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What do pirates fear?

Franscious Bugaro
Serenity and Solitude
#1 - 2017-07-03 02:53:42 UTC
Normally I stick around high-sec, but my datacore research takes me into low-sec occasionally.

Normally I just outfit a Corvette with a couple of warp core stabilizers and hope for the best.

That said, it sure would be nice to be able to fight back against a skilled pirate or two someday. And of course, I occasionally have to take out moderate amounts of NPC rats during missions. My Gallente destroyer works well for that, but is generally useless against non-npc rats, as is my talos (ok, ok, my reaction time in those unplanned situations sucks too).

My toon has been around awhile, with ~26M SP, and I'm open to training in any class ship.

So, shy of a Titan, what do pirates fear? I'm not looking to run, I want a fighting chance to surprise them and win (presuming just one or two of them, not a base camp full). I have decent drone skills if that helps... but don't worry about what I need... been playing since around 09, on-and-off, so not worried about any time investment - just want a goal.

Thanks in advance,
Ice Fire Warriors
#2 - 2017-07-03 05:10:25 UTC
I think you are going about this wrong.

No ship class per se is going to give an outlaw / pirate "pause."

What really matters is "can that ship potentially be fitted to destroy me?" and "how fast can I take down that ship?"

Some examples:

- Regardless of the ship type I am in, if I see a person in a corvette (see: rookie ship) I will nuke it on sight.
Corvettes have minimal ability to tank and can easily be caught. There is minimal effort in it.

- I see another ship around... I will immediately do a "threat assessment."
------ What kind of ship is it?
------ What fits can it potentially make use of?
------ Is my ship geared for fighting that kind of ship and the possible fits it may have?
------ Are there station / gate guns and can I kill quicker than they can kill me?
------ How many people are in local chat and are the people in local related to this guy?
------ Do I have an exit strategy or am I going balls deep?

- If I see a capital or supercapital ship flying around in space... I will not care what ship I am flying. I will try to keep it pinned for as long as possible while screaming in corporation / alliance / allied chatrooms to mobilize and assist.
I will most likely die... but the glory man... the GLORY!!

Essentially... there is no way to truly "surprise" an outlaw / pirate (unless you have friends that are ready to hotdrop support on you via a cynosaural field).

You kind of have to adopt a "hunter-killer" attitude and operate under the guidelines of "kill what you think you can kill, run from what you know can't, die for what may be an awesome kill."

My recommendation is to join a PvP corporation (preferably one in low-sec) and learn from them.
Knowing how hunter-killers operate will help you better defend yourself and your assets.
Netan MalDoran
Shadow Cartel
#3 - 2017-07-03 05:44:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Netan MalDoran
Franscious Bugaro wrote:
So, shy of a Titan, what do pirates fear?

Actually, when im doing my pirate thingsPirate, I would be more scared of a tristan dropping on grid rather than a titan P

But seriously man, Combat Recons, theyre scary as ****

Can't add much more as ShahFluffers stated it all pretty well.

PS: Gate camps are annoying too.

"Your security status has been lowered." - Hell yeah it was!

Falcon's truth

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#4 - 2017-07-03 06:27:44 UTC
lack of rum.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#5 - 2017-07-03 06:31:47 UTC
Franscious Bugaro wrote:
Normally I stick around high-sec, but my datacore research takes me into low-sec occasionally.

Normally I just outfit a Corvette with a couple of warp core stabilizers and hope for the best.

That said, it sure would be nice to be able to fight back against a skilled pirate or two someday. And of course, I occasionally have to take out moderate amounts of NPC rats during missions. My Gallente destroyer works well for that, but is generally useless against non-npc rats, as is my talos (ok, ok, my reaction time in those unplanned situations sucks too).

My toon has been around awhile, with ~26M SP, and I'm open to training in any class ship.

So, shy of a Titan, what do pirates fear? I'm not looking to run, I want a fighting chance to surprise them and win (presuming just one or two of them, not a base camp full). I have decent drone skills if that helps... but don't worry about what I need... been playing since around 09, on-and-off, so not worried about any time investment - just want a goal.

Thanks in advance,

The only thing pirates are afraid of are buffs to the game that enhance the chances of people fighting for their pocket of lowsec. The zombies in the mall parking lot like things just the way they are.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#6 - 2017-07-03 06:33:43 UTC
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
lack of rum.

I had an incident today (RL crap) whereby in my haste to extricate myself from the domain of a rather crazy woman, I left an entire bottle of rum behind.

That wench is probably drinking it right now, but I'll mark that off the way a lizard marks his missing tail when he escapes a predator, for I have not been pestered by her since and I can always acquire a new bottle of rum.

Yarr and all that.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Giovanni erkelens2
Violent Trans Matching
Neon Nightmares
#7 - 2017-07-03 08:00:56 UTC
people who use these most lamest of lame things called ECM modules.....
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2017-07-03 08:46:54 UTC
Franscious Bugaro wrote:
Normally I stick around high-sec, but my datacore research takes me into low-sec occasionally.

Normally I just outfit a Corvette with a couple of warp core stabilizers and hope for the best.

That said, it sure would be nice to be able to fight back against a skilled pirate or two someday. And of course, I occasionally have to take out moderate amounts of NPC rats during missions. My Gallente destroyer works well for that, but is generally useless against non-npc rats, as is my talos (ok, ok, my reaction time in those unplanned situations sucks too).

My toon has been around awhile, with ~26M SP, and I'm open to training in any class ship.

So, shy of a Titan, what do pirates fear? I'm not looking to run, I want a fighting chance to surprise them and win (presuming just one or two of them, not a base camp full). I have decent drone skills if that helps... but don't worry about what I need... been playing since around 09, on-and-off, so not worried about any time investment - just want a goal.

Thanks in advance,

I don't think conceptually a pirate is going to fear much, but may seek to avoid clear mismatches in numbers or ships or known hot dropper scouts. Also I'd just mentally file most people into categories of pvper or bear, and not worry about the pirate distinction.

Although I understand using a corvette, I used a stratios in lowsec for basically a year without losing it (granted I don't dock in lowsec often). Its so easy to move a cloak warper around. The gallente hecate is also extremely hard to catch in its travel mode.

I use vexor and ishkur for pvp, vexor as a general purpose plated brawler, often as a warp in hammer since its one of the highest dps t1 cruisers, and ishkur for frigate roams. Stratios is another cruiser sized choice though you may find yourself being baited or chased for the shinier killmail a bit.

Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#9 - 2017-07-03 08:57:01 UTC
There are ships that are commonly used as bait, the Hyperion comes to mind. A small gang in expensive ships that can't escalate won't commit to a fight against one of those.

But piracy is usually done with an attitude of 'my ships are cheap, I don't care if I lose them'. Players with that mindset will often spring a trap anyway.

TL:DR - Being hard to catch is better than scaring your opponents with ship choice.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#10 - 2017-07-03 09:09:39 UTC
the answer you seek is not 42 but n+1

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Galactic Rangers
#11 - 2017-07-03 09:32:47 UTC
pirates fear no lootz Roll and nothing more.
Blade Darth
Room for Improvement
Good Sax
#12 - 2017-07-03 11:09:55 UTC
A high dps ship warping at 0 into a instalock camp is bad news (talos landing! got him! bubble bubble! no no bubble im in pod need warp off! ewwwwww....). A chessur at 5 am kiting your kitchen sink fleet with half people asleep or not on comms and the other half in ships with no webs is also bad.
Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#13 - 2017-07-03 12:13:10 UTC
If OP thinks a titan warping gate to gate will deter any pirate in lowsec all you'll get is intel channels blazing about a lone titan being stupid and you'll be HIC pointed within the next 5 minutes with every pirate going temporarily being friendly to each other so they can kill you.

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

Marcus Binchiette
Federal Vanguard
#14 - 2017-07-03 13:33:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Marcus Binchiette
What do pirates fear? A Cyno.... Next time they gank you deploy a fake cyno and they might just cease fire & run. Pirates love easy kills, they use shiny ships, and they fear any siduation in which they are not in control. If you drop a cyno you are throwing the unknown in their faces. Most pirates would rather leave their prey instead of risking their shiny ships.

Pirates worship their killboards So if you can pose any kind of threat which might jeopardise their kill:death ratio they will flee.
Franscious Bugaro
Serenity and Solitude
#15 - 2017-07-03 14:43:10 UTC
ok - get that solo anti-pirate is a non-starter.

Finding a lot of anti-pirate corps via google, but many post are older than this 2011 toon... any suggestions for current anti-pirate corprs?

1) Don't care if there is a tax.
2) Anti-Pirate the priority over missions (shy of folks that are 25 jumps out)
3) Reasonable player base
4) Otherwise mostly solo players that just come out to help members being jumped or to take out camps

Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#16 - 2017-07-03 15:06:43 UTC
me. I mean not this me but me me.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#17 - 2017-07-03 15:26:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
lack of rum.

Also the covetousness of the loot fairy.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Franscious Bugaro
Serenity and Solitude
#18 - 2017-07-03 15:44:50 UTC
Big plus if any corp suggested is actually recruiting...
Darth Terona
Horde Vanguard.
Pandemic Horde
#19 - 2017-07-03 16:55:50 UTC
On a serious note,

Worms and garmurs are probably the least engagable Frigates for pirates.

Aside from that most other stuff will only attract an apropriatly overkill response

Worms and garms just aren't worth the hassle for the 90% afterburning, scram range fighting pirates out there

Don't expect there to be no exception to the rule though
Tuttomenui II
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2017-07-03 17:00:39 UTC
A world without Booty. Cool
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