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Death of Wormhole space?

Sithia deMorta
Conquering Darkness
#1 - 2017-07-04 04:43:34 UTC
With the Nerf to T3c coming up in a few days, will it be the straw that breaks the camel's back?

1) With the nerfs coming soon the price will tank on all T3c. WH space is where most the parts for T3s are found. So this is one less reason for anyone to go into WHs.

2) T3c are one of the main scout ships in WH-space. Normal recon ships are really back at scouting in WHs. Here is why, first normal recon can not probe, second they cant tank well enough to hold up to tackling a ship in a green and living through the drifter fire and PC fire. And lastly normal recon ships suck even more if the system has any effects. such as negs to shield or armor res. which you will not know until your in the system which a normal recon ship would not be able to find.

3) Mass on the Wormhole. In normal space you don't need to worry about how many ships or what type of ship you bring in. WH space. This makes the T3c ships of choice for much of the small scale pvp in WHs. One of the nerfs coming in is making the t3c heavier.

In the last 8 months of living in a C5, I have seen fewer and few corps roaming around. Rolling our hole scouting all near by systems and finding nothing. We have gone days without seeing anyone. Even with rage rolling our hole. Fewer people flying in WH space means the money is not good enough to keep people wanting to come in. Why should you coming in to a dangerous area when you can go to Null sec and make more money?

So not only are WHs losing one reason to try to make money. The ship of choice is going to be crap for most game play in the area they were meant to shine. Will these changes kill off WH space for general play? I know many of the C5 and C6 corps will hang on. But will it be worth it for day trippers and small c1-c3 corps?
Salvos Rhoska
#2 - 2017-07-04 06:39:01 UTC
How much heavier are T3Cs getting?

I only saw speed and sig nerfs.
The R00k
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2017-07-04 08:58:27 UTC
good. literally last week a twitch stream showed a nag making over a bill a hour in a wh. he said he does it day in day out. Now wh space is full of citadels and giant alliances its super safe and basically a isk faucet for those players. They randomly appear and gank stuff in normal space then retreat and roll their holes. WH should be made into normal space. wh are cancer
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#4 - 2017-07-04 09:26:46 UTC
The R00k wrote:
good. literally last week a twitch stream showed a nag making over a bill a hour in a wh. he said he does it day in day out. Now wh space is full of citadels and giant alliances its super safe and basically a isk faucet for those players. They randomly appear and gank stuff in normal space then retreat and roll their holes. WH should be made into normal space. wh are cancer

Popping out of a hole for ganks then popping back.... and a new place every day.... what story does this remind you of?

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#5 - 2017-07-04 10:02:20 UTC
didn't WH space die and turn into carebears backyard long ago together with all its connectivity nerfs already?
Sequester Risalo
German Corps of Engineers 17
Federation of Respect Honor Passion Alliance.
#6 - 2017-07-04 10:29:57 UTC
So the favourite ships of wormholers get cheaper and this is negative for wormholers somehow?
Blade Darth
Room for Improvement
Good Sax
#7 - 2017-07-04 14:09:35 UTC
The R00k wrote:
good. literally last week a twitch stream showed a nag making over a bill a hour in a wh. he said he does it day in day out. Now wh space is full of citadels and giant alliances its super safe and basically a isk faucet for those players. They randomly appear and gank stuff in normal space then retreat and roll their holes. WH should be made into normal space. wh are cancer

Not sure if troll or not.
WH's are pretty much the last thing that makes nullsec dangerous (still safer than HS lol). With blue megablocs spanning 30 systems in each direction you have to be afk for 20 minutes (and close intel channel/ voice comms) to die in other way than a WH gang...
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#8 - 2017-07-04 16:17:14 UTC
Blade Darth wrote:
The R00k wrote:
good. literally last week a twitch stream showed a nag making over a bill a hour in a wh. he said he does it day in day out. Now wh space is full of citadels and giant alliances its super safe and basically a isk faucet for those players. They randomly appear and gank stuff in normal space then retreat and roll their holes. WH should be made into normal space. wh are cancer

Not sure if troll or not.
WH's are pretty much the last thing that makes nullsec dangerous (still safer than HS lol). With blue megablocs spanning 30 systems in each direction you have to be afk for 20 minutes (and close intel channel/ voice comms) to die in other way than a WH gang...

Hmmmm, when people are active I get two or perhaps one system worth of reporting, but I am in a large system so can normally deal with them jumping into local which is all I get outside the main TZ. You are another member of the if the Goons do it then every one does it, or is that the Drone Russians, CCP fell for that with the Rorqual, but anyway. 4 jumps away is where PL was staging, does not like like 30 jumps of blue reporting to me, but then again when does anyone posting in these forums ever tell it as it is.

About fifty percent of WH PvP'rs I have come across cling to their wormhole like it is going out of fashion, a bit of damage and they jump through, I find them a bit tedious and hardly worth my time going after.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Netan MalDoran
Shadow Cartel
#9 - 2017-07-04 18:31:26 UTC
Blade Darth wrote:
The R00k wrote:
good. literally last week a twitch stream showed a nag making over a bill a hour in a wh. he said he does it day in day out. Now wh space is full of citadels and giant alliances its super safe and basically a isk faucet for those players. They randomly appear and gank stuff in normal space then retreat and roll their holes. WH should be made into normal space. wh are cancer

Not sure if troll or not.
WH's are pretty much the last thing that makes nullsec dangerous (still safer than HS lol). With blue megablocs spanning 30 systems in each direction you have to be afk for 20 minutes (and close intel channel/ voice comms) to die in other way than a WH gang...

I can second this, we get wormholers dropping into the middle of our space all the time, and theyre looking for blood and we have fun taking up fights with them!

"Your security status has been lowered." - Hell yeah it was!

Falcon's truth