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8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

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Black Pedro
#221 - 2017-02-14 07:35:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Roy Tannhauser wrote:
Black Pedro wrote:
Roy Tannhauser wrote:
Dude, I tend to believe people who act like jerks in a game also act like jerks in real life. It's pretty plausible if you ask me.
I agree. Players who call another human being names or hurl vile insults at them after they lose an imaginary spaceship in a video game about building and losing spaceships are probably not very nice people in real life as well.

However, I think you need to re-read the Golden Rules in the OP again. Having someone attack your industrial/exploration/ratting ship or your space station is being "a jerk" as much as when another player takes your pawn, or bankrupts you when you land on Boardwalk is being "a jerk". Competing with other players for power and resources in a dangerous universe is the core idea of this PvP sandbox game.

Well, I wrote nothing about the behavior you mentioned above. That's just part of the game.
No, it's not. Using hateful personal insults towards another player is against the TOS and EULA. There is no place for such behaviour anywhere in human interactions, let alone in a video game with no real-life consequences that we are all suppose to be playing for fun.

Roy Tannhauser wrote:
But it you're looking for examples I think actions like bumping miners in an ice field just because you can do it, placing repeated bounties on someone's head just because you can do it, using AOE smartbomb at a gate camp in hi sec just because you can do it, even OSS blowing up an Upwell construction site just because you can do it, is not constructive to the game. Its generally the "just be because I can do it'" attitude, while negatively affecting someone, only pisses people off. The old goon swarm attitude, for example, "Not here to ruin the game, just here to ruin your game" is really obnoxious, and is probably indicative of some inferiority complex that has led to EVE as being some kind of sociopathic outlet for people with that attitude.
Again, you are conflating "being an aggressor" with "being a jerk". There are very good game reasons to gank, bump, gate camp, and blow-up structures. You might want to control space, or resources in a space. You might want to restrict travel somewhere (or residency somewhere) because of something you are doing, or perhaps, you just want to take the valuables the other guy has. All of these are actions that make you stronger, and often, your opponent relatively weaker in the competitive shared universe that is New Eden.

But even without such practical, competitive reasons, there is always the fact that some players find chaos and destruction fun. The most popular PvP games generally dispense with the building aspect and are just explosions and destruction. There is nothing "sociopathic" about wanting to explode imaginary things in a virtual universe. Eve though is a PvP sandbox, so the players also get to build the things they destroy.

This game has be most recently marketed as "Build Your Dreams; Wreck Their Dreams" to highlight this fact that you can be a builder or a destroyer, or as is the case for most Eve players, both. That mean you compete and cooperate with others to build stuff, and then compete and cooperate with other players to destroy it. If no one ever took the role of the aggressor because they were afraid they would be "pissing" people off, nothing intersting would happen in this game. There would be no player-driven stories and no player-driven economy; just a bunch a bored players sitting around amassing unneeded wealth.

You are not a sociopath if you enjoy playing a competitive video game where everything is imaginary and no one can get hurt. You may however be playing the wrong video game with Eve Online if you do not enjoy being in competition with the other players and declare them mentally ill for taking the role of the aggressor in a virtual universe.
Lavin C Borneol
Rapto Bonorum
#222 - 2017-05-08 07:34:49 UTC
Skill training completed Smile
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#223 - 2017-05-22 16:16:37 UTC
I have been playing this game since 7/2003 and had my best times from 2005 - 2007. But, at that time, I was younger, single, in college having a good ole time. I enjoyed the game the way it was developed and defended its mechanics adamantly.

Fast forward to now, married, kids....I see things differently now. hi sec should be a gank/grief free experience, while i don't want to bring rl societal perspectives into this game, reality holds firm. a large portion of people who play games today want to control their gaming experience that is tailored to their liking. if they enjoy pve and they are paying or can be converted to a paying customer, then why is that a problem?

i don't want to dive into semantics, but if you want sub adoptions, conversion of free players to omega, and retention of current paying players, then you will need to conceded some ground.

i don't know the actual percentages, but in the EVE universe, my guess is that over ~85% is .4 and lower. Why is it such a big deal to leave ~15% territory to those who enjoy PVE or who are new to the game entirely? a new player cannot master much in this game without at least 6 months under their belt, unless that is, you simply want them to abandon pve and focus on pvp entirely?

The golden rule of business is to grow your subscribers, not cater to a niche market of unsustainable contributions.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#224 - 2017-05-22 16:23:53 UTC
Waze wrote:
I have been playing this game since 7/2003 and had my best times from 2005 - 2007. But, at that time, I was younger, single, in college having a good ole time. I enjoyed the game the way it was developed and defended its mechanics adamantly.

Fast forward to now, married, kids....I see things differently now. hi sec should be a gank/grief free experience, while i don't want to bring rl societal perspectives into this game, reality holds firm. a large portion of people who play games today want to control their gaming experience that is tailored to their liking. if they enjoy pve and they are paying or can be converted to a paying customer, then why is that a problem?

i don't want to dive into semantics, but if you want sub adoptions, conversion of free players to omega, and retention of current paying players, then you will need to conceded some ground.

i don't know the actual percentages, but in the EVE universe, my guess is that over ~85% is .4 and lower. Why is it such a big deal to leave ~15% territory to those who enjoy PVE or who are new to the game entirely? a new player cannot master much in this game without at least 6 months under their belt, unless that is, you simply want them to abandon pve and focus on pvp entirely?

The golden rule of business is to grow your subscribers, not cater to a niche market of unsustainable contributions.

Because every other mmorpg caters for that, eve is different, thats the reason its still around.
4ghi4 huk
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#225 - 2017-07-24 11:14:24 UTC
arghhhhhh I hate this game, two weeks and I really hate . ok subject to another post .