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The Generic Skill (revision 15)

#1 - 2012-02-05 02:55:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Griptus
All skill training eventually ends, creating the potential for loss of skill points. If it happens that real life keeps you afk until after your skill finishes, your character stops training and you end up short handed. The problem can never be properly addressed by tweaking the skill queue. It can only be addressed by some kind of automatic, non-stop skill training mechanism which must necessarily be distinct from regular skill training.

The generic skill. It functions as a backup plan for the skill queue. There is only one of these per character. When the queue has no regular skill in training, it defaults to training the generic skill.

It works the same as training a regular skill only it gives no bonuses and never stops. We can set the primary and secondary attributes and it will generate unallocated skill points from those two attributes at the same rate as training a regular skill. The skill points are saved in attribute-specific pools. Each attribute will have it's own pool of skill points which can only be allocated to skills that depend on that attribute. This limits the allocation of skill points to the category of regular skills that a character would otherwise be training with the same two attributes, presumably the two strongest attributes.
Amaroq Dricaldari
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-02-05 07:02:27 UTC
That sounds like a very good idea. But there could be some problems with abuse or confusion.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Azn Empire
#3 - 2012-02-05 07:49:41 UTC
Griptus wrote:
What this would do is eliminate the need to train skills. It would eliminate the skill queue because we would no longer have to schedule skills in order to make sure that our characters don't fall behind when, for whatever reason, we are unable to log on and add another skill to the queue before the current skill finishes.
These are all the reason why it's a bad idea. But I'll add one, you've removed the decision of whether you should train that level 5 skill. You now don't need to worry, as you know SP is adding up no matter what. So you've remove a whole swath of decisions and consequences.

I believe the skill system in Eve, is one of it's very strong points. This makes it worse, so no thanks.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Destination SkillQueue
#4 - 2012-02-05 07:56:59 UTC
I'm mostly with Mag's on this one. I don't see this as an improvement over the current system, just a slightly different take on how things could have been designed with different up and down sides.
#5 - 2012-02-05 09:04:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Griptus
Mag's wrote:

You've removed the decision of whether you should train that level 5 skill.

The decision is still there, you just make it after you have the skill points rather than before.
Ostraka Kadesh
#6 - 2012-02-05 09:31:42 UTC
No. For the reasons stated here.

It's apple pie all the way down.

#7 - 2012-02-05 10:20:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Griptus
Another player had the same great idea and got trolled?

Imagine that. Blink
Azn Empire
#8 - 2012-02-05 13:31:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Griptus wrote:
Mag's wrote:

You've removed the decision of whether you should train that level 5 skill.

The decision is still there, you just make it after you have the skill points rather than before.
That's the whole point.

As it is now, you make a choice and have to stick with it. Even if after a couple of weeks, you realise you actually should have trained another skill to 5. With your idea, that consequence is removed and you collect SP to distribute as and when required.

Sorry, but no thanks.

Griptus wrote:
Another player had the same great idea and got trolled?

Imagine that. Blink
Because disagreeing and arguing against an idea = trolling?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Aidan Patrick
Aldebaran Foundation
#9 - 2012-02-05 15:15:25 UTC
While this idea is interesting and has merit I don't agree with the method outlined.

The reason I disagree with the specific method is that specifying the attributes to use as primary and secondary would (without your 'work-around') open up the ability to exploit the feature to train skills with different attributes faster than others.

Now, while that exploit can be fixed by assigning what type of skills those skill points can be used for we still have two major problems. The first problem being is the (extremely likely) chance of confusion mentioned in your first reply. The second problem is the fact that instead of using the existing unallocated skill point distribution system in the game, the work-around would require CCP to create an entirely new distribution system with its own set of rules.

Now don't get me wrong, I like the idea of gathering skill points automatically over time as my account is active and then assigning them I just don't think this is the method to use.

With that said, if a system like this was implemented my opinion is that it should use the following mechanics:

  • Existing attribute system, implants and training system remain in place.
  • Passive skill point accumulation is added and active only when the account is active and no skill is in training.
  • Passive skill point accumulation is calculated at 75% of the maximum skill points per hour that can be obtained with a perfectly even attribute map (IE, same amount of points in each stat)
  • Passive skill point accumulation does not take in to account implants.
  • Points accumulated from passive accumulation can be allocated to any skill.

Any ways that is the basis of how I think the mechanics of a feature like this should work.

Hope you enjoy the feedback.

It wont let me have an empty signature...

#10 - 2012-02-05 15:37:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Griptus
Mag's wrote:

As it is now, you make a choice and have to stick with it. Even if after a couple of weeks, you realize you actually should have trained another skill to 5. With your idea, that consequence is removed and you collect SP to distribute as and when required.

Sorry, but no thanks.

When you decide which attributes you want your generic skill to train, that is a permanent and irreversible commitment.
When you chose what skills to allocate your skill points to, that is also a permanent and irreversible commitment.
You could very well regret any of these decisions after you make them so no consequence are removed.
Shovel Bros
#11 - 2012-02-05 15:55:38 UTC
Griptus wrote:
When you decide which attributes you want your generic skill to train, that is a permanent and irreversible commitment.

If you would stop and think logically for a minute you would realize that people will simply dump all their unused skills into Will/Perc to be able to dump them into the next FotM when it rolls around.

ANY system that allows characters to suddenly dump SP into skills faster than they should be able to (by stockpiling, backdating, retraining, buying, or any other stupid idea that people will come up with) is fundamentally abusable and would destroy skills in Eve as we know them by removing the main consequence to training in Eve. It doesn't matter if it would accumulate SP a bit slower than if you were training skills the current way, it will still be horribly abused.

People need to stop posting threads with anything to do with SP because every single one of them is fundamentally flawed and would destroy skill training in Eve. Yes, I know you're upset because you made the wrong decision about what to train or blah, blah, blah, but the point remains that Eve has very real consequences to every single action you do and there is never any "oops" button. If you don't like that there are consequences to your actions in Eve, maybe it isn't the game for you, because that the core philosophy in Eve.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#12 - 2012-02-05 17:03:16 UTC
Hmmm, I see two opposing philosophies. One wants to salvage lost time proactively as going into a reserve of points to be used to buy skills later, even if this means paying more than full SP in value to redeem.

The other side is pointing out that planning and commitment should not be devalued this much.

Here is another idea.

Available only for skills trained at least to zero, (injected but untrained).

Set your skill que not for specific skill levels, the que can still be locked to a 24 hour cycle, but set the que to auto-continue any skill to it's next level automatically.
IE: level 4 might be over 3 days, but if you don't log in for a week, it starts level 5 automatically after level 4.

Direction changes in skills would still only be set in the 24 hour range, but if you wanted a skill to 5, just let it run by itself once it is started on the 24 hour que.
The option when right clicking the skill to put it in the que would still offer the next level, the way it currently is, or the option to FINISH IT, which would auto cue it after the current level until level 5 completed.

Now, after level 5, the que would still stop, so it has a limited value.
Shovel Bros
#13 - 2012-02-05 17:14:28 UTC  |  Edited by: mxzf
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Available only for skills trained at least to zero, (injected but untrained).

This would be no less exploitable than the previous system, since abusers would simply inject the skills, but would actually hurt any legitimate users because then they couldn't advance any partially trained skills.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
Set your skill que not for specific skill levels, the que can still be locked to a 24 hour cycle, but set the que to auto-continue any skill to it's next level automatically.
IE: level 4 might be over 3 days, but if you don't log in for a week, it starts level 5 automatically after level 4.

This however, this is probably the first legitimate middle ground between "I forgot to add a new skill" and "Live with the consequences" that I've ever seen. I don't think it's needed, and I think at times it might be annoying to have that 2% of a level 5 that you didn't actually need to train, but I think it's a FAR better compromise than any other I've seen before.

I still don't think it's needed though, since the 24h queue works perfectly well if you pay attention (especially with EVEMon yelling at you to put new skills in, lol), but kudos for a halfway decent idea.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#14 - 2012-02-05 19:05:28 UTC
mxzf wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Available only for skills trained at least to zero, (injected but untrained).

This would be no less exploitable than the previous system, since abusers would simply inject the skills, but would actually hurt any legitimate users because then they couldn't advance any partially trained skills.

You misunderstood. I said at least to zero, not only level zero. Level 1, 2 or 3 also would work. (If you already had level 4 trained, it would not be auto setting level 5, you would be doing it yourself)
The description of injected but untrained is there to explain what level zero is, as the minimum requirement for this.

mxzf wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Set your skill que not for specific skill levels, the que can still be locked to a 24 hour cycle, but set the que to auto-continue any skill to it's next level automatically.
IE: level 4 might be over 3 days, but if you don't log in for a week, it starts level 5 automatically after level 4.

This however, this is probably the first legitimate middle ground between "I forgot to add a new skill" and "Live with the consequences" that I've ever seen. I don't think it's needed, and I think at times it might be annoying to have that 2% of a level 5 that you didn't actually need to train, but I think it's a FAR better compromise than any other I've seen before.

I still don't think it's needed though, since the 24h queue works perfectly well if you pay attention (especially with EVEMon yelling at you to put new skills in, lol), but kudos for a halfway decent idea.

An attentive player able to log in would never need this.

It benefits people unable to log in for extended periods, regardless of whether they have no computer available, or simply had real life issues that kept them too busy.
Mary Annabelle
Moonlit Bonsai
#15 - 2012-02-05 19:16:10 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Here is another idea.

Available only for skills trained at least to zero, (injected but untrained).

Set your skill que not for specific skill levels, the que can still be locked to a 24 hour cycle, but set the que to auto-continue any skill to it's next level automatically.
IE: level 4 might be over 3 days, but if you don't log in for a week, it starts level 5 automatically after level 4.

Direction changes in skills would still only be set in the 24 hour range, but if you wanted a skill to 5, just let it run by itself once it is started on the 24 hour que.
The option when right clicking the skill to put it in the que would still offer the next level, the way it currently is, or the option to FINISH IT, which would auto cue it after the current level until level 5 completed.

Now, after level 5, the que would still stop, so it has a limited value.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
An attentive player able to log in would never need this.

It benefits people unable to log in for extended periods, regardless of whether they have no computer available, or simply had real life issues that kept them too busy.

I like it!

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#16 - 2012-02-06 00:30:37 UTC
Mary Annabelle wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Here is another idea.

Available only for skills trained at least to zero, (injected but untrained).

Set your skill que not for specific skill levels, the que can still be locked to a 24 hour cycle, but set the que to auto-continue any skill to it's next level automatically.
IE: level 4 might be over 3 days, but if you don't log in for a week, it starts level 5 automatically after level 4.

Direction changes in skills would still only be set in the 24 hour range, but if you wanted a skill to 5, just let it run by itself once it is started on the 24 hour que.
The option when right clicking the skill to put it in the que would still offer the next level, the way it currently is, or the option to FINISH IT, which would auto cue it after the current level until level 5 completed.

Now, after level 5, the que would still stop, so it has a limited value.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
An attentive player able to log in would never need this.

It benefits people unable to log in for extended periods, regardless of whether they have no computer available, or simply had real life issues that kept them too busy.

I like it!


Good idea then?

Ok, someone give me a cookie!
#17 - 2012-02-06 03:20:41 UTC
mxzf wrote:

people will simply dump all their unused skills into Will/Perc to be able to dump them into the next FotM when it rolls around.

This idea would not allow you to add skill points to your attributes. It just creates a separate pool for the skill points generated by each attribute.

mxzf wrote:

Any system that allows characters to suddenly dump SP into skills faster than [training them as usual] is fundamentally abuseable and would destroy skills in Eve as we know them by removing the main consequence to training in Eve.

The least you can do is explain your assertions. Instead of ranting, give me some concrete examples.
Blatant Alt Corp
#18 - 2012-02-06 03:47:46 UTC
For the love of god - EVER proposal that is suggested that messes with the skill queue in ANY way is ALWAYS shot down by the community. There are TONS of these threads - don't you people ever check before posting a new thread that is essentially the same ****?

The skill queue is working as intended, is balanced and fair, and promotes the idea that actions have consequences and you should think about what you are doing. No re-allocations, no SP to assign later, and no getting around the fact that you have to log in once in a while to update the queue!

Please, either learn the search function or biomass yourself.
#19 - 2012-02-06 11:37:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Griptus
This proposal does not 'mess' with the skill queue. It does not change or replace what is there now, it just creates a backup so that nobody ever falls behind. If you really believe it won't help your game, fine, you would have the option of not using it.
Azn Empire
#20 - 2012-02-06 14:24:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Griptus wrote:
Mag's wrote:

As it is now, you make a choice and have to stick with it. Even if after a couple of weeks, you realize you actually should have trained another skill to 5. With your idea, that consequence is removed and you collect SP to distribute as and when required.

Sorry, but no thanks.

When you decide which attributes you want your generic skill to train, that is a permanent and irreversible commitment.
When you chose what skills to allocate your skill points to, that is also a permanent and irreversible commitment.
You could very well regret any of these decisions after you make them so no consequence are removed.
I'm not sure if you're deliberately missing the point, or just not seeing it.

As it stands now, you make a choice and have wait for that choice to give fruit. It could be weeks for a level 5, so your choice and decision to train that skill is one to be considered.

With your idea, you gather SP and are able to choose when and to what skill you apply it and instantly gain level 5.
You don't even need to use them, you simply keep gathering the SP and wait for new stuff to arrive. Or wait the new FOTM to show it's head and apply as needed. Instant skills at level 5, no worries.

It even removes the need for the skill queue, as it trains this super skill if you forget to set one. Hell, why even log on at all? Just let it run and return a year later and apply that 20 odd million SP to where ever you fancy.

Bad idea is bad and completely unnecessary.

Griptus wrote:
This proposal does not 'mess' with the skill queue. It does not change or replace what is there now, it just adds something that makes it better. If you really believe it won't help your game, fine, you would have the option of not using it.
It just makes it obsolete.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

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