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Issues, Workarounds & Localization

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Localisation/Market Window: Force of , (comma) instead of . (period)

First post
New Eden Trading Association
#1 - 2012-01-24 15:05:24 UTC
Since the Patch today i _have_ to enter a , (comma) in the Market-Window instead of a . (period). This is inconsistent and stupid.

e.g.: 4,01 for 1 Trit instead of 4.01.

I have . (period) on my Numpad and i use it to update orders. The Keycode sent to the program is the "period". But also "comma" and "KP_Seperator" are not working. I think you are requesting the Hardwareid of the key (here 91 for the numpad-key, 59 for comma and 60 for period on the "normal" keyboard (lower row, near shift))
The only thing thats currently working is "comma" on key 59. "comma" on key 91 (as mapped with MOD3+91) is NOT working.

I think due to localisation (wine under german ubuntu - everything else set to english. I even checked the prefs.ini stating it is english) i guess that somehow i need to enter , (comma) as decimal-symbol (like everywhere in germany).

Everywhere else in the game its displayed with a decimal-period, not a decimal-comma (not localised?).

Just make an option if you tend to overwrite such settings.

Until then i think ill try to figure out a way to set my wine to english.

FYI: Changing the keyboard-layout (through remapping) had no effect.

Temporary solution (for me):
make an
export LC_ALL=C

and then start eve (or edit your startupscript).
This starts wine with "default" (= english) setup and overrides a german OS, thus enabling to use the decimal-point as intended.
But i think other people will have trouble as well (and not be using unix).

Hope this helps someone.
#2 - 2012-01-24 16:23:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Yumeilan
same problem here, spanish keyboard.

Lost 50M on taxes, nice !!
Eleonora Skye
Sushi Corp
#3 - 2012-01-26 18:10:39 UTC
Same problem here, REALLY annoying.
FB Tuz
Through the Looking Glass
#4 - 2012-01-29 08:31:41 UTC
Same problem here too, on 2 different computers, one with a French WinXP (but configured with 'dot' as decimal separator), and one with a US Win7 64.

The majority of European players being unaffected, it seems the problem occurs when the system decimal separator is not consistent with the keyboard layout.
The Wings of Maak
#5 - 2012-02-03 12:20:00 UTC
Same problem here.

Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bits, english language, french keyboard, french localization.

Setting up "." instead of "," in Region and Language settings (Decimal symbol in Numbers and Currency tabs) doesn't change anything (restarted the client at every changes)

Please kindly fix this issue that will cause market players emoragequit :)
Ceptia Cyna
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2012-02-17 00:20:58 UTC
No problem here.

Windows 7 Professional 64bit, german language, german keyboard, english eve localization.

Always using "," as decimal sepperator for decimals as my numpad has only a comma not a period, the letterblock has both.

All ISK values are "." period for thousands and "," comma for cents as seperators.

I don't even remember anything changed for me.
CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#7 - 2012-02-19 12:53:34 UTC
This has been fixed internally and will be deployed in a future patch.

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#8 - 2012-02-19 12:54:16 UTC
FB Tuz wrote:
The majority of European players being unaffected, it seems the problem occurs when the system decimal separator is not consistent with the keyboard layout.

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

Polisz Produkszyn Korporejszyn
#9 - 2012-02-20 16:38:42 UTC
How about I'm using two computers (laptop and desktop) both Win 7 x64 with identical keyboard and localization settings and the "decimal" problem is occuring only on laptop. Desktop works as intended. Laptop has the numpad of course.
New Eden Trading Association
#10 - 2012-02-24 21:11:12 UTC
Also in the german forums we noticed how to fix it under win7.

Eve uses the settings of the "system"-user and not of the user logged in, thus you have to change the whole OS-standards.

"solution" there was:
selecting format English (US)
and saving it to all users (so also to the "system" user):

windows allows you to "switch" the decimal-point to anything - but this setting is ignored by eve.

its all just pretty weird.

I would prefer a solution via the prefs.ini. Just define there what you want. And a setting inside eve (Preset) with the common syntax (US: 123,456,789.01 - German: 123.456.789,10 - French 123 456 789,10 etc.)

Also i noticed: Pasting Values into Eve (i.e. the Trading-Window) allows me to paste "123.45" (wich gets mangled to 12345 currently because of the ,<->.-issue) but not the "correct" value of "123,45" (as this gets rejected by eve before it enters the field as "non-numeric-value" i guess).
That fixed would be great, too.