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Exploit or Glitch? The World Wonders....

Yossarian Yassavi
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2017-07-10 19:22:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Yossarian Yassavi
Well, Apparently you can get timed out for awkward questions on a twitch chat some of us stayed up till 3 am to be a part of, so here we go.

Twice I undock my carrier, built from myne own sweat and tears and mulks in the belts... and, twice, with sensor array running, carrier could not target over 60km!

For purposes of evidence and troubleshooting, I humbly submit the evidence below.

Anyone may View the 4 minutes of evidence by clicking here

Now, on the second instance, I we can clearly see the whole 4 minutes, the Sensor array is cycling, yet cannot target over 60 km!

I have mined the Wise Men in Corp Leadership, and, the closest thing we got to an explanation was something happened to him circa 2007 descyncing and the server not knowing where my ship is in space?

...... ok..... flew subcaps 2 years so far... same ping packet/ratio..... with nothing like it...........

So..... Reaching out to the wider community to see if anyone else has experience this very worrying issue we have documented....
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2017-07-10 21:06:26 UTC
Well, that sux for sure. I've never placed any faith in those twitch streams being upfront and truthful, basically they're a facade intended to promote and portray a positive view on the company.

As for your documented issue, more than likely the code is bugged due to the constant ship / module re-balance crap. That just might explain why CCP has placed a Dev Team to work on it full time.

Yossarian Yassavi
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2017-07-10 23:07:13 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Well, that sux for sure. I've never placed any faith in those twitch streams being upfront and truthful, basically they're a facade intended to promote and portray a positive view on the company.

As for your documented issue, more than likely the code is bugged due to the constant ship / module re-balance crap. That just might explain why CCP has placed a Dev Team to work on it full time.


you must know more abt them than I. I was told there would be a ccp dev to address real time concerns..... what I got was a 600 second timeout over a valid question and the link to the evidence deleted........ and a 900 second timeout after clarifying that no, for once, issue is not tidi related. and yes I am capable of keeping my network sensor array going..... as is clearly shown in all 4 minutes of the evidence.....
Beast of Constipation
#4 - 2017-07-10 23:52:19 UTC
Yossarian Yassavi wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Well, that sux for sure. I've never placed any faith in those twitch streams being upfront and truthful, basically they're a facade intended to promote and portray a positive view on the company.

As for your documented issue, more than likely the code is bugged due to the constant ship / module re-balance crap. That just might explain why CCP has placed a Dev Team to work on it full time.


you must know more abt them than I. I was told there would be a ccp dev to address real time concerns..... what I got was a 600 second timeout over a valid question and the link to the evidence deleted........ and a 900 second timeout after clarifying that no, for once, issue is not tidi related. and yes I am capable of keeping my network sensor array going..... as is clearly shown in all 4 minutes of the evidence.....

not sure what network sensor array has to do with anything ; it doesn't extend lock range .
the video shows you getting an error "target is too far away , must be within 60 km. " but at the same time you have ships locked over 100 km distance . sometimes that message comes from trying to lock ships that are entering warp , as the case shown in the video . not very uncommon , but the 60 km . part is strange indeed . Shocked
Yossarian Yassavi
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2017-07-11 00:23:28 UTC
Ya... as if I'd be bothered enuf to stay up till 3am to talk to a dev otherwise.....
#6 - 2017-07-11 11:52:37 UTC
As if anyone over 13 uses Twitch. Therein lies the problem.

I only post here if EvE is offline. Which means my posts are never well timed.


Yossarian Yassavi
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2017-07-11 14:05:25 UTC
Cybertherion wrote:
As if anyone over 13 uses Twitch. Therein lies the problem.

haha never not krab... that said.... lotsa crabbing 2 build that capital that just don't work as advertised....
Yossarian Yassavi
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2017-07-31 07:27:47 UTC
Well, a few fleet ops alter, I can report that while the 60km limit did show up, the fighters DID engage.

And I havn't seen it recurr in 2 or 3 weeks, So suppose some things do get fixed in the fullness of time after all.
#9 - 2017-08-02 01:24:16 UTC
man your so lucky, at least you were able to connect to the stream

Center for Advanced Fudda' Muckin' Studies