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HY-2 and HY-1 offer SAME EFFECT on a freighter

Epic Ganking Time
#41 - 2012-02-01 21:03:49 UTC
Hakaru Ishiwara wrote:
Renan Ruivo wrote:
Skydell wrote:
Or.. ya know?
Just maybe?

They don't work?

Don't be stupid. It wouldn't be in the game if it didn't worked.
This is the quote of the day.

This is either a very skillful troll or a very naive soul.

LOL... he's not even trolling. He's just kidding! I actually had a great laugh. Big smile

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Three's a Crowd
#42 - 2012-02-01 22:50:35 UTC
Gogela wrote:
Hakaru Ishiwara wrote:
Renan Ruivo wrote:
Skydell wrote:
Or.. ya know?
Just maybe?

They don't work?

Don't be stupid. It wouldn't be in the game if it didn't worked.
This is the quote of the day.

This is either a very skillful troll or a very naive soul.

LOL... he's not even trolling. He's just kidding! I actually had a great laugh. Big smile

Gosh man, this. Was a witty quip which I too enjoyed.

If anyone ever looks at you and says,_ "Hold my beer, watch this,"_  you're probably going to want to pay attention.

Cindy Marco
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2012-02-01 23:20:57 UTC
Mirima Thurander wrote:
Renan Ruivo wrote:
Skydell wrote:
Or.. ya know?
Just maybe?

They don't work?

Don't be stupid. It wouldn't be in the game if it didn't worked.

you do know this is EvE right at any given time 1/4 of all content in the game is broken or not working the right way

Wow, I needed a good laugh. Yes implants always work. There has never been a broken implant.

I'll just plug in my draftsman implants....oh wait.......
Guardians of the Gate
RAZOR Alliance
#44 - 2012-02-02 03:10:05 UTC
Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
Siigari Kitawa wrote:
Renan Ruivo wrote:
Does your fiting screen shows 0.86au/sec and on his shows 0.83au/sec?!

If not, check that. If yes, then he clicks faster than you.

Actually I was doing show info on the ship in space for better accuracy. Mine shows 0.86 and his showed 0.83. Also, there are a lot of people not really listening to my issue in this thread. The issue isn't about align time, it's about the fact that I have a faster warp speed implant than he does and we were both in warp at the same speed. Our speed indicators at the bottom of our screen both indicated 0.8 AU/s. Also there is no skill that increases your warp velocity.

So what's the deal CCP? Are we rounding? Or are the server ticks locking our warps into place? Or both?

I am pretty sure show info does not take into account the skills of the pilot. even looking at the data in the ship fitting window is not accurate unless you are undocked in space. you would have to both check you warp speed in the fitting window(I believe if you hover over it it shows to actual speed rather than the rounded number, at least it used to) while in space to be sure that you are reading your actual warp speed, in that ship, with all skills and implants considered.

That being said 0.03 au/sec will only really make a difference in very large systems. In small systems it will take way more than 20 jumps to gain/lose any time as most of your time is taken up in alignment and getting into warp rather than your max warp speed.

with freighters I would expect that over a 20 jump race skills increasing align time and ship agility would have a far greater impact than slight differences in warp speed.

Yes I ran some numbers and you need systems with base numbers of over 100au per system before you make up the time difference. If youd be consistantly running in 150au+ systems then warp speed would trump align time. You have to make up 31.55s difference to make warp speed better than align time.

I got bored one day and tried to figure it out.

Have you heard anything I've said?

You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

That's right.

Had to end sometime.

Dissolution Syndicate
#45 - 2012-02-02 03:28:35 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:
Siigari Kitawa wrote:
I am in an Anshar, racing my friend in a Nomad. We have been going for about 20 jumps now and the Nomad (finally) caught up to me. I had a 1 minute head start. I have an HY-2 plugged in and he has an HY-1. We both entered warp at the same time, but we remained in the same bubble as each other for the duration of the 90 AU warp. This was a non-fleet/squad warp. We both warped individually.

So, on ship info it shows HY-1 gives 0.83 AU/s warp speed, and HY-2 gives 0.86 AU/s warp speed. Why didn't I go ahead of him?

Several factors:
* align time: Anshar 25.9s versus Nomad's 22.6s assuming skills at V.
* warp speed increases exponentially until you hit your max warp speed. So you're both hitting your max warp speed at the same time.
* long acceleration and deceleration times which cuts into your .03 speed advantage.
* server has a 1 second "heartbeat", meaning client input is gathered and sent to the server every second.
* random lag, especially in how long it takes to jump and then load a new system
* human reaction time

End result is that your .03 speed advantage over 60 seconds at max warp speed produces a 1.8 second time advantage which isn't significant enough to overcome the other factors.

A 0.03 AU/s speed difference over 1 second is a distance of 4.5 million kilometers. The two pilots should not be able to see each other at that distance, let alone be in lockstep.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#46 - 2012-02-02 07:07:27 UTC
It would be amusing if the game rounded warp speed to the nearest 1/20th.
Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#47 - 2012-02-02 10:15:54 UTC
Renan Ruivo wrote:
Skydell wrote:
Or.. ya know?
Just maybe?

They don't work?

Don't be stupid. It wouldn't be in the game if it didn't worked.


"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

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