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Obsidian Front Press Release

Gallente Federation
#21 - 2012-02-05 01:17:30 UTC
Greetings my fellow matari pilots. Born in the federation, and now residing in Matari, I have had my past history as well. I do not take pride in any pirating in the past which I have engaged. While, I do prefer to only fight in my defense and fight those who are preying on those weaker and are red, I have occassionaly shoot a nuetral. Like my other OF pilots, we collectively renouce our NBSI policy for the more noble NRDS policy.

My Corporation came to OF several months ago when we were stuck in a griefing war dec by pirates who were determined to rob us of our freedom to fly. While they were unsuccessful in that endevour the war persisted all summer. OF and Ynot helped us resolve this situation and allowed us to proceed in our mutual economic interest. For that I am loyal to OF.

For those that don't know Ynot, while his communication skills may be weak and his decisions have occassionaly not been the best of decisions, his honour and word is solid. I am in discussion with him on many issues during any given week and can testify that there is not devious scheme involved here. Much naivity - which we both share, but no dark schemes.

OF has not, will not, and shall never hire Mercs. The God Squad has decced us multiple times in the past and I personally have no love for them or their ways. Our recent joint operation with them against Fearless (who was hired by someone to dec OF of whom I don't care) was smitten by much strife and failure to the point that The God Squad ended up pulling out, along with their support ships and decced our very good friends and partners Star Faction. Obviously, not a good decision and it came with consequences that are regretable. As you can likely tell, our relationship with them is hardly to the point that we would ever consider flying with them, talking with them and as if we would even consider hiring mercs, would be consider them an option. In my sole opinion, while they have much success, their professionalism and conduct is far from honourable. I look forward to our arranged battle against them.

Per the timing of this policy and the policy in general. This was not made without some debate and not made lightly. And obviously three concurrent wars had some sway on it, but wars come and wars go. This policy is here to stay. As Jade pointed out, our decision to enter into low tax POCO enterprise, lent as much to this decision as any other. Does it really make since as an alliance to permit piracy against ships entering concord free security space who are neutral who likely are simply trying to do business with us or our allies. Of course not. that would be bad for business. Further, as noted, our constant engagements with pirates on one side and anti-pirates on the other made it to the point where we realized those who consider us red far out numbered those who consider us blue. All this due to the point that we had an illadviced policy that could be hurting our economic interests in low sec.

We do not, nor did we expect changing our policy from NBSI to NRDS will cause any immediately changes in our current war situation. Ultimately, it could cause more short term issues. I think from the perspective of the long term goal of the whole of OF and its member corps and Matari space in general, it is a decision for the better, and one we will honour.
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#22 - 2012-02-05 03:46:07 UTC
Snake O'Donell wrote:

You mean like when Ynot hired godsquad against us?

I honestly wouldn't put such treachery beyond him.

I suggest you step gently back away from the bong and dial down the hyperbole mr O'Donell. Lets not confuse the alleged act of hiring one mercenary group to fight another mercenary group with something called "treachery". You can certainly say you wouldn't find that beyond him, but describing an interaction with mercs (however useless they are) as "treacherous" is just silly.

It was less than a week ago when he contacted godsquad and paid them to cease their dec with his alliance and to dec us. However I see your point Jade, that whole deal ended terribly for you guys. However Ynot does not seem to be one who learns from his mistakes, banging his head against a wall seems to be his special talent.

Well, as I understand it Godsquad decced FRONT the moment Double Tap lapsed their dec (after SF had counter decced Double Tap) and the Godsquad chief dude wanted to get into the picture. Then you guys decced FRONT (for whatever reason) and I believe Godsquad dude told FRONT how much he hated you guys and offered to set you up "the bomb" in Lamadent. Now speaking personally I had never heard of Godsquad before that evening and after listening to their treatise on fleet tactics and successful capital "baiting" (which for the record NEVER involves 40 armour hacs) - I don't think I missed much.

But the point is its a tangled situation with mercs on mercs on mercs against mercs on mercs with a side order of mercs surprise. At this point it looks like somebody has spurted all their isk against the wall in a rage-contract for some reason and all the mercs are tripping over each other's feet like comedy clowns in an amateur theatrical production!

Still you are right in one way. Godsquad are awful.
Nobody should ever bother trying to hire those guys. Even free they are utter rubbish.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Snake O'Donell
The Legion of Spoon
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#23 - 2012-02-05 08:45:07 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
Snake O'Donell wrote:

You mean like when Ynot hired godsquad against us?

I honestly wouldn't put such treachery beyond him.

I suggest you step gently back away from the bong and dial down the hyperbole mr O'Donell. Lets not confuse the alleged act of hiring one mercenary group to fight another mercenary group with something called "treachery". You can certainly say you wouldn't find that beyond him, but describing an interaction with mercs (however useless they are) as "treacherous" is just silly.

The treacherous part that I was talking about was hiring mercs against Electus Matari whilst at the same time claiming to be a Matari loyalist. If that is not treacherous or backstabbing then I don't know what is. On the other hand perhaps Ynot suffers from multiple personality disorder, which if that is the case then it would explain alot about interactions with him.
Christine Peeveepeeski
Low Sec Concepts
#24 - 2012-02-05 10:06:39 UTC
Snake O'Donell wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:
Snake O'Donell wrote:

You mean like when Ynot hired godsquad against us?

I honestly wouldn't put such treachery beyond him.

I suggest you step gently back away from the bong and dial down the hyperbole mr O'Donell. Lets not confuse the alleged act of hiring one mercenary group to fight another mercenary group with something called "treachery". You can certainly say you wouldn't find that beyond him, but describing an interaction with mercs (however useless they are) as "treacherous" is just silly.

The treacherous part that I was talking about was hiring mercs against Electus Matari whilst at the same time claiming to be a Matari loyalist. If that is not treacherous or backstabbing then I don't know what is. On the other hand perhaps Ynot suffers from multiple personality disorder, which if that is the case then it would explain alot about interactions with him.

I respect fearless in battle, clearly you are a capable foe. It is a true shame that you personally do not show the same poise in this channel as your corp does in battle.

Without proof your words are just spurious claims I expect are to win some kind of propaganda agenda against OF or Ynot personally. I have no time for that, these public channels are often nothing more than an ego waving contest. Shoot at us fine, but don't think it's for nothing more than a good fight or a sum of ISK. Mercs have little ground to stand on when it comes to just cause. Fearless may be different, I hope your post is not the norm for your corp.
Jereth Ravyn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#25 - 2012-02-05 12:53:37 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:

"...step gently back away from the bong and dial down the hyperbole..."

She speaks truth. Ynot's communication is both sincere and lacking in the rhetorical vitriol that IGS readers all too often have to wade through.
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#26 - 2012-02-05 13:07:41 UTC
Snake O'Donell wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:
Snake O'Donell wrote:

You mean like when Ynot hired godsquad against us?

I honestly wouldn't put such treachery beyond him.

I suggest you step gently back away from the bong and dial down the hyperbole mr O'Donell. Lets not confuse the alleged act of hiring one mercenary group to fight another mercenary group with something called "treachery". You can certainly say you wouldn't find that beyond him, but describing an interaction with mercs (however useless they are) as "treacherous" is just silly.

The treacherous part that I was talking about was hiring mercs against Electus Matari whilst at the same time claiming to be a Matari loyalist. If that is not treacherous or backstabbing then I don't know what is. On the other hand perhaps Ynot suffers from multiple personality disorder, which if that is the case then it would explain alot about interactions with him.

As I read it FRONT have declared their formal support to the Matari people and have made good on that position by providing low-tax Customs Offices in Matari lowsec and now adopting a progressive ROE that promotes neutral trade. They consider themselves friends of the Tribal Liberation Force, Ushra'khan, and opposed to Amarrian Imperialism. These are soild demonstrations of commitment to the Matari cause.

While I do not believe that FRONT would hire GODSQUAD against Electus Matari I will grant you that I do not have access to transcendent insight that would allow me the 100% certainty on the issue you claim to possess. Clearly you must have some proof in order to make such definitive statements and I believe now you must demonstrate that proof or retract your accusation through lack of credibility.

If it turns out you are correct I will apologize for doubting you.

Otherwise let the general IGS public note the balance of interaction and weight future reputations accordingly.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Aren Dar
EVE University
Ivy League
#27 - 2012-02-05 13:47:09 UTC
A friendly critique. It sounds like your alliance really needs intelligence and diplomacy departments, and to have them operate out of the limelight of the forums.
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#28 - 2012-02-05 14:58:25 UTC
Aren Dar wrote:
A friendly critique. It sounds like your alliance really needs intelligence and diplomacy departments, and to have them operate out of the limelight of the forums.

Always a little bit depressing to hear this sentiment expressed. To surrender the Summit to trolls and raving lunatics is to give up on many possibilities of persuasion and progressive example.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#29 - 2012-02-05 18:28:26 UTC
Ynot Eyob wrote:
We condemn and deny any claim of the Amarrian Empire. We stand with the Matari people. We support the military endeavours of the Tribal Liberation Front. We have many blue allies in its number and we count Ushra’khan amongst our good friends.


Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

Markius TheShed
#30 - 2012-02-06 11:42:16 UTC
The tribe and other Minmatar militia corps have OF set red for acts of piracy against civilians and militia members.

So we have been assisting EM with dealing with known pirates.

During the defence of a EM POCO in Auner a fleet of 53 which included OF, Eve-union and Cloud 7 Nebulosa attacked the EM and allies defence fleet, So these alliances are now marked as helping known pirates.

All this talk is just talk and as Christine Peeveepeeski said the actions of OF must be the proof that they have changed their ways and now fight for the Republic and its citizens and not agaisnt it.

**Murientor Tribe** a capsuleer organization composed of radical Minmatar. Since YC107

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#31 - 2012-02-06 12:07:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Ynot Eyob
Markius TheShed wrote:
The tribe and other Minmatar militia corps have OF set red for acts of piracy against civilians and militia members.

So we have been assisting EM with dealing with known pirates.

During the defence of a EM POCO in Auner a fleet of 53 which included OF, Eve-union and Cloud 7 Nebulosa attacked the EM and allies defence fleet, So these alliances are now marked as helping known pirates.

All this talk is just talk and as Christine Peeveepeeski said the actions of OF must be the proof that they have changed their ways and now fight for the Republic and its citizens and not agaisnt it.

The EM POCO in Auner, EM took from OF on a GCC, Unprovoked Agression.

If you fell that because we are marked red as pirates for some, justify that everything you do is right, well..
We defend our belongings, and whats been stolen from us, the best way we can.

If you fell that ganking miners in high sec (On youtube btw), just because you can, and that justify its ok, because they are marked red, well ... (Poor miners died without even knowing they were marked, nore did their leaders)
Those miners want those who ganked them marked as pirates and the worst kind. You see how the internal hate between matari people build?

We have held our hand out, and as it is right now you see two groups pointing at each other.
We have many marked red too, and unless a diplomatic solution turns up, youll see two parties killing each other and a hate within people from matari eat eachother up, something the Amarr problally would love to see.

Have you ever seen the VERY old movie call V for Vendetta.

As it is right now I see us as V and the rest as the goverment. I do hope that in the middle youll see someone turn up as the cop who open his eyes.

We have admitted we had some lose canons in the statement a reson why we change to NRDS. If anyone run into trouble with that, i do hope those somebody will contact our diplomates as NOTHING have EVER been adressed to us before, except Electus Matari, who adressed a problem over a year ago, which i do hope have been solved.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#32 - 2012-02-06 13:22:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Jade Constantine
Markius TheShed wrote:
The tribe and other Minmatar militia corps have OF set red for acts of piracy against civilians and militia members. So we have been assisting EM with dealing with known pirates. During the defence of a EM POCO in Auner a fleet of 53 which included OF, Eve-union and Cloud 7 Nebulosa attacked the EM and allies defence fleet, So these alliances are now marked as helping known pirates.

You use the word "pirates/piracy" three times in the space of a few lines Markius.

Indeed I notice that many involved in this argument between FRONT and Electus Matari are very keen to spread the term liberally. Of course FRONT have now admitted they have committed such acts in the past and agreed to reform into NRDS to prevent their "loose cannons" from dragging the organization into this reputation now.

But my question to you Markius, is do you not see a danger in overusing the term against political enemies and causing the real "pirates" to escape notice and counteraction?

I ask because I do not believe FRONT is or has ever been, an organized pirate alliance of the kind that Negative Ten/United/BSI/Heretics etc are still today. A genuine pirate alliance stakes a claim to a choke point and kills all passers by as an industrial process to the detriment of neutral trade and system traffic alike. If you want to see what a pirate looks like I suggest you take a hauler through Rancer one evening.

By overusing the term against mere political foes you risk devaluing it entirely and people will come to distrust your use of language. I for example, now read your use of the word pirate as "somebody I don't like" rather than as a genuine descriptor of activity.

If we held everyone to the standards you seem to be forcing at this point we'd all be pirates.

EM for engaging reds while GCC (pirate)
Star Fraction for engaging reds while GCC (pirate)
COA for engaging reds while GCC (pirate)

and so on.

Its meaningless.

For me a pirate sits on a gate with a group of sentry tanking fast locking ships and murders everything that passes through.


Case in point and example.

We're been told that one of the accusations against FRONT is that they have been fighting an alliance named Unknown and Beyond who are allies of certain declared anti-pirate organizations in Matari lowsec.

Ironically this organization is currently red to Star Fraction for an act of aggression that you chaps would probably consider to be "piracy." We have an aggression record against a corporation allied to Unknown and Beyond "Temple of The Black Light" that goes back the wars in Providence. A particular pilot "cargo raider" was a CVA aligned slaver enforcer who fired on our ships during the first liberation of Providence and was consequently set red.

When we attempted recently to assassinate this enemy of the matari people in lowsec Otou - members of Unknown and Beyond alliance fired on our vessels in his defense thus earning a -10 standing. When we then flew in defense of an endangered FRONT CO - Unknown and Beyond liberally GCC'ed against our vessels and dropped to near "pirate" standings in a single engagement.

Now. Some might go to the forums and declare Unknown and Beyond "PIRATE" and justify a lynch mob. I do not. I consider they are simply political hostiles whom we will engage as our organizational preference. I do not consider those who aid Unknown and Beyond to be pirates either.

As I said.

The true pirates live in Rancer, Amamake, Ardar and surrounding systems. That is the fight we all should choose to take.

And I find it foolish for Matari freedom fighters to waste time and effort labelling each other with this flimsily-justifed term "pirate" while ignoring the growing threat from those who may genuinely claim ownership of the word.

FRONT right now is under direct attack from piratico mercenary corps who have an agenda of replacing their lowtax customs offices with 100% tax customs offices. This practise will see the Matari citizenry of the planets affected chained to economic serfdom at the hands of protectionist bully boys and worked till they drop in virtual slavery.

I believe you should take a moment to properly inform yourself as to the stakes of the wider conflict Markius. Then revisit your commentary and consider the open hand you have been offered.

Because unless the various forces who consider themselves friends of Matari freedom are prepared to come together and make a collective effort against the tide of real piracy, economic protectionism and regressive roadblocking in Matari lowsec, then you are collectively betraying your brethen on the worlds below. This is a time to show vision and leadership and rise above petty-minded addiction to past feuds.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Markius TheShed
#33 - 2012-02-06 13:46:34 UTC
I do not see any difference with your example of "cargo raider" and our experience of OF.

We have set OF red for acts of unprovoked aggression against us, So when you say "dragging the organization into this reputation now" They already have the reputation and history of aggression.

OF are not political enemies they are pilots who have tried to kill us and our crews while we went about our anti slaver patrols.

So when a Corps and Alliances who are Blue to us are being attacked by OF who are we going to side with?

If they have changed then it is welcomed, But i think we need more than just a IGS statement to believe them.

**Murientor Tribe** a capsuleer organization composed of radical Minmatar. Since YC107

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#34 - 2012-02-06 14:01:37 UTC
Markius TheShed wrote:
I do not see any difference with your example of "cargo raider" and our experience of OF.

That is rather the point. We are not attempting to smear the whole entity Unknown and Beyond with the term "pirate" over it. It is simply a political red. I am arguing that you devalue the term "pirate" into meaningless rhetoric by trying to spread it too finely over everyone you have cause to fight.

If they have changed then it is welcomed, But i think we need more than just a IGS statement to believe them.

So what do you need Markius?
Here is surely the ideal thread to discuss that.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Markius TheShed
#35 - 2012-02-06 14:23:29 UTC
I think this whole mess needs a cooling off period of agreed none aggression for a set amount of time.

Then new standings need to be set as the waters have become muddied.

I suggest a resetting to neutral all round so if we are all NRDS no one is getting shot anymore.

But I can only speak for the tribe.

**Murientor Tribe** a capsuleer organization composed of radical Minmatar. Since YC107

Sparkus Volundar
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2012-02-06 14:29:55 UTC
I welcome the statements made in this thread by members of The OF. Being someone who, for better or worse, prefers to undertake discussions in more personal surroundings, I am then an infrequent user of the IGS and thus have found this thread late in proceedings.

My personal diplomatic preferences notwithstanding, I respect the value and importance that Ynot clearly places on his public reputation and welcome his words, which he has knowingly placed on record. Words which happen to specifically and honestly address the concerns I mentioned in the C&P section.



Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#37 - 2012-02-06 14:41:11 UTC
Markius TheShed wrote:
I think this whole mess needs a cooling off period of agreed none aggression for a set amount of time.

Then new standings need to be set as the waters have become muddied.

I suggest a resetting to neutral all round so if we are all NRDS no one is getting shot anymore.

But I can only speak for the tribe.

I think that is an excellent suggestion Markius. Very sensible indeed.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2012-02-06 14:47:53 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
Far more likely in my eyes that the mercs (yourself included) are working for other NBSI enclosurist elements in the general area. In particular the Rancer pirates (United/neg ten) were boasting about bringing in "friends" to do their work for them so maybe there is meaning there? Who knows really.

A COA fleet engaged and destroyed seven Negative Ten BS and a Loki in Mirotem yesterday, we also forced them to self destruct a triaged Archon.

Fearless came to the field late, but they also dropped their own capitals on the Negative 10 Archon, there was some dialogue in local from Negative Ten to Fearless which was neither friendly or respectful, this would seem to put pay to your theory that they are working together, or employer and employee.

I greet Ynot's announcement with cautious optimism, I would rather not spend my time or my security status shooting The Obsidian Front's ships and structures, there are corporations and alliances who I would much rather be shooting at instead.
Amun Khonsu
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#39 - 2012-02-06 15:48:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Amun Khonsu
I think the most important and welcomed posts in this thread is that of the OP by Ynot Eyob (OF) and Mikkel Lybecker (EM)

At these posts, the issue between the two parties is best dealt with off of the forum and in private convos where the real diplomatic work can happen and decisions can be made.

History has its place but the future is where we should look towards and history should not ruin reconciliation and advancement.

I think it was a brave and honourable thing for Ynot to place in the public forums. Something many of us would not be so willing to do. It was also a commitment that is set in stone publicly.

I am also very much encouraged by Ynot's statement on NBSI, NRDS and piracy.

I hope that there can be useful and productive talks between the two. It would not be far fetched to believe third parties may try to thwart good faith efforts through merc war declarations or other means in an effort to prevent a consolidation of force which they fear (perhaps even rogue elements). It is important for the two parties (OF and EM) to remain focused and extend good faith efforts to reassure each other of their intentions of good faith and reconciliation.

Fight them until turmoil is no more and strike terror into their hearts.

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#40 - 2012-02-06 17:47:42 UTC
Kmelx wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:
Far more likely in my eyes that the mercs (yourself included) are working for other NBSI enclosurist elements in the general area. In particular the Rancer pirates (United/neg ten) were boasting about bringing in "friends" to do their work for them so maybe there is meaning there? Who knows really.

A COA fleet engaged and destroyed seven Negative Ten BS and a Loki in Mirotem yesterday, we also forced them to self destruct a triaged Archon.

Fearless came to the field late, but they also dropped their own capitals on the Negative 10 Archon, there was some dialogue in local from Negative Ten to Fearless which was neither friendly or respectful, this would seem to put pay to your theory that they are working together, or employer and employee.

Good to know and well done on the engagement. Nice to see it. Still if Negative Ten are not behind the current wave of piratico-mercenaries in the area it does tend to suggest that Unknown and Beyond are behind it - particularly because FEARLESS were active in defending their embattled starbase at the weekend. While such entities are of course free to hire mercs if they need the support I do think they cannot be entirely removed from the consequences - and in this case if it is proven that Unknown and Beyond are behind the merc involvement they should be seen as ultimately responsible for low tax customs offices being replaced by 100% tax offices in Matari lowsec.

I greet Ynot's announcement with cautious optimism, I would rather not spend my time or my security status shooting The Obsidian Front's ships and structures, there are corporations and alliances who I would much rather be shooting at instead.

Very sensible statement and I do hope both sides pay attention to this and come to the negotiating table to agreed a ceasefire and truce so that genuine pirate threats can be targetted hereafter.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom