to train that skill is one to be considered.

With your idea, you gather SP and are able to choose when and to what skill you apply it and instantly gain level 5.
You don't even need to use them, you simply keep gathering the SP and wait for new stuff to arrive. Or wait the new FOTM to show it's head and apply as needed. Instant skills at level 5, no worries.

It even removes the need for the skill queue, as it trains this super skill if you forget to set one. Hell, why even log on at all? Just let it run and return a year later and apply that 20 odd million SP to where ever you fancy.

I understand your point, Mag, and I think it's unfair.

When you train a regular skill, you lock yourself into training only that skill. When you train this generic skill, you only lock yourself into the category of skills that depend on the same attributes as the ones you set. So training the generic skill is more flexible than training a regular skill. This would be equally good for everyone, including you. Still you complain and exaggerate because you don't want to admit that you prefer that other characters be allowed to fall behind as it puts you ahead.
You may think it's unfair to you, but I think it's bad for the game. That's why I say no. I don't think I've exaggerated either, in fact rather the opposite.

But you've just highlighted why this is a bad idea, so I need say no more.

As far as the others fall behind and puts me ahead statement is concerned, what kind of nonsense is that? You'll be telling me next that all the SP I have in Spaceship command, somehow makes my Abaddon perform much better when I'm in space. Or that all that Gunnery SP, makes my ham drake uber. Please. Roll

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Shovel Bros
#23 - 2012-02-06 16:41:52 UTC
Griptus wrote:
I think it's unfair.

I think I just found your core problem here. You're under the mistaken impression that Eve is fair. It isn't. The sooner you realize that Eve is only as fair as you make it (by creating whatever advantage you can for yourself, be it bringing more friends to the fight or making an Excel spreadsheet to find that extra 0.5% income over the competition), the sooner you will realize that your proposal is fundamentally broken.
#24 - 2012-02-06 21:35:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Griptus
mxzf wrote:

Griptus wrote:

I think it's unfair.

You're under the mistaken impression that Eve is fair. It isn't.

No. Again, I think it's unfair, hence the proposal.

mxzf wrote:

Eve is only as fair as you make it, therefore, your proposal is fundamentally broken.

The skill system is fundamentally broken. My proposal will make it fair.

You and Mag have the impression that Eve is meant to be broken. It isn't.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#25 - 2012-02-06 22:33:15 UTC
a more agreeable idea would be to allow skill queuing through evegate

problem solved

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Smiling Menace
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2012-02-07 04:38:20 UTC
EVE is meant to be unfair, that's why we play it and not WoW or Hello Kitty Online.

You seem to be under the impression that the skills are some sort of race to 'keep up' with other players? It isn't.

Is it fair that the the titan pilot that just blapped my rifter has 100mil SP more than me? No, not really as he's been around longer than I have. Are you going to suggest that everyone gets a flat 70mil SP on starting to make it fair on noobs?

This idea is open to serious abuse as well. What's to stop me rolling a new character, not learning anything for the next 3-4 years and when my corp/alliance needs to take space or whatever, I just insta-learn a titan pilot! Now imagine that times a few thousand for other ships or specific roles. This will not help EVE in the slightest, will only help those with cash to burn (and there are a lot of people like this in EVE).

I think it's down to the individual to make their own choices on how and when to change skills if they are going to be unavailable for extended times. Even if they are not able to, it's not the end of the world and there are lots of people that took breaks from EVE that have lower than expected SP for the age of their account. Does it make them enjoy the game any less? Does it make them somehow inferior to any other character? No it doesn't.

I know of people only play for a few weeks be more effective at playing EVE than a lot of players with a lot more years/SP.

Think the skill situation as it stands is fine and has no need of this idea.
Alternative Enterprises
#27 - 2012-02-07 09:37:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Misanthra
Andski wrote:
a more agreeable idea would be to allow skill queuing through evegate

problem solved

this. Only like this idea because those deployed in the military usually can't get good internets.

Your generic skill is yet another form of farm tactic op. PLain and simple. Here's how I would use it. ATM, I am quite content in my chars skills. T2 cruisers and frigs average or maxed skill, , 3 racial BS I can run any fleet fit I have ever seen...and a most kick ass tengu setup for pve on the shoot em up char. After I delay my cap decision yet again by jsut hiting jump skills I will have to **** or get off the pot and pick what race will use those jump skills.

Enter your idea. I do a space command only spec train and ride out 6 months of trains. Don't need to train anything real...I can bank up the sps' and not care too much. Gives me the option too see what the summer patch brings to caps if they get looked at in some way. Will niddy be fixed? Will summer patch due to wtf play testing inhouse make chimera's so op its scary? That happens....jsut cash my chips in and bam, instant uber chimera. Same with major numbers in every alliance who either on mains just fill in time since "done" up to supers or the training char on one of their cyno alt accounts.

NO consequence to this setup. I wait for summer patch to settle, see what the trends ar, have my months of sp's....and bam I pick the new winner. Old system is fine as is. I pick my ships, hope next patch is either nice or does nothing to me (since nothng is better than getting nerfed lol). Element of risk eve players have taken for years. We all lived through it, so can newer players.
#28 - 2012-02-07 12:17:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Griptus
Smiling Menace wrote:

You seem to be under the impression that the skills are some sort of race to 'keep up' with other players? It isn't.

Yes it is. The main issue for me is that every player is spending their own hard earned money for the time to train skills and, when the skill system allows our characters to stop training and fall behind, it is essentially wasting our time and money.

Smiling Menace wrote:

What's to stop me rolling a new character, not learning anything for the next 3-4 years and, when my corp/alliance needs to take space or whatever, I just insta-learn a titan pilot! Now imagine that times a few thousand for other ships or specific roles. This will not help EVE in the slightest, will only help those with cash to burn (and there are a lot of people like this in EVE).

You earn the same amount of skill points whether you are training a regular skill or the generic skill so, in the end, you aren't insta-learning anything, and your character would no longer be new. Either way you end up with a titan pilot. As long as you have been paying the bill, you should have whatever you want.
#29 - 2012-02-07 13:50:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Griptus
Misanthra wrote:

Enter your idea. I do a space command only spec train and ride out 6 months of trains. Don't need to train anything real...I can bank up the sps' and not care too much. Gives me the option too see what the summer patch brings to caps if they get looked at in some way. Will niddy be fixed? Will summer patch due to wtf play testing inhouse make chimera's so op its scary? That happens....jsut cash my chips in and bam, instant uber chimera. Same with major numbers in every alliance who either on mains just fill in time since "done" up to supers or the training char on one of their cyno alt accounts.

NO consequence to this setup. I wait for summer patch to settle, see what the trends ar, have my months of sp's....and bam I pick the new winner. Old system is fine as is. I pick my ships, hope next patch is either nice or does nothing to me (since nothng is better than getting nerfed lol). Element of risk eve players have taken for years. We all lived through it, so can newer players.

If it takes six months to save the skill points, than it's not instant. You have to train a total of 6,354,024 skill points split between 13 skills in four different categories in order to fly the Chimera. One skill depends on Intelligence/Memory, two skills depend on Memory/Perception, two skills depend on Intelligence/Perception, and eight skills depend on Perception/Willpower.

You won't have to log on every day or every week, but you will have to log on to this character at least three times in order to switch out the attributes of the generic skill. So it's not entirely hands free.

Yes, it's more flexible, as it should be, but once you allocate your skill points, it's just as permanent as if you had spent the whole time training the regular skills. And if they end up nerfing the Chimera in the following winter patch, or buffing something else to counter the Chimera, then the consequences are the same.
Callic Veratar
#30 - 2012-02-07 14:19:52 UTC
I would like to propose a small addendum to your idea: Rather than stockpiling forever with minimal consequence, any and ALL unspent points are lost upon being podded.

As well, rather than training to 2 pools at the same time, I would suggest only being able to train one attribute at a time, requiring you to swap the skills regularly to get what you'd like.

Penalties could be introduced that slow training speed the more generic points you have saved up. I don't like the idea as a replacement, but as an addition, it works great and solves the true generic SP system.

Are those against this change also still opposed to the skill queue? There seem to be some similar arguments opposing this system as there were to the skill queue.
#31 - 2012-02-07 19:38:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Griptus
Callic Veratar wrote:

Rather than stockpiling forever with minimal consequence, any and ALL unspent points are lost upon being podded.

Imagine that then. You've spent a long time saving up points on a special character. You almost have enough to get that last level 5 you need to fly that awesome ship or fit that t2 gang link, and then somebody comes along and blows it all away. Would you really call it fair? I wouldn't. (...rage quit!) No, I'd rather just lose the usual amount if we die without a clone or it's insufficient. Otherwise they should be fully covered.

Callic Veratar wrote:

Rather than training from two attributes at the same time, I would suggest only being able to train one attribute at a time, requiring you to swap the skills regularly to get what you'd like.

You have to swap them either way but, why limit it to only one attribute when regular skill training always generates points from two attributes? primary + (secondary/2) per minute

Also keep in mind that you can only remap your attribute points once a year and, if you put all of your points into one attribute and the rest into another, you will only generate the most skill points from those two attributes. If those are not the two attributes you set in the generic skill while it's training, it will only generate skill points at or near the minimum.

Callic Veratar wrote:

Penalties could be introduced that slow training speed the more generic points you have saved up.

No because it is completely unnecessary and doesn't fix or improve anything.

Not every improvement to the game needs to be accompanied by a penalty of equal or greater magnitude.
Shovel Bros
#32 - 2012-02-07 19:50:19 UTC
Griptus wrote:
And if they end up nerfing the Chimera in the following winter patch, or buffing something else to counter the Chimera, then the consequences are the same.

But if they nerf the Chimera before you finish training the skills with your system, then there are no consequences whatsoever. See the difference?
#33 - 2012-02-07 20:16:07 UTC
mxzf wrote:

Griptus wrote:

And if they end up nerfing the Chimera in the following winter patch, or buffing something else to counter the Chimera, then the consequences are the same.

But if they nerf the Chimera before you finish training the skills with your system, then there are no consequences whatsoever. See the difference?

No. There will always be consequences no matter what you do.
Azn Empire
#34 - 2012-02-08 01:31:51 UTC
Griptus wrote:
mxzf wrote:
Griptus wrote:

And if they end up nerfing the Chimera in the following winter patch, or buffing something else to counter the Chimera, then the consequences are the same.

But if they nerf the Chimera before you finish training the skills with your system, then there are no consequences whatsoever. See the difference?

No. There will always be consequences no matter what you do.
Yes, but your idea removes great swathes of them, leaving no real consequences to speak of.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

#35 - 2012-02-09 13:48:19 UTC
Mag's wrote:

Griptus wrote:

There will always be consequences no matter what you do.

Yes, but your idea removes great swathes of them, leaving no real consequences to speak of.

What and how? Be more specific.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#36 - 2012-02-09 15:44:19 UTC
Griptus wrote:
Mag's wrote:

Griptus wrote:

There will always be consequences no matter what you do.

Yes, but your idea removes great swathes of them, leaving no real consequences to speak of.

What and how? Be more specific.

Please don't propose ideas that you haven't clearly thought through.
#37 - 2012-02-09 15:45:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Griptus
Please don't reply to topics you haven't clearly read through.
Shovel Bros
#38 - 2012-02-09 15:48:57 UTC
Griptus wrote:
Please don't reply to topics you haven't clearly read through.

Honestly, it's been answered a dozen times, both in this thread and a few other SP threads in the last few days. Repeating the same thing over and over to posters who don't listen grows exceedingly tiresome.
#39 - 2012-02-09 16:04:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Griptus
You can waste your breath all you want, it doesn't bother me. My idea is fair and sound and I'll keep bumping it up until I know it's at least been heard by the people it was intended for.
Pandemic Legion
#40 - 2012-02-09 16:07:23 UTC
Biomass your character(s).