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Univerasal Naming Convention

Jack Corigan
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-01-27 12:50:27 UTC
In light of the recent naming changes to missiles, which i think have been a relative sucess, shouldnt all modules now be reassessed? A good example here, on Projectile Turrests 'Scout' refers to Meta level 4 while on Hybrid turrets ' Scout' refers to Meta Level 2. As much as i like the naming on different modules, there has to be some kind of unity here, at least that 1 descriptive word cannot be used to express 2 different levels.

New players are hugely intimidated by the vast amount of modules in the game and currently the descriptive words are completely unintuitive. Take for example the Medium Inefficient Armor Repair Unit, it costs 2 cpu less and repairs 24 more armor per cycle than the Medium Armore Repair Unit I. A Newbie told me he was using because the T1 because the Inefficient was crap, which i had to explain was wrong and pointed him to the stat differences and meta level.

I will highlight, i do not want to see the naming removed and some generic word slapped accross all modules, but there should be more unity and some kind of naming logic spread across similar modules. It should be obvious which is better and which is worse and definately we should not have to learn the rules then learn the exceptions.
Iris Bravemount
Golden Grinding Gears
#2 - 2012-01-27 13:01:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Iris Bravemount
Well, I don't think the renaming of the missiles has been a huge success, but this is due to the names, not to the unifying I guess.

And yes, you are right. New players are intimidated by the amount of modules, so some univeral terms should help here. But there is a mid-way point to be found. I would not like ending up with all meta 4 items being named "prototype", or else.

There should be a naming convention for each item category. Like all Meta 4 weapons are called prototype, but all meta 4 hardeners are named "efficient" or something like that (anything that conveys that they have the same performance, with reduced fitting and cap consumption).

"I will not hesitate when the test of Faith finds me, for only the strongest conviction will open the gates of paradise. My Faith in you is absolute; my sword is Yours, My God, and Your will guides me now and for all eternity." - Paladin's Creed

Jack Corigan
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-01-27 13:22:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Corigan
Yes exactly, things like guns (hybrid and projectile) should have same name, armor hardeners and energized plating etc should be the same. The missiles were a good idea but i would have prefered if they picked the best name from each damage type, for example Paradise would have been much better than Mjolnir but thats another story.

But mostly id like to avoid words which infer performance. Inefficient is a negative word and it is currently used to describe a module which is better than another.
Gavin DeVries
JDI Industries
#4 - 2012-01-27 14:49:45 UTC
How about Tech 2 ammo names? Javelin, in missiles, is the long range ammo variant for the short range/high damage launchers. Javelin, in hybrid turrets, is the short range ammo variant for the long range/low damage turrets.

PVP is a question with no single right answer, but a lot of wrong ones.

Jack Corigan
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-01-27 15:00:46 UTC
Actually id say the T2 Missiles are fine. There is 2 types of missiles and 2 variations.


Javelin - long range + Lower damage
Rage - short range + high damage

Fury - long range + high damage
Precision - short range + low damage

As you can see, these 4 descriptive words have different properties and cutting down to 2 would have a detrimental effect. Also by the time you are using T2 modules, you should be able to study the attributes page a lot better than a newbie.
#6 - 2012-01-27 18:40:07 UTC
Pff, I'd just rather have all modules named with this convention:

[Item Type] [Tech Lvl] Mk [Meta Lvl]


Afterburner I
Afterburner I Mk 1
Afterburner I Mk 2
Afterburner I Mk 3
Afterburner I Mk 4
Afterburner II

Removing yet another redundant layer of learning what Meta corresponds to what word (experimental, limited, prototype, upgraded).

Trust me, Eve is abundantly immersive enough without having a unique name for every single item.
Jack Corigan
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-01-27 21:28:43 UTC
Once you start removing 1 layer of what makes eve different and awesome, its not long before the next and the next and the next. MK 1..2..3 is boring, its not far off saying +1 +2 +3 which just totally sucks.
#8 - 2012-01-27 21:59:42 UTC
Jack Corigan wrote:
Once you start removing 1 layer of what makes eve different and awesome, its not long before the next and the next and the next. MK 1..2..3 is boring, its not far off saying +1 +2 +3 which just totally sucks.

Meta 1-4 items are numerous, as in not rare, therefore they are not deserving of a unique name. Named items should be rare, so having a unique name is actually meaningful. Plus it is an unnecessary burden if you are new to the game and you have to check the attributes of every item to determine which one is better.
Jack Corigan
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-01-27 22:09:26 UTC
Next you will be saying rare items should be coloured purple...
#10 - 2012-01-27 22:12:31 UTC
No, I will not.
Master Ventris
Rogue Pioneers
#11 - 2012-01-28 01:19:12 UTC
Jack Corigan wrote:
Next you will be saying rare items should be coloured purple...

erm..... don't look at the colour of the tag on officer mods.....
Silas Shaw
Coffee Hub
#12 - 2012-01-28 04:58:32 UTC
Jack Corigan wrote:
In light of the recent naming changes to missiles, which i think have been a relative sucess, shouldnt all modules now be reassessed? A good example here, on Projectile Turrests 'Scout' refers to Meta level 4 while on Hybrid turrets ' Scout' refers to Meta Level 2. As much as i like the naming on different modules, there has to be some kind of unity here, at least that 1 descriptive word cannot be used to express 2 different levels.

New players are hugely intimidated by the vast amount of modules in the game and currently the descriptive words are completely unintuitive. Take for example the Medium Inefficient Armor Repair Unit, it costs 2 cpu less and repairs 24 more armor per cycle than the Medium Armore Repair Unit I. A Newbie told me he was using because the T1 because the Inefficient was crap, which i had to explain was wrong and pointed him to the stat differences and meta level.

I will highlight, i do not want to see the naming removed and some generic word slapped accross all modules, but there should be more unity and some kind of naming logic spread across similar modules. It should be obvious which is better and which is worse and definately we should not have to learn the rules then learn the exceptions.

Pod yourself.

Jack Corigan
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#13 - 2012-01-28 09:33:25 UTC
Silas Shaw wrote:

Pod yourself.


Right back at you
Iris Bravemount
Golden Grinding Gears
#14 - 2012-01-28 11:57:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Iris Bravemount
How about simply adding the Mk X tag to existing names. Alot like storyling modules.

Ex: 'N-Type' Armor Explosive Hardener Mk IV

Edit : Actually, it would be alot easier with all the important information at the beginning of the name, to identify it better in the inventory.

Ex: Mk IV Explosive 'N-'Type' Armor Hardener

"I will not hesitate when the test of Faith finds me, for only the strongest conviction will open the gates of paradise. My Faith in you is absolute; my sword is Yours, My God, and Your will guides me now and for all eternity." - Paladin's Creed