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Black screen after select character

Miao Sajuuk
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2017-07-25 03:21:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Miao Sajuuk

I used fresh custom wine 2.12 on archlinux, but got black screen after select character, the background music is playing.

Some error log:
Failed to get a valid ballpark in time after trying 30 times
A lot of "Have waited XX:XX:XX for function callable at XXXXXXXXXXX

The CCP version wine working.

Has anyone else experienced it?
Try different settings and default settings, all do not work.
Miao Sajuuk
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2017-07-25 04:45:51 UTC
CCP version wine are working up to wine 2.7.
The wine 2.10 CCP version does not work neither.

Not sure it's CCP or Wine bug.
Any possible workaround?
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2017-07-25 13:11:43 UTC
Need to know what's your video card and what drivers (including version) are you using.
Miao Sajuuk
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2017-07-26 23:50:39 UTC
Ravow wrote:
Need to know what's your video card and what drivers (including version) are you using.

nvidia 381.22 / nouveau 1.0.15 / mesa 17.1.5
Zerzzes Markarian
McCloud and Markarian Trade and Logistics Corp.
#5 - 2017-07-28 11:41:20 UTC
I have the same problem, if I connect using an ssh tunnel. If I don't use the tunnel, it works.
Hol Vegr
STK Scientific
The Initiative.
#6 - 2017-08-02 14:46:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Hol Vegr
Any resolution for this? I'm having this same issue today. Played last night and everything was fine. Tried to log in this morning and after character selection I just get black screen. I can see the "asset loading" toroid spinner in the bottom left, but it doesn't do anything. Can't imagine what would have changed between last night and this morning other than a new EVE version.

Gentoo Linux
Kernel 4.9.16

Nvidia GTX 960
nvidia-drivers 384.59-r1

Wine 2.3 with staging patches

*Update:* I cleared cache and tried again. I get basically the same thing, except for about a minute after choosing a character, the spinner pulses active on and off every couple of seconds or so. One minute later I'm still just on a black screen with the spinner sitting inactive.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2017-08-02 18:18:17 UTC

Same for me. Reproduces every time. I'm unable to login without tricks.

This was fine yesterday. Today, I was logged in right up until downtime. I wasn't paying much attention, but I think what happened was, I was kicked for downtime, then after that I logged back in within the Launcher and started the client successfully, after downtime, but then had a socket error at some point which disconnected the client, but the client wouldn't close. So I closed the Launcher. I think this is when the Launcher did whatever updates it needed to do (I had it open for a few days) ... I think I've wiped the updater.log with a manual run of updater.exe, which didn't run. Not sure on the args.

So now I'm unable to login at all with the Launcher. Reproduces consistently after restarts, resets, etc. Launcher stays stuck on the username and password box, with no ACK. Firewall isn't logging any drops. No system log prints relating to this. The launcher.log doesn't seem to print anything.

When I hit the login button, I can see a lot of spew on the wire. Initial request on game port to, then plenty of DNS spew. Some HTTPS with and the same servers. Launcher UI remains the same.

However, if I first enter an incorrect password then the box flashes to show the 'unknown username/password' box, then when I enter the correct details, the Launcher logs me in. Note: this doesn't work if you first try with correct details. You want fresh Launcher restart, and bad details. Or use saved details.

Launching the client with logs doesn't help much. I get to the character select screen. Select character loads a black screen that doesn't respond to right clicks, Escape, etc. Can't close it with UI kill button.

When on the black screen the wire goes very quiet. I'm sending some big packets to on game port, and it takes quite a while to get any replies.

Pressing the 'stop' button from the launcher pops up the 'are you sure you want to logoff' window in the client, but clicking on this doesn't log off. Screen remains black. But now Escape works, to pop up the menu. Clearing cache from in here, resetting window position default, doesn't help.

The lite log eventually settles on "failed to get valid ballpark in time after trying 30 times". Then "client going AFK", or something like that. Plenty of spew on the eveConnection channel, like above; "Have waited x for y".

repair.exe --disable_selfupdate doesn't work, fails to load. url open error; "". I can't GET this file either.

Somehow related to outages somewhere? Hardly, others can log in.

Tthese were showing red most of today fwiw,

And this one is showing 'potential issues', now.

Resetting more things and now I get the static loading screen image, instead of a black screen. But client still behaves as before when it was just black.

But all of that means nothing to me. My initial issue is probably related - being unable to login to the Launcher without first entering bad details. You won't notice if you have these login details saved. Resetting launcher settings doesn't seem to help here - it seems to not reset the Layout, so perhaps Launcher reset isn't completing?

What changed? My local system hasn't changed, except the latest EVE patch or potentially two. I think I had the Launcher open for a few days. Patch notes, don't look suspicious.

What next? Complete fresh reinstall of all the thingsā„¢?
Aemergin Milesios
Wormhole Sterilization Crew
What Could Possibly Go Wr0ng
#8 - 2017-08-02 18:59:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Aemergin Milesios
+1 and another +1 for a friend with the same issue. We are both able to login, select character and then it gets stuck at black screen with resource loading in the lower left. Last red entry in loglite shows "Failed to get valid ballpark in time after trying 30 times."

We are both on Ubuntu 17.04 base - I use minimal with OpenBox w/GTX 1060, he is using Kubuntu with an RX 460.

Darandelic Sukarala
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#9 - 2017-08-02 19:14:05 UTC
Hol Vegr wrote:
Any resolution for this? I'm having this same issue today. Played last night and everything was fine. Tried to log in this morning and after character selection I just get black screen. I can see the "asset loading" toroid spinner in the bottom left, but it doesn't do anything. Can't imagine what would have changed between last night and this morning other than a new EVE version.

Gentoo Linux
Kernel 4.9.16

Nvidia GTX 960
nvidia-drivers 384.59-r1

Wine 2.3 with staging patches

*Update:* I cleared cache and tried again. I get basically the same thing, except for about a minute after choosing a character, the spinner pulses active on and off every couple of seconds or so. One minute later I'm still just on a black screen with the spinner sitting inactive.

There are three posts like this now - basically "Everything worked on August 1, but on August 2 I get black screen after character selection."

I have the same thing, using both the semi-unofficial eve wine distribution, and wine 2.13 staging and wine 2.13. I tried both 32 bit and 64 bit. It appears to be somewhat sporadic, I acn sometimes log in with the eve distribution but can't get the pure wine ones to work. And all 3 versions worked ok yesterday. Nothing interesting in logs, but I do notice a long lag when undocking, and skins are taking a while to show up
Fenix Inferni
Dark Fenix Rising
#10 - 2017-08-02 22:19:00 UTC
Same situation on Manjaro.... no way to pass the black screen after selected the character :S
Dryvin Marstolt
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#11 - 2017-08-03 00:41:00 UTC
I guess I'll just check in here. Also seeing the exact same problem. Can load to character select, then get a black screen. If I leave it long enough, I'll get a socket closed. Arch Linux, Nvidia GTX 970. Using included wine from the launcher.
Orcae Ita
#12 - 2017-08-03 01:42:17 UTC

Same issue. Black screen after char selection. The logs "show nothing". Still using my old play on linux install wine version 2.8
NanDe YaNen
#13 - 2017-08-03 03:10:33 UTC
Had the exact same problem with character select at first.

Proceeded to attempt a re-install. Can't get a clean enough system state (or the vanilla code path is broken) to get past a bug where the launcher tries to copy a bunch of non-existent files.
Talis Mahn
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2017-08-03 10:19:38 UTC
I also am having this problem. I don't hink anything updated between those days

One of the rare Linux Eve players

Dryvin Marstolt
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#15 - 2017-08-03 13:02:26 UTC
Seems to be back up and working this morning. Made no changes on my end, so something on the backend cleared up. Yay?!
Orcae Ita
#16 - 2017-08-03 14:15:33 UTC
Well, it got me to finally install the Linux launcher. It seemed to work for me. So I took the time to move all my settings and stuff.

So if they did fix something on the backend... Oh well I had been planning on moving over eventually...