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[June] Fighter Damage Reduction

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Gimme Sake
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2141 - 2017-06-13 12:22:31 UTC
Mary Timeshift Jane wrote:
Gimme Sake wrote:
Looking at the arguments in this thread "Mah super cost me 27 bil y u nurf it?!?!" "I nvested x amount of moneyz now the sand box is mine!" "Nerf them not me!" "Blame the game not the player!" "I've made 50 alts now I deserve eternal bliss!" etc.

In case anyone wonders in the future why CCP (or any other company) goes pay 2 win... as long as the players pick isk making over game balance it can't ever go towards gameplay. Simply because that is what the player base asks for.

What gameplay is there to pick? Those frigate, occasionally cruiser, roams most people are doing most of the time? So much fun.. are they, not.

Last major conflict was externally financed or wouldn't have happened at all. Wonder why.

"Never not blob!" ~ Plato

Katharsis Inc.
#2142 - 2017-06-13 12:32:04 UTC
to be honest.
give us changes to skill on everything and then nerf this again after all those peoples have skilled for.
See the changes for ratting military lvl up and then telling´s people would make too much isk in pve like in caps by given that impression 1 account ´s good enough to make isk´s best goal it is a carrier ore or super.Other acc´s. still scouting or doing something else but they wont make isk with this acc. so they still needing a isk backup for srp´ng a new ship that´s still expensive so they save up isk´s.
And you wont make pve only .. it´s just for buying new pvp ship´s or plex ingame or whatver for.

On Economic you telling us people would make to much isk´s but more interesting would be in which regions are they´re doing?

Valdr Auduin
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2143 - 2017-06-13 12:36:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Valdr Auduin
Gimme Sake wrote:
Mary Timeshift Jane wrote:
Gimme Sake wrote:
Looking at the arguments in this thread "Mah super cost me 27 bil y u nurf it?!?!" "I nvested x amount of moneyz now the sand box is mine!" "Nerf them not me!" "Blame the game not the player!" "I've made 50 alts now I deserve eternal bliss!" etc.

In case anyone wonders in the future why CCP (or any other company) goes pay 2 win... as long as the players pick isk making over game balance it can't ever go towards gameplay. Simply because that is what the player base asks for.

What gameplay is there to pick? Those frigate, occasionally cruiser, roams most people are doing most of the time? So much fun.. are they, not.

Last major conflict was externally financed or wouldn't have happened at all. Wonder why.

Hence all the calls for SOV to be re-worked, the major assertion being that wars would happen again if the claims weren't so intractable. And if wars started back up then, they assert, we'd see isk sinks unplugging and stabilizing the rising market.
Cynosural Field Theory.
#2144 - 2017-06-13 12:39:31 UTC
Where's the supporting data for the PVP nerf? Do you think PVE is more important than PVP?

Beehive Surveillance
#2145 - 2017-06-13 12:40:28 UTC
Marcel Garsk wrote:
Supposedly wormhole ticks are 1 bil ISK. Why don't CCP start from nerfing wormhole PvE???

Awoken Disintegration Fleet
#2146 - 2017-06-13 12:48:39 UTC
She11by wrote:
Summary: buy plexes by money not isks patch.
agreed, if only CCP would realize we won't riot if plex were to be a non-market cash shop mechanic, currently what's really generating isk is not supercarrier ratting, it's PL controlling all incursion sites, then using the isk gained from incursions to quickly build super caps, then CCP goes super crazy on the number of anomalies active per system, so PL makes it a law for all members to farm every anomaly 23/7 gaining 800% more isk split between all members, then you add ghost sites that has way more rewards than that, and guess who will be controlling ghost sites? PL, it's like CCP slams a hammer against someone's head to fix a problem, then get surprised they killed them, CCP has no common sense anymore, either that, or CCP no longer has anyone hired on that knows how the game is structured anymore
Kill'em all. Let Bob sort'em out.
#2147 - 2017-06-13 12:55:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Verlyn
I made 6 bil worth of LP in about 6 hours playtime with Faction Warfare missions.

Nerf FW missions next obviously too ?

In fact, nerf every single isk generating option in the game, why dont you CCP ?

You havent the slightest ******* idea how to fix the economy, you think nerfing all isk making options one by one will make a difference, it's like trying to give a cure by fixing the symptoms.

It's utter ignorance of the game at best while in the need for money, or utter idiocy at worst.

This game will implode faster than I would've predicted, Im giving it a year tops before its shutdown.

Was fun while it lasted.

Awoken Disintegration Fleet
#2148 - 2017-06-13 12:58:14 UTC
And CCP wonders why players quits or never increases their active player base. This change will literally turn carriers into super cap logis rendering fighters pointless. Better off just removing fighter bonuses from the bonus tab. Besides why is it a sin to run complexes in carriers? it's our ships, we grind grind and grind to build those ships, we deserve to take the risk of using them any way we want, i'm pretty sure you'll find some dummy trying to run complexes in a titan if you look hard enough, just to try and solo incursions, if ppl starts doing incursions solo in a tian, will that mean you'll nerf titans as well? where will it stop?

How CCP should've handled the issue:

1. place ship restrictions on complexes in null with acceleration gates

2. reduce the rewards for running complexes

3. Remove ghost sites from the game you just implimented, since you don't want an isk faucet, ghost sites only encourages rapid isk generation

4. remove plex from in-game market and make plex a cash shop only vanity (apparently you want money)

5. nerf the number of combat sites active in one system by 50% in null, this is reasonably considering in null there can be up to 50 sites active in any given time which means a ton of isk being made 23/7

6. nerf incursion rewards by 10% on bounties
Valdr Auduin
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2149 - 2017-06-13 12:58:52 UTC
Verlyn wrote:
I made 6 bil worth of LP in about 6 hours playtime with Faction Warfare missions.

Nerf FW missions next obviously too ?

In fact, nerf every single isk generating option in the game, why dont you CCP ?

You havent the slightest ******* idea how to fix the economy, you think nerfing all isk making options one by one will make a difference, it's like trying to give a cure by fixing the symptoms.

It's utter idiocy at best.

This game will implode faster than I would've predicted, Im giving it a year tops before shutdown.

Was fun while it lasted.


Judging by their behavior and everyone's analysis of it, CCP won't even read what you're saying in a positive light.
Gimme Sake
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2150 - 2017-06-13 12:59:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Gimme Sake
Verlyn wrote:
I made 6 bil worth of LP in about 6 hours playtime with Faction Warfare missions.

Nerf FW missions next obviously too ?

In fact, nerf every single isk generating option in the game, why dont you CCP ?

You havent the slightest ******* idea how to fix the economy, you think nerfing all isk making options one by one will make a difference, it's like trying to give a cure by fixing the symptoms.

It's utter ignorance of the game at best, or utter idiocy at worst.

This game will implode faster than I would've predicted, Im giving it a year tops before its shutdown.

Was fun while it lasted.


Wasn't that always an option? Besides 6bil worth of LP means only approx 3 if not 2.5 bil isk. If too many LP items appear on market it will regulate itself and you'll get even less isk.

"Never not blob!" ~ Plato

Mary Timeshift Jane
#2151 - 2017-06-13 13:00:40 UTC
Lan Wang wrote:
Mary Timeshift Jane wrote:
Gimme Sake wrote:
Looking at the arguments in this thread "Mah super cost me 27 bil y u nurf it?!?!" "I nvested x amount of moneyz now the sand box is mine!" "Nerf them not me!" "Blame the game not the player!" "I've made 50 alts now I deserve eternal bliss!" etc.

In case anyone wonders in the future why CCP (or any other company) goes pay 2 win... as long as the players pick isk making over game balance it can't ever go towards gameplay. Simply because that is what the player base asks for.

What gameplay is there to pick? Those frigate, occasionally cruiser, roams most people are doing most of the time? So much fun.. are they, not.

make your own content maybe? however you sound like you prefer the repetitive nature of grinding of the same npc's constantly, so much fun...

I FLIPPING WISH... to krab all isk is just the pillar of all the great content. Of getting all my friends titans and building keepstars everywhere, of conquering all of eve and under one epic conquest turning all other empires into dust, to become on par with gods eve haven't even seen yet... oh wait, my ability to fund something that epic is being nerfed, nerfed, nerfed, nerfed.

So much for my own content.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#2152 - 2017-06-13 13:04:19 UTC
Ikshuki wrote:
it's PL controlling all incursion sites, then using the isk gained from incursions to quickly build super caps, then CCP goes super crazy on the number of anomalies active per system, so PL makes it a law for all members to farm every anomaly 23/7 gaining 800% more isk split between all members, then you add ghost sites that has way more rewards than that, and guess who will be controlling ghost sites? PL

Oh wow, your tinfoil hat is on real tight.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Gimme Sake
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2153 - 2017-06-13 13:14:01 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Ikshuki wrote:
it's PL controlling all incursion sites, then using the isk gained from incursions to quickly build super caps, then CCP goes super crazy on the number of anomalies active per system, so PL makes it a law for all members to farm every anomaly 23/7 gaining 800% more isk split between all members, then you add ghost sites that has way more rewards than that, and guess who will be controlling ghost sites? PL

Oh wow, your tinfoil hat is on real tight.

You know it is a a PL conspiracy! Cool

"Never not blob!" ~ Plato

Kill'em all. Let Bob sort'em out.
#2154 - 2017-06-13 13:19:38 UTC
Gimme Sake wrote:
Verlyn wrote:
I made 6 bil worth of LP in about 6 hours playtime with Faction Warfare missions.

Nerf FW missions next obviously too ?

In fact, nerf every single isk generating option in the game, why dont you CCP ?

You havent the slightest ******* idea how to fix the economy, you think nerfing all isk making options one by one will make a difference, it's like trying to give a cure by fixing the symptoms.

It's utter ignorance of the game at best, or utter idiocy at worst.

This game will implode faster than I would've predicted, Im giving it a year tops before its shutdown.

Was fun while it lasted.


Wasn't that always an option? Besides 6bil worth of LP means only approx 3 if not 2.5 bil isk. If too many LP items appear on market it will regulate itself and you'll get even less isk.

Not sure how you do it then ?

That's why you build up slow and cash in smart, and not follow the crowd.

Ive always managed to get a .8 or .9 bil for 1m LP.
venetistrader norie
Shadow Legion X
Seriously Suspicious
#2155 - 2017-06-13 13:22:14 UTC
GUYS, I did see a lot of your post now. WHY DO YOU CRY?? JUST BUY THE PLAX AND THEY WILL BE HAPY :)
Kill'em all. Let Bob sort'em out.
#2156 - 2017-06-13 13:29:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Verlyn
venetistrader norie wrote:
GUYS, I did see a lot of your post now. WHY DO YOU CRY?? JUST BUY THE PLAX AND THEY WILL BE HAPY :)

Either this is sarcasm,

Or you just dont know how human behaviour typically works with that kind of stuff when being forced to something but have the choice to leave...
maru karasu
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#2157 - 2017-06-13 13:30:54 UTC
i suggest that CCP Add to ship bonus which reduces bounty to capital ship(Titan/MS/CV) if ccp can do.
izardx Madullier
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2158 - 2017-06-13 13:36:56 UTC
what a joke, shame on you CCP!!!! you have ruined fighters for me


Im loosing more now then i used to! unfair!
Orca Platypus
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#2159 - 2017-06-13 14:12:54 UTC
CCP Larrikin wrote:

The Data:
Let’s set the stage for the decision by taking sample of 5 days in June. During that timeframe 10.6 Trillion ISK was rewarded in bounties. Of that:
  • 22.3% (2.3T) of the ISK was generated by 1.4% of characters earning bounties, using Supercarriers
  • 24.2% (2.6T) of the ISK was generated by 4.8% of characters earning bounties, using Carriers
  • 19.1% (2T) of the ISK was generated by 16.6% of characters earning bounties, using T1 Cruisers
Just under half (46.5%) of the bounties earned during the time period was generated by Supercarriers and Carriers, meaning a small percent of the population received a huge portion of the total bounties.

So that means 6.2% of players are mains, and 16.6% are their alts which are stuffed into a VNI/Ishtar to rat on their own, while the main is going in carrier/super.

This data does not justify anything by itself, except of course confirming that eve PvE is a pile of stupid dung design-wise.

CCP Larrikin wrote:
Our secondary goal is that Carriers and Supercarriers are too effective in PvP, even for the investment it takes to create them. This change will shift the PvP balance, but we’re confident that Carriers and Supercarriers will remain powerful options for PvP battles.

I can understand supers, but carriers? Remember, the multi-billion capital ship that has to run from a single griffin, rings any bells?
And then of course you nerf regular carriers while barely touching supers. As usual, CCP duplicity (TM).

CCP Larrikin wrote:
We are working on changes to Anomalies that will reduce the effectiveness of Carriers and Supercarriers. These changes will be announced at a later date.

Oh I bet you are, I'm preparing popcorn when you announce NPCs now have 30% extra damage reduction from fighters, and try to defend this change as something that's ok. Oh well, your goon masters have recovered their coffers, time to remove everyone else from the competition.
venetistrader norie
Shadow Legion X
Seriously Suspicious
#2160 - 2017-06-13 14:25:51 UTC
Verlyn wrote:
venetistrader norie wrote:
GUYS, I did see a lot of your post now. WHY DO YOU CRY?? JUST BUY THE PLAX AND THEY WILL BE HAPY :)

Either this is sarcasm,

Or you just dont know how human behaviour typically works with that kind of stuff when being forced to something but have the choice to leave...

it is sarcasm