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Nisroc Angels - Reveal your eternal self

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Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#41 - 2012-01-19 15:54:28 UTC
Its seems we have become busy defending POCOs, more coalissions seems to join up against us for what ever reson and it serious keep us busy.

Last night we had a 2 hour long constant fight with the loses of 41 ship and 17kills. We won the fight on ISK though with a total lose of 500m and total kill on 3.5b.

The objective however was to defend our POCOs and we ended up loosing 2 of 5. I guess we have to reclaim those in near future, unless there is another way to get them back.

Its also means our engineers work overtime at the moment provinding the ships and mods we need to defend those POCOs within the hole alliance.

We have made some new strong bounds with a VERY old alliance The Star Fraction, who have been a huge help. They support our case of controling the ammount of Obsidian leaving the lava planets and we support their belives of free space.

As we thougt all was over COA desided to engage more of our POCOs setting them in reinforce, so i guess we once again need to ship up and fight.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#42 - 2012-01-24 11:36:58 UTC
After our latest defence of POCOs someone desided to hire a Merc corp to dec us.

We have be at war with merc in the past, but this it problally the worst iv seen so fare. As a 70% industrial and 30% PVP alliance im ammazed that we already after 3 days have 53% effect againt them. I mean we still have people doing missions and it shouldnt supprise me some are still mining. Even though people know that we stand together at war and work as a team, out of 305 people someone always tend to manage to lose a mission boat or a hulk / hauler. This havnt been the case this time. Once again we see the hulk pilots, engineers trow down their tools and jump into combat ships.

Its nice to see 30-40 people in fleet while at war, this leaves our War Targets on their toes, and it keep us busy.

Yesterday we went to Jita to chase our WTs and i was ammazed to see Negative Ten break their camp and dock in Rancer once we reached Miroitem. With a small fleet of T1 cruisers we quickly managed to move to Jita, but our WTs docked.

Intel informed us about a fleet of WTs getting assempled so we desided to burd back to Hek and ship up.

With a 33 man Battleship fleet ready to engage our war targets they desided to dock up, once we undocked an Abaddon. We were all ammazed as we had been fly T1 cruisers the past 3 days and once we undocked 1 battleship they desided to dock.

Well we waited for a bit and after about 20 min of waiting we desided to take a trip to Amamake with our fleet, to see if we could get a fight along the route. Nothing..

We returned home after 2 hours to see our wartargets start to log on massive. Even though we never fight on station we were to bored not to, and just wanted a fight. So we took up their fight and had a go at boundless in HEK. We lost with 48% effect, even though it could have gone both ways.

I dont think we wana bother much more with those mercs, they are serious worthless and need to man up a bit.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#43 - 2012-01-25 13:39:46 UTC
So patch day, and fairly few online. I was quite ammazed not only by looking at corp chat but also alliance to see fairly few members online.

Trying to assemple just a small fleet to chase our wartargets was nearly imposible, so lots went to low sec to rat and hunt.

Our war targets formed up very late when alot was about to logoff, and had supream numbers including 5-6 neutral remote reppers.

We desided to see if we could instant pop one of their battlecruisers with some alpha tempest and maelstrom, but with only 3 of those and 3 tier 3 battlecruisers, the aplha just wasnt big enough so they managed to dock in half armor on each attempt.

They corp carries on with it day to day business and the final tower modules for a new deathstar was delivered for one of our future operations on the table.

One of our traders was hauling part around like no war was on, so im still ammazed those taragets of ours should get any payment as mercs.

Upcomming we have few larger operations comming, which will involve some of our capitals.

Looking forward to see how many will be on tonight, and if people can ajust the new patch.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#44 - 2012-01-26 12:14:04 UTC
An ammazing night.

The mercs hired against us desided to retract the war, i would never have thought a 3 day WAR against Mercs was posible.

We desided to take a fight against them, even though we knew we were out numbered and they had at least 5 neutral reppers and we had none, we did bloody great along with Star Fraction, just a shame the 3 remote armor ships we killed doesnt count in our effect against them as they were neutral.

We reshipped and was prepared for another fight against them, but they seemed scared and call in reinforcement with 8 neutral reppers in their system. After a bit we desided to ship down and go on a low sec roam, and for those never tried it before use a Titan brigde to Amamake. We couldnt really find any targets to fight, so just for people to try it we brigde on top of a Hurricane.

I guess we will focus the next week or so, to rebuild our war fleet putting our engineers on overtime and have their slots full.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#45 - 2012-02-02 09:57:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Ynot Eyob
One war ends another starts..What?

THE GOD SQUAD and FEARLESS. declared war at the same time. My first thought was more mercs hired, but the truth was that THE GOD SQUAD just wanted a good fight, so an agreement was made that we dec them once we are done with FEARLESS.

Apperently FEARLESS. have been hired to remove our Custom Offices and the past days we have been playing PING PONG forward and back where they put one in reinforce and we repair it again. There is no doubt that FEARLESS. are skilled PVP'ers and with the fort they have made in Lamadent the can swap fleet setup as they please.

The other night Cloud 7 asked for our help to remove a POS in Hakisalki. That became a bigger fight, with White Noise hotdropping god knows how many battleship and two Nyx. It ended well for our fleet with 66 kills and 5 loses, when White Noise desided to disengage and flee. You can see the 15min long fight below.

Yesterday we started to arrange mission ops even though the war is on, but to do something else than repearing Custom Offices. With eyes on our WAR targets 23/7 we hardly see them in empire.

I guess our recruitment are limited while the WAR is on, but it seems we need more PVP'ers in the future, to keep our infrastructure intact.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#46 - 2012-02-07 12:19:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Ynot Eyob
Well, the past week things have got a dramatic turn within our alliance.
Ever since we had sov, we changed to NBSI, Not Blue Shoot It. It was the only way we could survive in 0.0.

Once we retracted to Empire and Low sec we kept the NBSI politic with the rule, think before you shoot as your action will involve 300 people.

We have kept that rule for 2 years now, but it will not be hornost to say, that it have kept us out of trouble.

We have a few people who just likes fights, and have take any opitunity to do so. We belive in the freedom of people as long as they respect others.
This have also created alot of enemies, some we rather wana fight along with other than fight against as our goals are the same.

Friday night we had to make a stand within our alliance, and deside if we wanted to keep the NBSI politic or admit that we havnt been able to control it well and turn NRDS (Not Red Dont Shoot).
On an alliance meeting with more than 50 members on voice, we discussed this for nearly two hours. I think the main concern was if it really would change our position in the region and help us claim our goals, or just make it harder for us.
With a vote of 49 for and 1 against we desided to swarp to NRDS and take responsibility for the action we have done.

The statement can be read here:

We knew this would have us lose a few members regardless what desission we choose, and it did as some of our better combat pilots desided to try new adventures.

It also brought in a new corporation for our alliance, which I hope will regain our force in combat.

The wars have been going for two weeks now, and with now 3 wars on our back, we have started to roam alot in Amarr and Minmatar low sec. Beside that we have helpped our good friends with the capital support they needed along with some battleships.

We have lost 5 Custom Offices, which have been alot of ping pong forward and back, with repping up and taking down. What the future will bring we will see, but the fact that we are more combat pilots now than yesterday will surely change the overall picture.

There is no doubt that those trapped in this war are our miners and engineers. Our Engineers are kept busy with neutral transporters bringing their needs, but the miners are felling to clean and are dreaming of the dust framing their ships.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#47 - 2012-02-13 11:26:32 UTC
It hard to adoubt the new NBSI policy, special when you have a neutral scout following you around. Its given some fustration the past week, but its my belive people slowly are getting use to it.

Our war with FEARLESS and Double Tab has ended, and it turned out that one of the WARs was not hired mercs as exspected. We hade a good fight on the last night, where they desided to use PL to hotdrop 3 supers carriers on top of us. The day after i ask the CEO to join our Voice Comm for a friendly talk about the fight, what was good and bad, and with 30+ people on voice, we all had a laugh about it (Mabe new friendship grow here). We got some of our lost POCOs back, and the war was dropped with a 24 NAP agreement while war was at cooldown.

We are still at war with Electus Matari, and yesterday we ended up trying to help our wartargets. A weird moment for all, but they were helping some of our old good friends and war flying with other blues of our, so it would look stupid if we involved our self to snipe out Electus Matari, while they were trying to help our own.

We wntered a system which were in a huge clusterfuck already. Noir. PL, Devils Warriors, EM, COA, LoneStar, SniggWaffe and more were all fighting each other.

We were in a Alpha fleet with tornadoes, but we were missing two tornadoes to be able to Aplha the low signatur HACs. If it wasnt because Electus Matari had been on field we would have had more, but some people got a bit upset, helping those who have declared war against us. I can understand the fustration people have at the moment, and the unfair treatment and supression they fell Electus Matari are trying to keep on us. But we'll see what the future brings. One thing is for sure, the one main thing EM is holding against us, are no longer valid as they were in fleet with the corporation they have so many issues we helpped in the past.

It my belive this is a personal matter more than any political reson, but we will see where it ends.

Our ammount of PVP'ers within the alliance have grown large the past week after UK Freedom Fighters joined our alliance, which give us a bit more posibilities.

Our engineers have started operation in Amarr and Caldari space while the war is on, as EM have joined Faction Warfare and cant go there.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#48 - 2012-02-17 09:27:46 UTC
All our wars have ended and a neogatition have started inbetween COA and OF with EM and UnB on the side line.

The past week iv been more involved in the political aspect within New Eden than ever, and its not always fun to spend half a night solving problems.

Anyway, the corporation have a few more members join, two dedicated player who take a huge part on both the engineerning part and the combat side. Its my belive this we make our corporation even stronger, and open more activities within the corporation it self.

Within alliance we have some rather big operations upcomming, but i think what people need right now is a few days to relax, earn some ISK and do what ever.

Some united operation are on the table and I belive some of our engineers look forward to have our commen mining operation going.

After the weekend we will start looking at our cap fleet to see who lost capitals under this war, and what modules / ships we are missing out.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#49 - 2012-02-27 12:00:46 UTC
Our neogatitions have finished more or less with COA and people are chilling a bit at the moment.

We have had quite a few engagements with Amarr faction warfare the past day in our low sec systems we oprate in.

A new Incursion FC has been born within our corporation, and the past days he have show his knowlage and taken alliance members into Incursion site and shown how its posible to make fast ISK.

Sunday we had a larger regular mining op and had a corporation meeting at the same time.
We are going to put a bit more focus on our engineers and their training so they become better pos gunners and learn how to defend poses with different tactics. (Sensor boosting pos guns ect.)

We also look more into capital production and set up teams to handle this.

More low tax POCOs are next in the mirror and our PVP'ers are looking for areas of interest at the moment.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#50 - 2012-02-29 09:29:23 UTC
It was getting late and Operation M Take Down was about to start.

I was in my Stealth Bomber orbitting our POS in Hek, watching the fleet grow.
As we needed more ammo and more custom offices for the operation we had to bring a Jump Freighter into low sec, and the one gate jump was to risky for a 6 billion ship to take.

I ordered all Covert Ops to travel to a set high sec system, to meet up with one of our Black Ops ships waiting in system.

While a larger part of the fleet started to move, I quickly swapped to my Rapier and moved to low sec to light a cyno for our Jump Freighter who was going to meet up with 3 of our carriers.

After 10 min. the cyno was down, and I quickly moved back to Hek to find the last 4 members of our fleet not in Covert Ops ships.

It was a long journy, but knowing what we had to do I slowly started to move the small fleet to Operation system.

Time went, and the 5 of us arrived safe in operation system and teammed up with our forward scouts. It was time to action. People was ordered to undock, to secure the station preparing to get the rest of the fleet into system.

Capitals ready? Check
Black Ops ready? Check
Cyno Up

Cyno Up!
Brigde Up!
Go Go Go

What a sight, to see 25 small exsplosions and ships and capitals entering space out of nowhere. The sound was so loud you could see the station shake.

All supcaps warp to Custom Office Planet 1, all Capitals warp to friendly POS and assign fighters.

I quickly swapped into my dread and flew to set Custom Office. Knowing the system could become busy, i was glad knowing my Dread was insured when i entered Seigde and saw the 12x 2500mm arty roll out and open fire.

It took a while to bring down 4 of the 7 custom offices we wanted to remove and take over, so after about two hours we desided to call it a night and say first part of this operation was over.

Im glad we made that desission as on our exit a huge blob of hostile ship was waiting on the gate. Our Capitals managed to Cyno out but a few of our ships got cought on the gate by this hostile gang. There is no doubt this gang was set up to destroy our capitals, it was the perfect setup.

Iv made a note in my log, that next part of this operation we bring a deadly force of battleships to finish off the last 3 custom offices.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#51 - 2012-03-01 11:12:57 UTC
So the night was red, and I was prepared to go hunt some Shansha with the corporation.

One can say its luck that the Shansha had desided to open their wormholes in Amarr space, but on the other hand it prevented most within corporation to earn some easy ISK from concord, as many cant enter Amarr Empire.

A small team of us desided to go hunt some Amarr in turner area. All went well, as we chased a few around the area. As always we problally sat in the same system a bit to long, as two drake went to a Minmatar Outpost, we had the felling they would bring more, but we desided to engage. Our bad felling was right, within one minute we had 10-12 Amarians on top of us, melting our fleet. At least we managed to kill two, but it was a hit in the face.

About an hour later our friends in C7 and EVE-Union asked if we could provide a sniper fleet as a help to defend their POCO. We had about 30 min to assemple the fleet and get down there. Help was asked in our Alliance and within 20 min we had 9 tornadoes, 1 -Naga, 1 Oracle, 1 Thorax and a Stealth Bomber.

I quickly commanded the fleet down to set area, but as we arrived out friends had already repaired the POCO and no enemies was visible within range. As a plaster we desided to go roam behin C7 and EVE-Union and see if we could find some pirates on the way. We would work as backup, while they would see if they could manage to create an exculation fight. Nothing...

We went to Amamake to see if anything was posible there, again nothing. After 30 minutes waiting we called it a night, and took the short trip trough Empire back to Hek.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#52 - 2012-03-05 11:34:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Ynot Eyob
It seems Incursions have become the new trent, at least the corporation have spend quite a few hours this weekend running them. Iv never thought I should end up FCing incursion fleets but it happen, and it seems to joy for more people as I got request from people iv never known before if they could join in the future.

Its also funny to see how people drop their color once in incursions. I joined a fleet yesterday, and when the FC asked to launch dornes, half of them was marked RED. Though sitting and someones voice com having a laugh, the colors really didnt mean much. One guy say.. Oh i rember blowing up Ynot's Typhoon once (Problally why they marked red ;) ), but the rule on this Voice was to drop tags before you joined.

Sunday night we had our regular mining op. Its always nice to see the swarm of hulks, orcas and industrial along with the spider net of lasers digging the dust. As borring as mining can be for some, as much fun we had on voice and the two hours we mined was gone in no time.

We need more engineers for some bigger projects we are moving into. The heavier builds seems to down to a handfull of people, so seeing more engineers with corp would be nice. It seems our engineers will get a busy year, as they at the moment are cross training to make sure they can man POS guns but also run logistics if at war. SISI training is on the plate where our engineers within alliance are gona fight the PVPers, with the engineers controling towers which the PVP'ers have to take down. Its going to be interesting as the trainig in remote boosting on POS mods ect. will be a huge part of it.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#53 - 2012-03-06 12:00:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Ynot Eyob
Null sec... Cold, Dark and Dangours..

Went to 0.0 yesterday to get some of our ships out from an office we have there. It became a bigger task than exspected as new people had moved in and was pretty agressive and our mid cyno system was loaded with traphic and cyno killers.

It was nice to be back in 0.0 though, I miss it alot. The nice dark skies, the silence before storm kind of feeling you have when moving around. We spend about 5-6 hours getting a Carrier and Jump Freighter forward and back a few times.

Old friends was in local, and it was good to get a few stories and an update on whats been going on the past 8 months. Im sure we will have a campaign running in Curse within short time.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Niobe Vorenius
Citadel Enterprise
#54 - 2012-03-06 13:00:54 UTC
friendly bumpy


Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#55 - 2012-03-07 08:36:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Ynot Eyob
I belive I got a wakeup call last night as I had become slappy and lost a 3.5B fleet to a blob, including a dread We had a few more POCOs we wanted to take down, and I had said up front we didnt wana use capitals this time.

So a fleet of Teir 3 BCs and Battleships and a few logistics left Hek to set system I desided to take the low sec route and see if we could get a small fight enroute, but we didnt find much, not even around Amamake When we arrived in set system, it seemed to take like for ever to take down the POCOs needed and our calculations showed 40min per POCO and time we could spend on roaming around. Without thinking much about, without being prepared with exit cyno, other capitals and just because it was in system, I desided to bring out a Dread.

That was a mistake, as Shadow Cartel desided to hotdrop us with 3 dreads and 2 carriers and a decent though match able subcap fleet. Im not gona lie, it was embarazing. First of all we should have been able to get a good fight, losing the dread is one thing, but losing the hole fleet is another without a single kill. I for one serious sleept in that hour, and all I can say is Good Fight to Shadow Cartel and thanks for giving us this wakeup call, it should happen sooner or later It gave us somethnig to talk about after, and a new opitunity and good reson to discuss how to avoide this in the future.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#56 - 2012-03-07 17:48:26 UTC
Bump for good guys

Was a gf – was impressed with you guys, stayed and fought to try and save people, good fleet comp etc, you were just unlucky as the difference was we knew what we were going in for and you guys didn’

Also we only brought the dreads in when the dread initiated SD!
Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#57 - 2012-03-08 08:04:19 UTC
A chilling night for once, we were suppose to have a mission / Incurssion night, but i belive most were mindng their own business for once, so we were mainly chilling on voice comm.

We have been working on getting our Engineers up to date, and will start our project program, where a project team are put together. Could be a team which task is to build 5 obelisk. Corporation will put the ISK in need for the project and the BPCs and the team then deside what to buy, what to mine ect. When the project are finish and items sold, the team gets the profit and corp takes 1% of that project for future projects. This shoule speciel give our younger engineers a opitunity to earn a decent ammount of ISK, but also get the teamwork going for our backbone people.

We have no real operation arrange for the rest of the week, which for once give me a breating room and time and prepare for an alliance meeting this weekend, and for some larger upcomming campaigns.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#58 - 2012-03-09 12:14:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Ynot Eyob
So we have restarted the structure of the corporation after 3 other corporations have merged into Nisroc.

As something new and something well need we will focus a bit more on our engineers for a bit.

We will start setting up teams of 5

1 project manager
4 Engineers / Miners / Mission runner (loot)

First team will be a set of younger members with none to mid skills.

Team Battleship

We need 5 engineers within corp to sign up for Team Battleship.

This will mainly be newer engineers.
The team will be bulding battleships for the market 5 at a time.

Corp will provide rare ore and BPCs.
Once sold, corp will charge 3% (Tax rate) of the total profit, the rest devide inbetween the team members.

Any help needed from the older players like mining boost, reprocessing and transport will be there.
One of the 5 will be assigned as Project Manager and be in charge of the rest of the team and the finances.

If this would be something for you, please sign up.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#59 - 2012-03-15 13:33:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Ynot Eyob
New pilots have joined our forces and im deffently looking forward to their teamwork.

The last cupple of days have been rather quiet, but its nice to see people join forces and do what they like.

We have had a few engagements with the Amarrs in Aset area, and there is no doubt we will start a focus in Aset area.

Over all within our alliance there have been alot of administrativ jobs the past week, from defence plans, resources, fleet setups ect. Im looking forward to see what all this nice work will bring us in about a month.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Niobe Vorenius
Citadel Enterprise
#60 - 2012-03-15 14:20:14 UTC
friendly bumpy Blink
