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Game inconsistencies on some item stats...

Valmor DePontdelac
Andorra Paradis Fiscal
#1 - 2012-01-31 19:32:00 UTC

I've been compiling some data about passenger items not being realistic and I wanted to make a petition to see if there's a way for them to be updated in a future patch. Here goes the list:

Amarr Light Marines : Being suposedly "light", having a mass of 1000kg is a lot for 2m3 of volume, even with full military gear... (that is valid for all the other military livestock items like marines, militants, Kameiras and all the group and large group types).

Civilian SIGINT Contractors : its mass is 30kg and its volume 30m3 (people weigth more than 30kg, and even with some baggages a person alone is not going to ocuppy 30m3).

Group of Civilian SIGINT Contractors : By the same rule, if the group represents 10 people it's not realistic 300kg and 300m3.

Caldari Prisoners of War : Those poor prisoners are treated below the Geneva Convention standards in every way as it says in the description. Being starved and malnourished, I guess that means that those 100kg are meant to represent 2 people, but if cramped on 0,5m3 that's too inhumane... By the way, it's strange that the Gallente treat their prisoners like this when you would expect the other 3 races to do such things but have no corresponding item...

Prisoners: How many people in those stats? Why not 600kg in 6m3 or 800kg in 8m3?

Group of Exotic Dancers : This group uses 40m3 and weights 40000kg while a single Exotic Dancers is 1m3 for 50kg. By that proportion, a group of fourty people would be 2000kg.

Large Group of Exotic Dancers : We have the same problem here, for a volume of 400m3 we should have 20.000kg and not 400.000.

Tahaki Karin : This person weight is correct, but the volume may be a little overboard if there is no baggage or equipment to explain those 3m3.

Blood Raider Scientist : While the usual Scientist is 65Kg for 1m3, this passenger goes up to 250kg and 3m3 for a single person...

The Damsel : In this case the volume is ridicukously low for a person (0,1m3)

Group of Coriault Couture Collective Display Employees : Here too the mass is too low, as a volume of 10m3 should hava a mass of at least 500kg and not the current 10kg. Suposing that those employees may have bulky couture baggages, the mass may even be larger.

Heiress : This item in particular does NOT stack, and as a person has no way to repack and can't be assembled.

I'm sure there are many more, but this list gives a prety good Idea of what I'm talking about.

Thank you for your time, spacemen.
Minmatar Heavy Industries
#2 - 2012-01-31 20:42:32 UTC
Valmor DePontdelac wrote:

Group of Exotic Dancers : This group uses 40m3 and weights 40000kg while a single Exotic Dancers is 1m3 for 50kg. By that proportion, a group of fourty people would be 2000kg.

Large Group of Exotic Dancers : We have the same problem here, for a volume of 400m3 we should have 20.000kg and not 400.000.

Heiress : This item in particular does NOT stack, and as a person has no way to repack and can't be assembled.

I'm sure there are many more, but this list gives a prety good Idea of what I'm talking about.

Thank you for your time, spacemen.

Chicks in large groups always take up too much space that's why the WOMENS RESTROOMS always have long lines at bars/sporting events
An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Richard Kyanka
#3 - 2012-01-31 20:49:29 UTC
Valmor DePontdelac wrote:

Yes, while integrity, logic, physics and mathematics are prerequisite skills to play Eve, facts, as they stand, are sometimes best left at the door.

I just turned on your webcam and I am of a mind to petition the local council, where you reside, to inact an environmental protection order on you.

You are sitting in front of a computer screen wearing a pair of dirty underpants with your belly hanging over the top. There is a pizza stain on your left chin. Your belly button is full of lint and you smell. Your hair, what little is left, could be wrung out and used on your next bicycle chain lube. I am now feeling rather ill.

Sometimes, just sometimes, the virtual world is much easier to digest.
met worst
#4 - 2012-01-31 22:30:13 UTC  |  Edited by: met worst
Richard Kyanka wrote:
Valmor DePontdelac wrote:

You are sitting in front of a computer screen wearing a pair of dirty underpants with your belly hanging over the top. There is a pizza stain on your left chin. Your belly button is full of lint and you smell. Your hair, what little is left, could be wrung out and used on your next bicycle chain lube.

I thought that was the average Eve player?
Ris Dnalor
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2012-01-31 22:35:34 UTC
Valmor DePontdelac wrote:

I've been compiling some data about passenger items not being realistic and I wanted to make a petition to see if there's a way for them to be updated in a future patch. Here goes the list:

Amarr Light Marines : Being suposedly "light", having a mass of 1000kg is a lot for 2m3 of volume, even with full military gear... (that is valid for all the other military livestock items like marines, militants, Kameiras and all the group and large group types).

Civilian SIGINT Contractors : its mass is 30kg and its volume 30m3 (people weigth more than 30kg, and even with some baggages a person alone is not going to ocuppy 30m3).

Group of Civilian SIGINT Contractors : By the same rule, if the group represents 10 people it's not realistic 300kg and 300m3.

Caldari Prisoners of War : Those poor prisoners are treated below the Geneva Convention standards in every way as it says in the description. Being starved and malnourished, I guess that means that those 100kg are meant to represent 2 people, but if cramped on 0,5m3 that's too inhumane... By the way, it's strange that the Gallente treat their prisoners like this when you would expect the other 3 races to do such things but have no corresponding item...

Prisoners: How many people in those stats? Why not 600kg in 6m3 or 800kg in 8m3?

Group of Exotic Dancers : This group uses 40m3 and weights 40000kg while a single Exotic Dancers is 1m3 for 50kg. By that proportion, a group of fourty people would be 2000kg.

Large Group of Exotic Dancers : We have the same problem here, for a volume of 400m3 we should have 20.000kg and not 400.000.

Tahaki Karin : This person weight is correct, but the volume may be a little overboard if there is no baggage or equipment to explain those 3m3.

Blood Raider Scientist : While the usual Scientist is 65Kg for 1m3, this passenger goes up to 250kg and 3m3 for a single person...

The Damsel : In this case the volume is ridicukously low for a person (0,1m3)

Group of Coriault Couture Collective Display Employees : Here too the mass is too low, as a volume of 10m3 should hava a mass of at least 500kg and not the current 10kg. Suposing that those employees may have bulky couture baggages, the mass may even be larger.

Heiress : This item in particular does NOT stack, and as a person has no way to repack and can't be assembled.

I'm sure there are many more, but this list gives a prety good Idea of what I'm talking about.

Thank you for your time, spacemen.

while it doesn't change the game for me, I can't imagine it would take much time to fix the db entries, and I see no reason not to make it right.

EvE = Everybody Vs. Everybody

  • Qolde
#6 - 2012-01-31 22:44:28 UTC
Valmor DePontdelac wrote:

Civilian SIGINT Contractors : its mass is 30kg and its volume 30m3 (people weigth more than 30kg, and even with some baggages a person alone is not going to ocuppy 30m3).

Group of Civilian SIGINT Contractors : By the same rule, if the group represents 10 people it's not realistic 300kg and 300m3.

It gets even better when you consider that Weight = Mass * Gravity. 30kg * 9.8m/s^2 = 294 newtons.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.