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Incursion fixes/feedback thread

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Caellach Marellus
#261 - 2012-01-26 19:10:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Caellach Marellus
Alec Freeman wrote:
Half the payout of vanguards so they deliver about 5mill per site with 10 people. This wouldnt break incursions they would still be more profitable than mission running and it would encourage folks to run the more dangourous assaults / HQs for isk.

Except the majority of incursion runners are the pug fleets that form up in the main channels, and average 60 mil an hour at the moment. 30 mil is far less than mission running, and their fleets lack the competency to run Assault/HQ's.

That's the problem with half of these terrible suggestions, you're tuning them on the levels of organised shiny fleets and not realising how you're crippling everyone else. Fixing the blitz nerfs the high levels of income without affecting the average Joe Pug.

Then adjust Assaults/HQ's (not just in pay but in actual missions) for appeal for the organised fleets to go for the harder content, knowing they'll be rewarded for the step up in difficulty.

Edit: Also Shiu is spot on, there is zero reason to run scouts at all. If you want a site that should pay equal to L4 mission running in isk/hour it should be the Scout sites, but limiting the gate to T1 ships and BCs as the largest size allowed. Make them content accessible to newer players, let them learn the basics of fleetwork and grouping together and reward them for their success.

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.

Perimeter Trade and Distribution Inc
#262 - 2012-01-26 20:00:17 UTC
My favourite idea for fixing incursions is to buff the non-vanguard sites up to the same standard as the vanguards for isk/time and effort then make it so that once the mom has spawned no more sites are spawned. This then prevents the incursion being farmed for day after day and adds competition back into trying to kill off the mom.


You gonna get aped
#263 - 2012-01-26 22:00:09 UTC
Fit cloaks and probe launchers to some of the Sansha ships so they can scan for bears, find them and try to kill them. Or just sit cloaked on a gate and shoot at afk or autopiloting bears.

When CONCORD appears it has to kill all Sanshas on grid and whoever got the gcc. So I can kill a mothership solo in a noobship.

Every EVE player must read this

Tian Nu
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#264 - 2012-01-27 00:27:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Tian Nu
Why fix something that is not broken? Or do you admit you released broken incursion content?
Basically you open the door tomorrow to any wana be justice to start bashing about any little think he don’t like about EvE ?
There is little person that run incursion let them run it if they like that kind of grinding.
Incursions came in the game in 2010 right? I did not run one single off them until the biching started on the forum and I lasted 2 days before I found it boring, so how many ppl run them actually 1000 wow from 42k player base that every one right, leave them enjoy part of the game they like why everything in this damn game need to be nerf nerf nerf, so few cry baby’s can run the game.

Ok so I want fixed:

1, no moons to be farmed any more
2, hi sec is hi sec you should not be able to even lock me in ship (looking device don’t work in hi sec)
3, I want missions to pay out so once I run them for 24h I can buy plex to found 3 accounts for year
4, I want all CSM members to leak my lollypop (and am not talking just the loly am talking the whole stick)
5, I want goons to be nerfed and not be able to hold any space as long they are apart of SA forum
6, I want free flight paid by CCP to Iceland twice year

And I can go on and on and on

And if you don’t fulfill my demand I will cry on the forum every s, of every min of every hour of every day of every week you get the point until you don’t hear my voice and nerf thinks I ask to be nerfed.
The only part I like about eve is my freedom to do what I want in the game take that away and I will drop the meanest never seen before propaganda on CCP and when it will hit you trust me you will be sorry you did not execute my demands !
Now go back to developing the game and stop nerfing ppl that enjoy part of game because 10 wana be space famous ask you to do something stand for you self and just say incursion are working as intended and we won’t change anything !
They can’t even get fleets to actually close sites that REALY tell you how many pilots care about there nonsense.
And by the success of the posting in this tread it show you how many pilots want it actually fixed, 10 ppl don’t represent the community !

Ah and to ppl that run incursions to found PVP (that most call nonsence esxuse) well i pvp and yes you can look at my kb stats am just not stupid to jump in youre blob F1 F2 F3 pvp, yes all money i farmed from the incursion vent in pvp ship (100 AB Legion) and when i fit pvp ship is 1.5bill cost just look at the buy odres i placed for the modules am buying this week SO YES there is ppl that use that money to pvp and pvp the real way you know the one when i breack youre 5 man camp and then lol at you in local.

Last think to those who trade you know market money is beter that incursion is (yeah it need some brains) and is done from hi sec and is done huging the station so you actualy dont even undock so teh risk even geting ganked is ZERO, so plz next nerf trading cos if i showed somme ppl in this forum what trading walets look like they probably quit EvE for ever.

Father O'Malley about Darius III begging for whelp: “Hows that working out for ya ? I make it 02:21 and all I see is you begging Riverini to get numbers and trying to recruit from the incursion public channel.”

Il Feytid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#265 - 2012-01-27 00:42:57 UTC
Stop Incursion farming!

When the Sansha super carrier spawns; have it warp/jump to different Incursion sites attacking the players till it is killed at its HQ.
Ispia Jaydrath
Reib Autonomous Industries
#266 - 2012-01-27 01:12:43 UTC
Tian Nu wrote:
Why fix something that is not broken? Or do you admit you released broken incursion content?

Because CCP isn't know for releasing broken content.
Tian Nu
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#267 - 2012-01-27 01:20:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Tian Nu
Ispia Jaydrath wrote:
Tian Nu wrote:
Why fix something that is not broken? Or do you admit you released broken incursion content?

Because CCP isn't know for releasing broken content.

not something that did not get fixed in over year + the incursion works exactely as it should no bugs at all.

i seen many extension from 2005 (you remember pach when actualy you cant log in the game for 2 or 3 days) incursion are working proprely you dont like it run lvl 4 dont like it run lvl 5 dont like it run plex dont like it run cosmos dont like it do the Ark dont like it do market trading dont like it unsub, why it always need to be nerf nerf nerf so ppl can buy PLEX again ?

nerf incursion and am dedicating all my ISK to bumping plex prices up (and i dont need to buy all of them) just every time they go down by 50 mill i buy 10 and bump it by 100 mill up it will eventualy and up by ppl leaving EvE (the one that sub whith plex) or ppl paying whith real money i warn CCP to think deeple about this incursion staff there is ppl that actualy can screw thinks in EvE whith out firing single boulet.

Father O'Malley about Darius III begging for whelp: “Hows that working out for ya ? I make it 02:21 and all I see is you begging Riverini to get numbers and trying to recruit from the incursion public channel.”

Yllej Gniht
0rizen Irregulars
#268 - 2012-01-27 02:14:54 UTC
Hello there!

Thanks for doing this, even though you may get a whole bunch of cr*p in the process.

I've read some of the posts, but I've stopped after a couple random pages of read; I'll just post here what I think - I'm sure you're keeping tabs on the whole thing anyways. ;)

So, here goes....

Get Incursions to have a dynamic payout
Transform the static ISK/LP payouts to dynamic payouts. By this, I mean that ISK/LP payout should be very high if the Sansha Bar is very red, and get it lower and lower as it turns blue. Moreover, you can capitalize on that idea even more, by playing with the ISK/LP rewards orienting the players to go kill the Mothership faster. You could even have the ISK and LP payouts be inversely proportional, having very high ISK payouts when the Sansha Bar is all red, but very few LPs; and a lot of LPs when the bar is blue with not much ISK coming out of it. Eh, food for thought - I think that, like the market, if you make it dynamic, it would adapt on its own to the behavior of the community.

Make the Incursion Constellations spawn dynamically
If your spawning scheme is separated into "HighSec", "LowSec" and "NullSec", make it so that in each category, spawn Incursions into places where you either have very low NPC-Killrates, or very high PvP-rates. What this will do is that it will always spawn Incursions into interesting new places, forcing whoever is doing Incursions to travel a lot between places, and seeing new territories. For NullSec dwellers, it'll either spawn Incursions into BattleZones or dead NullSec places where nobody lives or ratts or nothing. It'll create interesting PvP opportunities for LowSec and NullSec players, and will force HSec bears to travel a lot, often in HSec islands, creating interesting Pirate-Blockade opportunities.

Incursions is just part of the current problem
The current problem right now is that NullSec has lost its "Shine". What needs to be done is to make sure that NullSec becomes "The Goal" again, since its the EndGame. Now, most people who are running the Incursions in HSec are just cashing in and stuffing their pockets 'untill CCP fixes this whole thing'. That's what's happening. I think that, yes, Incursions should be dealt with, but NullSec needs to be re-thought through and through.

Go ahead CCP, make something good! ;)

Yllej Gniht.
Ispia Jaydrath
Reib Autonomous Industries
#269 - 2012-01-27 02:56:15 UTC
Tian Nu wrote:
Ispia Jaydrath wrote:
Tian Nu wrote:
Why fix something that is not broken? Or do you admit you released broken incursion content?

Because CCP isn't know for releasing broken content.

not something that did not get fixed in over year + the incursion works exactely as it should no bugs at all.

i seen many extension from 2005 (you remember pach when actualy you cant log in the game for 2 or 3 days) incursion are working proprely you dont like it run lvl 4 dont like it run lvl 5 dont like it run plex dont like it run cosmos dont like it do the Ark dont like it do market trading dont like it unsub, why it always need to be nerf nerf nerf so ppl can buy PLEX again ?

nerf incursion and am dedicating all my ISK to bumping plex prices up (and i dont need to buy all of them) just every time they go down by 50 mill i buy 10 and bump it by 100 mill up it will eventualy and up by ppl leaving EvE (the one that sub whith plex) or ppl paying whith real money i warn CCP to think deeple about this incursion staff there is ppl that actualy can screw thinks in EvE whith out firing single boulet.

So you are asserting that eve has no features over a year old which are unbalanced or could use iteration?

I am pleased to hear that you think technetium and faction warfare are fine as they are, though I am puzzled by your support of the dominion sovereignty system and your opposition to the pos management changes.

Also, this web page might interest you
Tian Nu
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#270 - 2012-01-27 03:11:47 UTC
Ispia Jaydrath wrote:
Tian Nu wrote:
Ispia Jaydrath wrote:
Tian Nu wrote:
Why fix something that is not broken? Or do you admit you released broken incursion content?

Because CCP isn't know for releasing broken content.

not something that did not get fixed in over year + the incursion works exactely as it should no bugs at all.

i seen many extension from 2005 (you remember pach when actualy you cant log in the game for 2 or 3 days) incursion are working proprely you dont like it run lvl 4 dont like it run lvl 5 dont like it run plex dont like it run cosmos dont like it do the Ark dont like it do market trading dont like it unsub, why it always need to be nerf nerf nerf so ppl can buy PLEX again ?

nerf incursion and am dedicating all my ISK to bumping plex prices up (and i dont need to buy all of them) just every time they go down by 50 mill i buy 10 and bump it by 100 mill up it will eventualy and up by ppl leaving EvE (the one that sub whith plex) or ppl paying whith real money i warn CCP to think deeple about this incursion staff there is ppl that actualy can screw thinks in EvE whith out firing single boulet.

So you are asserting that eve has no features over a year old which are unbalanced or could use iteration?

I am pleased to hear that you think technetium and faction warfare are fine as they are, though I am puzzled by your support of the dominion sovereignty system and your opposition to the pos management changes.

Also, this web page might interest you

where is the stiky about tech and FW ? i will like you to post stiky once i start bumping the GTC prices over bill cos you will trust me you will.

Father O'Malley about Darius III begging for whelp: “Hows that working out for ya ? I make it 02:21 and all I see is you begging Riverini to get numbers and trying to recruit from the incursion public channel.”

Isu Okaski
The Break Room
#271 - 2012-01-27 03:48:03 UTC
Did not have the time or intestinal fortitude to read this entire thread so my suggestion has probably already been stated but just to make sure....

I suggest that the completion of incursion sites awards the pilot with faction standing with the faction(caldari, gallente, amarr, minmitar) that owns the space that the incursion is in. The role playing reason is the fact that you are participating in a CONCORDE war, you are also protecting the assests of the local faction, hence standings increase.

Players will be encouraged to move around the Galaxy with incursions
Players will be able to fix faction standings with incursions.

Null-sec incursions miss out
Brick squad doesn't like buffs to high-sec incursions
Darius III will get butthurt.
Caellach Marellus
#272 - 2012-01-27 06:37:05 UTC
Isu Okaski wrote:
Did not have the time or intestinal fortitude to read this entire thread so my suggestion has probably already been stated but just to make sure....

I suggest that the completion of incursion sites awards the pilot with faction standing with the faction(caldari, gallente, amarr, minmitar) that owns the space that the incursion is in. The role playing reason is the fact that you are participating in a CONCORDE war, you are also protecting the assests of the local faction, hence standings increase.

Players will be encouraged to move around the Galaxy with incursions
Players will be able to fix faction standings with incursions.

Null-sec incursions miss out
Brick squad doesn't like buffs to high-sec incursions
Darius III will get butthurt.

Personally I'd like to see the sites give sec standing, with Motherships going beyond the 5.0.

But that's just me and my 10.0 dream... Nice idea though.

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.

Docet Umbra
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#273 - 2012-01-27 06:58:44 UTC
Kranyoldlady wrote:
I have seen alot of thoughts on this subject, some more outhere then others. Readng true this whole thread i think there is something to say for everyone here, it is just a matter of persective in the end of the day.
So i will not bore everyone with how i think we should do this, for the idea's on the changes i had in mind, well we are 10 pages long now, if ccp doesnt get it by now, they never will.

So my 2 cents then. I run incursions from a carebear stand of things and i do them because its gd money and the time spending fc-ing fleets is what im in a mmo for.
I like to interact on comms with people and hf in the end of the day, just the carebear incursions runner kind of way, like some poeple in this thread like to do it in a nullsec pvp kind of way.

I started out as a misson runner and got bored with them so i went incursions. I have to say, its not for every noob that commes along, and no, a drake wont cut it. Mind you i dont run vanguards cause to me, they are boring as hell but the rest i do fc alot.
When in a fleet with people, night after night, you get to know them as good as one gets to know someone true internet.
Now so many months later we see the third group show up and mess with us incursionsbears because they can, they dont like the way we farm ( i call bs on that btw, its not like they cant do the same in low or null), or they want to be relected.
In the end of the day i dont care, Im my book its grieving and i dont care if ccp agrees or not.

Couple of things they managed to do though, besides beeing dicks.
The pulled the community even closer, if even that was possible, they got ccp's attention apperantly because here we are.
So we can we stop it? prolly not. I think we just might as wel go ahead and do what we are good in, even if its on a moment we dont like and call it a day.

Also my dockter said something about a life away from the computer, might be an idea if we check that out while darius and brick get bored \o/

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#274 - 2012-01-27 09:26:39 UTC
Tian Nu wrote:
Why fix something that is not broken? Or do you admit you released broken incursion content?
Basically you open the door tomorrow to any wana be justice to start bashing about any little think he don’t like about EvE ?
There is little person that run incursion let them run it if they like that kind of grinding.
Incursions came in the game in 2010 right? I did not run one single off them until the biching started on the forum and I lasted 2 days before I found it boring, so how many ppl run them actually 1000 wow from 42k player base that every one right, leave them enjoy part of the game they like why everything in this damn game need to be nerf nerf nerf, so few cry baby’s can run the game.

Ok so I want fixed:

1, no moons to be farmed any more
2, hi sec is hi sec you should not be able to even lock me in ship (looking device don’t work in hi sec)
3, I want missions to pay out so once I run them for 24h I can buy plex to found 3 accounts for year
4, I want all CSM members to leak my lollypop (and am not talking just the loly am talking the whole stick)
5, I want goons to be nerfed and not be able to hold any space as long they are apart of SA forum
6, I want free flight paid by CCP to Iceland twice year

And I can go on and on and on

And if you don’t fulfill my demand I will cry on the forum every s, of every min of every hour of every day of every week you get the point until you don’t hear my voice and nerf thinks I ask to be nerfed.
The only part I like about eve is my freedom to do what I want in the game take that away and I will drop the meanest never seen before propaganda on CCP and when it will hit you trust me you will be sorry you did not execute my demands !
Now go back to developing the game and stop nerfing ppl that enjoy part of game because 10 wana be space famous ask you to do something stand for you self and just say incursion are working as intended and we won’t change anything !
They can’t even get fleets to actually close sites that REALY tell you how many pilots care about there nonsense.
And by the success of the posting in this tread it show you how many pilots want it actually fixed, 10 ppl don’t represent the community !

Ah and to ppl that run incursions to found PVP (that most call nonsence esxuse) well i pvp and yes you can look at my kb stats am just not stupid to jump in youre blob F1 F2 F3 pvp, yes all money i farmed from the incursion vent in pvp ship (100 AB Legion) and when i fit pvp ship is 1.5bill cost just look at the buy odres i placed for the modules am buying this week SO YES there is ppl that use that money to pvp and pvp the real way you know the one when i breack youre 5 man camp and then lol at you in local.

Last think to those who trade you know market money is beter that incursion is (yeah it need some brains) and is done from hi sec and is done huging the station so you actualy dont even undock so teh risk even geting ganked is ZERO, so plz next nerf trading cos if i showed somme ppl in this forum what trading walets look like they probably quit EvE for ever.

Bad post Shocked

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Ziranda Hakuli
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#275 - 2012-01-27 09:38:49 UTC
I love Eve. you got everything in the game from Mission whoring to grinding incursions to Faction warfare. PVP action in low sec and hige sov warfare or pvp action nullsec. guys will love this......the people cry when someone finds a way to make the iskies and deny the big alliance out in nullsec. yeah thats a good one there.

So you all stilltalking about fixing the incursions. yeah i have to after agree after running them for soemtime VG needs to be fixed all the others are just fine but some other tweaking can be done

1> Fix it where you gotta run so many sites before the more advance sites populate the area.
2> Killing the mother ship should be moire entertaining fix it where it populates its like an expedition who ever fleets are running the higher end HQ runs the Fleet Commander gets a pop up saying where its at and treat it as such. 24 hours it despawns the incursion site and.....damn you gotta love the and parts.......and everyoen who wasin the said fleets that did not go to fight said mother ship takes a standing hit and loses all LP they would have gained.

Awsome idea for empire but what about them buttplug pvp pilots out in 00. I treat it like the empire suggestion but add in a tweak. you do not bother to deal with your incursion let the following things happen
1> they spread into neighboring constellation like a cancer and the end of 7 days
2> nothing still done. Holding alliance has to pay more to hold it and it also degrades all the ihub upgrades for each system if there are none it becomes sansha territory
Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#276 - 2012-01-27 09:39:08 UTC
Isu Okaski wrote:

Null-sec incursions miss out
Brick squad doesn't like buffs to high-sec incursions
Darius III will get butthurt.

There is NPC ownership to some 0.0 space, and I would quite like to grind some Gurista standings out in Venal Pirate

In Sov space, well, you are defending your own infrastructure, not an NPC empire's, so its a bit different.
Caellach Marellus wrote:

Personally I'd like to see the sites give sec standing, with Motherships going beyond the 5.0.

But that's just me and my 10.0 dream... Nice idea though.

You can go above 5.0, you just have to do missions for CONCORD themselves ;)

Dunno if you can make it all the way to 10.0, but you can go over 5.0, that is fact.

See COSMOS missions, that is the secret to doing it, iirc.

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#277 - 2012-01-27 09:43:14 UTC
Ziranda Hakuli wrote:

Awsome idea for empire but what about them buttplug pvp pilots out in 00. I treat it like the empire suggestion but add in a tweak. you do not bother to deal with your incursion let the following things happen
1> they spread into neighboring constellation like a cancer and the end of 7 days
2> nothing still done. Holding alliance has to pay more to hold it and it also degrades all the ihub upgrades for each system if there are none it becomes sansha territory

You do realize that incursions are already much harder on nullsec pilots that on highsec, right?

Prevents us from moving around to do things like fuel our ihubs, move around using our jump bridges, and defend our space with capitals, since the constellation gets cynojammed. I know to highsec incursioners cynojammed is just a meaningless icon that pops up during the incursion, but it means a hell of alot out here.

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Ziranda Hakuli
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#278 - 2012-01-27 09:47:01 UTC
Tallian Saotome wrote:
Ziranda Hakuli wrote:

Awsome idea for empire but what about them buttplug pvp pilots out in 00. I treat it like the empire suggestion but add in a tweak. you do not bother to deal with your incursion let the following things happen
1> they spread into neighboring constellation like a cancer and the end of 7 days
2> nothing still done. Holding alliance has to pay more to hold it and it also degrades all the ihub upgrades for each system if there are none it becomes sansha territory

You do realize that incursions are already much harder on nullsec pilots that on highsec, right?

Prevents us from moving around to do things like fuel our ihubs, move around using our jump bridges, and defend our space with capitals, since the constellation gets cynojammed. I know to highsec incursioners cynojammed is just a meaningless icon that pops up during the incursion, but it means a hell of alot out here.

Yes i do u have ran the 0.0 before.

Hey is that not why ~A~ called CTAs to kill the one off in their terrtiroy?

Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#279 - 2012-01-27 09:55:12 UTC
Ziranda Hakuli wrote:
Tallian Saotome wrote:
Ziranda Hakuli wrote:

Awsome idea for empire but what about them buttplug pvp pilots out in 00. I treat it like the empire suggestion but add in a tweak. you do not bother to deal with your incursion let the following things happen
1> they spread into neighboring constellation like a cancer and the end of 7 days
2> nothing still done. Holding alliance has to pay more to hold it and it also degrades all the ihub upgrades for each system if there are none it becomes sansha territory

You do realize that incursions are already much harder on nullsec pilots that on highsec, right?

Prevents us from moving around to do things like fuel our ihubs, move around using our jump bridges, and defend our space with capitals, since the constellation gets cynojammed. I know to highsec incursioners cynojammed is just a meaningless icon that pops up during the incursion, but it means a hell of alot out here.

Yes i do u have ran the 0.0 before.

Hey is that not why ~A~ called CTAs to kill the one off in their terrtiroy?

I would guess so. Seem similar calls go out in CFC a couple times because we needed to unjam some space.

Point is, we don't need more reason to close them down, we are already about as motivated to do it as we are gonna get.

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

MagmaTech Industries
#280 - 2012-01-27 10:56:25 UTC
Tian Nu wrote:
Why fix something that is not broken? Or do you admit you released broken incursion content?
Basically you open the door tomorrow to any wana be justice to start bashing about any little think he don’t like about EvE ?
There is little person that run incursion let them run it if they like that kind of grinding.
Incursions came in the game in 2010 right? I did not run one single off them until the biching started on the forum and I lasted 2 days before I found it boring, so how many ppl run them actually 1000 wow from 42k player base that every one right, leave them enjoy part of the game they like why everything in this damn game need to be nerf nerf nerf, so few cry baby’s can run the game.

Ok so I want fixed:

1, no moons to be farmed any more
2, hi sec is hi sec you should not be able to even lock me in ship (looking device don’t work in hi sec)
3, I want missions to pay out so once I run them for 24h I can buy plex to found 3 accounts for year
4, I want all CSM members to leak my lollypop (and am not talking just the loly am talking the whole stick)
5, I want goons to be nerfed and not be able to hold any space as long they are apart of SA forum
6, I want free flight paid by CCP to Iceland twice year

And I can go on and on and on

And if you don’t fulfill my demand I will cry on the forum every s, of every min of every hour of every day of every week you get the point until you don’t hear my voice and nerf thinks I ask to be nerfed.
The only part I like about eve is my freedom to do what I want in the game take that away and I will drop the meanest never seen before propaganda on CCP and when it will hit you trust me you will be sorry you did not execute my demands !
Now go back to developing the game and stop nerfing ppl that enjoy part of game because 10 wana be space famous ask you to do something stand for you self and just say incursion are working as intended and we won’t change anything !
They can’t even get fleets to actually close sites that REALY tell you how many pilots care about there nonsense.
And by the success of the posting in this tread it show you how many pilots want it actually fixed, 10 ppl don’t represent the community !

Ah and to ppl that run incursions to found PVP (that most call nonsence esxuse) well i pvp and yes you can look at my kb stats am just not stupid to jump in youre blob F1 F2 F3 pvp, yes all money i farmed from the incursion vent in pvp ship (100 AB Legion) and when i fit pvp ship is 1.5bill cost just look at the buy odres i placed for the modules am buying this week SO YES there is ppl that use that money to pvp and pvp the real way you know the one when i breack youre 5 man camp and then lol at you in local.

Last think to those who trade you know market money is beter that incursion is (yeah it need some brains) and is done from hi sec and is done huging the station so you actualy dont even undock so teh risk even geting ganked is ZERO, so plz next nerf trading cos if i showed somme ppl in this forum what trading walets look like they probably quit EvE for ever.

Agree 100%

Mine is Bigger **than **Yours ! <<<