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Europa Star
#1 - 2017-06-16 21:34:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Europa Star
say guys is it possible to play Eve solo if you want to do mission such as exploration and mining with out joining a corp ??
Devara Biotech
#2 - 2017-06-16 21:42:20 UTC
Missions and explorations are capable of being done alone and is often done that way. So you don't need a corp for that. Mining on the other hand seems most profitable when done in a group but can be done alone as well.


Helt Anajkt
#3 - 2017-06-23 19:19:45 UTC
Europa Star wrote:
say guys is it possible to play Eve solo if you want to do mission such as exploration and mining with out joining a corp ??

yea.. and it is one form of make ISk and seize the time while doing misions..

However by default these are in your initial NPC corporation, joining another corporation is with specific interests of yours According to what you want to do or dedicate to do in Eve .. it is not a requirement to enter any corporation. Well you can always play alone. But a good corporation (not all are so good) give stability and its members and many benefits.
The Devils Cousin
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2017-06-24 12:29:14 UTC
Europa Star wrote:
say guys is it possible to play Eve solo if you want to do mission such as exploration and mining with out joining a corp ??

******* right, my streams are a prime example of it

CCP Please Don't Do This..

The Respawn Expansion