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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Experienced 0.0 Multi-interest corporation recruiting PVP pilots

First post
Tempest Flux
Intaki Armaments
#41 - 2012-01-05 03:26:58 UTC
We have nice size fleets for PVP.

Nice KB stats.

Cap ship pilots,

Great ship reimbursement program!

Conv me in game for a chat.
Tempest Flux
Intaki Armaments
#42 - 2012-01-05 13:32:34 UTC
Send me a mail in chat in game or join our public chat channel - AMRD PUB
Tempest Flux
Intaki Armaments
#43 - 2012-01-06 14:53:51 UTC
Good stable corp. You can feel secure when you join that we will still be a corp next month!

Tempest Flux
Intaki Armaments
#44 - 2012-01-07 20:16:38 UTC

nice size PVP fleets - We have DPS, logistic, command ships, it's all good!

Cap ship PVP fleets

Great ship reimbursement program!

Conv me in game for a chat.
Tempest Flux
Intaki Armaments
#45 - 2012-01-09 03:29:03 UTC
Good space for isk making.

Give me a chat in game or send me a mail.

Feel free to poke your head in our public room - AMRD PUB
Tempest Flux
Intaki Armaments
#46 - 2012-01-12 02:52:15 UTC
Ahhhh always a good time! It's actually FUN to do this ! WHOOT
Tempest Flux
Intaki Armaments
#47 - 2012-01-13 13:27:36 UTC
Good fights and good isk! I can't believe the isk from these drops !
Tempest Flux
Intaki Armaments
#48 - 2012-01-15 16:39:52 UTC
It's a great time to get into corp and get settled into fountain.
#49 - 2012-01-16 20:18:11 UTC
Does your corp or alliance do incursions at all?
Tempest Flux
Intaki Armaments
#50 - 2012-01-21 13:13:53 UTC
TaterRoller wrote:
Does your corp or alliance do incursions at all?

Yes we do - We have pilots in corp with experience FCing these ops. When we have 10 pilots, we run a corp op, otherwise, we join in with goons or test. In fact, we have an incursion right now in fountain! Great isk!
Tempest Flux
Intaki Armaments
#51 - 2012-01-24 13:35:10 UTC
We do fleets of 10 -20, 50-100 and 250+ Nice KB stats.

Cap ship pilots for PVP.

Great ship reimbursement program, including caps!

Conv me in game for a chat or join our recruiting channel AMRD PUB
#52 - 2012-02-15 02:53:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Riemansum
Bump City ....whati, I think that's a Cars song

Oh jump jump city
Here we come
And null sec ways
Count on my chums
And nothin' really
Gets us down
As long as Tempest's
Back in town

We're glad you post
No one complains

Oh Tempest
What took you so long
I sent my mail the other day
Oh Tempest (echo)
What took you so long
To recruit me all the way

That's all I can remember
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