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Team Pink Zombie Kittens Presents.....

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#181 - 2012-01-17 14:36:45 UTC
Any indication that they will fix plex ship restrictions? Pirate frigates in minors (but no T2) as one example; and strategic cruisers but no T2 in outposts.
Plus 10 NV
#182 - 2012-01-17 15:56:02 UTC
Dzajic wrote:
Any indication that they will fix plex ship restrictions? Pirate frigates in minors (but no T2) as one example; and strategic cruisers but no T2 in outposts.

I didn't realize t3 could go in medium posts. If so you are right that is bad. They shouldn't be allowed them in.

For minor plexes I doubt the pirate ships are a problem anymore. Now plexes will be dominated by destroyers.

IMO, It would be good if they let t2 frigates in the current minors, and created a "rookie plex" that only allowed t1 frigates in.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#183 - 2012-01-17 18:02:27 UTC
Cearain wrote:
Dzajic wrote:
Any indication that they will fix plex ship restrictions? Pirate frigates in minors (but no T2) as one example; and strategic cruisers but no T2 in outposts.

I didn't realize t3 could go in medium posts. If so you are right that is bad. They shouldn't be allowed them in.

For minor plexes I doubt the pirate ships are a problem anymore. Now plexes will be dominated by destroyers.

IMO, It would be good if they let t2 frigates in the current minors, and created a "rookie plex" that only allowed t1 frigates in.

This highlights a very important issue- most people involved in Faction Warfare don't even know the specific mechanics involved in plexing as a core activity - many just join for the wardec and rarely plex, and when they do its with an FC who knows the rules. Even veterans like Cearain still have some knowledge gaps. I certainly do.

But a lot of FW don't know all the rules, mainly because they're not posted anywhere clearly. There's no comprehensive guide clearly accessible, save for an old evelopedia article. Actually, now I can't even find that old article.

New players and Alliances alike enlisting in Faction Warfare should be able to clearly see what plexes they can enter in what ship, how many plexes it takes to take over a system, and clearly see when plexes are in the process of being attacked. There should be NO mystery to the occupancy switchover process if one of the goals of FW is to encourage small gang warfare that retains its "sandbox" feel.

I'm not saying this isn't all information doesn't exists somewhere already, just that its not very accessible is all if it is.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

#184 - 2012-01-18 22:03:38 UTC
Why are the ships and item icons still LOCKED next to the ******* undock button? Wasn't the entire idea with the new neocom that it would be CUSTOMIZABLE? Do it right please.

And hierarchical menus are a thing of the past, get over yourself and remove them. There isn't enough icons in the eve-menu to justify having them and seem to be there because of :awesome:. Put all the icons straight into the eve-menu and group them instead if you feel that's needed...
Gallente Federation
#185 - 2012-01-19 20:49:52 UTC
Rixiu wrote:
Why are the ships and item icons still LOCKED next to the ******* undock button? Wasn't the entire idea with the new neocom that it would be CUSTOMIZABLE? Do it right please.

Hope they fix this soon ..

Vorll Minaaran
Centre Of Attention
#186 - 2012-01-19 21:38:47 UTC

Is there any way to set the new Neocom to show menu item's names?

Lord Okinaba
#187 - 2012-01-21 18:26:20 UTC
The agent portraits when docked in station are too big and the images look stretched.
Si Raven
#188 - 2012-01-22 20:56:53 UTC
I have just tried SISI for the first time and I have 1 question... Did you spend much time on the decision to swap the Ships and Items buttons? I would love to hear your thought processes on that! Not only that but while every other button is movable, these are not.

Anyway, the majority of the new Neocom is great. I love the skill progress bar and the ability to add and remove buttons. I don't understand why you've added the chat button and made it non-removable but that is a minor quibble.

Next thing is to be able to save the button layouts so we can quickly jump between profiles as needed. Big smile
#189 - 2012-01-25 21:20:27 UTC
It's funny you guys are bringing up issues that are valid and after the patch are still issues, but now in production.
Aoa Lux
Joel Osteen's Internet Tax Shelter
#190 - 2012-01-27 16:12:57 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
The playsers plexing nowadays are much better at pvp than almost anywhere in New Eden. You're behind the times on this one.

This is objectively false.
#191 - 2012-01-31 00:06:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Reloadin
Agent portraits are too big.

Neocom portrait is too small to be of any use. Bring back option to have name displayed instead.

Worlds smallest rollover now displays skill training information instead of nice big character sheet button.

Give us an option to hide selective windows icons from opening on neocom bar, like cargo, scanner, character sheet etc. I just clicked on my glitched and artifacted badly rendered small portrait to bring up my character sheet, I don't need another icon on neocom telling me that.

Allow user assignable icons for windows instead of stupid blue i's.

Either bring back window minimising, or allow chat channel icons to display channel name and count on neocom, but there's not enough room for that... poor planning, loss of functionality for more :awesome:.

Allow option to not have minimised windows to neocom group themselves. Chat channels, agent conversations etc. UI improvements don't generally make things harder to access.

Put in some divider between neocom buttons and minimised buttons/windows.

Change your teams name from Team Pink Zombie Kittens. It's not cute or clever. You're trying too hard.

Why can't you do something useful like selectable overview profiles for d-scan.
Pinky Denmark
The Cursed Navy
#192 - 2012-02-07 14:40:28 UTC
Unfortunately it is very difficult for me to see when I have new evemail, stuff happening to my wallet and other things.
The new Neocom looks great and works great for being flexible.


1/ Allow for space between icons to seperate some of them
2/ Make a clearly visible change to the buttons if they get activated *
3/ Allow me to move my item/ship buttons too (and maybe even the undock button)

* A clearly visible change could be a star in the corner, animating the icon into something clearly different (empty mailbox -> full mailbox etc) or a different color background (like mint green or pink)
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