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Gnosis Combat Scanner

Kestrel Inkura
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2017-06-27 16:51:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Kestrel Inkura
I've started playing a few days ago and got really interested in drone scooping / wrecks salvaging. I've recently bought a Gnosis and was wondering what would be a good fit for a newbie interested in low-sec combat probing? My previous Heron fit was this:

[Heron, Heron]
Nanofiber Internal Structure I
Nanofiber Internal Structure I

Scan Rangefinding Array I
5MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Eutectic Compact Cap Recharger
Eutectic Compact Cap Recharger

Expanded Probe Launcher I
Salvager I

Combat Scanner Probe I x16

Thank you in advance ^^

EDIT: I have found a fit on o.smium and would like to ask for further feedback: I would like to switch the Core Probe Launcher with an Expanded one tho.
Ice Fire Warriors
#2 - 2017-06-27 18:04:03 UTC
Ummm... if you are planning on going to Low-sec then I suggest you stick with the Heron.

A big, slow, beefy ship like the Gnosis can be easily pinned down and chewed apart by a half competent hunter-killer in a Frigate.

Understand; larger ships, while more powerful stat-wise, also gain more than a few weaknesses that pretty much necessitate that they be flown in groups and/or operated by a highly skilled person (character and player-wise).

What you are looking for are Covert-Ops ships and, potentially, Sisters of EVE (SoE) ships.
But both of those require that you have an active subscription.
Kestrel Inkura
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2017-06-27 19:54:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Kestrel Inkura
ShahFluffers wrote:
Ummm... if you are planning on going to Low-sec then I suggest you stick with the Heron.

A big, slow, beefy ship like the Gnosis can be easily pinned down and chewed apart by a half competent hunter-killer in a Frigate.

Understand; larger ships, while more powerful stat-wise, also gain more than a few weaknesses that pretty much necessitate that they be flown in groups and/or operated by a highly skilled person (character and player-wise).

What you are looking for are Covert-Ops ships and, potentially, Sisters of EVE (SoE) ships.
But both of those require that you have an active subscription.

If so, would the previous posted Heron fitting suffice? And also, when, where and how should I use the Gnosis, after getting more experience?
Thank you for your feedback
Ice Fire Warriors
#4 - 2017-06-28 03:13:45 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Your fit will suffice, yes.

Don't be afraid to make modifications to it as you go.

Regarding the Gnosis;
- it is a "catch all" ship that doesn't really have a specialty per se.
- combat-wise, it is good, but not always ideal.
- for an Alpha player, it is the largest ship that you fly and probably the best bonused. But do go back and review the previous two points.
- it is technically a "special edition" ship. There is a limited supply of them in the game, so expect the price of one to increase with time (see: don't rely on it well into the future, they may run out eventually).
- it is used primarily as a mission-running ship

Also... since what you would like to do falls a little outside of my expertise...

I ask that someone else take over and flesh out what options the nubbin has in the realm of probing and salvaging/hacking/analyzing.
Forest Archer
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2017-06-28 14:00:58 UTC
All of Eve is a pvp area lowsec is similar to a pipeline where mostly only the fastest survive unless you intend to engage in combat which is why for scanning it is not recommended unless you plan to run anomalies. Even then it is a catch all ship then and not optimal for any role depending on how it is fit.

Always willing to help all you have to do is ask, though if you're in the other fleet I may not help the way you want. Just a heads up. Pub Channel: Lost Souls Trading Post

United Allegiance of Undesirables
#6 - 2017-06-30 12:26:02 UTC
Kestrel Inkura wrote:
I've started playing a few days ago and got really interested in drone scooping / wrecks salvaging.

If you want to go to low sec then go, low sec can be a fun and profitable place to spend time.

With that said if you want to scan for drones and wrecks low sec is a terrible place to do it because it is a dangerous place to be. Because of the dangers involved in low very few people run missions or rat there. Because there are very few people who mission / rat in low there are not many drones to scoop or wrecks to loot / salvage. My advice if you want to scoop lost drones and salvage wrecks is to stay in high sec where there is an abundance of these things to find just remember that you cannot scan wrecks so you need to find them by scanning for the mission runners, or the MTU they drop.

In either low or high you would be better off staying with the Heron for this specific game play activity. The smaller size, greater mobility and the greater speed can help when things go wrong. Trust me please if you spend time in low sec you will get caught sooner or later and in the smaller faster ships you are more likely to get away, and when you cannot there is not as much ISK lost when the ship explodes.
Chainsaw Plankton
#7 - 2017-07-01 04:50:51 UTC
I'd suggest something like this. nano for better agility and mwd speed, co-proc to get the extra cpu, scan mod and cap recharger in the mids, with 2 sensor boosters with ECCM scripts to make it harder for other players to combat scan you, and an MWD to get around. then a probe launcher and salvagers in the high slots. And some scan strength rigs to get better hits.

[Heron, combat salvager]]
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Co-Processor II

Scan Rangefinding Array I
Cap Recharger II
F-90 Compact Sensor Booster, ECCM Script
F-90 Compact Sensor Booster, ECCM Script
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive

Expanded Probe Launcher I, Sisters Combat Scanner Probe
Salvager I
Salvager I

Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
[empty rig slot]

Hornet II x3

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter