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[June] Fighter Damage Reduction

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Dan Sever
Rainbow Bus Club
#1541 - 2017-06-11 19:14:09 UTC
Kaze Mester wrote:
Fanfest is are sold, now they want (force) us to buy something else...
Well...let's pull the alpha VNIs out and let the afk farm begin.

Since when a VNI is an alpha ship? ...
Kaze Mester
Caldari State
#1542 - 2017-06-11 19:17:07 UTC
Dan Sever wrote:
Kaze Mester wrote:
Fanfest is are sold, now they want (force) us to buy something else...
Well...let's pull the alpha VNIs out and let the afk farm begin.

Since when a VNI is an alpha ship? ...

Since your pilot is gallente.
#1543 - 2017-06-11 19:23:23 UTC  |  Edited by: RKJakTup
All yall talk about is Risk = Reward if we are in cap and supercap then the risk in isk we are puting out is high. the ships should be strong. and i lost 5 T2 fighter last week thats 50 mil. other ships dont spend 50 in ammo doing pve so the 15% is BS. all of this is BS. and all the CSM on here saying oh "good work". or "nice changes" are the biggest trolls in eve.
#1544 - 2017-06-11 19:27:27 UTC
Kaze Mester wrote:
Dan Sever wrote:
Kaze Mester wrote:
Fanfest is are sold, now they want (force) us to buy something else...
Well...let's pull the alpha VNIs out and let the afk farm begin.

Since when a VNI is an alpha ship? ...

Since your pilot is gallente.

Think he was talking about alpha clones afk farming?
Galactic Rangers
#1545 - 2017-06-11 19:29:08 UTC
Minerva Arbosa wrote:

We the player base is the reason they still have something to work on. Honestly if carriers are such a big problem for ratting then why not remove the fighter damage bonus feom the Nodhoggur and the Tahantos rather than nerding on Citadels as well. Citadels already have extremely weak defenses to push attackers off. They don't need to be merged more without some sort of compensatory buff in other form of damage.

i agree with you on it hurting more than carriers and the effect it's going to have on citadels.

but that's a different debate. even though they use them citadels need some lovin but it's a seperate issue.

thing is, both of these items we speak of are rather new, and i'm not surprised they'd change sooner or later, this time around it's oh shite we gotta fix this now with the fighters, but with citadels it's they're not bad and players can defend them in ships.

perhaps up the amount of fighters a citadel can fly ?

Aldent Arkanon
Vulture Enterprises
Cynosural Field Theory.
#1546 - 2017-06-11 19:29:14 UTC
RKJakTup wrote:
all the CSM on here saying oh "good work". or "nice changes" are the biggest trolls in eve.

The only CSMs I've seen saying that are the ones who don't know anything about capitals because they have 0 capital experience.
Jang Taredi
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1547 - 2017-06-11 19:39:31 UTC
Aldent Arkanon wrote:
RKJakTup wrote:
all the CSM on here saying oh "good work". or "nice changes" are the biggest trolls in eve.

The only CSMs I've seen saying that are the ones who don't know anything about capitals because they have 0 capital experience.

Read: Solo PVPers speaking for capital pilots.
Kaze Mester
Caldari State
#1548 - 2017-06-11 19:44:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaze Mester
RKJakTup wrote:
Kaze Mester wrote:
Dan Sever wrote:
Kaze Mester wrote:
Fanfest is are sold, now they want (force) us to buy something else...
Well...let's pull the alpha VNIs out and let the afk farm begin.

Since when a VNI is an alpha ship? ...

Since your pilot is gallente.

Think he was talking about alpha clones afk farming?

It is not optimal, but i'll give it a shot. ;)

Anyways...i think i know what is going on right here guys...
CCP either smart af and has a loooong term plan doing these kind of things = boost rorquals, make everyone fly them than nerf...make a lot of players jump into carriers than force some subberdubbers to a different gameplay (vni's, incus...etc.) than they will nerf that as well... /instead of making real concent to the game/
....or they are just stupid.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1549 - 2017-06-11 20:00:53 UTC
Linus Gorp wrote:
Atrinos wrote:
The dev Team really have nuts. The Last time they decided to bring such **** online was the walking in Stations Feature. They completely ignored any other problems and the Player base just raged out. Who was part of the Monument shooting in jita?

This time it could be much worse. And also the CSM team proofed the be completely incompetent....

Lets see how this will end this time.

Renter trash not understanding how the CSM works.

I don't give a single **** about what you were thinking about Reuters. We are Part of the Player base and we are also allowed to vote

Go to reddit there are much more ppl thinking Like i am that this changes are stupid. Or just read this thread
HugoRich Corporation
#1550 - 2017-06-11 20:07:34 UTC
Main isks comes from a game in 20 windows mining, any cap can reach that proffit? Ah, dont think so. Meanwhile there will be update with an optimization, duhh, to play in 30 windows. Yea all evil comes from a cap ships Lol

Если у вас нет паранойи, это еще не значит, что Они за вами не следят.

Ter Jern Wolf
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1551 - 2017-06-11 20:11:12 UTC
Eternal Night Mikakka wrote:
This has to be singlehandedly the worst update to an mmo I have seen in nearly a decade. These nerfs are based on highly inaccurate data using extreme outliers in order to create the illusion of a problem that doesn't exist. Carrier and super ratting is not the issue here, the actual problem lies with the entire PVE system of eve online. The solution to this so called isk faucet is not nerfing an entire shipline to the point of uselessness. I can't understand why the CCP dev team decided to implement a solution that imbalances the game to the point where battleships can out perform an entire class of ships that take months of dedicated training to skill into (not counting skill injectors).

The decision to implement these changes is obviously a rushed and ill thought out. I am surprised any developer could choose to make such a careless decision like this without first consulting their customer base or community representatives such as the CSM. In the past CCP has consulted the community prior to updates such as this, which begs the question why they wouldn't have given the community time to discuss these changes with the dev team.

The only other game I have played that showed this same disconnect from their community and made drastic changes like this over"RMT" and "inflation" was Runescape back in 2007. During this time Jagex (the developers of Runescape for the few who don't know) took similar measures as the one we are seeing here, instead of addressing the actual problems with their game at the time they decided to completely strip entire features from the game. Starting with the removal of PVP via the wilderness which had a similar high risk high reward PVP gameplay we have, and ending with the removal of free trade between players and replacing it with a harshly limited system. Not surprisingly these changes, and Jagexs utter disregard of the community caused outrage and a massive drop in subscriptions. To this day, Runescape hasn't recovered from this even after they reversed these decisions in 2011. The damage is done.

I hate to think about this, but I see CCP taking this in the same direction Jagex did in 2007. They are ignoring their consumers, they are ignoring the actual problems with the game, they are ignoring the obvious imbalances in the game, and worst of all they are refusing to come to a rational and meaningful solution. Most will argue the changes over the past 3 years are the bulk of their concern and this is the straw that broke the camel's back. Don't get me wrong for me this this definitely broke my camel's back, however for me my complaints start with the pheobe changes and fozzie doc, because it is around this time CCP began to ignore their customers again after the whole monocle riots in 2011. All of these changes were exactly like the changes Jagex made in the past. Brute forced methods that only treat the symptoms, not the root of the issue. Fozzie sov has made the game more stagnant and boring than ever, the jump drive changes, while i will admit were necessary to an extent, make getting an outright chore.

What's worse is any negative feedback about these updates has been either outright ignored or held in contempt by CCP. Which isn't an attitude a developer should have towards their players. CCP, your players are your customers why are you treating your customers with outright disrespect like this. This is unprofessional and totally unacceptable.

Honestly if it weren't for the fact I LOVE the friends I made in this game and I LOVE the corp I run, I would have unsubscribed outright. Instead you're picking and only have to deal with losing 4 out of my 5 subs. Anyway I will stop here before I continue to get petty. My point here is that you need to listen to your customers CCP, and actually look into finding real meaningful solutions. Not just useless patch and fix methods that ultimately destroy the game.

TL;DR Listen to your customer base CCP, don't be Jagex and ruin it with stupid brute force fixes.

Also **** this update

Go look at Crunch Base ... see the investments from New Enterprise Associates and Novator? See when CCP started giving no cares about the players? What's 1+1=?
Skill Deficiency
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1552 - 2017-06-11 20:11:22 UTC
RKJakTup wrote:
and i lost 5 T2 fighter last week thats 50 mil. other ships dont spend 50 in ammo doing pve.

Than use the other ship; are you that bad at EVE you are not using the best ship for the job or is the ship worth using even with this draw back and thus your point is of little value or concern? Which is it? One ship is not going to be the best choice for everything in the game - get into some other ships and try them on for size.
evil pride
Les chevaliers de l'ordre
Goonswarm Federation
#1553 - 2017-06-11 20:23:41 UTC
Ok ccp. Can you think you can nerfing the anomaly and not the fighter and the super carrier. The cartier was a big crap before the last patch. Now he is good and doing a good dps and can be dangerous. This is NORMAL for a capital ship.
If you want to nerf something, nerf the anomaly. Incrase the number of fregate in sanctum and haven or remove the right for the carrier to warp in all anom under haven. Carrier can warp only in sanctum anom. So the subcap are free to rat all the anom. EXEMPLE: now i do 65m/20mins with my thanatos. Before the patch i doing 55m with 2 acount/20 min with thanatos and dominix with sentry.
Now the carrier is a good capital ship since you reduce the range of jumping. Dont nerf the cap one more time. If you are a good fc you can kill a carrier with a interceptor fleet. Dont forget, the bad thing with the carrier and super carrier is if you kill all ther fighter they are armless and he need backup or he die.
Ter Jern Wolf
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1554 - 2017-06-11 20:25:22 UTC
Skill Deficiency wrote:
RKJakTup wrote:
and i lost 5 T2 fighter last week thats 50 mil. other ships dont spend 50 in ammo doing pve.

Than use the other ship; are you that bad at EVE you are not using the best ship for the job or is the ship worth using even with this drawback and thus your point is of little value or concern? Which is it? One ship is not going to be the best choice for everything in the game - get into some other ships and try them on for size.

So I found a way to increase my carrier ratting ticks and the math shows it will work post patch. Instead of letting my alt just sit around with her thumb up some orifice or another I stick her in a little angry making agro ship... drop her on the anom first and set off all the agro alarms I can...

While I can't guarantee the extra 15% more likely to want to shoot fighters won't change the balance of the agro generators needed to **** the rats off enough to focus on the bait - that is just a matter of tuning. Further since I don't carrier rat on more than one account anyhow - I'm still making the exact same - if not BETTER isk than i was before.

so =P CCP.
Kaze Mester
Caldari State
#1555 - 2017-06-11 20:44:39 UTC
Ter Jern Wolf wrote:
Skill Deficiency wrote:
RKJakTup wrote:
and i lost 5 T2 fighter last week thats 50 mil. other ships dont spend 50 in ammo doing pve.

Than use the other ship; are you that bad at EVE you are not using the best ship for the job or is the ship worth using even with this drawback and thus your point is of little value or concern? Which is it? One ship is not going to be the best choice for everything in the game - get into some other ships and try them on for size.

So I found a way to increase my carrier ratting ticks and the math shows it will work post patch. Instead of letting my alt just sit around with her thumb up some orifice or another I stick her in a little angry making agro ship... drop her on the anom first and set off all the agro alarms I can...

While I can't guarantee the extra 15% more likely to want to shoot fighters won't change the balance of the agro generators needed to **** the rats off enough to focus on the bait - that is just a matter of tuning. Further since I don't carrier rat on more than one account anyhow - I'm still making the exact same - if not BETTER isk than i was before.

so =P CCP.

I bet you would do the same thing in PVP as well.. gf
Ter Jern Wolf
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1556 - 2017-06-11 20:47:17 UTC
Kaze Mester wrote:
Ter Jern Wolf wrote:
Skill Deficiency wrote:
RKJakTup wrote:
and i lost 5 T2 fighter last week thats 50 mil. other ships dont spend 50 in ammo doing pve.

Than use the other ship; are you that bad at EVE you are not using the best ship for the job or is the ship worth using even with this drawback and thus your point is of little value or concern? Which is it? One ship is not going to be the best choice for everything in the game - get into some other ships and try them on for size.

So I found a way to increase my carrier ratting ticks and the math shows it will work post patch. Instead of letting my alt just sit around with her thumb up some orifice or another I stick her in a little angry making agro ship... drop her on the anom first and set off all the agro alarms I can...

While I can't guarantee the extra 15% more likely to want to shoot fighters won't change the balance of the agro generators needed to **** the rats off enough to focus on the bait - that is just a matter of tuning. Further since I don't carrier rat on more than one account anyhow - I'm still making the exact same - if not BETTER isk than i was before.

so =P CCP.

I bet you would do the same thing in PVP as well.. gf

I try and avoid multiboxing PVP honestly - I'm not fast enough on the controls and client switching to be effective at it unless I'm part of the blob and all I have to do is set anchor and pew the calls.
Tobias Frank
#1557 - 2017-06-11 20:54:04 UTC
Ter Jern Wolf wrote:

Than use the other ship; are you that bad at EVE you are not using the best ship for the job or is the ship worth using even with this drawback and thus your point is of little value or concern? Which is it? One ship is not going to be the best choice for everything in the game - get into some other ships and try them on for size.

So I found a way to increase my carrier ratting ticks and the math shows it will work post patch. Instead of letting my alt just sit around with her thumb up some orifice or another I stick her in a little angry making agro ship... drop her on the anom first and set off all the agro alarms I can...

While I can't guarantee the extra 15% more likely to want to shoot fighters won't change the balance of the agro generators needed to **** the rats off enough to focus on the bait - that is just a matter of tuning. Further since I don't carrier rat on more than one account anyhow - I'm still making the exact same - if not BETTER isk than i was before.

so =P CCP.

Use a Rorqual.
HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#1558 - 2017-06-11 20:54:52 UTC
Ter Jern Wolf wrote:
Skill Deficiency wrote:
RKJakTup wrote:
and i lost 5 T2 fighter last week thats 50 mil. other ships dont spend 50 in ammo doing pve.

Than use the other ship; are you that bad at EVE you are not using the best ship for the job or is the ship worth using even with this drawback and thus your point is of little value or concern? Which is it? One ship is not going to be the best choice for everything in the game - get into some other ships and try them on for size.

So I found a way to increase my carrier ratting ticks and the math shows it will work post patch. Instead of letting my alt just sit around with her thumb up some orifice or another I stick her in a little angry making agro ship... drop her on the anom first and set off all the agro alarms I can...

While I can't guarantee the extra 15% more likely to want to shoot fighters won't change the balance of the agro generators needed to **** the rats off enough to focus on the bait - that is just a matter of tuning. Further since I don't carrier rat on more than one account anyhow - I'm still making the exact same - if not BETTER isk than i was before.

so =P CCP.

What ship are you using?
Kaze Mester
Caldari State
#1559 - 2017-06-11 21:02:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaze Mester
Radkiel wrote:
Ter Jern Wolf wrote:
Skill Deficiency wrote:
RKJakTup wrote:
and i lost 5 T2 fighter last week thats 50 mil. other ships dont spend 50 in ammo doing pve.

Than use the other ship; are you that bad at EVE you are not using the best ship for the job or is the ship worth using even with this drawback and thus your point is of little value or concern? Which is it? One ship is not going to be the best choice for everything in the game - get into some other ships and try them on for size.

So I found a way to increase my carrier ratting ticks and the math shows it will work post patch. Instead of letting my alt just sit around with her thumb up some orifice or another I stick her in a little angry making agro ship... drop her on the anom first and set off all the agro alarms I can...

While I can't guarantee the extra 15% more likely to want to shoot fighters won't change the balance of the agro generators needed to **** the rats off enough to focus on the bait - that is just a matter of tuning. Further since I don't carrier rat on more than one account anyhow - I'm still making the exact same - if not BETTER isk than i was before.

so =P CCP.

What ship are you using?

Peeps, we are getting off topic here. This thing is not about making more isk or at least the same ammount of is about killing a capital class in a second. This s not about the "too much isk is in the game bullsh*t". It is about something else.

Btw...deleting posts shows that at least one dev/mod reads our comments here...still no statement from CCP.
Hannele Lohtander
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#1560 - 2017-06-11 21:04:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Hannele Lohtander
Hi all.
First of all I have never flown a carrier so all this is above my head but nerfed fighters or not isn't the problem as usual ISK inflation and trying to give new players a chance to catch up the old ones?

All this talk about skill injectors isn't there a separate thread for that?

Wasn't you, CCP, trying to make some rats more tactical, rational, human-like, whatever? So you cant park a carrier there and leave for lunch? if that was the problem to solve with nerf.