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Multiple Clients Causing Lag

#1 - 2012-01-31 03:43:21 UTC
Before I start, let me list my specs:

-Intel i5 2500K @ 4.0 GHz
-2X Overclocked GTX 570s in SLi configuration
-8 GB dual channel RAM
-Well maintained, ventilated and all the temperatures are well within the norms.

All drivers are up to date, and other games I happen to play work fine, and all settings set to max. I'd lowered and reset these settings, even assigned the clients to work off of different GPUs, but, alas, nothing seems to work.

However, when playing EVE with two clients open, I find that the game has a habit of dropping from very good FPS to very sub par FPS. I'd have to guess at about 30 or less frames. Is anyone else experiencing similar problems?
Bare Minimum Bandits
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#2 - 2012-01-31 18:52:59 UTC
Try disabling your SLI, it doesn't work outside of full screen mode anyway.
#3 - 2012-02-01 19:45:35 UTC
DigDoug wrote:
Try disabling your SLI, it doesn't work outside of full screen mode anyway.

This did the trick. Thanks for the help.