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EVE General Discussion

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Not long now for dust?

Grey Azorria
Federation Industries
#21 - 2012-01-26 22:47:04 UTC
Jafit McJafitson wrote:
It's a shame they made it PS3 exclusive. There are plenty of Xbox players and PC FPS gamers who would never consider playing Eve that they could have targeted too.

MS wouldn't let CCP do the back end stuff they needed to make dust work, and LOL at PC FPS's

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Sometimes when I post, I look at my sig and wish that I'd follow my own god damned advice.

Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#22 - 2012-01-27 22:38:39 UTC
btw. exclusive means nothing in game business. Mass Effect 1, halo 2, all announced as exclusive titles... which ended up on pc.

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

#23 - 2012-01-27 22:53:05 UTC
Bienator II wrote:
btw. exclusive means nothing in game business. Mass Effect 1, halo 2, all announced as exclusive titles... which ended up on pc.

Thats an encouraging thought. I'm absolutely horrid at fps on console, but i love playing them on pc.
Valei Khurelem
#24 - 2012-01-27 22:56:18 UTC
I really hope they bring it for the PC, as long as it won't be horribly imbalanced it should end up being great fun.

"don't get us wrong, we don't want to screw new players, on the contrary. The core problem here is that tech 1 frigates and cruisers should be appealing enough to be viable platforms in both PvE and PvP."   - CCP Ytterbium

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