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What do pirates fear?

Franscious Bugaro
Serenity and Solitude
#21 - 2017-07-03 17:44:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Franscious Bugaro
Darth Terona wrote:
On a serious note,

Worms and garmurs are probably the least engagable Frigates for pirates.

Aside from that most other stuff will only attract an apropriatly overkill response

Worms and garms just aren't worth the hassle for the 90% afterburning, scram range fighting pirates out there

Don't expect there to be no exception to the rule though

Thanks - appreciate the direct answer. Is that mostly due to the Drone damage boost on the Worm? Have to admit, that is pretty attractive...
Aurelius Oshidashi
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2017-07-03 18:18:36 UTC
Some good tips here! One of them is joining a pvp corp. I would like to recruit you!

We are not a pvp focused corp though. Our only focus is on having fun without giving corp members a single obligation. That means we do everything what we feel like doing. For some of us that is pvp only, all day, every day. These guys give serious as well as casual pvp training. They have many years of experience, be it the big wars in eve or be it just solo or gang pvp.

We are in null sec, have our own systems that we rent and we cooperate well with some other corps and alliances.

You could even join us with an alt if you would purely join for the pvp training, but my guess is you are like-minded as us and will join fully at some point, which I've seen happening to others.

We also don't care if you take long breaks from the game, although I have some tips in that regard.

Find our public channel in our corp bio and join there to relieve advice and answers to possible questions you have. Or send me a mail if that suits you better. Would love to have you on board!
Marcus Binchiette
Federal Vanguard
#23 - 2017-07-03 19:35:28 UTC
Aurelius Oshidashi wrote:
Some good tips here! One of them is joining a pvp corp. I would like to recruit you!

We are not a pvp focused corp though. ...!

I stopped reading there... :)
Ice Fire Warriors
#24 - 2017-07-04 01:10:42 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Franscious Bugaro wrote:
Darth Terona wrote:
On a serious note,

Worms and garmurs are probably the least engagable Frigates for pirates.

Aside from that most other stuff will only attract an apropriatly overkill response

Worms and garms just aren't worth the hassle for the 90% afterburning, scram range fighting pirates out there

Don't expect there to be no exception to the rule though

Thanks - appreciate the direct answer. Is that mostly due to the Drone damage boost on the Worm? Have to admit, that is pretty attractive...

Worms can use 2 "super" drones (see: the drones are heavily bonused, making them hard hitting and hard to kill) out 50km and can be fitted to fly really fast.

Garmurs can use missiles (which have a pretty sizable range), can be fitted to be VERY fast, and have a bonus to warp scrambling/disruption range.

These traits makes both ships quite lethal to slower ships and give them ability to GTFO when things go "wrong."

But both are far from "the scariest" ships out there.
If a person can...

- pin either ship down with a warp scrambler and/or stasis webifier...
- hit them at long range with high-damage weapons...

... they will melt like the rest.
Sobaan Tali
Caldari Quick Reaction Force
#25 - 2017-07-04 01:36:44 UTC
Tuttomenui II wrote:
A world without Booty. Cool

I'm not a pirate and fear a world without that, too... Shocked oh, wait, you mean..? Oops

Never mind what I said. In fact, you all saw nothing and I was never here!


"----in' A, right?"

"Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

"----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#26 - 2017-07-04 15:45:15 UTC
The nerf bat. Everyone fear the nerf bat.
Darth Terona
Horde Vanguard.
Pandemic Horde
#27 - 2017-07-04 16:06:15 UTC
Franscious Bugaro wrote:
Darth Terona wrote:
On a serious note,

Worms and garmurs are probably the least engagable Frigates for pirates.

Aside from that most other stuff will only attract an apropriatly overkill response

Worms and garms just aren't worth the hassle for the 90% afterburning, scram range fighting pirates out there

Don't expect there to be no exception to the rule though

Thanks - appreciate the direct answer. Is that mostly due to the Drone damage boost on the Worm? Have to admit, that is pretty attractive...

More to do with how hard they are to catch for brawling ships coupled with how tanky and hard hitting they are compared to kiting ships
Aurelius Oshidashi
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#28 - 2017-07-04 17:46:03 UTC
Marcus Binchiette wrote:
Aurelius Oshidashi wrote:
Some good tips here! One of them is joining a pvp corp. I would like to recruit you!

We are not a pvp focused corp though. ...!

I stopped reading there... :)

Thanks for letting us know. We need to stay informed of what important people like you read or not.
Axure Abbacus
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2017-07-04 18:46:50 UTC
The vast Emptiness of Space...with no one to Gank.

It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid.

Fluffy Moe
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#30 - 2017-07-04 23:04:21 UTC
Franscious Bugaro wrote:
Darth Terona wrote:
On a serious note,

Worms and garmurs are probably the least engagable Frigates for pirates.

Aside from that most other stuff will only attract an apropriatly overkill response

Worms and garms just aren't worth the hassle for the 90% afterburning, scram range fighting pirates out there

Don't expect there to be no exception to the rule though

Thanks - appreciate the direct answer. Is that mostly due to the Drone damage boost on the Worm? Have to admit, that is pretty attractive...

It seems to me that for your purpose you do not need a heavy tank or lots of DPS, you just want to be somewhat safer to do what you are doing.

I highly recommend Celestis or Blackbird. The ships + fits are going to be actually a ton cheaper then the above mentioned frigate hulls alone. You will have enough DPS and tank to deal with any NPC rats without using any DPS mods whatsoever, and if someone does warp in on you even if its 2 ships, you can just crap on them and warp off. You won't be able to kill them because you can't break their tank with ECM stuff fitted, but they can do next to nothing to you either, and most importantly, you'll break their webs and scrams.

With a decent fit I do -126% to someones range on 2 ships in a celestis, this is not on maxxed skills, so even if they have counter skills they still can't target and on the Blackbird with sensor booster and auto targeting, you won't even have to worry about getting jammed yourself. Celestis is a bit harder to fit with those, you'll have to sacrifice 1 dampener (so you can effectively jam 1 and a half ships, or 3 ships to below half their range), but you get way more utility out of it cause more drones and low slots. And for runnign sites utility is pretty important.

Make sure you're running an Auto Targeting System (T1 will do, go with lowest cap drain) in high slot, and a Sensor Booster with Scan Resolution script in one mid slot, again, a T1 will do, go for lowest cap drain. Use AB, don't use MWD as that will give you around -20 to -25% cap depending which one you fit.

If you want to splurge a bit, go for fed Navy AB (low cap drain + mad overheat bonus) and T2 mods, instead of T1.

Now, if multiple ships warp in on you (more then 2) then you're screwed either way, and if they have scouted you and went to go get a counter fit for it, then chances are good for them, but if they do that, chances are also good that you'll be done with your business there and gone by time they come back. And T1 cruisers are cheap, so no biggie if you lose one.

Hope this helps.
Fluffy Moe
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#31 - 2017-07-04 23:05:59 UTC
Fluffy Moe wrote:
Franscious Bugaro wrote:
Darth Terona wrote:
On a serious note,

Worms and garmurs are probably the least engagable Frigates for pirates.

Aside from that most other stuff will only attract an apropriatly overkill response

Worms and garms just aren't worth the hassle for the 90% afterburning, scram range fighting pirates out there

Don't expect there to be no exception to the rule though

Thanks - appreciate the direct answer. Is that mostly due to the Drone damage boost on the Worm? Have to admit, that is pretty attractive...

It seems to me that for your purpose you do not need a heavy tank or lots of DPS, you just want to be somewhat safer to do what you are doing.

I highly recommend Celestis or Blackbird. The ships + fits are going to be actually a ton cheaper then the above mentioned frigate hulls alone. You will have enough DPS and tank to deal with any NPC rats without using any DPS mods whatsoever, and if someone does warp in on you even if its 2 ships, you can just crap on them and warp off. You won't be able to kill them because you can't break their tank with ECM stuff fitted, but they can do next to nothing to you either, and most importantly, you'll break their webs and scrams.

With a decent fit I do -126% to someones range on 2 ships in a celestis, this is not on maxxed skills (just barely enough for T2 dampeners, all else is lvl 3-4 ish), so even if they have counter skills they still can't target and on the Blackbird with sensor booster and auto targeting, you won't even have to worry about getting jammed yourself. Celestis is a bit harder to fit with those, you'll have to sacrifice 1 dampener (so you can effectively jam 1 and a half ships, or 3 ships to below half their range), but you get way more utility out of it cause more drones and low slots. And for runnign sites utility is pretty important.

Make sure you're running an Auto Targeting System (T1 will do, go with lowest cap drain) in high slot, and a Sensor Booster with Scan Resolution script in one mid slot, again, a T1 will do, go for lowest cap drain. Use AB, don't use MWD as that will give you around -20 to -25% cap depending which one you fit.

If you want to splurge a bit, go for fed Navy AB (low cap drain + mad overheat bonus) and T2 mods, instead of T1.

Now, if multiple ships warp in on you (more then 2) then you're screwed either way, and if they have scouted you and went to go get a counter fit for it, then chances are good for them, but if they do that, chances are also good that you'll be done with your business there and gone by time they come back. And T1 cruisers are cheap, so no biggie if you lose one.

Hope this helps.

Keno Skir
#32 - 2017-07-05 03:35:21 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#33 - 2017-07-05 08:22:12 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
The nerf bat. Everyone fear the nerf bat.

And yet ship balancing hit everybody harder

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Trevor Dalech
Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#34 - 2017-07-05 09:42:41 UTC
Most pirates fear boredom, a.k.a. not getting fights.

Also many pirates will be wary of other pirates. Especially ones associated with bigger groups than them, a very nice killboard history and a habit of flying cyno-tackle T3 cruisers.
Darth Terona
Horde Vanguard.
Pandemic Horde
#35 - 2017-07-05 14:06:21 UTC
Nah. I fear none of the above. It just isn't worth my time to jump in on a worm or garm.

Vala Azar
Trade and Venture Ltd
#36 - 2017-07-05 14:44:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Vala Azar
Darth Terona wrote:
Nah. I fear none of the above. It just isn't worth my time to jump in on a worm or garm.

I would try any worm or garmur on a toon without much history. I am not pirate however :-)
Syeed Ameer Ali
Drunken Beaver Mining
#37 - 2017-07-05 15:49:13 UTC
Most of all we fear being threatened with the wrath of your Powerful Friends in Nullsec. That gets us peeing our pants every time.

We also fear being attacked by a powerful PVE fit battleship. As pirates, we are poor, and nothing we have could possibly take on, oh say, a nice faction fit mission running Nightmare. We would get annihilated so fast you wouldn't even need to fit a warp scrambler.
Generic Corp Name
#38 - 2017-07-06 00:28:32 UTC
Pirates fear boredom above all else.

Give them a fight, even an unfair fight, and they'll be come back for days.
Old Pervert
Caldari State
#39 - 2017-07-06 16:33:04 UTC
Franscious Bugaro wrote:
what do pirates fear?

They fear not having ships to shoot at.

If you bring a ship, they'll fight it. Or if they're somehow outmatched, they'll hold you while they call for friends to help them kill you.

Solo, you won't stand a chance against pirates, because they work together.
Axure Abbacus
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2017-07-07 00:02:26 UTC
Old Pervert wrote:
Franscious Bugaro wrote:
what do pirates fear?

They fear not having ships to shoot at.

If you bring a ship, they'll fight it. Or if they're somehow outmatched, they'll hold you while they call for friends to help them kill you.

Solo, you won't stand a chance against pirates, because they work together.

That's kinda a given in. Eve. Bring friends or learn to multibox.

It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid.

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