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CCP can we just bring GTCs back

Retribution Holdings Corp
#1 - 2017-07-28 15:03:16 UTC  |  Edited by: ImYourMom
Plex has gone through the roof because it's now used for everything. MOST people use it for game time, correct me if I'm wrong. But they are paying an over inflated price for something quite frankly they just don't want or need.

Many just want to pay for game time, not ingame commodities.

I really wish we had the GTCs back and have the correct reasonable price just for game time and not pay for everything else i don't want
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2017-07-28 15:24:20 UTC
This is the first reasonable thread opener I've seen so far in terms of the whole PLEX price drama. If it were up to me, we'd just get rid of PLEX entirely, and go back to trading game time codes on the forums. It's not, though.
Algarion Getz
Aideron Corp
#3 - 2017-07-28 15:48:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Algarion Getz
By now, most of the PLEX in game are probably used as gold item or as input material for SP farms.

How did these game time codes work? Where did you get them?
3Ra Syndicate
#4 - 2017-07-28 16:10:30 UTC
If I recall correctly, GTC cards were sold as goods on Amazon and scuh. People bought them and sold the code on the forum or on ebay.
Retribution Holdings Corp
#5 - 2017-07-28 16:28:16 UTC
Algarion Getz wrote:
By now, most of the PLEX in game are probably used as gold item or as input material for SP farms.

How did these game time codes work? Where did you get them?

Used to be able to get them in eve forums bought from third parties and cap

Had 30, 60, 90 day GTCs

You could buy them in forums via isk or for cash via the above. They could ONLY be used for game time.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#6 - 2017-07-28 17:11:45 UTC
ImYourMom wrote:
Plex has gone through the roof because it's now used for everything. MOST people use it for game time, correct me if I'm wrong. But they are paying an over inflated price for something quite frankly they just don't want or need.

Many just want to pay for game time, not ingame commodities.

I really wish we had the GTCs back and have the correct reasonable price just for game time and not pay for everything else i don't want
Since PLEX started as a Pilot Licence EXtention and morphed into in-game gold, I imagine GTCs would have had the same progression eventually.

But we can always dream.

Mr Epeen Cool
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2017-07-28 17:16:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Neuntausend
Mr Epeen wrote:
Since PLEX started as a Pilot Licence EXtention and morphed into in-game gold, I imagine GTCs would have had the same progression eventually.

Nah, trading those took too much effort and was regulated in a similar fashion to the character bazaar. Those GTCs didn't make a viable ingame currency. They basically were like the typical MMO game time cards of old, only that in eve you were allowed to trade them with other players for ISK. That's basically where PLEX originated from.
Angharradh's Aegis
#8 - 2017-07-28 17:41:25 UTC
Won't work. Every item that can be legally bought for real-world currency and be sold for in-game currency will gravitate towards the same isk/$ ratio, regardless of what it is or can be used for.

  • a Plex costs 20$ / 500 units, and sells ingame for 1.6B isk / 500 units, used ingame for 30 days of Omega time, or all kinds of other things.
  • You propose that an alternate item Plox exists, that also costs 20$ / unit, but sells ingame (e.g. on forums) for only 800M isk / unit, and that can be used only to buy 30 days of Omega time.

A person looking to $ into isk — the only reason to buy plex from CCP AND then sell it on the in-game market (as opposed to buying Plex from CCP and then using it to buy services or nexus store items) — can now choose to either
  1. get 80M isk/$ by buying Plex and selling it on the market, or
  2. get 40M isk/$ by buying Plox and selling it on the market (or on the forums as you so fondly remember, with increased hassle).

No-one is going to go for option B until it offers the same (or better) isk/$ ratio as option A. This phenomenon is what prompted CCP to merge PLEX and AURUM in the first place.

You seem to think there will be this item Plax, that sells ingame for 800M isk / unit, and can be used to buy 30 days of Omega time. The phenomenon described above indicates this is only possible if CCP sells Plax for only 10$. This item would have conversion parity with Plex, and therefore be viable.

In summary: every request for an alternate currency that is
  • bought from CCP for real-world currency,
  • can be traded to other players for isk, and
  • can only be used to buy Omega game time
basically boils down to asking CCP to reduce the number of $ player A has to pay to allow player B to play as Omega for a month.

Just campaign for CCP to reduce the number of Plex needed to buy a month of Omega time then, instead of these convoluted schemes that won't work anyway.

Until all are free...

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2017-07-28 17:52:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Neuntausend
While what you say has some truth to it, things like skill extractors do affect the price. Depending on the angle you take they create a higher demand (since they can be used for more things) and/or reduce supply (since a PLEX used to buy extractors is not available to sub your account) when compared to classic sub-only PLEX or GTC.

I personally do not believe sub only PLEX would not increase in price, though. They would, simply due to ISK inflation. They would probably be a tad cheaper overall, though.

Generally, I don't care about the high price. I just don't like PLEX. (or Skill Extractors, for that matter) :)
Retribution Holdings Corp
#10 - 2017-07-28 18:48:58 UTC  |  Edited by: ImYourMom
Kueyen wrote:
Won't work. Every item that can be legally bought for real-world currency and be sold for in-game currency will gravitate towards the same isk/$ ratio, regardless of what it is or can be used for.

  • a Plex costs 20$ / 500 units, and sells ingame for 1.6B isk / 500 units, used ingame for 30 days of Omega time, or all kinds of other things.
  • You propose that an alternate item Plox exists, that also costs 20$ / unit, but sells ingame (e.g. on forums) for only 800M isk / unit, and that can be used only to buy 30 days of Omega time.

A person looking to $ into isk — the only reason to buy plex from CCP AND then sell it on the in-game market (as opposed to buying Plex from CCP and then using it to buy services or nexus store items) — can now choose to either
  1. get 80M isk/$ by buying Plex and selling it on the market, or
  2. get 40M isk/$ by buying Plox and selling it on the market (or on the forums as you so fondly remember, with increased hassle).

No-one is going to go for option B until it offers the same (or better) isk/$ ratio as option A. This phenomenon is what prompted CCP to merge PLEX and AURUM in the first place.

You seem to think there will be this item Plax, that sells ingame for 800M isk / unit, and can be used to buy 30 days of Omega time. The phenomenon described above indicates this is only possible if CCP sells Plax for only 10$. This item would have conversion parity with Plex, and therefore be viable.

In summary: every request for an alternate currency that is
  • bought from CCP for real-world currency,
  • can be traded to other players for isk, and
  • can only be used to buy Omega game time
basically boils down to asking CCP to reduce the number of $ player A has to pay to allow player B to play as Omega for a month.

Just campaign for CCP to reduce the number of Plex needed to buy a month of Omega time then, instead of these convoluted schemes that won't work anyway.

Excuse me but you do realise that GTC where available from the start of eve? I'm not suggesting creating any thing new at all. The fact is plex is overvalued purely because it has multiple uses and not just for adding game time
However I bet the majority of people.use plex.for adding game time.rather than dual char training. I personally don't care for that added value.and the extra cost it's giving me
I just want game time. Using GTCs will allpw.people to buy and sell and ofc that CCP still profits. The prices should drop significantly. PLEX should then be used for everything else. Therefore the price of PLEX reduces also. As people will only buy it for ingame commodities.
Liberty Rogues
Aprilon Dynasty
#11 - 2017-07-28 18:51:18 UTC
ImYourMom wrote:
Plex has gone through the roof because it's now used for everything. MOST people use it for game time, correct me if I'm wrong. But they are paying an over inflated price for something quite frankly they just don't want or need.

Many just want to pay for game time, not ingame commodities.

I really wish we had the GTCs back and have the correct reasonable price just for game time and not pay for everything else i don't want

When we had GTC trading the prices were going up anyway, changing it back won't change the price of anything, GTC's will just inherit the price of plex and you'll still be paying the same
3Ra Syndicate
#12 - 2017-07-28 19:05:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Kosoku
Yeah, GTC price was steadily going up.

I did a quick google search and this thread came up from 2011. (450m for 30 day plex)

That thread is pretty much identical to what we have now. You know, the best solution is just sub with real cash and not affected by this.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#13 - 2017-07-29 09:01:16 UTC
First CCP would have to give you checkbox for not making your payments recurring when buying subscription. I think that would make people more happy when they would not have to cancel their "forever" subscriptions, because CCP have to get your cash, no matter customer preferences.
Retribution Holdings Corp
#14 - 2017-07-29 10:47:48 UTC  |  Edited by: ImYourMom
Nana Skalski wrote:
First CCP would have to give you checkbox for not making your payments recurring when buying subscription. I think that would make people more happy when they would not have to cancel their "forever" subscriptions, because CCP have to get your cash, no matter customer preferences.

You can cancel a recurring sub anytime.. just some of us and even myself forget to do it, then find a 6 month sub for 3 accounts just gone out of your bank Roll

On another note. Well prices alays fluctuate, its inflation. You dont pay the same price for a car or house that you did 5 years ago do you? No ofc not.

I think the point in simple terms if we could just have GTCs for game time then the price of that would be maybe what 600mill for 30 days game time perhaps.

i could then choose to buy plex for in game commodities. Now if PLEX was purely for that and remove the game time element, then those prices should lower too. So plex should be cheaper.

The fact is plex are 1.6 bill becuase
You can add game time
You can multi char train
You can buy skins/apparel
You can buy them for injectors etc

Its a bloated price because of that, if we split game time with commodities, then i have a choice on what i want to pay for game time or commodities. Thus bringing the costs down.

it cant continue like this for just game time
Bjorn Tyrson
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2017-07-29 11:46:56 UTC
So kinda like the old system where plex was for game time, and arum for everything else? That system that saw plex prices between 1200-1400 before rhe split? Your dreaming if you think things will EVE go back to 600m per month again.
Anna Maria Yolo
Neutron Blaster Solutions
#16 - 2017-07-29 12:20:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Anna Maria Yolo
The main problem is not the price of PLEX, but the whole EVE market.

If you want to understand what is going on, the first thing you have to keep in mind, that the PLEX is a trade good. It is supplied by gamers. As the trade good it is subject to the market mechanism (supply and demand).

Now lets assume that all the plexes are supplied by a small but stable group of players who each month buy 1m PLEX units and sell them on the market.

The price of PLEX (as we know it is the trade good) is created by relations to the other in-game goods. Its value in ISK only shows this relation, right? So - if we in this economy model will add an another parameter like increased supply of the all other goods, the price of PLEX will raise, right?

Recently in EVE we have have expirienced a few important changes, which were created pressure on the PLEX price:
- alternate ways of using plex (extractors, skillpoint trading etc.)
- splitting PLEX to 500 microplexes which are very easy to acquire. They are perfect to use as a capital deposits, because their price is still climbing up.
- increased supply of the all other game goods. The rorqual change is the most significant factor. Since last year the price of the capitals dropped by 30-50%.

What does it mean for the players? In the simplest words:


There is a bright side of the situation - now the price of the Titan is about 1000 USD in microplexes, while 2-3 years ago it was 3000 USD. All in-game items are cheaper in real world money.

And please, don't tell that PLEX is "inflated or overinflated". We see the inflation of ISK in relation to the PLEX price.
Matthias Ancaladron
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2017-07-29 12:35:59 UTC
Make Plex cap at 2m,
All items on nes store are seeded as faction drops and put into the loyalty stores like sisters of Eve cosmetics.
Delete SP farms and ban the owners.
Problem solved
Thomas Lot
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#18 - 2017-07-29 13:32:06 UTC
ImYourMom wrote:
Plex has gone through the roof because it's now used for everything. MOST people use it for game time, correct me if I'm wrong. But they are paying an over inflated price for something quite frankly they just don't want or need.

Many just want to pay for game time, not ingame commodities.

I really wish we had the GTCs back and have the correct reasonable price just for game time and not pay for everything else i don't want

Wrong... most used aspect of PLEX is skill extractors for the multiple hundreds if not thousands of farms. (I am counting the PLEX that goes towards omega'ing those farms as well) Solution is to double the isk cost of Extractors and grab the popcorn as dozens of skill farmers scream and unsub their worthless, economy ruining accounts.
Bjorn Tyrson
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2017-07-29 15:31:27 UTC
Thomas Lot wrote:
ImYourMom wrote:
Plex has gone through the roof because it's now used for everything. MOST people use it for game time, correct me if I'm wrong. But they are paying an over inflated price for something quite frankly they just don't want or need.

Many just want to pay for game time, not ingame commodities.

I really wish we had the GTCs back and have the correct reasonable price just for game time and not pay for everything else i don't want

Wrong... most used aspect of PLEX is skill extractors for the multiple hundreds if not thousands of farms. (I am counting the PLEX that goes towards omega'ing those farms as well) Solution is to double the isk cost of Extractors and grab the popcorn as dozens of skill farmers scream and unsub their worthless, economy ruining accounts.

hahahaha, oh man, so your solution to the high plex prices. which you think is entirely because so many of them are being used for extractors... is to double the price of those extractors, doubling the number of plex that get used for them, putting even MORE pressure on the price, driving it even higher. all that would happen is the price of injectors would also double to cover the increased prices.
Retribution Holdings Corp
#20 - 2017-07-29 15:39:06 UTC
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
So kinda like the old system where plex was for game time, and arum for everything else? That system that saw plex prices between 1200-1400 before rhe split? Your dreaming if you think things will EVE go back to 600m per month again.

ermm get it right PLEX was STILL USED for everything else, and aurum was just for clothing... jeez...
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