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CCP Stop Nerfing the Titan itself but Nerf how many can be deployed on the field

Appetite 4 Destruction
#1 - 2012-01-27 23:51:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Ur235
This is your best bet to fix the super probem atm, all you keep doing is nerfing the Titan itself thats wrong! instead you should be nerfing how many can be deployed in a fight (fuel costs and running costs or something) and bring the aoe DD back. This way alliances wouldnt spend billions of isk in a supers race because it would be pointless but also wouldnt mean the biggest fleet wins the battle becuase the old aoe dd would be back. It also wouldnt kill small gang warfare because a smaller gang can easily avoid a aoe DD whilst a 800 man gang would find it alot harder. It would also keep the carebears happy as they can still run there Sanctums and Havens in their 8 tracking mods Titan, that is until they get ganked anyway

I have absoloutley no idea how tight the restrictions would be and what fuel and running costs would be (although I would reccomend a huge increase in jump drive fuel costs that would maybe stack with the amount of Titans on the field.) I also have no idea what would be an "acceptable amount" thats for you guys to think on

But stop Nerfing the poor ship and try a new approach to the supers problem


T' Elk
Goonswarm Federation
#2 - 2012-01-27 23:54:46 UTC
Not gunna read, but I am going to respond. You cannot nerf how many can be nerfed and deployed without drastically changing their game mechanics. If I am not mistaken, they tried to nerf how many could be had by way of material costs and such. Didn't work.

~Badposter since FOOOOREEEEEVAAAAAR~ I come back after 2 years to THIS? ~Now 4 years apparently

Appetite 4 Destruction
#3 - 2012-01-27 23:56:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Ur235
Hey im not saying it would be easy mate but I swear its the only way to go. We need the CCP brainboxes to start brainstorming on the idea and stop listening to the damn Mittani and the Goons ideas on nerfing them so there 800 man Mealstrom fleets can steamroll eve


Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-01-28 00:00:50 UTC
i'm sorry that you spent 100b on a titan hull lmao

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Appetite 4 Destruction
#5 - 2012-01-28 00:03:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Ur235
I dont even own a Titan mate, never have and this isnt an alt either. I would much rather fly a Guardian or a Basi than a Titan im just a small gang pvp bittervet. But something has to be done to stop this stupid supers race that Eve has turned into in 0.0 sov warfare


Risktech Analytics
#6 - 2012-01-28 00:07:11 UTC
I believe that nerfing supercarriers is both needed but also dumb.

Unerfed, they are far too OP while nerfed they are pointless.

CCP needs to address the mechanics behind which supers exist.

I shall now plug my thread:
Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-01-28 00:21:00 UTC
Wouldn't you say that taking away some of their effectiveness would also have an impact on the amount fielded at any one time?

Remove all offensive capabilities from titans and make them into super-command ships, then not only do they fulfill the support role they were initially envisioned for, but also there's no reason for more than a handful in any alliance.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Appetite 4 Destruction
#8 - 2012-01-28 00:27:09 UTC
Those would have to be some uber leadership bonuses to be worthy of the 50-60 bill pricetag. Plus if they did do this then a small gang who wants to mix things up with a massive fleet wouldnt really stand a chance because everyone in that fleet would have some sort of ******** leadership bonuses which means that small gang probably wont even stand a chance as they prabably cant afford there own Titan and even if they do, to utilize its leadership bonuses they would have to deploy it which would play right into the bigger fleets hands


Ursula LeGuinn
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-01-28 01:04:47 UTC
Supercarriers require the following changes:

  • an actual, dockable hangar, but with limited "ship slots" and ship size restrictions (possibly only frigs, maybe HACs)
  • repair facilities available for docked ships, but these have a cycle time unlike NPC stations and use fuel
  • high-slot modules that can quickly lock, protect (once locked), and tractor in allied pods
  • limited number of replacement ships available for said rescued pods
  • hydraulics, a drop kit and spinna rims ( o7 TheKiller8)

This will never happen, has loosely been proposed before (in variant formats), and people will break out their flammenwerfers to roast me for suggesting it, but if you can imagine someone sitting in their computer chair giving literally 0 *****, you're on the right track.

"The EVE forums are intended to provide a warm, friendly atmosphere for the EVE community." — EVElopedia

Decimus Octavius
#10 - 2012-01-28 01:08:30 UTC
Titan AOE was the most ******** thing ever.
Titans are not currently nerfed, they can and do hit subcaps with fitted weapons and score top damage to boot.
You state that there is some need for a titan to annihilate goon 800 man maelstrom fleets. Why? If any group in eve manages to field a large number of subcaps, good on them. Its what the game is about. Remember all the trailers about massive fleet fights. EVE online massive warfare game. Subcaps are accessible to the widest range of players both skillwise and iskwise and allow everyone to participate. Turning 0.0 into titanfleets is just lame as on so many levels and should never have been allowed.

Some of you need to grow some balls, change your strategy of how many titans can you field and instead field large subcap fleets and bring it like the good old days. But well i guess you can't because you lack the numbers and friends and really shouldn't be holding the space that you do and are only holding it because of broken ship classes.

What if goons end up in 800 man titan fleets? what then? Its a broken argument, if you cant field the numbers then get friends, there should not ever be some super-killyouall-ship as naturally everyone will work towards it making it common and subsequently game breaking just like how titans have been and continue to be.
Space Mermaids
#11 - 2012-01-28 01:24:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Ocih
OP has valid points.
Titans were powerfull because they were out of reach. They are not now. When you nerf Titans you create the demand for more titans. EVE is a game of fleet, Corp and Alliance strength. Ocih means nothing but collect 5000 Ocih's and all of a sudden you are strong. Its the same with Titans. At this point in EVE, nerfing Titan does nothing other than create blobs of them.

The thing being, for most of EVE the Titan is still out of reach simply because Sov and sustainable Sov benefits are controlled by a small group of players, so it is a problem CCP can ignore for the time being. Put a titan and a Super carrier voucher in everyones Test server redeem box and see just how bad things could get in EVE.
Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2012-01-28 01:32:48 UTC
you can't do this but it would work if you could

1 titan on the field per alliance? make multiple alliances
1 per corp? many corps
10 total? jump 10 titans into enemy system they no longer can have titans in their systems

you can't limit based on isk since moon goo is worth so much and bots in drone regions yield huge minerals. the only thing really limiting super caps is characters capable of flying them.

Risktech Analytics
#13 - 2012-01-28 01:39:10 UTC
Herping yourDerp wrote:
you can't do this but it would work if you could

1 titan on the field per alliance? make multiple alliances
1 per corp? many corps
10 total? jump 10 titans into enemy system they no longer can have titans in their systems

you can't limit based on isk since moon goo is worth so much and bots in drone regions yield huge minerals. the only thing really limiting super caps is characters capable of flying them.

This is a possible solution to the question that you're asking.
Tallianna Avenkarde
Pyre of Gods
#14 - 2012-01-28 01:39:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Tallianna Avenkarde
Convert titan fuel from racial iso's to tech.
And make it burn tech to fire DD.

And a sudden plunge in the sullen swell. Ten fathoms deep on the road to hell.

The Carnifex Corp
#15 - 2012-01-28 01:42:01 UTC
< Reserved for when I've played enough to have a valid response. >
Between Ignorance and Wisdom
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2012-01-28 01:44:01 UTC
How about, Titan doomsdays can only be fueled with exotic dancers.
met worst
#17 - 2012-01-28 01:44:11 UTC

In addition, make Titans cheaper, double the guns, range and tracking and x2 the tank.

No wait....

/me drums the desk.....

Ahhh... Nah. It's OK. Do it.

It'll give the Goons something to manipulate nerf when they have 3 in "The Club".

Caldari State
#18 - 2012-01-28 01:47:04 UTC
More carrot, less stick-

Give really nice incentives to current alliances owning titans to trade some of their titans in, thus reducing the number out there in the universe. Obviously it would have be something awesome to trade in for, mind you...


met worst
#19 - 2012-01-28 01:50:32 UTC
Ganagati wrote:
More carrot, less stick-

Give really nice incentives to current alliances owning titans to trade some of their titans in, thus reducing the number out there in the universe. Obviously it would have be something awesome to trade in for, mind you...

How 'bout we just make a super-super cap that pops Titans like Brutix's do a Hulk.

No wait......
#20 - 2012-01-28 02:24:41 UTC
CCP should add a new super titan shipclass. The Hull should cost 500b ISK. It should have an AOE weapon like the old Titan. The ship’s weapon should require a specific moon mineral fuel. There should only be 10 of those moons in the EVE universe. One moon would supply enough fuel for one super titan. The weapon needs to be fueled 24h per day to be online. It would take 6 weeks to online the weapon.
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