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Want to join GoonWaffe? Well, this is my experience...
God Said "Come Forth and receive eternal life!" I came fifth and won a toaster!
"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP
The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"
He who trolls trolls best when he who is trolled trolls the troller. -Darth Gustav's Axiom
Je suis Paris // Köln // Brüssel // Orlando // Nice // Würzburg, München, Ansbach // Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray
Je suis Berlin // Fort Lauderdale // London // St. Petersburg // Stockholm
Je suis [?]
We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.
Wherever You Went - Here You Are
Trust me, I almost know what I'm doing.