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Standings take too long to rise

Commander Karin
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-01-25 18:09:23 UTC

I was in doubt about posting this here on ir the Technology Lab but since isn't some new feature I think here is the right place, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Well, what I have is kind of a complain.

To get a Jump Clone you need Standing >= 8, why the hell is that much? This is keeping me away from playing PVP and therefore CCP is not having profits with Plex sells, and Im pretty sure Im not the only one in this situation. I'm not too much of a mission player, and risinig standings to 8 takes a life and Im only doing that to be able to use a jumpclone and not loosing my millions in implants. I think like me there are others who don't think lossing a ship is the problem, but lossing implants is. Specially because there are some pretty cheap ships outthere, but a good implant costs 100mil. And I have my implants since the early days of my char because a new player can and will buy plex to speed things up with implants.

Why not offering jumpclones in a different way? This Jumpclone system should evolve - players could get faster in the PVP world.

Well, Im almost getting my 8 in standings, so this complain isn't anymore about me, hope this can help other players that like me are frustrated with the JumpClone requirements.

ps: sorry for the typos

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#2 - 2012-01-25 18:10:16 UTC
Just join another corporation to get your jumpclone?
Section 8.
#3 - 2012-01-25 18:10:57 UTC
Holy crap the whining! If you are THAT adverse to losing some implants, join a clone corp and get one.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-01-25 18:12:15 UTC
1) Get a friend
2) Run level 4 missions with him
3) Share the profits
4) ???
5) Profit

You can do this less than 2 months into the game if you can get your hands on a battleship, and if you run a couple of missions a day your wallet and standings will skyrocket.
Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#5 - 2012-01-25 18:13:57 UTC
It's an Idea you have for the game, and thus it belongs in the Features and Ideas Discussion forum.

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Space Mermaids
#6 - 2012-01-25 18:16:07 UTC
As others have said, some with social skills, some not so much, Any player outpost can provide clones at 10K ISK I think and it's based on standings.


They will charge you10 mill last time I was there but that's not a great deal of ISK. It will take you longer to get someone in channel to set you up than get the ISK.
Commander Karin
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2012-01-25 18:18:51 UTC
Thank you all for the fast response...

but I disagree with the answers.

Don't think I'm some dumb ass who don't know anythings about this game. I know the alternative ways to speed things up, but I'm talking about not having alternative ways, the system itself should change in my point of view.


1) I have friends
2) Doing missions with someone isn't always an option
3) I want to stay in my corp

Joe Kaperski
State War Academy
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-01-25 18:20:44 UTC
The only place you should need a PVP clone is nullsec. Join a nullsec alliance. If you're loosing pods in highsec/lowsec, Doinitwrong.
Guardians of the Gate
RAZOR Alliance
#9 - 2012-01-25 18:21:56 UTC

Open link... Follow instructions. Clones for nothing.

Have you heard anything I've said?

You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

That's right.

Had to end sometime.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#10 - 2012-01-25 18:22:47 UTC
Commander Karin wrote:
Thank you all for the fast response...

but I disagree with the answers.

Don't think I'm some dumb ass who don't know anythings about this game. I know the alternative ways to speed things up, but I'm talking about not having alternative ways, the system itself should change in my point of view.


1) I have friends
2) Doing missions with someone isn't always an option
3) I want to stay in my corp


Yea EVE doesn't do instant gratification.
Space Mermaids
#11 - 2012-01-25 18:30:06 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Commander Karin wrote:
Thank you all for the fast response...

but I disagree with the answers.

Don't think I'm some dumb ass who don't know anythings about this game. I know the alternative ways to speed things up, but I'm talking about not having alternative ways, the system itself should change in my point of view.


1) I have friends
2) Doing missions with someone isn't always an option
3) I want to stay in my corp


Yea EVE doesn't do instant gratification.

Meaning 2 years less a day.
Also called a prison sentence.

Still, there are options and the trouble with standings is, they aren't an exclusive reward. Giving you 8.00 in a month affords you much more than free clones. You get to reproc and refine with no penalty, you get full mission access, you get cheap manufacturing. You get alot of benefits.
Shrubbery Acquisitions
Blohm and Voss Shipyards Alliance
#12 - 2012-01-25 18:56:29 UTC
Commander Karin wrote:
Thank you all for the fast response...

but I disagree with the answers.

Don't think I'm some dumb ass who don't know anythings about this game. I know the alternative ways to speed things up, but I'm talking about not having alternative ways, the system itself should change in my point of view.


1) I have friends
2) Doing missions with someone isn't always an option
3) I want to stay in my corp


What's the rush? Seriously people like you will kill Eve. Crawl back to whatever MMO you came from please.
Zoloft Rx
Forged Prophets
#13 - 2012-01-25 19:00:51 UTC
plex for jumpclones anyone? Twisted
#14 - 2012-01-25 19:02:20 UTC
You can rise standing to 8 in one day doing COSMOS +10-15 lvl 4 missions for desired npc corporation.
If you need "faster" or you have another childish complain - JUST PAY ISK to people who can provide standing increase service.
Commander Karin
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2012-01-25 19:04:15 UTC
CausticS0da wrote:
Commander Karin wrote:
Thank you all for the fast response...

but I disagree with the answers.

Don't think I'm some dumb ass who don't know anythings about this game. I know the alternative ways to speed things up, but I'm talking about not having alternative ways, the system itself should change in my point of view.


1) I have friends
2) Doing missions with someone isn't always an option
3) I want to stay in my corp


What's the rush? Seriously people like you will kill Eve. Crawl back to whatever MMO you came from please.

First people like YOU will kill EVE with you mentality and attitude. I came from no other MMO and play EVE for about 2 years and I'm going very good. When you say people like me you loose any respect I could have for you. This is typical preconception speech.

Please, go back for the MMO you came, by your attitude you should have age to play WoW (probabily)

Space Mermaids
#16 - 2012-01-25 19:06:57 UTC
Zoloft Rx wrote:
plex for jumpclones anyone? Twisted

I'd rather use PvE dog tags or something else not being used in game but Aurum works too.
Commander Karin
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2012-01-25 19:09:38 UTC
why in the hell are you all so ******* angry? Have your mom not feed you when you're a baby?

Seriously, why can't you just arguee and discuss like grown up people.

Looks like Im hurting someone talking about jump clone standings.... tsc tsc

and Im the one been childish here

ps: sorry this is not meant for those who know how to chat and discuss something.
Montevius Williams
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2012-01-25 19:22:32 UTC
lol if you are looking for civilized discussion on the EVE Online forums, you will be VERY VERY VERY dissapointed. Too bad too, because EVE Online players are some of the smartest gamers I've seen.

Not talking about everyone of course

Some EVE online players are dumb as **** and some are REALLY nice and helpful people.

"The American Government indoctrination system known as public education has been relentlessly churning out socialists for over 20 years". - TravisWB

Lili Lu
#19 - 2012-01-25 19:35:03 UTC

It's been this way forever. And considering how long it took to skill into level 4 missioning years ago it was an even more daunting hill to climb back then. However, that's just it it is a hill that must be climbed. And, really the game is about the climbing, not as much about the summit.

One thing though, make sure the npc corp you decide to get standing with has a station with a medbay. Check them out on Dotlan. I didn't realize this and got to 8 with a corp that didn't have a medbay Shocked I was Sad But then I realized that the faction standings meant I didn't have the climb the entire hill again Smile

You could post this in the Features and Ideas section of the forums, or on the CSM subforum. It is a pretty high hurdle, and considering how many things have been made easier in the game, especially for new players, you might get a good CCP response. Whether that is a good thing for the game I'm not so sure.

Tian Nu
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2012-01-25 19:37:30 UTC
Genji is what i used to get JC many pilots use that guy is one time fee of 5mill.

gl in youre PVP adventures.

Father O'Malley about Darius III begging for whelp: “Hows that working out for ya ? I make it 02:21 and all I see is you begging Riverini to get numbers and trying to recruit from the incursion public channel.”

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