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Caldari L3 sec

Haanecall Solette
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2017-07-26 10:42:00 UTC
For Caldari Navy level 3 what do you think works better: Osprey Navy or Caracal Navy? Why? Thank you
Gregorius Goldstein
Queens of the Drone Age
#2 - 2017-07-26 11:25:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Gregorius Goldstein
Osprey is locked into kinetic damage. As the factions you run against vary even when you only do missions for the same agent I would prefer the CNI for its selectable damage types.
Uriam Khanid
New Machinarium Corporation
#3 - 2017-07-26 18:45:58 UTC
Osprey Navy has better tank, range, speed and drones. and he is NOT kinetic locked. Ignore post above
Caracal Navy shoot faster.
Chainsaw Plankton
#4 - 2017-07-27 03:55:16 UTC
Damage type isn't too much of an issue in lv3s most of the NPCs have such low HP totals that a high dps setup will chew through whatever and not care too much. Also kinetic will be the main damage type you want to use in caldari space anyways. They look very similar, CNI will have more pure missile dps, but the ONI will have a bit more dps with drones. Also the ONI is a bit faster and has some utility high slots which might come in handy. I also really like the range bonus on the ONI, will let it kite any overwhelming NPC damage.

I also have to ask, why these two ships? I don't really think of either when it comes to lv3s. I think I'd prefer the ferox, or gnosis if alpha. Gun damage is instant and can hit at rather long ranges, and I vastly prefer it to missile damage. Also warp speed is important but need enough dps to run the missions fast enough to make warp speed the limiting factor. And I don't know where that tradeoff occurs. Warp speed mach or t3c can hit that point but they do a ton of dps too.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Haanecall Solette
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2017-07-27 14:13:38 UTC
Thanks a lot guys. CNI has 6 launchers so it looks better fit to apply damage. ONI has those extra slots but it seems they are rarely useful. What can you fit there:
1. neuts - not useful in L3s, more likely in pvp; also, not on these 2 ships, rather on Ashimmu;
2. tractor beams - don't see the point;
3. extra targeting, auto target? pretty much useless.
Gregorius Goldstein
Queens of the Drone Age
#6 - 2017-07-28 15:07:17 UTC
Uriam Khanid wrote:
Osprey Navy has better tank, range, speed and drones. and he is NOT kinetic locked. Ignore post above
Caracal Navy shoot faster.

Yeah, not locked into like the drake ist. Let's say it favores kinetic damage at 5% per skill level.
Uriam Khanid
New Machinarium Corporation
#7 - 2017-07-28 19:04:18 UTC
Gregorius Goldstein wrote:

Yeah, not locked into like the drake ist. Let's say it favores kinetic damage at 5% per skill level.

you is a very good manipulator! love you, man!!!
Ivan Kirst
#8 - 2017-07-28 20:41:50 UTC
I've played around with a ONI.

With HAMS, 200mm rails, and drones, I get about 650dps.

It also has a good tank, using purgers and 2 LSE.

I should do some L3s to see how it does.

United Allegiance of Undesirables
#9 - 2017-07-29 14:38:11 UTC
Haanecall Solette wrote:
Thanks a lot guys. CNI has 6 launchers so it looks better fit to apply damage. ONI has those extra slots but it seems they are rarely useful. What can you fit there:
1. neuts - not useful in L3s, more likely in pvp; also, not on these 2 ships, rather on Ashimmu;
2. tractor beams - don't see the point;
3. extra targeting, auto target? pretty much useless.

For a ship that uses drones two options come to mind for those utility highs.

Drone link augmentor to extend your drones control range. May not be required but the extra range may come in handy some day.

Remote armor rep or remote shield booster. Both can be used to keep your drones healthy and happy. Have to admit I am not sure if these modules are available to alpha accounts.
Haanecall Solette
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2017-07-31 12:12:18 UTC
Uriam Khanid wrote:
Gregorius Goldstein wrote:

Yeah, not locked into like the drake ist. Let's say it favores kinetic damage at 5% per skill level.

you is a very good manipulator! love you, man!!!

You are also a good manipulator.... which is just wasting time and space on my threads. Would you mind refraining from that? Thank you!

About the drones range and rep, it could be a thing. Thanks Donnachadh!

guigui lechat
the no fock given
#11 - 2017-07-31 17:05:22 UTC
Gregorius Goldstein wrote:

Yeah, not locked into like the drake ist. Let's say it favores kinetic damage at 5% per skill level.

the difference is not 5% it is 5 points.

cr V :
em = +100% so *2
kine = +125% so *2.25
kinetic advantage is +12.5% dps

cr I :
em =+20% so *1.2
kine = +25% so *1.25
kine advantage is +4.2% dps

what it means is that, at cr V if rats have more than +12.5% ehp in jine thatn let's say in em, you should shoot em.
eg if you shoot
vs armor 30% dmg kine, 50% dmg em => you shoot mjolnir