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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Mid-2007 68.25m SP Broad-Spectrum Pilot LF Null Home

Rene Fullchest
#1 - 2012-01-25 14:44:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Rene Fullchest
Rene Fullchest

Arrow Original Character

Arrow Null Experience

Arrow Minmatar/Gallente/Amarr Specced

Arrow Available 1400 through 0000 (+/-) 6-7 days a week

Arrow Fully able to discuss Employment History

Looking for stable Sov Null home with both PvP and PvE opportunities

Please contact via Eve mail if interested - would love to have a chat
Carrelle Rouppon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-01-25 15:09:39 UTC
I reckon there's a good chance of you being a UK pilot.


Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.

Victory or Whatever
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#3 - 2012-01-25 15:33:37 UTC
Minne FW is more pro...
Rene Fullchest
#4 - 2012-01-25 16:00:29 UTC
Carrelle Rouppon wrote:
I reckon there's a good chance of you being a UK pilot.


Unfortunately, no, just play during my mornings/afternoons here in central US.
TY for the look-see.
Rene Fullchest
#5 - 2012-01-25 16:40:48 UTC
Galatica789 wrote:
Minne FW is more pro...

Debatable, but, at any rate, FW is not what I'm looking for.

Thanx anyway
The Pack
#6 - 2012-01-25 17:05:08 UTC
You are welcome to contact either myself or Trila Amess in game. We are currently living in Branch and are open to new recruits. We offer opportunities for growth both in PVP and PVE.

Main requirement -- able to understand "redneck" as a language.
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-01-25 17:18:21 UTC
Have you considered a WH life? You can make more isk then in 0.0 and see alot more variety.

Here's our thread for your consideration.

Leeole's Legion
Rene Fullchest
#8 - 2012-01-25 20:21:51 UTC
Fekaline and Windorian:

I am sifting through various Evemail responses and I appreciate your replies.
Imma Killue
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-01-25 23:01:47 UTC
We See Dead People, est. 2007, has remained a small to medium corp for the last four years and are ready to expand. The first two years we lived in low sec, living out of cans as we where very nomadic. and then moved into wormholes for a while. The last couple years we have lived primarily in null space. We have held our own sov space most of those two years, and was very active with our alliance, doing major campaigns. All members in corp are US players and are on from east coast to Hawaii time zones. (22:00 - 8:00 eve time) Age of members range from 20-50 years old. We want to build a strong US corp, that has a major impact in Eve.

The one problem I see in Eve, is enough US players together in one spot and the one complaint I hear over and over again, is the lack of people online to fly with. Most fleet ops, in most alliances seam to be during euro times, ours is mostly US members. (even more people to fly with)

If every US player looking for a corp where to join, we would have plenty of people online during our major time zones. All types and occupations of pilots welcome. We have everything sov space has to offer: ratting, mining, havens, sanctums, plexes, stations, pvp, etc. Our alliance space is pretty stable, but still get the occasional nuets coming in.

So, what do you think? Give us a shot! We have nothing against non US players. If they play Eve the same time as us, we would be more then happy to accept their apps. We just want to insure that members well be online during our time zones. Nobody likes playing alone.

For more imfo click link:
Rene Fullchest
#10 - 2012-01-25 23:12:59 UTC

Thank you for the look-see.

I understand your view of US pilots and typical CTA/etc. timing, but my play times would not match up with yours.

US but play during Euro times.

Rene Fullchest
#11 - 2012-01-26 01:18:11 UTC
I want to thank everyone for their interest, both here and by Evemail.

While I have had several "bites", I am not rushing into anything, so please, by all means, keep 'em coming.