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New Names! (for Missiles and Meta-Speed-Mods) Do you like them?

Black Dranzer
#181 - 2012-01-26 04:24:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Dranzer
Taipion wrote:
Naming everything the same is better?

Giving things unified descriptive names is better than giving them arbitrary nonsensical names.

Taipion wrote:
Everyone got used to it, and knew the names, you did not? Maybe train your brain a bit!

Give me the names of the meta 3 power diagnostic system, the meta 2 CPU expansion, and the meta 1 damage control. Right now. Without looking them up.

(I'm sure some smartass will come along and name those 3 particular items perfectly, missing the point entirely)

Taipion wrote:
Sice when is EVE meant to be easy?!

Since when was Eve meant to be hard? This is a logical fallacy based on the idea that, if x is better than y, and x is different from y, that means that every way in which x is different from y is an improvement, which isn't true. If Eve periodically kicked you in the balls, would you defend it on the grounds that Eve is a hardcore manly game for people with sturdy gonads and that if you don't like being kicked in the nuts that you should go back to WoW where you can enjoy your unbooted genitalia?
Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#182 - 2012-01-26 04:25:43 UTC
Are you some ccp dev alt? Because you surely sound like one.

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Black Dranzer
#183 - 2012-01-26 04:27:29 UTC
Grey Stormshadow wrote:
Are you some ccp dev alt? Because you surely sound like one.

I'm a vicious critic of CCP's more stupid blunders. I'm not defending this move because CCP made it, I'm defending this move because it was a really good idea.
Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#184 - 2012-01-26 04:30:34 UTC
Ok... so it is fanboy then :)

You will be pretty alone with your opinion here, because you're saying that entire existing EvE community should adapt to new names just because new players have problems learning the item names on day 1.

That will not fly.

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

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Black Dranzer
#185 - 2012-01-26 04:36:44 UTC
Grey Stormshadow wrote:
Ok... so it is fanboy then :)

Support good moves, called a fanboy. Criticize bad moves, called a troll.

The internet, ladies and gentlemen!

Grey Stormshadow wrote:
You will be pretty alone with your opinion here, because you're saying that entire existing EvE community should adapt to new names just because new players have problems learning the item names on day 1.

That will not fly.

Four new prefixes. One for each meta level.

Four words.


You are telling me, with a straight face, that every single newbie, every player who hasn't cared to memorize the hundreds of arbitrarily named modules in the game, every single person who has ever had to right click to get the meta level or search the market for an item name, all of these people should just go screw themselves because the Eve playerbase should not be obliged to learn four god damned words.
Adeptus Petrous
#186 - 2012-01-26 04:37:46 UTC
Black Dranzer wrote:

Giving things unified descriptive names is better than giving them arbitrary nonsensical names.

I said naming everything the same, sorry, I meant using the very same name for all items (of a certain kind), type in "trauma" and you get a trauma.

Black Dranzer wrote:

Give me the names of the meta 3 power diagnostic system, the meta 2 CPU expansion, and the meta 1 damage control. Right now. Without looking them up.

(I'm sure some smartass will come along and name those 3 particular items perfectly, missing the point entirely)

Meta 4 FTW, no, you surely did not got the point. Ugh

Black Dranzer wrote:

Taipion wrote:
Sice when is EVE meant to be easy?!

Since when was Eve meant to be hard?

Seriously?! Shocked
#187 - 2012-01-26 04:41:05 UTC
No no and no. It seems the game has been dumbed down a little more. I'm disappointed.
Petrus Blackshell
#188 - 2012-01-26 04:49:51 UTC
Grey Stormshadow wrote:
Ok... so it is fanboy then :)

You will be pretty alone with your opinion here, because you're saying that entire existing EvE community should adapt to new names just because new players have problems learning the item names on day 1.

That will not fly.

He's not alone. The old naming scheme was inane. It had some "sci fi charm" to it, but not worth it for some of us (and apparently not for CCP).

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Adeptus Petrous
#189 - 2012-01-26 04:52:07 UTC
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
Grey Stormshadow wrote:
Ok... so it is fanboy then :)

You will be pretty alone with your opinion here, because you're saying that entire existing EvE community should adapt to new names just because new players have problems learning the item names on day 1.

That will not fly.

He's not alone. The old naming scheme was inane. It had some "sci fi charm" to it, but not worth it for some of us (and apparently not for CCP).

But you seem to be pretty alone here.

Eve shall not be "easy mode", therefore you should re-think this issue.
Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#190 - 2012-01-26 04:53:08 UTC
Black Dranzer wrote:
Grey Stormshadow wrote:
Ok... so it is fanboy then :)

Support good moves, called a fanboy. Criticize bad moves, called a troll.

The internet, ladies and gentlemen!

Grey Stormshadow wrote:
You will be pretty alone with your opinion here, because you're saying that entire existing EvE community should adapt to new names just because new players have problems learning the item names on day 1.

That will not fly.

Four new prefixes. One for each meta level.

Four words.


You are telling me, with a straight face, that every single newbie, every player who hasn't cared to memorize the hundreds of arbitrarily named modules in the game, every single person who has ever had to right click to get the meta level or search the market for an item name, all of these people should just go screw themselves because the Eve playerbase should not be obliged to learn four god damned words.

It would be easier to make the meta level visible in icon or as market tab or something than rename banana to tomato.

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Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#191 - 2012-01-26 04:53:25 UTC
Did the names change the stats or usefulness of the mods or ammo? No.

Did it change their function in any meaningful way? No.

Did it allow me to search for all of the same damage type of missile for several missile types with a single word? Yes.

Did it allow me to pull all the prop mods of a type/size in a single search? Yes.

I fail to see what the game gains functionally from arbitrary and meaningless complexity. I'm not to keen on the names themselves, but the fact that is was done IMHO was a + for usability. I prefer the "difficulty" (which really doesn't exist, this game is VERY strait forward from a mechanics standpoint for the most part) of the game come from the variety of choices rather than their obfuscation behind meaningless other words. If you couldn't figure our when/how/which mod to use before, you probably still can't.
Adeptus Petrous
#192 - 2012-01-26 05:01:37 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Did the names change the stats or usefulness of the mods or ammo? No.

Did it change their function in any meaningful way? No.

Did it allow me to search for all of the same damage type of missile for several missile types with a single word? Yes.

Did it allow me to pull all the prop mods of a type/size in a single search? Yes.

I fail to see what the game gains functionally from arbitrary and meaningless complexity. I'm not to keen on the names themselves, but the fact that is was done IMHO was a + for usability. I prefer the "difficulty" (which really doesn't exist, this game is VERY strait forward from a mechanics standpoint for the most part) of the game come from the variety of choices rather than their obfuscation behind meaningless other words. If you couldn't figure our when/how/which mod to use before, you probably still can't.

Did it change their function in any meaningful way? Yes, less cool, more confusing

Did it mess up the search as you get ALL missiles everytime you look up one? Yes, sure

Did it make EVE less complex for a tiny bit and took away substance? Yes

Did you get the point allready, what this is all about? guess No
Black Dranzer
#193 - 2012-01-26 05:09:53 UTC
Taipion wrote:

Black Dranzer wrote:

Taipion wrote:
Sice when is EVE meant to be easy?!

Since when was Eve meant to be hard?

Seriously?! Shocked

Yes. Seriously. Absolutely 100% dead serious. Time for a side rant.

I've been following the MMO industry for the last ten years or so. UO was before my time, and I never played SWG. I grew up on Ragnarok Online, a Korean grinder of moderate reputation. I discovered Eve around seven years ago. I've been playing it on and off ever since. I can never play it for more than a month or two at a time because the actual gameplay bores me to tears more often than not, but it absolutely fascinates me in the way that it attempts something different.

The sandbox is a great thing, and it agonizes me that we don't have more of them. Before WoW hit, clones of EQ was the basic trend. UO was, despite popular myth, actually extremely successful. In fact, it was the most successful MMO ever created at the time. It was the first online game to prove that you could actually have a subscription model and still be profitable. It broke 100,000 subscribers back when that was considered an insanely big deal rather than a horrendous failure.

When WoW came out, it basically butchered everything. It became the gold standard. But unlike EQ which was actually surpassed without that much trouble, WoW has reached numbers that nobody else has even come close to. So we get people chasing that goal, and the way they figure to do it is to copy WoW in its every element. And that leads to stagnation. And I thank every single Eve developer for holding up a shining light of originality in an otherwise dead and depressing swamp of minimaps in the top right and hotkeys in the bottom left.


The problem with the current state of the industry is not that WoW is bad. WoW is not actually that bad. It's enjoyable, it's refined, there's an enormous amount of content and an appealing art style. It has 11 million subscribers, and that's no accident. It genuinely is a good game. It's not my cup of tea, but it is a good game. The problem is not even that everybody is copying WoW. WoW did a lot of things right! The problem is that people copy WoW without actually understanding what it is that made WoW good.

What made WoW good was a hell of a lot of polish. That's what Blizzard did. That's what Blizzard have always done! They had a really polished game with fairly modest system requirements. It was easy to get into. It wasn't even necessarily shallow; Not as deep as Eve, certainly, but it was no browser game. This is what people should look to when they want to understand what made WoW great.

But people don't see that. They just see the hacky slashy kill ten rats deal. And they think that's what makes WoW the killer that it is. But they're wrong.

So we get a ton of people copying the gameplay. And the gameplay isn't actually that bad per se; I've played it. It's tolerable to an extent. The key phrase there, however, is to an extent. When everything you eat is ice cream, even if ice cream is pretty damned tasty, sooner or later you get pretty sick of ice cream. And when every MMO out there involves verb number noun quests, you start to get a little ******* sick of verb number noun quests.

But the key thing to realize here is that this does not mean you should avoid doing anything as WoW did. We should take WoW as an example of how to do things right. Eve should do the things that WoW did right, because if it did, it would still be Eve, it would just be a really refined and polished Eve. Because that's the example we should take from WoW. Take your core concept, and polish it until you can see your face it in.

And now we're back to your comment, about Eve being hard.

Eve's core is not about difficulty. It was never about difficulty. It is a difficult game, but that's not what makes Eve what it is. Eve is about depth, complexity, and variety. It's about freedom of choice. It's about having a giant world which just functions, and the idea that if you give players the power to interact with and exert influence over each other, they'll go on to do some incredible things with that. This is the essence of Eve. This is what the hacky slashy dikumud paradigm can never have, and it's that which we should seek to preserve, not simply difficulty.

Eve is a very rough game, and it is a very interesting game. Sometimes we mistake the roughness for that which makes it interesting. That leads us to bad places.

Let's not do that.
Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#194 - 2012-01-26 05:14:12 UTC
Fanboy with wow complex.... even better.

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Black Dranzer
#195 - 2012-01-26 05:17:16 UTC
I don't mind you criticizing my post, but you could at least read it first.
#196 - 2012-01-26 06:00:33 UTC
Grey Stormshadow wrote:
Fanboy with wow complex.... even better.

Clearly, someone who can objectively analyse multiple MMOs, and place them in context with each other, is beyond your intellectual capacity - perhaps YOU should go back to WoW...

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Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#197 - 2012-01-26 06:10:38 UTC
Taipion wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Did the names change the stats or usefulness of the mods or ammo? No.

Did it change their function in any meaningful way? No.

Did it allow me to search for all of the same damage type of missile for several missile types with a single word? Yes.

Did it allow me to pull all the prop mods of a type/size in a single search? Yes.

I fail to see what the game gains functionally from arbitrary and meaningless complexity. I'm not to keen on the names themselves, but the fact that is was done IMHO was a + for usability. I prefer the "difficulty" (which really doesn't exist, this game is VERY strait forward from a mechanics standpoint for the most part) of the game come from the variety of choices rather than their obfuscation behind meaningless other words. If you couldn't figure our when/how/which mod to use before, you probably still can't.

Did it change their function in any meaningful way? Yes, less cool, more confusing

Did it mess up the search as you get ALL missiles everytime you look up one? Yes, sure

Did it make EVE less complex for a tiny bit and took away substance? Yes

Did you get the point allready, what this is all about? guess No

All my speed mods and missiles work the same. Your failure to adapt to such a small change speaks more of your failings than CCP's.

I prefer the current results of search functionality. Pulling up entire groups via search is easier. The range of relevant searches which will return complete results for a group was increased.

Needless complexity is not a feature, it's bad design.

There is no point to this besides a failure to see the good in the change due to an overblown sense of elitism around a game.
Petrus Blackshell
#198 - 2012-01-26 06:24:05 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:

There is no point to this besides a failure to see the good in the change due to an overblown sense of elitism around a game.


Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Toto Zinny
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#199 - 2012-01-26 06:25:24 UTC
It seems to be fashionable these days to rename a item with a name that has absolutely nothing to do with the item itself. I guess it is to make the item sound new and a lot more complicated than what it actually is.
#200 - 2012-01-26 07:02:55 UTC
I'm ok with the change (perhaps it could've been better), but if the searching abilities were enhanced, it would be less of an issue.

Perhaps something like the Asset searching capabilities (DevBlog here) applied to the Market screens? (also my Items folder, while they're at it)

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