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Skill Que Tweak

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1 - 2012-02-06 14:24:16 UTC
Available only for skills trained at least to zero, (injected but untrained).
(This means skills level 0, 1, 2, or 3 already trained. If you have 4 trained, you would be setting level 5 yourself anyway)

Set your skill que not for specific skill levels, the que can still be locked to a 24 hour cycle, but set the que to auto-continue any skill to it's next level automatically.
IE: level 4 might be over 3 days, but if you don't log in for a week, it starts level 5 automatically after level 4.

Direction changes in skills would still only be set in the 24 hour range, but if you wanted a skill to 5, just let it run by itself once it is started on the 24 hour que.

How it works: The option when right clicking the skill to put it in the que would still offer the next level, the way it currently is, or the option to FINISH IT, which would auto cue it after the current level until level 5 completed.

Now, after level 5, the que would still stop, so it has a limited value.
Azn Empire
#2 - 2012-02-06 14:26:39 UTC
No, the queue works fine as it is.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Daeva Teresa
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2012-02-06 14:35:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Daeva Teresa
Extremely bad writen. I had hard time understaning what is in fact really simple idea.
NO. Skills works great atm, no need to tweak anything.

CCP really please dont use Upgraded, Limited, Experimental and Prototype in item names. It sounds like the item is actually worse than basic meta 1 item. Use Calibrated, Enhanced, Optimized and Upgraded. Its really easy to understand that the item is better than meta 1 and its also in alphabetic order.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#4 - 2012-02-06 14:35:37 UTC
Mag's wrote:
No, the queue works fine as it is.

An attentive player able to log in would never need this.

It benefits people unable to log in for extended periods, regardless of whether they have no computer available, or simply had real life issues that kept them too busy.

Not everyone can micromanage the game, and CCP loves the guy who logs in once a month too. In fact, they have a special place in the accounting department for these guy's account records, surrounded by love notes and flowers.
Azn Empire
#5 - 2012-02-06 14:40:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Mag's wrote:
No, the queue works fine as it is.

An attentive player able to log in would never need this.

It benefits people unable to log in for extended periods, regardless of whether they have no computer available, or simply had real life issues that kept them too busy.

Not everyone can micromanage the game, and CCP loves the guy who logs in once a month too. In fact, they have a special place in the accounting department for these guy's account records, surrounded by love notes and flowers.
A none attentive player unable to log in, is not our problem and irrelevant. But they can still use the queue, to their advantage.

Small skills up to near the 24 hour period, then a larger level 5 skill to stretch it out for days or even weeks.

This means unless the player is a complete ignoramus, he will succeed it using it correctly and show the skill queue is working fine as it is.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#6 - 2012-02-06 15:39:05 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Mag's wrote:
No, the queue works fine as it is.

An attentive player able to log in would never need this.

It benefits people unable to log in for extended periods, regardless of whether they have no computer available, or simply had real life issues that kept them too busy.

Not everyone can micromanage the game, and CCP loves the guy who logs in once a month too. In fact, they have a special place in the accounting department for these guy's account records, surrounded by love notes and flowers.
A none attentive player unable to log in, is not our problem and irrelevant. But they can still use the queue, to their advantage.

Small skills up to near the 24 hour period, then a larger level 5 skill to stretch it out for days or even weeks.

This means unless the player is a complete ignoramus, he will succeed it using it correctly and show the skill queue is working fine as it is.

Fine? That statement is based entirely on perspective, not any measurement of fact.

Imagine life before the que. You had to guess when your skill was ending, log in, and start the new one. If it was a long skill, you set reminders for yourself.

I hear EVE Mon being named for this, to track progress.
Even with the que, people are advocating for the need and use of a third party program in order to play the game with any quality of results. A lot of games allow third party programs to enhance out of game play, but to suggest anyone should need to use one in order to compete with their fellow players, suggests room for improvement.

The truth is, the que itself is an admission that players are not expected to need to log in more than once a day. The game skill system is not set up for convenient control beyond that. Now, if you extend that out logically, committing to skill training itself on specific skills is what the game wants.

A pilot who leaves for the weekend, with his que maxxed out Friday, could very likely return to his que having been empty nearly a day by Sunday night.

Your proposed solution, switch to a skill that takes longer, only has merit if two conditions are met. Need, and availability of the skill level for that duration.
Without both being met, you are leaving the pilot with a choice of an empty que, or training a skill they don't actually care about. (Needed this to 4, but have not use for level 5? There's a bunch of skill points lost you won't get back)

It won't meet every situation, but it enhances the current system to be more valuable. Rather than setting a skill level, you could just tell it to pursue that skill to it's level 5 completion.
XS Tech
#7 - 2012-02-06 15:53:56 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:

Imagine life before the que. You had to guess when your skill was ending, log in, and start the new one. If it was a long skill, you set reminders for yourself.

EVEMon is great for keeping the reminder. EVE is different from nearly every other game out there in that you gain SP every second regardless of logged in or not ... other games you don't need this because your XP is tied to you killing something...

EVE --> "OK, I need 3 days, 4 hours, and 15 minutes to get L5 of $SKILL"
Other MMO --> "OK, I need to kill $Number of $Monster to get to my next level"

Personally, "before the queue" was better. Less QQ about needing a longer queue.

Nikk Narrel wrote:

A pilot who leaves for the weekend, with his que maxxed out Friday, could very likely return to his que having been empty nearly a day by Sunday night.

so throw in 23h 59m of skills, and then a long skill thereafter. Same thing you did back before the skill queue was around. short skills whilst you're actively playing, and then a 12h+ skill as necessary to cover "sleep" and/or "work" between logging off, and logging in the next day.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
Your proposed solution, switch to a skill that takes longer, only has merit if two conditions are met. Need, and availability of the skill level for that duration.
Without both being met, you are leaving the pilot with a choice of an empty que, or training a skill they don't actually care about. (Needed this to 4, but have not use for level 5? There's a bunch of skill points lost you won't get back)

Personally, I can only think of "Tactical Shield Manipulation" ... and even there, it's a stretch with having the skill to L5 being "questionable" at best.

Please name any additional skills where L5 is "wasted" SP for a pilot.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Azn Empire
#8 - 2012-02-06 16:22:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Mag's wrote:
A none attentive player unable to log in, is not our problem and irrelevant. But they can still use the queue, to their advantage.

Small skills up to near the 24 hour period, then a larger level 5 skill to stretch it out for days or even weeks.

This means unless the player is a complete ignoramus, he will succeed it using it correctly and show the skill queue is working fine as it is.

Fine? That statement is based entirely on perspective, not any measurement of fact.

Imagine life before the que. You had to guess when your skill was ending, log in, and start the new one. If it was a long skill, you set reminders for yourself.

I hear EVE Mon being named for this, to track progress.
Even with the que, people are advocating for the need and use of a third party program in order to play the game with any quality of results. A lot of games allow third party programs to enhance out of game play, but to suggest anyone should need to use one in order to compete with their fellow players, suggests room for improvement.

The truth is, the que itself is an admission that players are not expected to need to log in more than once a day. The game skill system is not set up for convenient control beyond that. Now, if you extend that out logically, committing to skill training itself on specific skills is what the game wants.

A pilot who leaves for the weekend, with his que maxxed out Friday, could very likely return to his que having been empty nearly a day by Sunday night.

Your proposed solution, switch to a skill that takes longer, only has merit if two conditions are met. Need, and availability of the skill level for that duration.
Without both being met, you are leaving the pilot with a choice of an empty que, or training a skill they don't actually care about. (Needed this to 4, but have not use for level 5? There's a bunch of skill points lost you won't get back)

It won't meet every situation, but it enhances the current system to be more valuable. Rather than setting a skill level, you could just tell it to pursue that skill to it's level 5 completion.
Your statement was also based on perspective, I was merely telling the other side.

I've been in this game since the start of 2004, so I can imagine life well before the skill queue. Even though at times the small skills could be a real pain, (mostly the 3 to 6 hour ones) we train large skills when we were logged out. The beauty with the skill queue, was allowing us to pile up those short skills and still place a large one at the end.

I have used Evemon for years, but who says you need a third party tool to compete? Sure it helps if you have a busy life style, but to compete? No. That is also perspective on your part.

24 hours is a perfectly adequate length of time, to allow people to train those pesky small skills. There is no logic, (as you would make us believe) that because someone is not able to use the queue correctly, it then means we should pander to them and make this change.

Then you talk of wasted skill points, but I can see your idea producing far more and not even concentrated in one skill. Let's face it, if they can't organise themselves with the current queue, then they will most likely end up with pockets of SP dotted all over with partly trained level 5s.

The skill queue works very well right now and is in no need, for a fix. Fact.

@ Velicitia. Jury Rigging level 5. Lol

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

XS Tech
#9 - 2012-02-06 16:27:20 UTC
Mag's wrote:

@ Velicitia. Jury Rigging level 5. Lol

EVEMon says you need it to make T3 subsystems. Cool It's definitely not needed for "everyone"... but if you're getting into T3, it's sure as hell not wasted.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Shovel Bros
#10 - 2012-02-06 16:28:17 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
Please name any additional skills where L5 is "wasted" SP for a pilot.

Jury Rigging, unless you're producing T3s, and Battleship/Industrial Construction too AFAIK. I completely agree with you though, there is no need at all to change the system, it's unique among MMOs and works perfectly.
Azn Empire
#11 - 2012-02-06 16:38:30 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
Mag's wrote:

@ Velicitia. Jury Rigging level 5. Lol

EVEMon says you need it to make T3 subsystems. Cool It's definitely not needed for "everyone"... but if you're getting into T3, it's sure as hell not wasted.
I am corrected. Big smile

That's what I get for having a PvP only char. Oops

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#12 - 2012-02-06 16:41:43 UTC
mxzf wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
Please name any additional skills where L5 is "wasted" SP for a pilot.

Jury Rigging, unless you're producing T3s, and Battleship/Industrial Construction too AFAIK. I completely agree with you though, there is no need at all to change the system, it's unique among MMOs and works perfectly.

No, it works adequately for what we accept having the ability to do.

Perfectly would mean any player could achieve any balance of skill training, and be able to miss weeks at a time if they wanted or needed to.
I am NOT advocating for perfectly, as too many have voiced their opinion about liking obstacles, and enjoying their own unique ability to overcome these obstacles to their advantage. That is human nature, and nothing to be ashamed of.

Mag's wrote:
I have used Evemon for years, but who says you need a third party tool to compete? Sure it helps if you have a busy life style, but to compete? No. That is also perspective on your part.

Not on my part at all, it is one of the most common suggestions for players having to face challenges with tracking skills. I point to it as a reference that not everyone, by far, is able to use this skill que as well as you and some others apparently do.

Demand creates opportunity, and thus business growth. This is an opportunity for growth, in response to demand. The absence of need you keep mentioning is not truly significant.
XS Tech
#13 - 2012-02-06 16:46:57 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
Mag's wrote:

@ Velicitia. Jury Rigging level 5. Lol

EVEMon says you need it to make T3 subsystems. Cool It's definitely not needed for "everyone"... but if you're getting into T3, it's sure as hell not wasted.
I am corrected. Big smile

That's what I get for having a PvP only char. Oops

lol, I had to look it up myself. I've primarily focused on T1 construction ... with a little dabbling in T2 from time to time.

@ Mx --> Battleship Construction 5 is used for the Blops BS. You're right with Industrial Construction -- it currently tops out at L3 (but then, L4 is "wasted SP" too, and I believe Nikk's original point was L1-L4 are useful, with L5 being worthless).

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Azn Empire
#14 - 2012-02-06 16:52:28 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Mag's wrote:
I have used Evemon for years, but who says you need a third party tool to compete? Sure it helps if you have a busy life style, but to compete? No. That is also perspective on your part.

Not on my part at all, it is one of the most common suggestions for players having to face challenges with tracking skills. I point to it as a reference that not everyone, by far, is able to use this skill que as well as you and some others apparently do.

Demand creates opportunity, and thus business growth. This is an opportunity for growth, in response to demand. The absence of need you keep mentioning is not truly significant.
Yes it's a handy tool to have and is recommended by many. But it doesn't then follow that because it's handy, that the skill queue isn't work well.

The queue works and it works well. Some people don't work and don't work well. The latter, is not a reason to change the former.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Shovel Bros
#15 - 2012-02-06 16:54:02 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
@ Mx --> Battleship Construction 5 is used for the Blops BS. You're right with Industrial Construction -- it currently tops out at L3 (but then, L4 is "wasted SP" too, and I believe Nikk's original point was L1-L4 are useful, with L5 being worthless).

Um, my EVEMon has all Marauders and Blops requiring BS Construction 4; are you sure you're remembering right? You're completely right about Indy Construction though, both lvl 4 and lvl 5 are completely unused (my point remains that lvl 5 is wasted SP though, lol).
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#16 - 2012-02-06 16:55:50 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
(but then, L4 is "wasted SP" too, and I believe Nikk's original point was L1-L4 are useful, with L5 being worthless).

Actually you almost nailed it. A lot of people need prerequisite skills, or main skills, that give no benefit to use to justify training them above a certain level.

Say you want to fly a Curse. Recon ship skill requires you to have CovOps to 4 as a prereq. If you don't fly a covops, getting this skill to 5 won't have meaning.

Level 5 in many cases indicates a strong specialization in a skill, beyond what is needed to train other skills. Of course this does not apply to all skills, but it works with enough to have meaning to gameplay.
Azn Empire
#17 - 2012-02-06 16:56:19 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
Mag's wrote:
I am corrected. Big smile

That's what I get for having a PvP only char. Oops

lol, I had to look it up myself. I've primarily focused on T1 construction ... with a little dabbling in T2 from time to time.

@ Mx --> Battleship Construction 5 is used for the Blops BS. You're right with Industrial Construction -- it currently tops out at L3 (but then, L4 is "wasted SP" too, and I believe Nikk's original point was L1-L4 are useful, with L5 being worthless).
If the people he's talking about have issues with the current queue, then they'll have plenty wasted SP with all those partly trained level 5 with his changes. Lol

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#18 - 2012-02-06 17:01:14 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Yes it's a handy tool to have and is recommended by many. But it doesn't then follow that because it's handy, that the skill queue isn't work well.

The queue works and it works well. Some people don't work and don't work well. The latter, is not a reason to change the former.

Yes, it works well. Rephrasing that into a cliche: If it's not broken, don't fix it.

The improvements on many things, quite often, are made despite the previous versions working well. But improving the product, keeping it competitive and growing, is what keeps a game alive.

The status quo can be improved. None of us play this game because we NEED to. We can make it better in ways that give more people a better experience playing it.
XS Tech
#19 - 2012-02-06 17:04:01 UTC
mxzf wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
@ Mx --> Battleship Construction 5 is used for the Blops BS. You're right with Industrial Construction -- it currently tops out at L3 (but then, L4 is "wasted SP" too, and I believe Nikk's original point was L1-L4 are useful, with L5 being worthless).

Um, my EVEMon has all Marauders and Blops requiring BS Construction 4; are you sure you're remembering right? You're completely right about Indy Construction though, both lvl 4 and lvl 5 are completely unused (my point remains that lvl 5 is wasted SP though, lol).

Yeah, you're right ... misread it as V instead of IV

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#20 - 2012-02-06 17:05:22 UTC
Mag's wrote:
If the people he's talking about have issues with the current queue, then they'll have plenty wasted SP with all those partly trained level 5 with his changes. Lol

Wow. You handed me that, so allow me to politely say thank you.

What makes you think that they do NOT already have wasted points, because they tried training a long skill over a vacation or other absence, rather than the skill they actually wanted that would not fit in the que due to level breaks?

How many times has someone chosen to train something, rather than have an idle que, despite the fact they were training a skill they had no use for?

Your a clever fellow Mag's. Good bringing that to my attention. And again, I thank you.
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