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Standings take too long to rise

Cindy Marco
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2012-01-25 19:37:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Cindy Marco
Commander Karin wrote:

I was in doubt about posting this here on ir the Technology Lab but since isn't some new feature I think here is the right place, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Well, what I have is kind of a complain.

To get a Jump Clone you need Standing >= 8, why the hell is that much? This is keeping me away from playing PVP and therefore CCP is not having profits with Plex sells, and Im pretty sure Im not the only one in this situation. I'm not too much of a mission player, and risinig standings to 8 takes a life and Im only doing that to be able to use a jumpclone and not loosing my millions in implants. I think like me there are others who don't think lossing a ship is the problem, but lossing implants is. Specially because there are some pretty cheap ships outthere, but a good implant costs 100mil. And I have my implants since the early days of my char because a new player can and will buy plex to speed things up with implants.

Why not offering jumpclones in a different way? This Jumpclone system should evolve - players could get faster in the PVP world.

Well, Im almost getting my 8 in standings, so this complain isn't anymore about me, hope this can help other players that like me are frustrated with the JumpClone requirements.

ps: sorry for the typos

Grinding corp standings isn't that hard. Especially if your willing to pay/or have a friend that has high standings already. Keep in mind that corp size DOES matter ALOT. Make sure a corp has medical, then check its size. The bigger it is the lower standing gains are. Trust me, I just grinded up on another new character with 2 corps. I know it can be done fast.

If its that hard for you have someone get you the standing. It takes well under a day for someone to get you access to all level 4s for a corp.

At that point you have 2 options.
1)Continue to let the person with standings split with you until you hit 8.0. Its alot slower but you only have to be logged on, you can be totally afk.
2)Start taking the missions in your own name and blitz them. It shouldn't take more then a day to get 8.0 at this point if you have a good mission ship, and good social skills.

*Edit* If you really can't find anyone I have a empty corp high sec POS corp no one has bought yet. I could let you join it for a few days. It has access to Jump Clones in Heimatar. No charge, but if you don't leave within 4 days I would have to kick you out.
#22 - 2012-01-25 19:57:35 UTC
You don't need standings for jump clones as there are multiple ways to get them without them.

1. Join one of the "jump clone corps", check sell order forums for more info. It's free.

2. Get a friend with a rorq or that guy who does it using the rorquals clone vat bay (check sell order forums).

3. Find a "freeport" in 0.0, Chribba used to operate one in 9UY- in providence but it's no longer in his hands. If you're not red to CVA ( ) you can probably use one of their stations but I've never done it and don't know if you can make clones. I know my alliance keep a useless station open to everyone ( ) and I assume you can create clones there but there's probably a docking fee (use a covert ops or something small).

No need to grind standings at all...
Doc Severide
#23 - 2012-01-25 20:02:09 UTC
Commander Karin wrote:
and not loosing my millions in implants. I think like me there are others who don't think lossing a ship is the problem, but lossing implants is.

Wnat the hell is loosing and lossing? Geez learn some bloody English AND quit whining you sound like a dork...
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2012-01-25 20:20:26 UTC
Join a corp and get jump clones

Personal standings need to stay the way they are. They are keeping hi-sec missions in check and stopping them from becoming extremely overpowered, and that is coming from a Hi-sec mission runner. I think the grind for standings is at an appropriate level.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Commander Karin
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2012-01-25 22:30:50 UTC
Doc Severide wrote:
Commander Karin wrote:
and not loosing my millions in implants. I think like me there are others who don't think lossing a ship is the problem, but lossing implants is.

Wnat the hell is loosing and lossing? Geez learn some bloody English AND quit whining you sound like a dork...

Critical Mass Inc
#26 - 2012-01-25 23:27:20 UTC  |  Edited by: MadMuppet

^^^ This is what I have done with every toon I've made. Its free and easy.


This message brought to you by Experience(tm). When common sense fails you, experience will come to the rescue. Experience(tm) from the makers of CONCORD.

"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet

Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#27 - 2012-01-25 23:59:50 UTC
There are many options, you just refuse to employ them. Dumb.

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Ris Dnalor
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2012-01-26 03:23:24 UTC
Commander Karin wrote:

I was in doubt about posting this here on ir the Technology Lab but since isn't some new feature I think here is the right place, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Well, what I have is kind of a complain.

To get a Jump Clone you need Standing >= 8, why the hell is that much? This is keeping me away from playing PVP and therefore CCP is not having profits with Plex sells, and Im pretty sure Im not the only one in this situation. I'm not too much of a mission player, and risinig standings to 8 takes a life and Im only doing that to be able to use a jumpclone and not loosing my millions in implants. I think like me there are others who don't think lossing a ship is the problem, but lossing implants is. Specially because there are some pretty cheap ships outthere, but a good implant costs 100mil. And I have my implants since the early days of my char because a new player can and will buy plex to speed things up with implants.

Why not offering jumpclones in a different way? This Jumpclone system should evolve - players could get faster in the PVP world.

Well, Im almost getting my 8 in standings, so this complain isn't anymore about me, hope this can help other players that like me are frustrated with the JumpClone requirements.

ps: sorry for the typos

the standings grind is ******* horrible. I'd love to get me some standings, but there is going to have to be an easier way.

Yes, CCP, I remember bribing the agents to get my gallente standing, and I want to do that again, pls.


EvE = Everybody Vs. Everybody

  • Qolde
The Geoman
Anarchos Syndicate
#29 - 2012-01-26 04:10:13 UTC
OP: If you think grinding corp standings is rough, try faction standings. You can burn through 16 missions for your corp, only to get a storyline that will make your faction standings barely move in some cases (Materials for War Preparation, anyone?).
Alaric Faelen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2012-01-26 04:14:32 UTC
I don't know why the grind is so ridiculous.

As I've said, the cliche "never fly what you can't afford to lose" really means implants. Ships, even shiny ones, come and go. But losing a noggin full of implants can set toons back months.

Worse, it's especially hard on newer players- the very group of people you need to cut some slack. The group of people everyone keeps saying they want to herd towards PvP. The very group that too often gets stuck in a PvE rut out of fear of losing the dozens of hours of PvE (like missions for LP) to get those implants.

How many more people would at least get out and try PvP if there wasn't a crazy PvE grind just to be able to 'afford' PvP?

It seems that Eve really front-loads the cover charge to get into the PvP club, which is counter-intuitive.
I'm not saying implants should be safe from loss- just that all these people are angry at care bears hiding in stations or never leaving high sec. People complain about the lack of targets in low and null.

But by halving the standing requirement for JC's- people could afford to just 'dabble' in PvP if they wanted. More PvP'ers, more targets. More fun.
I thought the goal was more people shooting each other- so why the ridiculous hoop to jump just to make it feasible?

There are corps that offer free JC service- but that's a work-around precisely because the current standing requirement is excessive.

At least for me, the moment I got JC, this entire game changed. I ran straight for the Frig Fry and sat there to be podded so I wouldn't have to fly a ton of jumps back to grab another ship.
Remember- "you are not your ship" ...........but you ARE that toon with the lazy eye and a small fortune in circuitry stapled to that squishy thing between your ears.
Caellach Marellus
#31 - 2012-01-26 04:26:31 UTC
8.0 is not hard to reach, especially considering you have..

A: Skills that artificially increase your standings.
B: Skills that increase your standing gains per mission run.

It just requires a bit of time and patience, and hitting 8.0 within a month is not hard.

If you need the instant gratification, just pay a boosting service.

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.

Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#32 - 2012-01-26 05:15:02 UTC
What Cael said.

Also, your excuse of not wanting to leave your corp is a little silly, because you're in the dumped-out-of-player-corp NPC corporation for your character's bloodline.

Join a JC service corp (Estel Arador, etc.), set up your jump clones, leave that corp, and hey look, you're back in Native Freshfood.

Problem solved - you have your JCs without having spent time grinding for standings, and you're still in a corp with people you like.

It doesn't even take that long to do when you're in an NPC corporation, because you don't have any roles or stasis timers to wait out.

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

The Greater Goon
#33 - 2012-01-26 05:17:15 UTC
Pyrosomniac wrote:
1) Get a friend
2) Run level 4 missions with him
3) Share the profits
4) ???
5) Profit

You can do this less than 2 months into the game if you can get your hands on a battleship, and if you run a couple of missions a day your wallet and standings will skyrocket.

this is the way to go
you can bust out standing in short order if you fleet with someone running high level missions for that corp
Melissa Telvani
Melissa Jumpclones INC
#34 - 2012-01-26 07:16:04 UTC
This is mostly a repetition of what other stated, but your post made me a bit frustrated. Why do people feel they should get things for free?

Firstly, raising your standings to 8.0 with a npc corp is not hard. Do your homework. If you arent there in a few weeks of casual missioning you are doing smt wrong.

Secondly, as several people tried pointing out for you there are numerous other ways to do this. Joining another corp is just one of those ways. IF you do not want to change corp, well sad to say honey, but tough luck.

I would like my own Outpost named after me, but I really dont wanna go through all the buildingtime, gathering all the minerals and all that. I think CCP should make it easier.
A silly comparison, I agree, but nevertheless exactly the same thing.

When I wanted my first jumpclone back in the days to go out explore lowsec, guess what I did? See my corpname?

Work with the game, dont work against it.
Jas Dor
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2012-01-26 07:29:57 UTC
Have you considered a Rorq with a clone bay?
Commander Karin
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2012-01-26 08:19:21 UTC
Morwen Lagann wrote:
What Cael said.

Also, your excuse of not wanting to leave your corp is a little silly, because you're in the dumped-out-of-player-corp NPC corporation for your character's bloodline.

Join a JC service corp (Estel Arador, etc.), set up your jump clones, leave that corp, and hey look, you're back in Native Freshfood.

Problem solved - you have your JCs without having spent time grinding for standings, and you're still in a corp with people you like.

It doesn't even take that long to do when you're in an NPC corporation, because you don't have any roles or stasis timers to wait out.

No, this is just an alt.

Alaric gets what I'm trying to make you all understand. Jezz I'm not asking in any moment how to fast increase the standings or how do I increase my standings or that Im whining about that. I ******* KNOW HOW TO INCREASE THE STANDINGS! I'm talking about THE SYSTEM. It should be more intuitive and faster for player to get in the PVP world. It took me forever because I was not the usual mission runner. Its sad when friends call you to fight and you can't because you will be risking 500mil in implants (which are much for some players).

And have more, I dare to say that Jumpclones should be a built in feature of any player since the begning. It have its own penalts already


Ai Shun
#37 - 2012-01-26 10:27:46 UTC
Commander Karin wrote:


Commander Karin wrote:
why in the hell are you all so ******* angry? Have your mom not feed you when you're a baby?

What did your mom not feed you?

On the Jump Clone thing; I'd like to point out a few things:

(a) There are a number of pilots disagreeing with you. Throwing a tantrum won't convince them. In fact, you may want to recognize that the majority of respondents thus far understand and appreciate the system as it is now. They do not necessarily like what you are suggesting.

(b) EVE is a game of choices and of risks. You choose to ignore your options. This does not mean the system is broken. There are pilots that engage in PvP without any barriers. You can CHOOSE to do things differently. You don't. That does not make the system bad. It just makes it bad for you, who CHOOSES to remain inflexible.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#38 - 2012-01-26 10:40:54 UTC
Caldari COSMOS

'nuff said

Mr Epeen Cool
Mighty Leviathan Industries
#39 - 2012-01-26 10:46:39 UTC
all this maoning and you can get standings higher than 8 with any corp for jump clones within 2 weeks!

I know because i done it! Your moaning that 2 weeks is too long!

The door is that way >>>>>
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2012-01-26 10:50:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Solstice Project
Confirming that working towards a goal is, of course, something
that nobody should be bothered with.

*shakeshead* lazy ass.

Also: ******* coward with no balls hiding behind an alt.
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