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Incursion fixes/feedback thread

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Shiu Juan
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#301 - 2012-01-28 18:37:28 UTC
Integration with Other Activities

Finally, some integration with other activities could be nice.

It would be nice if it was worthwhile to salvage (not just loot), the wrecks. I have to admit that I have not actually tried bringing a salvager in recently, but my recollection from SiSi was that the wrecks were totally useless to salvage. I have not tried bringing a salvager because we routinely left a few stuff remaining rats once we achieved our objective, and I did not want to risk a ship to clear them before bringing a Noctis in. If we could have hangers-on (eg newbies) routinely tossing the incursion runners a million or so to clear the last rats and give them a bookmark so they could come in and salvage or mine Lyavite that would generate more integration. (Though maybe the damage is damped down enough that the newbies could also be hired on to clear the last of the pockets for the salvagers and miners.)

I already have lots of T2 and Meta4 in my ship, and have lost some, so I am hopefully making the miners, manufacturers and mission runners happy. I also could not make some of my fits work without faction gear so I am making FW people happy (though it sounds like there are allegations they are becoming too happy and able to charge "excessively high" prices.)
In addition, since it is such a pain transporting both the shield and armor ship, I could be hiring freighters to move all my crap. (I have to admit, I assumed the cost would be prohibitive, but I just checked the prices, and it turns out it would be totally affordable given the expected income.) I am sure there are other niche industries that could grow up around incursions that I have not even thought of.

I would just like to conclude with a commentary to the people demanding a shutdown of all economic activity in an area: There are people in high sec because they are the "normal citizens" of the real world. They are there because they like stability, and want to just live their predictable lives fulfilling the needs of other economic factors for a nominal reward. In the "real world" they can cry to their government and demand higher taxes for more policing when the boogie man comes calling. It is all very well to say "the miners will cry and be motivated to Do Something About It" when their nice quiet lives are disrupted, but in practice I can not yet mine the Sansha hulls when they target a Retriever, and they can not fly a combat ship, because they did not specialize for that. In addition, I can not issue a contract for a combat ship pilot to sit around being bored waiting for Sansha rats to arrive in the belts, or to fly convoy with me when transporting goods to market. (I could probably ask around to find out how to issue a mercenary contract to do such a thing, but the margins are too small to make that economically feasible, and seriously what merc is going to take contract when there is a proxy wardec contract to take?) The incentive has to be provided by game mechanics instead. The will not Do Something About It, they will just pick up and move and complain to the CSM asking to get rid of Incursions.
#302 - 2012-01-29 03:53:58 UTC
George Holden wrote:

- gatecamps would support the whole EVE is harsh theme but I guess there is too much crying involved in the implementation of those

I'm not going to judge this proposal, instead I will explain to you what you are asking for.

I build BCs. Lots and lots of BCs. In your average week I build and sell 150 Drakes. I could build and sell 300 but I have problems to get all the trit I need. One freighter with BCs is worth about 3B ISK including the freighter itself. The profit stored in that freighter is about 150M ISK. That means if Sanshas would gank that freighter I would have to ship nearly 20 freighter loads to Jita to recover from that loss.

Since I can't tell what's at the other side of the gate and the Journal is fairly slow I would have to use a scout. Not much of a problem, I have 3 accounts. As I can't go AFK anymore to do the freighter runs (lots and lots of freighter runs) I would have to calculate my prices a little different. How would you like to pay 45M ISK for a Drake?

The problem is not the tears. I would make much more ISK then I do nowadays. The problem is that the Amarr-Jita-pipe is buzzing with life and most players believe that carebearing is boring. (Well it is, but most of the work is done by the AP, so I don't really care personally.)

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#303 - 2012-01-29 11:10:35 UTC
gfldex wrote:

Since I can't tell what's at the other side of the gate

Warning. The system you are about to jump into has an Incursion by hostile Sansha forces.
Enter at your own discretion.

Wyte Ragnarok
#304 - 2012-01-29 14:23:02 UTC
Or be clever. Use your journal accompanied by your map when plotting routes.
Razor Blue
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#305 - 2012-01-29 23:06:10 UTC
If Incursion farmability was removed, they would become roleplaying content, similar to Cosmos. IMO the payouts are just fine when taking account that its group activity.

Heres my thoughts:

1. Roll back original OTA
- Making OTA easier was unnecessary, and rolling it back to hardmode would bring back the balance between VG sites

2. Buff the high grade Concord implants, from +6% to +8%
- The +1% they provide over regular +5% isnt really worth the pricetag

3. Stop Nullsec Incursions
- If only way getting Revenants was through lowsec Incursions, that would really spice things up i think.

4. NCN needs bit rework

Last brainfart before i go to sleep: Maybe add Concord Warp Disruption bubbles and/or Concord POS modules to the LP-store?
Jonny Frost
#306 - 2012-01-30 02:20:49 UTC
I feel the need to add my opinion due to the lack of general incursion runners posting. It's either extreme haters or lovers.

I run incursions and have done since release and I am one of the shiny members who enjoy blitzing sites. For "fixing" incursions I find its a little off balance firstly because they're running as they were expected to as far as I am aware.

For balancing? I don't think its fair to say bltizing shouldnt be possible.... A shiny fleet takes an increased risk (what we are supposidly already lacking) to be able to blitz OTA's and no matter what you do in eve, pvp or pve, you want to do it t as well as possible.

Turning incursions into a pvp arena just sounds like wow and players being butt hurt that incursions are so popular. It's the first pve content in the game which is fun and people enjoy. I'm all for the sandbox and griefing but don't moan when game mechanics don't allow you ruin everyone else day.

I understand the arguement of injected isk into the market and its effects and would be all for more LP but please dont just increase the LP and still leave us with the pretty useless concorde LP store we are currently having to deal with.

Incursions only work when people do them. If popularity dropped by half, it wouldn't be long till the entire public network collapses when there is not enough people to run the fleets.

In short:
- Balance payouts in VG,ASS and HQ sites to make fleet prefer running the larger sites (this mainly means fixing the broken assault and hq sites)
- Scouts shouldn't be changed - otherwise they will just be run solo with alts - not the point of incursions.
- Reduce isk payout and increase LP BUT add to the concorde lp store to compensate.
- Adding variable spawns and maybe alternative triggers I'm happy with or even removing the name of the site on the beacon to reduce the ability to blitz, but don't remove blitzing all together.
Ziranda Hakuli
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#307 - 2012-01-30 08:48:53 UTC
I remember someone if not ALOT of people not only in Empire but also in 0.0 space ask for more content and a vqriety of things to do. Well you got it with Wormhole space and the sleepers within them and then comes along Faction warfare and the new upgrades to both and not everyone was satisfied and many cried for more content as many people seem to be looking about and poking behind the story lines that have been put out there. Sleeping dragons like Sansha got poked and well it got introduced as a new story for the Eve universe.

So many stared at it in AWWW!!!

It was until several weeks later that 0.0 realized that the empire kids were making more isk them then and went on a holly tirade cause they got their panties in a wad.

Taking a look back there has always been someone crying about little Johny or Suzy getting a shinier toy then you. but we can be productive and contribute suggestions in how to balance things and threatening to quit eve is not going to solve a thing other then ego being busted with a pin.

This is a sandbox and WE ALL come here to play and have fun cause kicking sand in mittens face is AWSOME or shoving Darius III face in the pooh that ~A~ left behind while the GOONS steal little Suzy's sucker.

Yes the Incursions need to be rebalanced AND the mighty 0.0 alliance need to rethink their strategy if they ever come up with some on how to handle the incursions in their territory. maybe higher some empire incursion runners to come out and deal with it. Yeah i know it interrupts your PVP or tally whackin time but i know you find time for it later and to think Incursions out in 0.0 are worth more. Maybe your guys need to take time to read and figure out a stragey...oh hold that would require rmoving head from butt.


Good Luck
T'ealk O'Neil
BATS Heavy Industries
#308 - 2012-01-30 13:04:54 UTC
I know a lot of people like the incursions, and I'm fine with that, but for those of us that are not interested (even just at that moment), can we PLEASE have an option to hide the Incursion Information, and close the chat tab associated with it. It should be made an option in the new neocom.
Demonfuge Malevolent
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#309 - 2012-01-30 16:48:11 UTC
Get CONCORD involved. Seriously. The one thing that confused the bejeezles out of newer players is why CONCORD acts like sansha are its greatest pals. Maybe make incursion systems have no CONCORD (the sansha got 'em) or have the occasional CONCORD vessel attack the sansha and die spectacularly (leaving no loot). Whatever, or at least just explain in neon lights why CONCORD has ****ed off.
Demonfuge Malevolent
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#310 - 2012-01-30 16:48:33 UTC
T'ealk O'Neil wrote:
I know a lot of people like the incursions, and I'm fine with that, but for those of us that are not interested (even just at that moment), can we PLEASE have an option to hide the Incursion Information, and close the chat tab associated with it. It should be made an option in the new neocom.

Agree with that, too.
Demonfuge Malevolent
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#311 - 2012-01-30 16:49:48 UTC
I have no idea how incursions work in player null, but if they could take systems if they "won" that would be uber ;)
Liisi Rukila
Express Distribution
#312 - 2012-01-30 18:11:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Liisi Rukila
sacrificiallamb Sasen wrote:
What i would like to see changed in incursions

4 make all site harder i want to go into a site knowing that i could well lose my ship ~(at mo i can go into site go make coffee
go afk for 5 10mins and still come back to a ship, i want to feel like iam in a hostile place

So... Not to penalize honesty, but say that in Fleet chat where the FC and/or Logi can hear you, and you may very well get your wish without CCP changing anything. :-)

I never thought about the implications of the AI like that. Capsuleers have to use heuristics when choosing targets. They take into account potential threat, squishiness, ship value, or wrong place in the alphabet. The AI has much better data analysis and coordination and can evaluate actual threat, and cares not a whit about ship value or the alphabet. (I have heard that Sleepers place a high value on squishiness.) If you sit like a lump in space waiting to get paid, the AI can just leave you alone, and deal with you later, since you are really not getting in the way of their plans. On the other heand, a PVP-er will either want to pre-empt the possibility of you turning on your guns, or want to see tears when you lose your ship Just 'Cuz.

So, here is a proposal to deal with the trend toward shininess: Let's have a new Sansha CovOps ship type with ship scanners. It uncloaks, scans the opposition ships, cloaks up, and passes on the information to the Sansha FC as to which ship has the most dangerous, most expensive fittings to let it factor that into which ship is called primary. Non-shiny fleets just ignore it, pilots of shiny ships take it out first regardless of the FC yelling at them to take down the jamming/scramming ships first. There is a good conflict driver. :-)
#313 - 2012-01-30 20:00:02 UTC
Ammzi wrote:

Warning. The system you are about to jump into has an Incursion by hostile Sansha forces.
Enter at your own discretion.


I then go and get my scout. As I wrote I have no problem with that. I actually like profits!

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

#314 - 2012-01-30 20:02:27 UTC
Demonfuge Malevolent wrote:
Get CONCORD involved. Seriously. The one thing that confused the bejeezles out of newer players is why CONCORD acts like sansha are its greatest pals. Maybe make incursion systems have no CONCORD (the sansha got 'em) or have the occasional CONCORD vessel attack the sansha and die spectacularly (leaving no loot). Whatever, or at least just explain in neon lights why CONCORD has ****ed off.

Your two suggestions are orders of magnitude from each other. First one is "make incursion constellations into lowsec", second is "add a bit of fluff and some loot".

Removing concord from highsec incursions would make them nearly equal to lowsec ones, except highsec ones paying less, and gankers becoming completely safe by just jumping into ordinary highsec system next door. Very few people would do those as it would be more risky and metagameable then ordinary nearly completely ignored lowsec or 00 incursions.

Crazy suggestion for 00 incursions. Other than increasing payouts significantly above current (not 10x, but maybe up to 2x). also create one more useless sov upgrade for which no one knows how exactly it works. Sansha incursiosn attracting beacon. Increases the chance of incursions spawning in this constellation.
Minmatar Heavy Industries
#315 - 2012-01-30 20:52:28 UTC
I've been ACTIVELY trying to form Assault fleets over the past 3 weeks and of course we always see the same thing in those systems: THE STACKING OF NCN's... 2 reasons why: they always force ship refitting which can kill fleets and they take 2-3 times longer then the NCS & OCF. A buff to these sites' payout over the ISK/hour of Vanguards would help cohesion of fleets a bit but the NCN's still almost need 1 room to disappear due to how long they take to take down. NCN's are the old pre-blitz OTA's of Vanguards
An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#316 - 2012-01-31 01:22:51 UTC

Nothing is up with incursions

they are creating emergent game play

people are trying to do them quicker and get more isk from it via doing it

people feel agrieved that this isnt fair

they make a pact to try disrupt them ASAP.

High sec is just as unsafe as low and null sec (infact you do not see many 4 bill awoxers in null)

Missed anything?

Proactive idea to argument - fix null sec so the null sec tears are not aimed at what they can not do in null sec.

Fire all CSM for complete incompetence on this issue - you are all like Matinnni's ***** and not everyones end game is to live and get boned in null sec by all you CEO's who moooch most of the isk your alliance sits on via moons.....PS: Goons although can make a killing in their cluster **** world still have the need to cap every low sec moon their is.....

Balancing is needed there not cutting peoples throats at something that is giving many the ability to kill a goon....

Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#317 - 2012-01-31 06:04:02 UTC
ITT: People who understand neither nullsec mechanics or how the in-game economy works.

PS: Incursions in nullsec will never get farmed much because of the cynojam effect, which shuts down out jump bridges, and prevents capships from jumping. The problem isn't the payouts(tho VGs apparently do pay out too much compared to the rest of the incursion) its the lack of risk(and risk of an error isn't real risk) and farmability, which are tied together. You can farm them, and as long as you don't screw up significantly, you are fine.

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Ziranda Hakuli
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#318 - 2012-01-31 09:37:56 UTC
Tallian Saotome wrote:
ITT: People who understand neither nullsec mechanics or how the in-game economy works.

PS: Incursions in nullsec will never get farmed much because of the cynojam effect, which shuts down out jump bridges, and prevents capships from jumping. The problem isn't the payouts(tho VGs apparently do pay out too much compared to the rest of the incursion) its the lack of risk(and risk of an error isn't real risk) and farmability, which are tied together. You can farm them, and as long as you don't screw up significantly, you are fine.

It goes back to the statement i made earlier. The might 0.0 alliance command type guys with the leader playing pivot man needs to form a strategy but that would end up allowing a confident person into the command who might...just might threaten the command staff of the alliance thumb hold on the renters to disappear. Yes i know it involves alot of thinking beyond the PVP
Akatenshi Xi
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#319 - 2012-01-31 13:49:42 UTC
I just wanted to say that this is a very delicate subject and I would advise and urge CCP strongly to make changes with caution and careful thought.

If you change incursions, what will your changes affect in your player base numbers? How will it affect null sec versus high sec and what about low sec in between? What will this relate to wormhole space?

I would have to say those questions are the biggest entirely.

You do realize if your nerf incursions too much you're going to have the makings of a riot on your hands. You nerfed null sec to where it isn't profitable, only to the power block alliances because of moons. Anomalies are pretty much crap unless you are fortunate to get something in the ballpark of a -0.7 to a -1.0. And even then it isn't that much to cheer for considering how the economy in null sec is. Over priced, few and far between, jump freighter fees, etc., etc.. Even people from null sec jump clone up to high sec and run incursions all the time so they can make their isk now.

I think possibly things are good how they are in high sec. Beef low sec up a little bit on the incursion front, and redouble your efforts to beef it up in nullsec. Nullsec should be where incursions are the absolute craziest. No concord, lawless space, so why shouldn't incursions be insane, and in relation the payouts higher in the more lawless areas.

Either way. Don't **** this up and continue on with business as usual then find something else to screw up --- Or do, I don't mind mocking daily failure.
Razor Blue
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#320 - 2012-01-31 16:48:07 UTC
Bears care, haters hate, warmongers monger and CCP is in between rock and hard place trying to satisfy all customers.

I have listed few suggested fixes:

1. Put MOM on a timer
-Its already on a timer. People want it to despawn faster? If Incursions were cycling faster throughout highsec, it would just become more frustrating to chase the around

2. Reduce payouts
-If Incursions were injecting too much isk into economy, CCP would just cut them and then release announcement about it, just like they did with anomalys. Not every single incursion pick-up-group can earn +100mil/h, so until CCP comes forward with ISK flow data, we really cant make any assumptions if Incursions pay too much or not.

3. Increase LP payout
-LP costs 1000isk/point, so 11-man fleet earns 8,4mil *new* isk / VG-site if they spend their LPs If incursions paid only LP, then players would have to earn ISK elsewhere to cash in their loyalty points. And that would break Incursions rather than fix anything.

4. Remove farmability, stop spawning/despawn any sites once the mom has spawned
- They are farmable only by players with 10man gangs. And they have very limited availability. Removing farmability would also remove large social aspect from the game. Someone along the thread said that Incursions are the first PVE content in Eve that is actually fun.

5. Increase variability, add risk
- It is PVE content after all, after awhile it will become predictable... Although i wouldnt mind if there was bit difference between waves

6. Remove ability to blitz sites
- Ive suggested few times to roll back the OTA back to the hardmode. But still, i think that group of players with high equipment and skill, should be able to blitz the sites. Not all incursion runners fly Legions and Nightmares. For Assaults, the NCN is the real bottleneck which should be adressed. I dont have experience in HQs so cant comment those.

7. Make high sec Incursions unsafe, removing CONCORD from high sec incursion
-I dont think that people suggesting this are really concerned about Incursions...

None of these wouldnt really fix anything. But then again, i think that theres nothing wrong with high sec incursions. If the complaining wasnt about Incursions, then it would be about lvl4 and how they should be moved to lowsec.